Angel on my Shoulder

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Angel on my Shoulder Page 34

by Carl Leckey

  I have made some enquiries I am told Leipzig is a lovely city and you will be travelling via Paris. You should stop off there on your way back. I can tell you from personal experience that city is worth a visit.

  Tell you what? You go home and see Denise and leave the travel enquiries to me.”

  He has taken a weight off my shoulders yet again. I respond “I’ll do that Harry don’t forget that skipper is coming to see us at ten in the morning.” “Yes I have done some homework on that over the weekend. I’ll leave it until tomorrow to give you a briefing. By the way on your way out have a look at the little present I have bought for Hazel and myself Alec put me onto it. I can’t drive it myself with this stupid thing.” He taps his artificial leg. “We can use it when she is here at the weekends. Alec is trying to figure out a modification so I can drive the bloomin thing.”

  Another nice little Renault is parked behind the office. I must see about getting one for Denise when we come back from our trip

  Denise does not hesitate when I break the bad news that Oscar is dead.

  Although tearful she says. “Let Harry make the arrangements Adam.

  We have to go no matter how difficult the journey, he did so much for us it is the least we can do.” After supper when she has accepted the loss of our dear friend I put Harry’s suggestion to her.

  “What about Harry’s idea of considering the trip a holiday. Well he didn’t call it that he said our honeymoon. I reckon we both need a break?” Denise giggles and replies.

  “Cheri. If you promise to do it all romantic like? A honeymoon in Paris is every girls dream.” I hug her and we kiss passionately as we stand close together she whispers “Adam Cheri, When we are in our hotel in Paris will you pretend it is the first time we make love together. I want you to seduce me. You remember our first night together and how you made love to me. You haven’t done that to me again and I did enjoy it.” “How could I forget that night? I will if you will my love.” I promise as we retire to bed.

  Next morning I arrive at the depot after a brisk walk on a lovely morning. Harry has all the information I require to travel to Leipzig. I inform him Denise is to travel with me. Alec is busy with his plans I advise him to take another day off work.

  Harry explains as he hands me a note with the details of the arrangements. “It will be quite a journey because of repairs and delays on the railways they were worked to death during the war. I reckon it will take you about twenty hours with at least four changes of trains, do you think Denise will be up to it?” “She insists.” I briefly reply. He continues. “There are alternatives of course, you could travel so far have a night’s sleep in a hotel then continue the next day, but unfortunately you are limited for time. It appears the lawyer is adamant that you be there on that date. The time table I have given you is from eight o’clock Wednesday morning this week. It will give you plenty of leeway if there are any unforeseen delays. I assume you will be travelling first class?” I must have looked startled at this suggestion when I repeat. “We travel First Class?” Harry laughs and continues.

  “Yes First Class! Think of your wife. I bet you had enough of travelling in cattle wagons and third class coaches while you were in the army. Time to pamper yourself a little as I have told before Adam you can afford it. I shall make all the arrangements including the opportunity to stay over wherever you desire. I shall fix up credit with a German bank in Leipzig and I will supply you with currency also. Passports, do you have them?” “Shit no.” I reply. “That’s buggered it, we can’t go to Germany without them can we?” He replies glumly. “No you certainly can’t and I don’t think we have time to get them either. Look, after we have had that meeting you arranged with the Captain. I have an idea, don’t give up yet.

  If Mohamed cannot go to the mountain” I have no time to question him on what he means by referring to Mohamed because the Captain of the Portia arrives. After the usual introductions we get down to business right away. Harry has been in contact with the ship builders in the UK and France but none can offer the deal that compares with the German yard. Incorporating a diesel engine as a means of propulsion that the captain specifies appears to be the problem. I am more or less an onlooker at the meeting when they delve into technical details. Bob produces his books at Harry’s request. While he peruses them I take the Captain for a guided tour of the depot and explain our expansion plans for the future. He is most impressed and asks many questions. When he is talking to the fitters he enquires. “Why haven’t the trucks been fitted with diesel engines?” I have no idea but the fitters appear enthusiastic this is something I will discuss with Alec. We are having a brew with the lads when Harry calls us back to the office. He passes me a piece of paper with his written opinion.

  In my opinion this is a good investment but only on a fifty, fifty basis. Offer him a deal with a proviso that the ship is Named OSCADA and I have more time to investigate the costs etc further. If we are not satisfied we reserve the right to pull out of the deal.

  I break the news to the Captain. At first he looks disappointed but when Harry explains we will offer him a loan on favourable terms to cover his half he cheers up. We give him time to think things over. He estimates he will be back in Le Havre in a fortnight this suits all parties. He leaves appearing satisfied but thoughtful. “So Harry it look as if we are expanding into shipping?” I remark. “Only if everything bears out Adam I need to know some more details before we commit ourselves into this venture. Trucks and transport we know, shipping is a leap into the darkness for the OSCADA company. Now let’s get down to your other business I am putting in the offer for the hotel today. This is the last day for the bids and they have to be in before five o’clock this afternoon. The decision will be made tomorrow, so that’s out of the way. Next item, we agreed your trip to Leipzig is off because of the passport difficulty?” Sighing I answer. “We were looking forward to the trip to wish our friend goodbye. Still never mind I will get fixed up with passports and we can go some time in the future.” Harry replies reprovingly. “I told you not to give up you can still have your holiday. I propose this alternative. The telegraph wires have been running hot this weekend what with the shipping enquiries and this business I can tell you. Before I forget, what’s your opinion about us having telephones installed? I have already priced it. It will work out expensive but I think it will be worthwhile?”

  I respond. “Go for it Harry I am all for better communications. I bet you miss the army phone system eh?” “Not half.” He replies. “It’s like stepping back in time without the phone. Now that’s out of the way I have some good news. Oscar’s lawyer has agreed to meet you in Paris on Thursday this week. You travel to Paris on the ten o’clock train Wednesday morning. I will get one of the lads to drive you to the station. By the way we have to cover the Lawyers expenses.

  I will book him in the same hotel as you for the Thursday night. That should give you time to conduct your business whatever it is?” “That’s the point Harry I haven’t a clue what he wants?” I complain. “Just two words of advice, Adam my old friend. Don’t agree to any deals that will cost you money without consulting me so enjoy the holiday. You can have dinner together in the evening. I assume you will agree to that?” “Of course I do. You are a gem Harry, Denise will be pleased. She has been going on about Paris since you suggested a second honeymoon there.” He replies with a knowing smile. “I will arrange the train and a first class hotel in Paris. I think a chauffeur driven car to meet you at the station and to drive you around the sites?” I jokingly rebuke him. “Oh eh, Harry that’s a bit over the top don’t you think?” “That’s nonsense! Denise will love it. Say nothing to her, let it be a surprise, she can pretend she’s a princess for a week and you can be her prince charming. The both of you have been through a stressing period in your life it is time to enjoy yourself now. I reckon a week will be about right, what do you say?” “A week will be fine Harry go for it. Can I escape now please? How you keep all this business in your head ba
ffles me Harry.” He laughs. “I love it Adam something I always wanted to do and the army trained me for free. There are just one or two more little items.” “Oh no!” I moan. He blocks the doorway and continues. “It’s bloody hard to pin you down Adam. When I have got you I’m sorry but you will have to put up with me. Seriously this won’t take long I know you want to get away and play in your little truck. The discussion we had about forming a board for the company? I have written to all parties regarding the matter. That is except Alec. I have a feeling you want to break that news yourself? I have included Denise. If the shipping deal comes off we could invite the Captain onto the board we will need someone that understands marine matters?” “That’s great Harry well done.” I stand up to leave. “Whoa” He says with a smile. “The lads in the fitters shop? I consulted them individually about promotion. Would you believe it? The buggers already know Alec is thinking of leaving? To a man they refused promotion but they all propose Marcel to take over from Alec. I have to say I agree with them.”

  “Ok Harry. That will be fine I would like a talk with him and I want Alec present at the meeting before we offer him the job finely.

  I’m off now I have a delivery of a load to the docks then I going home to my dear wife to break the good news. In the doorway I stop and turn to inform him.

  “Do you know Billy has passed Jean out as a driver? If he feels competent to drive on his own I will send him back with the truck. The extra driver should cover my absence when I am away on this little jaunt.”

  Before Harry can dream up any more business I am out of his office and into my truck.

  When I arrive home Jean is in the yard grooming the horse I hand him the keys to the truck and order him to take it the depot and see Harry for orders. By the time I reach the flat I hear the stable door closing followed by the engine noise as he leaves.

  Denise is over the moon with the proposals she starts fussing excitedly about what she should take with her on the trip. Eventually I insist she sits while I reveal some of the plans. “Calm down my love, we are going to Paris. Do you know it is reputed to be the finest fashion centre in the whole world? You will only be taking the clothes you will be travelling in. When we reach Paris you may shop to your heart’s content. Harry has informed me that we are extremely rich, money is no object. I intend to rig myself out completely. Wait until you see what we have planned.” I enjoy teasing her. God I love her so much.

  “Tell me, tell me?” She pleads. “Oh I wish we could have kept Daisy with us. Oh if only my sisters could come too?” “What you want your sisters and a child to accompanying us on our honeymoon? Whatever will you think next?” I reply in a mocking voice.

  She launches herself at me we make frantic love there and then on the chez-lounge.

  Tuesday sees me Alec and Harry sitting in the office. Poor Alec is on tenterhooks waiting for the result of his hotel bid. To keep him occupied I outline the idea for trailers he immediately adopts the project and begins sketching out a rough drawing “We can use those scrap vehicles we have for a start. I’ve been planning to shift those anyway give me a minute I’ll go and have a word with the lads in the fitters shop.”

  While he is away the telegraph boy arrives. Harry signs the receipt scans the messages then hands them to me. The first message confirms I have been successful in the bid for the hotel with instructions that payment must be made before end of business today. The other telegram breaks the news to Alec he has been outbid.

  “Bloody Hell he will be heartbroken. Harry when he comes back ask him to arrange a meeting with Marcel explain what we propose. Don’t show him the telegram until I get back. Will you fix me up with a bank draft for the amount from my account please?” While I read the third telegram Harry drafts the paperwork to enable me to purchase the hotel. This lengthy telegram advises me the lawyer will cover his own expenses. He is also taking the opportunity to visit Paris for a break and bringing his wife along and looks forward to meeting myself and my wife. When Harry has completed the paperwork I race off to the bank. The transaction takes about half an hour, for a short while I am the proud owner of a beachside hotel.

  I leave clutching the deeds to the hotel with a great deal less cash in my account. I stop off at home on the way back explaining to Denise what I am doing. She agrees to parcel the deeds up in a fancy package before tonight I return to the depot to find Marcel Harry and Alec in the office. Alec asks to see me alone we walk to the heap of scrap in the pretence we are discussing the trailer project when Alec expresses his concern. “Adam I don’t know whether I will be successful in buying the hotel. Aren’t you a bit premature in offering my job to Marcel? I can’t help feeling as if I am being pushed out.” “Alec my old pal do you think I would permit that to happen? I have a plan I know you will approve of. Be patients all will be disclosed tonight I want you and Marguerite to come to the café for supper. Please bring Yvette along as well I will bring Jean. Just do me a favour I want you to give me an opinion on whether Marcel is the right man to take over your job if you buy the hotel. If you don’t get it then your job is safe for as long as you want it. I give you my word for that.” He looks relieved thanks me and agrees to conduct the interview. Poor Marcel he is under the mistaken impression his short trial period is over and we are dispensing with his service. He sits with a dejected look on his face holding a bundle of rolled up papers. As Harry has already briefed Alec on our proposal the interview begins in earnest after preliminary small talk. After answering all the questions satisfactory and receiving a nod of approval from my companions I offer him the post. Marcel sits with his mouth wide agape as if cannot grasp the significance of what I have said. I repeat the offer. It dawns on him he is not being dismissed but I was offering a permanent important job in the organisation. “Why me?” he asks, “The Doctors told me I would never be able to hold a position with responsibility and I am useless on the tools.” I smile and reply. “Well they are wrong as far as we are concerned. Marcel the rest of the men have already voted for you to be manager, that is if and when Alec leaves.

  It is not your skill on the tools we are utilising. It is your ability to manage under pressure and you have proved you are able to do so. We are most pleased with your progress since you started here.

  Alec has undertaken to give you more training and enlighten you into the innermost secrets of his profession. So you my friend may consider yourself a trainee manager with the rewards that go with it.”

  Listen to me a couple of years ago I was an illiterate ne’er do well brushing streets in Birkenhead and now I am interviewing and judging a man trained as an architect.

  “Marcel unrolls his papers to cover his embarrassment. “I have drawn up these plans as you requested for the improvement of the depot.” He spreads them on the table and we gather around while he outlines the plan. They are beautifully drawn down to the last detail.

  We can’t but approve his ideas but it needs costing and it means purchasing more land adjacent to the café. “As you see on my plan there is no longer a billet in the depot. It was alright for the army but not now it interfered with security having men wandering in and out at all hours. I have been making some discrete inquiries. That derelict building alongside the cafe is available for purchase it is structurally sound and could be modernised and converted quite easily. It would be better for drivers to overnight there and the café could cater for them.” He turns to Alec. “I believe you have interests there Alec?” Alec replies enthusiastically. “You bet I have. I think it is a brilliant plan. I know my partners will love the idea and I reckon they will want to invest in it. That’s if it is ok with you Adam?” I point towards Harry. “A decision on that matter will be subject to my financial director’s approval.” I reply haughtily. Alec laughs and remarks. “The state of us, a load of ex army Waller’s talking high finance.” I stand up and grasp Marcel’s hand. “May I be the first to congratulate Marcel on his efforts? I didn’t know he was so far advanced with the plan? Subject to finance
I don’t see why it shouldn’t go ahead.” Harry adds. “As I am the only one now living in the billet I suggest we move the office into there as soon as possible and blow this cramped little shed up.”

  All in all a good productive meeting Marcel is still in the dark regarding Alec but all will be revealed tonight. I have invited all the staff to the café for a celebration meal at which I am announcing the pay rises and the share scheme. Harry has agreed to provide the details. As the meeting breaks up Alec says. “I am nipping home at lunch time to see if a letter has come from the bank. It’s driving me mad this waiting around for a result.” I feel like a shit putting him through this but I want his Misses there when I make the announcement.

  I want to see their faces when I reveal the plan. Doubts are beginning to creep into my mind. “What if he doesn’t approve and doesn’t like the manner in which I have deceived him? After all I have muscled in on his dream without being invited. Oh Shit!

  What have I done? When I get home I tell Denise of my fears she considers I am worrying needlessly but I can’t help wondering.

  Denise and I are first to arrive at the cafe the lads drift in some in couples with their wives and girl friends others are alone Paul and his Brother Marcel enter laughing Marcel looks as if he has shed years since I first saw him cowed and shell shocked. Harry arrives with Yvette we are close to the appointed time and Alec and Marguerite do not appear.


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