Angel on my Shoulder

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Angel on my Shoulder Page 37

by Carl Leckey

I must plead ignorance I don’t understand politics Gunter. But I promise you this I will make it my business to understand it better in future. I had the good fortune to serve with one of Oscar’s former pupils a very intelligent Englishman. We knew him as Sandy he was also a member of the peace movement. He refused to carry weapons but did his duty for his country as a stretcher bearer. I have located him being cared for in a village in northern England. Sandy was in a bad way when he was released from a POW camp in Germany. But thankfully he is on the way to recovery albeit minus one of his arms. Sandy along with Oscar taught me the rudimentary about politics. Incidentally they also taught me how to read and write. I was a moron with less brain than a flea until they took me under their wing. But I am getting away from the subject. Will you explain how you and your wife are involved?” Gunter replies. “That is simple, we are Jews. Estelle and I worked with the British during the war. The fellow you met at the embassy was our liaising officer.” I disclose “He called himself Major Dunwoody. Gunter.” “Ah! That is his latest identity is it? But tomorrow who knows? You see Adam men of war do not like peace movements. To put it bluntly we threaten their livelihood and their way of life in a way we are his new enemy until another war comes along. May I make a suggestion to both of you? We are almost certainly being observed at this very moment. Do not mention anything relating to this matter if there is anyone within earshot. Even a humble waiter might be in his employ.” His statement induces me to look around the room nervously. Gunter laughs and advises. “Go to the embassy tomorrow and appear apologetic. Make out you are desperate for the passport and you will do almost anything to get it. I can assure you here and now on behalf of myself and Estelle, we will do nothing to place you in a compromising position or jeopardise you in any way. You may report any of our activities to the good Major with a clear conscience. Anyway! That’s enough of Mr Moustache and his world of intrigue and double dealing? We are in Paris to enjoy ourselves. Now have you visited Madame Tussaud’s yet, or the Moulin Rouge? How would you like to visit the Follies Bergeres tomorrow as our guests? We can make a night of it and have dinner out at a very nice restaurant we visit when we are in Paris. All the food is kosher it will give you the opportunity to sample the Jewish cuisine?” What a night to remember it turns out to be. The food and service in the restaurant is excellent. We are welcomed by the owner as if we are members of his own family. The entertainment at the Follies, What can I say but it is magnificent? I can honestly admit I have never seen anything like it before. I never even imagined in my wildest dreams entertainment of this nature existed. I whisper to Denise at the interval. “I will have to buy you one of those costumes and you may greet me wearing it when I come home from a hard day’s work.”

  She giggles in her own delightful manner and replies. “What would Yvette think?” I reply. “Bugger Yvette let her concentrate on amusing Jean. I know what I like.” She playfully thumps me and whispers. “You are very naughty Adam but I love you anyway.” It is almost daylight when we return to our hotel exhausted but extremely happy. So this is how the rich of the world conduct their lives? Although I have pangs of conscience I find myself enjoying the wild life. The next morning I visit the embassy ready to do battle with the Major but willing to take Gunter’s advice about appearing to cooperate on the spying. “I am here to see Major Dunwoody I explain to the clerk in reception?” Major who Sir? He enquires in a doubting manner. “Major Dunwoody?” I repeat. He apologises “I am sorry sir there is no one in the Embassy of that name. We have a Colonel Western he is the military attaché. Would you like to see him?” His response astounds me. “I met him yesterday he was in that office over there. A young man showed me in where is he? He will remember me, go and fetch him please?” He apologises again. “I am sorry sir there are only two members of staff that serve on the reception the other one is a Lady. Would you kindly give me your name sir maybe I can sort out your problem?” I give him my name angrily. To my surprise the clerk tells me the passports have been sanctioned for Denise and me. There are only a few details that they need. There is no reason to call again I may send the details by post. The confrontation with Major Dunwoody is a none starter thank goodness. I don’t have to make a deal to spy on my friends. I leave the building in confusion. But what a set up for an embassy, they don’t even know who is employed there. When I relate my return visit to the Embassy to my companions Gunter smiles cynically and advises, “Be careful Adam my friend. I don’t think you have heard the last of Major Dunwoody or whatever he is really named or the British military intelligence service. He is like a British bulldog, he does not let go easily once he has his teeth in you. He is making a lifetime career of following Estelle and me about. A couple of months ago we were in New York he turned up in a restaurant where we were dining. He went under the title of Captain Duckworth at that time he does like his aliases to begin with the letter D.” Surprised I enquire. “What did you do?” He replies with a laugh. “I invited Captain Duckworth to join us of course. We had a splendid evening together recalling old times.” “What a strange thing to do?” I comment. “Adam it’s just a silly game we play. It was the same in Cairo last year. We were in a museum looking at the artefacts retrieved from the pyramids. I can assure you it was not a mummy we saw but Colonel Danzig. He likes us to know he is on our tail. We like him to know we know he is.” “What a crazy world you and the mad moustache live in?” I sympathize with him.” He replies with a grin. “Ah! It is not so bad if you know the rules.

  Incidentally he does not always sport the splendid moustache you described. I believe if you had given it a good tug it would have come off in your hand.” I do believe Gunter enjoys the game he plays with Major Dunwoody or whoever he is? The rest of the week is a mad round of theatres restaurants art galleries and all other wonderful places of interest Paris can offer a visitor. All this takes place in the company of our new friends Gunter and Estelle Cogan. I don’t see hide nor hair of the Major again. We regretfully leave Paris at the end of our honeymoon, exhausted but extremely happy and thanks to our friend Oscar, a great deal wealthier. Although both Denise and I would sooner be poor with Oscar still alive, than rich and him dead.


  Return from Honeymoon

  Jean and Yvette meets us at the train on arrival he drives us home. Denise describes our adventures none stop during the journey. After a night’s sleep feeling very refreshed I drive the Rolls to the depot. Harry and the lads enthusiastically greet me with many ribald comments about honeymooners I have to grin and bear it. The Office is now located in the billet the old shed we previously used for an office is no more, a vacant space now occupies the site where it stood. Harry hands me a bundle of letters addressed personally to me. I shuffle through them noting Toots handwriting I am about to rip it open when Marcel enters the office. When he sees me his face lights up. “Come with me Adam I have something to show you.” He says proudly. I stuff the letters in my pocket and he leads me to the fitting shop.

  Parked in there is one of the trucks newly painted and bearing our logo. But what he is proud of is what is attached to the rear of the truck. Painted in the same colours also bearing the logo is a trailer. He informs me proudly, “This is the second one we have completed.

  The first one is already out and earning, what do you think.” I reply. “I am at loss for words. You have done all this in a week, bloody hell. I’ll have to go away from here more often.” I shake his hand and call to the lads. “Well done you lot this calls for another piss up on me.” The lads cheer. Marcel adds. “And we have another half finished it should be completed by tomorrow. Louise and Billy have ordered one they want it for the weekend if possible. Of course we have to fix towing gear onto their truck but the lads are getting that down to a fine art as the vehicles are uniform. It makes it easier you see we can prefabricate the gear.” “I’m amazed at how much progress you have made in such a short time Marcel. I take it you are enjoying your new job?” “It is brilliant and I have more news
for you, but I will tell you about it when we are with Harry as it involves him.” We return to the office. Harry greets me. “I hope you have no plans to play truck drivers today, we have lots of business to discuss?” I slump into a chair feigning boredom answering. “Ok Harry you win. I was looking forward to a quite relaxing day driving a truck. Honeymoons are very tiring you know?” We all have a laugh but Harry as usual doesn’t waste any time getting down to business promptly. “We will deal with Marcel’s business first. I take he has told you about it?” “No he wouldn’t until you are present.” He nods approvingly. “When you announced the pay rise and share scheme we became inundated with requests for jobs.

  I think every driver in the area applied including some from out of town.

  I think Billy has been spreading the word on his travels.

  We have been sorting through them and I have arranged interviews with a few. Alec agreed to be present as you ordered. But this is the part that will interest you

  Two of our biggest rival transport companies have approached me in your absence. At first they complained about unfair competition and moaned because their drivers threatened to leave or they demanded similar terms as we have. But let’s get down to the nitty- gritty. They are interested in a merger, or and this is only my opinion, they want to sell out to us. The truth is they can’t compete with drivers who are more or less working for themselves. Our lads won’t leave a load because it’s getting close to knocking off time. And they will turn out early of their own accord if it means getting ahead of the queue at the docks or loading bays. I calculate truck for truck we shift nearly twice as much as them and with the introduction of the trailers?” He throws his hands up in a gesture enquiring. “So Adam what’s your opinion then?”

  “Who are they? Do I know them? How many trucks have they got? What make are they?” I fire a series of questions at Marcel and Harry. Harry responds by handing me sheets of paper. “All the details are here. Study them later at your leisure there is no rush. After all we hold the jokers and the aces in this pack. I would like your opinion by er say next week.” He adds with a sardonic grin. I feebly protest. “So it is not at my leisure eh? Ok I will sort it out.”

  Harry remarks. “Bloody hell I am getting just like my Father I will have to watch that. I have just used one of his favourite expressions when he was bleeding some poor bugger to death and enjoying it.” Marcel excuses himself. “I’ll get back to the fitting shop if that’s all Harry? I am looking at the possibility of converting one of the trucks to a tipper. I’ll be waiting anxiously to hear what you decide. Maybe we should be looking at their depots and where they are located as well as the vehicles before you make a decision? It’s just an idea?” “Hang on a minute Marcel. Harry will you be finished with me by lunch time?” He replies meaningfully.

  “We will if we press on.” “Right do you know where these depots are located Marcel?” “Yes one is local the other is just outside town.” “Ok then we will have a look at them and have lunch somewhere while we are out. How are you fixed Harry, can you get away? Fancy a ride out?” “No chance Adam. Anyway Marcel is the best to sus them out. He knows more about property than me, you two sort it out. Don’t commit yourself until I have had a look at the books though.” He warns. “I am waiting for some messages about that ship we are interested in. I might have some news for you later on that one.” “Right Marcel as soon as Harry finishes with me I’ll fetch you.”

  Marcel agrees and leaves the office.

  “Now Harry what’s next on the agenda?” I notice the half empty billet. “Where have all the beds gone by the way.” He laughs. “I was waiting for you to comment. I have bought Alec’s house and moved out. The last of the two lads are lodging with me until they find somewhere better.

  We were all fed up living on the job you understand?” I enquire. “What did Hazel say about that?”

  I know Denise will want to know all the gossip when I get home. Harry blushes as he answers. “She loves it. She is talking about running it as a guest house when we are married.” “You have proposed?” Congratulations.” I reach for his hand to shake. “No, no. Not yet Adam formerly. Bloody hell give me a chance, we have talked about it but no definite plans yet. Hazel and I are not dreamy teenagers. We need time to get used to each other. And this thing holds me back to be honest.” “Harry mate Hazel loves you with or without your leg. I have asked Denise to marry me again. The first ceremony was done in a bit of a rush we plan to. Oh! Never mind let’s get on with the business we are gossiping like two blooming old women.” Back to business Harry carries on with his agenda.

  “I have arranged the first board meeting for Friday night at Alec’s hotel. Louise will be there and Denise’s invitation letter should be at your house.” “Wow is Alec so far ahead? Are we all staying the night there?” “Yes there wasn’t that much to do. I think the army spent a lot on the place for the senior officers you know what it was like? The lads got the shit the officer’s gravy? It was mostly cleaning and updating things Marcel arranged a good reliable builder for him. We will be his first guests. Marguerite is expecting us for dinner on Friday night the meeting will take place Saturday morning to formalize things. I have prepared all the papers for your approval. Reference the letter you sent from Paris about the lawyer and his wife. They are booked in as well. I take it he will be attending the meeting?” “Yes of course Oscar stipulated he must. I have no objection you will like him Harry. I reckon he will be a good asset for the company. We need his legal brain and connections to get through the French red tape. Sometimes I worry how fast things are growing. It’s getting a bit like that game of Monopoly I saw in the shops in Paris.”

  “Ah well we have to go with the flow. When opportunities come up we have to grab them. What about Yvette don’t tell me she is in the house with those randy drivers Louise will go mad. I am surprised Marguerite agreed to that I know how protective she is of the girl.” “No she is not living in my house.” Harry replies slowly.

  “Oh! I get it she is living in the hotel with Alec and Marguerite that’s alright then.” I reply relieved.

  He answers “No she is not in the hotel.” “Then she’s gone back with Louise that’s a bit risky I am surprised Louise would allow that?”

  “Look Adam this is family business I really don’t want to get mixed up in it if you don’t mind.” I am taken aback. “Harry come on tell me what has she has done? Oh no, she hasn’t? I bet she has that’s why you have gone all coy on me. Has she moved in with Jean?”

  He nods and says. “I didn’t tell you understand?” I reply with relish. “Bloody Hell Louise and Denise will go potty. I am surprised at Jean the randy little sod. He never let on when he picked us up at the station. Ha, ha. I wouldn’t like to be in his shoes when Louise finds out what’s going on. Good job Oscar’s not here he wouldn’t even leave me in a room alone with Denise when we first came to Le Havre.”

  Harry reveals. “I think you will find out Louise knows all about it.

  They had a big row at the weekend. Look can we move on, all this is embarrassing to me.” “Oh God Yvette has always been headstrong. I am like you Harry I’m going to try and keep out of it. Shit I can’t wait to see what Denise says. Do you realise they are our neighbours?”

  “Ha,ha Adam, You won’t be able to hide you poor bugger.” Harry exclaims. “Now back to business, that meeting with the banker we talked about before you went away. I have delayed that until after the board meeting. Mr Gastoyne came to see you. He had his weird clerk with him. Well I think he was his clerk. Anyway I told him you were away and would contact him when you came back to arrange a meeting. He’s a nosy bugger isn’t he? Questions about this and that I was none committal.” I reply thoughtfully. “Hmm! I wonder what that bugger wanted he’s never been here before? He used to own the land the depot is on. Oscar did a deal with him? Never mind all will be revealed when we meet. Now the billet is no more what have we done about that plan of Marcel’s for that property by the
café?” Harry replies. “Oh I hope I have made the right decision on that one. Alec and his partners from the café are handling that deal. They are financing the whole project themselves. The cash I paid Alec and Marguerite for their house plus the fact he got the hotel for nothing gave him the money to go ahead with the project. I had to make the decision without you sorry, they wanted to get on. I hope you approve?” “Of course Harry it’s not our kind of business anyway. I’m glad we are out of it. I didn’t fancy making beds and emptying piss pots ha, ha. Is that all now?” “Yes you can go now I’ll brief you on the ship deal either later today or tomorrow.”

  “I’ll just read my letters then I will fetch Marcel.”

  The envelope with Toots handwriting contains his letter and another inside. Briefly he states that when he delivered the diary to my Mother she looked very upset and demanded my address True to his word Toot would not reveal where I was. She respected his position but later that day she asked him to deliver the enclosed letter. The rest of his letter was general items about his family and the job.

  He has been in touch with our old pal Sam who is still in the army and has been promoted he is being posted to India shortly.

  With apprehension I tear open the envelope from my Mother. It contains a single sheet of paper written on it in large letters is the message.





  There is no heading and no signature. Bloody hell what have I done? She must be worried to death? My Mother believes I am a threat to her. Why did I do such a stupid thing without giving an explanation? I put myself in her position and see immediately how she must feel. First a total stranger arrives appears friendly then leaves items from her past without explanation Then the diary arrives, again without explanation. I don’t know how to handle this. I sit quietly staring at the sheet of paper. Harry enquires. “Everything alright Adam you look upset can I help?” “No it’s not alright Harry.” I reply with a sigh. “I have done a very stupid thing and I don’t know how to sort it out. Look I’ll have to cancel that outing with Marcel. I have to go home to see Denise. Harry I might have to go to England shortly. I’m not sure but I will not go until after the board meeting though, maybe next week.” “Adam whatever you have to do, do it. We can manage there is nothing that can’t wait. If I can help don’t hesitate to ask.” “It’s has nothing to do with the company Harry it is something personal. I might get you to make travel arrangements for me. I am going now, will you tell Marcel?” When I arrive home I have not even reached the top of the stairs when Denise greets me with. “Have you heard about our Yvette?” I climb the last few. “No.” I blatantly lie. “What has she done now?” “Come in here I want to tell you. Adam you won’t believe what has been going on here while we have been away?” I follow her into the kitchen where she is preparing pastry. “Go on then, don’t keep me in suspense. What has your darling sister been up to?” “She has moved in with Jean. They are living as man and wife. Oh! I am so ashamed they are even sleeping together in the one bed would you believe that?


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