The Collettes: Sola

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The Collettes: Sola Page 1

by Dahlia Rose

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  Copyright ©2008 by Dahlia Rose

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Published by Phaze Books

  Also by Dahlia Rose

  Caribbean Blue

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  This book contains explicit language

  intended for the enjoyment

  of adult readers. Please keep

  out of the hands of children.

  The Collettes: Sola

  a novella of erotic romance by


  The Collettes: Sola copyright 2008 by Dahlia Rose

  All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Phaze Books

  6470A Glenway Avenue, #109

  Cincinnati, OH 45211-5222

  Phaze is an imprint of Mundania Press, LLC.

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  Cover art © 2008 Kendra Egert, Scrapfairy Designs

  Edited by Stacia Seaman

  eBook ISBN-13: 978-1-59426-860-1

  eBook ISBN-10: 1-59426-860-6

  First Edition—March, 2008

  Printed in the United States of America

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  About the Author

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  France, 1707

  In a castle in the French countryside, her screams rang out. With each one, the servants quivered in fear. This was the most unholy of nights. Something not of man, or of anything good or pure, was happening upstairs in the mistress's chambers. The few humans who were in the castle, whether as food or familiars, prayed to whatever higher power they believed in to save the world from this fate. The vampires who lived there looked at it as a curse as well. An undead giving birth to a child was no blessing. All Vampira across the world would be damned and the prophecy would come to pass.

  For months, they all watched as Helena Collette's belly grew and so did her thirst for blood. She could drain three or four humans a night to feed the life growing inside her, the life the doctors said had a heartbeat. They urged David Collette, her immortal husband, to make her end the pregnancy, but he would not hear of it. He would bring his child into the world, and it would herald a new age for the vampire race.

  Because of the danger to her from other covens who wanted to kill her, the castle was declared off-limits to all visitors. Only a trusted few were allowed to leave to hunt and bring back humans. Those who did not wish to be there sneaked away when they could. Their fear of what was coming even caused some to try to flee in the daylight, which led to piles of ash in the courtyard.

  Her screams echoed through the stone halls once again, and they all cowered in terror. Outside the castle walls, an army of the undead beat at the heavy doors with battering rams. They would see the child dead before they let the prophecy come true. David Collette looked down at the mob that had formed with torches in hand and thought of the poetic justice of it all. Vampires who were always chased into the night were now doing the same to him. He turned as his wife's wail of agony became even louder. He watched as the life inside her pushed free of her body, but Helena had more to give. In a matter of minutes, she bore three girls. David heard the crack of splintering wood as the mob breached the castle. The sound of vampires running across the courtyard filled the night. Those still loyal to the Collette name fought against the intruders trying to give their leader, the one they all called Father, time to escape.

  The doctor listened to each child's heart give one soft beat and then still. Their eyes were closed when he turned to David and said, “All three are dead, sire. This was not meant to be."

  David took all three small bundles into his arms and walked over to his wife who sat in bed. She looked serenely beautiful, as she always did. No one would think she'd just given birth only a few minutes earlier. “My love, they are not of this world any longer. They are dead.” He sat next to his mate. She took the precious bundles from his arms, placed them in front of her on the bed in a row, and uncovered their faces. With a battle raging below, they looked at their daughters, who had not even taken a breath of life.

  "Look, David! Their eyes open!” Helena Collette's words brought the doctor to the bed, and the trio looked on as each child's eyes opened to the world around them. The children did not cry as they stared into the eyes of their parents as if knowing their cry would bring down more doom.

  "Children born to the undead and who are now undead. It is the prophecy!” the doctor said in a breathless tone.

  "Take them, Jarrod! Take them and flee France!” Helena blurted. She bundled the children up tight. “David, give him the scrolls. It is the only way to save them. I am too weak to go."

  David nodded and walked over to a stone chest from which he took three small tubes made of silver and handed them to Jarrod. He would not leave his mate. He would leave it to his trusted friend to keep his children safe.

  "She will be Sola, sun of my life and born first.” Helena smiled when her daughter's tiny fist waved in the air as if ready for a fight. “She will be Luna, my daughter of the moon and the night and the littlest one.” She looked at the baby who stared back as if knowing exactly what was going on. “You, little one, shall be Willa, my earth child.” She kissed them each and nuzzled them. “Make me proud, my children,” she whispered before handing them to her husband.

  David in turn whispered something to each child, unheard by anyone but them. He gave them to Jarrod, his friend for more years than he could count, and the one who took care of Helena throughout her pregnancy. “I am entrusting my children to you. Take care of them as if they were your own. You will be both father and mother to them now. They will need you when the time comes for their destiny to be fulfilled."

  "With my life, I swear they will be protected,” Jarrod said.

  David helped him slip out of the room through the secret entrance and then he pushed a heavy armoire to hide its existence. He stood ready for battle as the horde broke through the doors of Helena's chambers. He and Helena were struck down on the very bed where she'd just given birth. Two piles of ash remained
for a moment before blending together when a breeze came through the window.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter One

  Albany, New York, 2007

  Darkness blanketed the sky as a lone car zipped along a winding road in upstate New York. Sola Collette drove like a madwoman, partly because she was late and partly because she liked the speed of the black Corvette. She found as time passed, she loved the different things that came about with the advancement of man. Cars and driving were her favorite. The purr of the engine was almost like a sleek cat under her hands on the wheel. Being two hundred and ninety-nine years old and immortal brought her the luxury of getting whatever she wanted and doing as she pleased. She pressed her foot firmly against the gas pedal, and the car leapt forward with more speed.

  Sola glanced at the glowing digital clock. It read after nine in the evening. She pursed her lips knowing that she would hear from Jarrod. Her sisters were probably already at the house, and nothing could start until she got there. Born first out of the triplets, Sola always felt as if she had to protect her sisters. They were the only children ever born in the vampire coven their parents had belonged to, the same coven that had killed both her mother and father. Now the date of the sisters’ three hundredth birthday loomed on the horizon, and so did their destiny waiting to be fulfilled.

  The big house came into view as she passed the tall hedges lining the driveway. She remembered jumping those hedges as she grew up and her strength increased. She'd been raised hidden from the coven who wanted her and her sisters dead. Sola felt the familiar anger rise in her chest when she thought of how they were hunted. For a fucking prophecy, they had to run over and over again, hiding from their own kind and humans alike, who all hated them just because they'd been born.

  She pulled up to the gate and punched in the familiar code, watching the black metal barriers slide open to give her entry to the one place she called sanctuary. She drove inside, made sure they closed behind her and no one had snuck in, a caution built into her subconscious from years of repetition. Make sure no one gains entry onto the property, always watch for the coven and hunters ... always. It was a home of sorts. They had not run in almost a hundred years, and she vowed she would never run again. She was Sola, strong and fierce, and she would fight to the death to protect her sisters and herself.

  She parked her car next to the two vehicles already there. Her sisters and Jarrod were waiting. A rush of anticipation filled her at seeing all of them again. She was ready for this fight; it was a long time coming and she had payback to dispense.

  * * * *

  Heads turned as Sola walked into the room with the roaring fireplace. She looked into the identical eyes of her sisters, Luna and Willa, and the dark, ageless eyes of Jarrod. There was only a slight difference between her features and those of her sisters. Looking at them in the room together, anyone could tell instantly they were triplets. The trio had stopped aging on their twenty-fifth birthday and now stood proud in timeless beauty. Sola always wore her raven black hair long down her back. She looked over at second-born Luna, who had dyed her hair red and cut it to her shoulders with spiky bangs on her forehead. Willa's was now brown and curly, not as long as Sola's but pulled into a high ponytail on top of her head.

  "Well, it looks like the gang is all here,” Sola commented as she stood in the middle of the room.

  "You look well, Sola,” Luna said, stepping forward to hug her.

  "Yes, you do,” Willa agreed, also embracing her. The three of them stood together, holding on to each other for a little longer.

  Sola smiled warmly at her sisters. She never smiled much and when she did, it was genuine. Her love for her siblings was probably one of the only things she cherished in the world. “Look at you two, the punk rocker and the model."

  "And you still haven't cut that mop on your head,” Luna replied.

  "You know me. I hate change."

  "How long has it been since we stood in the same room?” Willa asked.

  "Hmm, about seven years, I think. Breaking up to keep the coven off our trails was never my idea,” replied Sola.

  "And you must break apart once again after this night.” At the voice, all heads turned to the tall, thin man who stood by the fireplace. “Hello, Sola. You are always late. I could never teach you punctuality."

  Sola looked at the vampire known as Jarrod, the only man she'd ever known as a father. “We are vampires, after all, so why should we hurry? We have nothing but time.” She smiled. “Hello, Jarrod. How have you been?"

  "The same as always, Sola. Time passes and I remain. But it is a common courtesy to arrive on a time set by everyone.” Jarrod waved his hand airily. “Now all of you gather and sit, and let us speak of what comes."

  Sola made a disgusted sound in her throat but said nothing as they sat in the chairs around the fireplace. Jarrod gave her the look of disapproval she remembered well from childhood.

  "The day of your birth approaches, and now you will be hunted more than ever.” Jarrod looked at the three women, meeting each sister's gaze as he spoke. “You know the prophecy of your birth and what it means for each of you. The pieces that make up the Lazarus amulet must be found by the three of you."

  "I really can't see how us finding this amulet will stop us from getting hunted. If we find it, we'll be hunted all the more. Doesn't every vampire want to be able to walk in the daylight?” Sola slumped in her chair sulkily. “And why us? We were born vampires. We've never even seen a sunrise. Personally, I don't see what the big fuss is about."

  "Sola!” Jarrod's sharp tone made her sit up a little. He was older than most ancient vampires, and she knew better than to be disrespectful. “You know he hunts for the amulet. If Carthos ever put his hands on it, he will make this world bleed."

  "We have only ever heard of him, Jarrod. We've seen only low-level vampires ever come to try to kill us. How do we know he exists?” Willa asked quietly. “Have you ever seen him?"

  "He has never been seen by my eyes, Willa. But nonetheless, I fear him and what will happen if he gets the amulet.” Jarrod faced Sola. “In answer to your question, Sola, you know the choice you each can make. Keep the amulet and be able to walk in the day, but be hunted for the rest of your immortal life. Or join the amulet and destroy it. It can only be destroyed when the pieces are put together."

  "What do you want to do, Luna? Willa?” Sola asked. “This has to be a choice we all make together. I personally don't need to see a damn sunrise. I vote destroy it. My life is complicated enough trying to keep humans off my tail when I feed. This amulet would make my life a living hell."

  Willa was the first to answer, her voice was a little wistful. “Sunrise ... to be able to see one and not turn to ash.” She shook her head as if trying to free the notion out of her mind. “But it is not worth me being hunted. I vote destroy it."

  "I guess we are in agreement, then. It is more dangerous to keep it and let it fall into the wrong hands. I say destroy it,” Luna agreed readily.

  Jarrod studied the three sisters and nodded slowly before opening a box containing three pieces of old parchment. He handed each woman a piece. “These were given to me by your father the night I ran with you as babies. It is the only clue to find the amulet pieces."

  "Give me your pieces. I'll find it and destroy it,” Sola ordered her sisters.

  "Why?” Luna asked. “You can't do this alone!"

  Sola jumped to her feet. “I can and I will. I don't want either of you in danger. If I have to, I'll take them from you!"

  Luna took her stance, ready to fight, her temper flaring. “You could try, sis, but I'll kick your ass if you touch me."

  "Can't you see I'm trying to protect you?"

  "Who made you so goddamn noble, Sola? Who says we need protecting? I have the same blood in me as you do!"

  Willa stepped between her two vampire sisters, both ready to fight in order to save each other. “You two stop this right now before I kick both your asses. We
don't have time for this crap. Sola, we're just as strong as you are, and Luna, she's trying to protect us even though she has a stupid way of thinking about it. We have to do this together."

  "Put your fighting aside at once!” Jarrod demanded. “You are in a fight for your lives! Squabbling between the three of you only divides your concentration and leaves you open to being taken unawares. There are three who will help you in this quest, three humans. They will have to be changed, made into vampires to help you find the amulet."

  "So now we have to vamp out some mortals?” Sola asked, incredulous. “Anything else you forgot to tell us? Like how we're supposed to find these humans?"

  "I hope mine is pretty. I haven't had a girlfriend in a few months,” Luna said wickedly.

  Sola grinned at her sister, the tension from before forgotten. “You're such a slut. We're in the middle of a crisis, and you're thinking about pussy."

  "Perfect time to think about pussy, in my opinion.” Luna smirked. “Aren't there any cute ones who work at that strip club you work at? Could you introduce your sister to a nice young thing tonight?"

  "No freaking way. They prefer more wood between the legs, baby.” Sola's rude comment made Luna laugh.

  "Christ, what am I going to do with the both of you?” Willa asked, but there was a small smile on her face.

  Jarrod rolled his eyes heavenward. “Get out and start your quests, brat daughters of mine. It's time for my dinner. I have a fine young man to dine on. Be safe and be alert, for the danger comes from everywhere."

  "We will.” The women spoke as one.

  The three sisters walked out into the night holding hands, only letting go when they were in front of their cars. Sola was the last to pull out of the gates, and she watched them close behind her. In front of her, her sisters’ rear lights blinked. She hit the gas and let her car peel out with squealing brakes, passing both of her siblings effortlessly and giving them a cocky wave.


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