Angel on my Shoulder

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Angel on my Shoulder Page 39

by Carl Leckey

  She stops and turns as I catch up and apologise. “I believe I have offended you in some way. I was led to believe the Caspar transport company is for sale. Please forgive me? It is not my intention to cause offence. May I explain?”

  “Come into my office.” She points towards a small building. “Bring your companion or not, that is entirely up to you.” With those final words she enters the gates and heads into her office. I wander back to the car wondering if I have done the right thing. “We have been invited to meet her in the office, are you coming Marcel?” He coughs discretely. “Do you mind if I give this one a miss Adam? That woman terrifies me more than a Boche bombardment. I feel my shell shock coming on again.” He adds with a smile. As I walk apprehensively back towards the yard he calls after me. “Mon brave amie.”

  When I nervously enter her office again I am surprised. The office has all the trappings of a neat and efficient woman although it is obviously a working office. Fancy lace curtains adorn the windows, framed family portraits hang on the freshly painted walls.

  Filing cabinets and clip boards hold and conceal all the paper work. She waves me to a seat in front of her uncluttered highly polished desk. My mind goes back to what Alec’s office used to be like. Papers heaped everywhere cups and plates scattered amongst them.

  My opinion of this lady increases with every contact. She opens the conversation with a direct attack. These are excellent tactics calculated to throw her adversary off guard I admire the Ladies spirit.

  “I see you are alone Monsieur. You did not see the need to bring reinforcements to tackle a frail female?” Before I am able to reply she continues. “Now, you wish to explain why you are spying on my establishment.”

  This is the first time I have come across a female such as her in business. I deliberately consider my reply.

  “Why are you so aggressive Mademoiselle, or may I please address you in your chosen name Suzanne. Such a nice name it is a shame not to use it? My name is plain Adam. Not OSCADA the company eater as you addressed me when we first met.” For the first time I see a chink in her armour. A slight smile brushes her lips, just for a second but I definitely see it. She appears to relax and enquires. “Would you like a coffee er Adam?” “Yes please Suzanne that will be very welcome. Spying is very thirsty work.” She turns her back and places a coffee kettle on a spirit stove located on a small table. Reflected in a window I observe her face split by a wide smile. When she turns to face me the smile has disappeared. She snaps. “Well are you going to explain yourself, I am extremely busy? I have no time for idle chit chat. Unlike you I cannot afford to waste time discussing frivolities.” I reply.

  “Suzanne I wish you would drop this aggressive manner, you are a handsome woman and it does not suit you. If we can have a coffee and a talk in a reasonable manner I am sure we could become friends, if not friend’s rivals that appreciate each other’s position. I came here with the best of intentions. It was your brothers that approached one of my senior staff, we didn’t approach them. They broached the subject of a merger or sell out I honestly wasn’t aware of your existence before they made contact. Competition does not bother me in fact I thrive on it. Unlike you I did not inherit an established company. I built my business from scratch. Three years ago I could not read or write until I joined the army. I now employ many people on very good pay and conditions and I am extremely proud of my achievements. I admit I was in the right place at the right time and most of my good fortune is due to good reliable honest friends and colleagues.”

  She turns away again as the pot boils and makes the coffee Suzanne places a cup in front of me her manner completely changed. “For your information Adam I have worked with my Father building up this company since I was twelve years old. We started with one horse drawn cart and progressed to what you see now. We were fortunate when we found this ex army depot. The military developed it and we hold a long lease on the entire site. My brothers took no part in the running or the building of the company. They went to university while I stayed at home looking after Father when we lost our Mother. They only came home when they needed money to sustain their lavish lifestyle.” “Why did your Father include them into the company then if they took no part in the running of it?” She shrugs her shoulders. “Simply because they are his sons, I have given them equal regular payments from the profits but they are not satisfied. They wish to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. I have already been obliged to buy out their share of the family home when they threatened to sell it over my head.

  In a way we have similar backgrounds. May we begin our relationship again?” I stand up take her offered hand as I am about to shake it she says. “It would be nice gesture if you kissed my hand Adam.” I oblige the lady with a smile. I like this woman. “Now the war between OSCADA and Caspar transport is over or at least a truce exists. May I put something to you that may be to our mutual benefit, do you agree to listen to my proposal or will you tell me what you want to do with your company first?” She replies. “I agree to listen to you if I don’t like something you say I will let you know in no uncertain way you may be sure of that?” “The way I see it if your brothers have their way you will lose everything is that correct?” “That is so unless I can raise the money to buy them out, to be frank with you, at this moment in time that appears to be impossible.” “Right Suzanne these are my ideas.

  Will you agree to attend a meeting with our financial director? You don’t have to agree yet wait until I finish. My first assessment of your operation is that it is located in an ideal spot. It appears to be running efficiently if your vehicles are out and working and the books verify this. You have a railway siding that is underutilised and the depot appears to be run by an excellent manager. All you lack is investment?” She thinks for a moment then replies. “I believe that is a fair assessment and I agree to meet your financial director.

  Please make it quick my dear brothers are desperate for their share of the company’s assets to settle their considerable debts.”

  Suzanne escorts me out to the car as we walk we chat away like old friends Marcel is still sitting where I left him a look of amazement on his face. We arrive at the car Suzanne wished us goodbye then says to my companion. “I believe I know you although I know your brother better. I thought I recognised you before but you have changed a great deal since I saw you last. It is Marcel and your brother is Paul?” Marcel replies taken aback by her change of attitude. “That’s right I’m afraid I can’t place you though I am sorry.” Suzanne smiles and reveals. “I attended the same school as Paul although there are a few years between us. I followed your career with interest.” She addresses me. “Are you aware Adam you have a celebrated architect here? He designed many of the public buildings around France. He was honoured by the president no less.” Her revelation astounds me. “I knew he was an architect Suzanne but he kept all the other details to himself.” But now I am aware of his considerable talent I can assure you he will have the opportunity to use it. May I wish you farewell Susanne. We look forward to seeing you at your convenience in our Le Havre depot.” As we drive towards home I remark admiringly. “You are a dark horse Marcel you have an admirer there. Fancy you being a star architect and I offered you a humble job in a fitters shop?” He blushes turns his head away before answers. “If you hadn’t given me a chance I would have still been hiding in our Paul’s place a gibbering idiot.” he smiles and remarks, “I have to admire you, I notice you have a bit of a way with women yourself Adam. You certainly tamed that wildcat Suzanne I wish I had your technique?” His praise made me feel quite proud. Me! Having a way with women? I wonder what my Denise would say about that remark. On the way back to Le Havre we pass close to the old man’s farm. With a small deviation from our direct route I show Marcel the location of the farm without stopping and explain. “This is the place my wife and I visit when we have the opportunity. We love it out here in the country. The owner is a great old man he lives on his own and works the place almost single han
ded. Another reason I enjoy visiting him he produces wonderful cider.” Marcel replies. “It sounds a great place and you say Denise likes it here as well?” I assure him she does.

  “If we come this way again I will introduce you to him. He is well into his eighties he lives on his own. By the way it will have to be soon the visit I mean the old boy is giving up shortly. He reckons he wants to be gone before winter. Anyway the place will be up for sale soon.”

  Marcel says something that makes me think. “If you like it so much why don’t you buy the place yourself?

  At least put your name on it before someone else snaps it up?

  It’s not too far to travel to the depot and if we take over those other transport businesses you will be midway between them. You can spread your wings out here. The head of a large expanding company should have a grand house. That loft you live in over the coach house is a bit cramped you must admit?” When we arrive at the depot Harry has no word of the ship deal. We discuss our findings regarding the two companies. Marcel begins preparing a written report for the board meeting.

  After about an hour I head home. As usual Denise is busy she is sewing curtains for her sisters flat. I detect the aroma of one of Denise’s wonderful casseroles drifting through from the kitchen. She looks up from her sewing and greets me with. “I told you didn’t I? Yvette came back from shopping with no food but she had bought all this material for the flat. Silly goose, I have sent her back to the market. By the way I have arranged for her and Jean to come for supper this evening. It will give you an opportunity to have a talk with them.” I am slightly alarmed at her suggestion. “I don’t know about this Denise? What am I supposed to say? It’s not as if I am her Father or her Brother even? Anyway I thought Yvette was doing all her own cooking now she is a housewife, why are they coming here for their dinner, you told me she had insisted she is looking after Jean herself now they are living together. “ Denise smiles and rebukes me. “Don’t be silly Adam you will know what to say to them. You are her big Brother now she is a member of our family. As for supper I am thinking of poor Jean, he has been out working all day and will come home to nothing.” he can’t eat dresses you know?” “How come you and Louise are so efficient and Yvette is useless at keeping house?” I enquire as I take my boots off. “Ah I am afraid Yvette was never a domestic type her life was different to us. “She was a seamstress in the chateau, while I learnt to cook and do general house work.”

  Changing the subject I tell her about my visit to the big house this morning in case I was observed going in there. “Oh I have to tell you a couple of things that happened today this will give you a laugh. You know some of my letters have been going adrift?” She replies as she threads a needle. “Yes.” “Well I went to the big house to complain. You will never believe what happened? They thought I was there as a customer, the place is a brothel again you see? I ran out as soon as I realised what it is.”

  I don’t mention the fact that it is now a er, strange kind of brothel, that will be too complicated to explain. Denise drops her sewing and enquires with a puzzled look on her face.

  “What do you mean a brothel again? What is a brothel anyway?”

  Oh boy I can feel I am getting into the shit here.

  “Oh it’s er a place where women meet men.

  The soldiers were lonely in the war and missed their families so they went there to meet Ladies and have a bit of comfort. Yes that’s it they went for a bit of comfort. That’s the best way I can describe it.”

  “Who were these women that gave the troops comfort, they must have been very kind?” “You could say that.” I reply.

  Oh God what if she asks me if I ever visited there for as bit of comfort myself how will I answer her? Denise probes further. “But why are they still comforting men when the war is over and the troops have gone home to their own families? But they must lonely themselves now. I have an excellent idea. I shall make contact with them and I will invite them around for tea perhaps. “I rapidly change the subject as I feel I am getting even deeper into the mire. “Oh I don’t know they most probably like their own company I should leave it to them to make the first move if I was you?” I rapidly change the subject as I feel I am getting even deeper into the mire. Enthusiastically I relate my visit to the farm. “I have some more news I think you will love this. I was driving very near the old man’s farm today. I deviated from my route a little to show Marcel where it is. I casually mentioned it will be up for sale soon and we love the place. Do you know what he said?” “No.” Denise replies. “Why don’t we buy it ourselves? What do you think about that?” “You mean for us to live there?” “Well yes. Don’t you like the idea?” Denise throws the curtains to the floor leaps up and hugs me. “Oh yes. It is just what I have dreamed of since you first took me there. Daisy will love the farm when she visits. May we have the cottage modernised and extended. You know it’s a bit primitive at the moment. It will be great we will be able to have visitors staying with us if we have extra bedrooms. I can have animals, hens, ducks, and yes we will need our own cow to give us fresh milk for Daisy. Oh yes and we will have new furniture, we are not taking any of this old stuff with us. Oh Adam when will we buy it. Let’s go and see the old man right away. Oh no! He might sell it to someone else.” “Calm down Denise.” I laugh her excitement is infectious. “If you want the place we will go and see him at the weekend when Daisy is here. Have I told you we are staying at Alec’s hotel Friday night?” “No you haven’t Adam that will be nice. By the way I have had the letter from Harry. I wonder why he wants me at a meeting?” I explain. “Because you are to be a director of the company my love, that’s why?” “Daisy will be there with Louise? I might just look into the meeting then take Daisy to the beach.”

  “Denise! It is very important meeting on the Saturday.” “Ah well in that case we will have to see the farm tomorrow that’s final.” “Ok if that’s what you want. I will drive you out there in the morning. He will have to get an independent valuation before he puts it up for sale anyway? What about Yvette? Do you realise it will mean leaving her here on her own if we move to the farm?”

  She replies. “Adam as she pointed out to me in no uncertain manner she is an adult and to all intents and purposes she is a married woman. She has her husband to look after her. If we stay here I know Yvette she will act the useless girl and I will be doing all her cooking and housework while she wanders through life like a princess.” “Well here is another idea? You know Oscar left his property to you personally he insisted on that?” “Ah but he didn’t know we were married then?” She retorts. “Nevertheless all this property is yours. Oscar had his own ideas about women’s independence.” I point out. “He didn’t hold with the idea of women being totally dependent on their husbands. Oscar once told me a story about a man he knew I have an idea it was a relative. He married a rich Lady just to get his hands on her money and property. Then the villain squandered the lot on gambling and other women. I think that influenced his decision to leave it to you. Not that he thought I would do such a thing to you my love?” Oh didn’t he?” She remarks, with a twinkle in her eyes. “Anyway why don’t you sell this property to Jean and Yvette at a fair market price and buy the farm with the proceeds of the sale yourself? I am sure Oscar would approve, I certainly reckon it is a good idea myself.” Denise thinks for moment. “We will discuss it with them tonight at supper. But knowing my Yvette she will expect me to give her the property for nothing.” “We have already given them a potential business with the coaches Denise. No I want to see them stand on their own feet. I am sure Harry will arrange finance for them if they ask him. If they don’t want to commit themselves to buying these places they can rent the property instead. The value will increase over the years. I believe it will be a good investment for them situated as it is in town and they will be able to rent our place off to bring in more income. Don’t forget Jean is working for OSCADA full time now. He also had his own business at weekends. Yvette is earning through Marg
uerite enterprise. Despite putting an argument for them to stand on their own, Denise looks uneasy at the thought of them doing so. I reassure her. “Denise I will keep an eye on them. You know I won’t see them getting into trouble without stepping in to help?” She replies. “It is not Jean I am worried about Adam. I believe he has a good head on his shoulders. It is my sister she is such a flipperty-gibbet where money is concerned?” The referral to her sister in such a manner makes me laugh. “That’s a strange expression Denise. I have never heard that one before.”

  “That is how my Mother described Yvette, appropriate don’t you think?”


  By the time Yvette and Jean arrive I have been ordered to wash shave and change into my best togs. Denise has laid the table to do a queens visit proud. The pair enter the parlour looking very sheepish holding hands. Denise had guessed right.

  Yvette is togged out in brand new stylish clothes Jean although neat and tidy wears the same Sunday suit I have seen him in before. I have warned my wife to say nothing while we enjoy the meal and promised to have the talk with them later. God knows what I am going to say? I haven’t a clue I’m only putting off the moment as long as possible, we are about to begin the second course. I begin to pour glasses of wine for our guests. I reach over to serve Yvette when Denise forcibly objects. “No. No. Yvette mustn’t have wine in her condition it might harm the baby.” Jean has just taken a sample sip as Denise says this. He nearly chokes to such an extent I rush around the table and thump him on his back. “What baby?” he gasps when he recovers enough to get the words out. “Yvette reverts to French and calls Denise a. “Grande Bouche! “Haven’t you told Jean he is to be a Father, Yvette? Shame on you” Denise rebukes her sister. Oh! Oh!


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