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Disrespectful Page 6

by Tynessa

  Teyana lifted a sleeping Camari out the backseat and headed towards the front door. Once Gambino opened the doors, he took Camari out her hands and carried him upstairs to the spare room. While he was gone, Teyana took the opportunity to look around the house in envy as she began to get upset at the house Jazz had.

  The living room was decorated in a deep chocolate brown. There was a huge picture of a black woman overlooking her children hanging on the wall behind the suede sectional. There was a huge chocolate brown ottoman on the left side of the couch and a cheery oak wood coffee table in the middle of the floor. There was two end tables on each end of the couch and they both had lamps on them. The dining room was right off the living room and it held a huge eight seat glass table. There was a huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

  When Gambino came back downstairs, Teyana was walking back into the living room.

  “Your girlfriend has really nice taste. I love the way she decorated the place.”

  “Too bad she can’t take the credit for this. I decorated this house. All she did was shop for her closet.” Gambino replied.

  Teyana was stunned, she just knew that this had a woman’s touch but looked like she was wrong.

  Gambino took Teyana hands in his and led her back to the living room. He sat her down on the couch and he sat down on the ottoman. He raised both her feet into his lap and removed her shoes from her feet and began to massage them. Teyana laid her head back and enjoyed the feeling. She was starting to fall asleep before she realized it. She was startled out her sleep by the annoying ringing of her phone. From the ringtone of the Michael Myers killer song theme she knew it was Tyriq calling her.

  “Hello?” she said with a hint of attitude. She didn’t mean for it to come out that way but he always had a way of interrupting her when she was enjoying herself with Gambino.

  “Hey, baby. What are you and Camari doing? Are you enjoying the trip?”he asked all in one breathe. If Teyana didn’t know any better, she would’ve guessed that Tyriq actually missed her but she knew that wasn’t the case.

  “Hey. We are doing good. I just laid him down for a nap. We just came in from shopping a little bit ago. We are having dinner over to Sevyn family house later. I’m just relaxing right now, what are you up to?” Teyana asked. She didn’t really care but she didn’t wanna sound too damn rude.

  “I’m home chilling. Miss you and Camari, though. Thought I would call and see what y’all were up to,”Tyriq said. He could tell that he was losing Teyana and he was trying to prove to her that he did love her. He had given up on trying to sell weed and went and got a real job. Tyriq didn’t know that is was too late and he had already lost Teyana. She was basically staying now so that she didn’t have to play the side chick role with Gambino.

  Teyana looked up at Gambino before she replied to Tyriq and seen the upset look he had on his face but he had some nerve being mad when he thought he was about to get her to stay in a house he shared with another bitch. Teyana knew that she was being an asshole for her reply but she also wanted Gambino to know how it felt.

  “I miss you too,Tyriq. We will be home in three days,” Teyana said. Gambino dropped her foot and if looks could kill, she would’ve died right there. Gambino got up and walked in the kitchen while Teyana finished her phone call. He didn’t know why he was so mad, hell she was sitting in his living room and he was the one who name she was going to be screaming at the end of the night but he damn sure felt some type of way hearing her say she missed that bum nigga.

  Teyana talked to Tyriq for a little while longer before she ended the call and went searching for Gambino. When she didn’t find him in the dining room or the kitchen, she headed upstairs. Stopping at the first room, she seen a sleeping Camari. She stood and looked at him a minute. Her son was her world and she wouldn’t change having him for anything in the world. She would however change who she decided to have a child with.

  She decided to go and find Gambino. She knew that she was petty for telling Tyriq she missed him knowing damn well she didn’t, but Gambino had her in another woman’s house. He was just as petty in her eyes. She went to the second door and saw held a bed and a dresser. It wasn’t as roomy as the first one she came across. She continued down the hall and came to a third door but it was closed so she knocked on it. She figured this was the room Gambino was in and she didn’t wanna walk in on him invading his privacy.

  He opened the door and looked at Teyana through his low eyes. A wave of smoke smacked Teyana in the face. Gambino had decided to smoke a blunt and went to his room in case Camari woke up so he wouldn’t smell the weed.

  “Can I hit that blunt?” Teyana said in her soft voice. She was giving Gambino puppy dog eyes in hopes that he wouldn’t be mad at her for that stunt she just pulled on the phone with Tyriq.

  “I guess so,” Gambino said, handing her the blunt and stepping to the side so she could come in his room. Walking in his bedroom, Teyana took in the immaculate California king sized bed. It was decorated in a royal blue and white bed set and on the walls was pictures of black art. A man whom carried the weight of the world on his shoulders while the picture next to it was a woman catering to her man.

  “Look, I’m sorry you had to hear that, but I wanted you to feel as uncomfortable as I did when you brought me back to a house you share with your girlfriend.” Teyana knew she was wrong for going tit-for-tat but at that moment she felt like being petty.

  Teyana and Gambino passed the blunt back and forth between each other as they talking about everything they could think of until it was time for them to head to his mother’s house for dinner later that evening.

  Chapter 13

  Gambino pulled up to his mother’s house and the first car he noticed was his cousin from the mall, Carla. He smacked his lips as he parked on side of the road. Her ass better not be on no fuck shit, he said to himself. The sound of him smacking his lips alerted Teyana.

  “What? What’s wrong?”she asked nervously. She didn’t know what to expect from his family. Hell, she’d just ran into one of his kinfolk and the bitch was so rude,she could only imagine how the rest of his family would be towards her. Gambino blew out a frustrating breath as he shut off the engine.

  “Nothing. Are you ready?” He smiled. Teyana sighed deeply.

  “I guess. Might as well go ahead and get it over with,” she said as she opened the door. Gambino grabbed Camari out the backseat and they walked up the walkway to the porch. The closer Teyana got to the front door the more nervous she became.

  “What kind of woman would your mother think I am to be sleeping with another woman’s man?”she questioned Gambino. Gambino just smiled and shook his head. If only Teyana knew how much his mother despised Jazz’s ass. Tamika thought Jazz was one of the rudest, most stuck up heifers she’d ever met.

  “Bae, trust me, my mom isn’t like that,” he assured her as he opened the front door before Teyana could utter another word.

  “Ma!” Gambino called out as they made their way to the kitchen where the aroma of food was coming from.

  “Hey, baby,” Tamika embraced her son.. She kissed both his cheeks before turning to Camari; she’d met him the day before when he was with Zywon and Sevyn.

  “Hey, handsome. I wasn’t expecting you back so soon,” she said taking him out Gambino’s arms. She hugged Camari as if she’d known him all his life, and Teyana stood back just watching as she took in all Tamika’s beauty. She didn’t look a bit over 30.

  “Hi NiNi”, Camari said, calling Tamika by the name she told him he could call her. He smiled brightly as she kissed both his cheeks, just as she had done Gambino’s.

  Tamika put Camari down and watched him run to the other room to join the other kids, before turning her attention to Teyana. She just stared at her with a blank expression. Teyana thought she was going to pass out at the awkward silence as Tamika looked her up and down as if she was a stranger on the streets. Well, technically she was a stranger, but damn! Teyana had every intention of
getting her son and walk up out of there until Gambino spoke.

  “Ma, chill out. This is Teyana. Teyana, this is my crazy mama, Tamika,” he laughed as he threw his arm around Teyana’s neck. He knew his mother was making Teyana feel uncomfortable and Gambino also knew Tamika was trying to read her. Tamika was the type of lady that thought she knew what was best for her son and some might call Gambino a mama’s boy but he valued his mother opinion.

  “Well, nice to finally meet you, Miss.Teyana. My son has been talking my ears off about you. He must really like you being that he never brought anyone here to meet me but that ol’ heifer of his,” Tamika finally said as she pulled Teyana in for a hug. Teyana didn’t know what to say, she still didn’t know if his mother liked her or was just being nice.

  “Nice to meet you too, Ms. Tamika.” Teyana hugged her back. She waved Teyana off.

  “No, baby. Call me Mama Mika,” she said. Teyana smiled while Gambino looked shocked.

  Shit, he’d been with Jazz for nearly eight years and Tamika wouldn’t dare let her utter some shit like that out her mouth. Jazz tried to call her mama once and Tamika shut that shit down quick, fast and in a hurry. She let her know she only had one child and he was the only one that was ever allowed to call her mama. Shit was funny to Gambino! Jazz knew Tamika didn’t like her and she was cool with that because she didn’t care for Tamika or anyone else in Gambino’s family.

  “Okay,” was all Teyana said.

  “So, Terrean, I take it as you’ve ended things with Jazmine or are you playing a dangerous game here?” Tamika asked. She’d never been the one to bite her tongue. Whatever she wanted to know she asked, no matter how it came out. Gambino looked at Teyana and seeing the uneasy look on her face he gave her leg a light squeeze as they sat at the table. Before he could answer his mother’s question, Zywon and Sevyn walked in the kitchen. Teyana felt much better after seeing familiar faces.

  “Jazz gone’ fuck you up, Gambino!” Carla’s made her presence known as she entered behind them, being messy as usual. Just seeing her after the little stunt she pull at the mall caused Gambino’s blood to boil. Zywon knew his cousin and knew the face expression he held on his face too well. He knew he was pissed but didn’t know why.

  “What’s up, Gambino?” Zywon said, grabbing Gambino’s attention before he ended up fucking some shit up.

  “Sup, man?” Gambino responded. He was really pissed at Carla and if looked could kill she would’ve dropped dead right then. Teyana nudged his side, when he looked at her she smiled and winked at him. Just the little shit she did or said makes him smile. Gambino didn’t know if it was love or what, but Teyana had definitely gained a spot in his heart.


  After dinner everyone sat around enjoying one another’s company. Tamika and the rest of the family had really made Teyana feel welcomed. The only person she had a problem with was that bitch Carla. Teyana didn’t know what her problem was but she wasn’t feeling her at all. She didn’t know why Carla felt the need to bring up Jazz name every five minutes. She was about two seconds from going off on her ass and Tamika had already checked her once but it was like Carla’s ass had a point to prove.

  “I wonder when Jazz is coming back, Gambino know that bitch is crazy so his ass better hope she doesn’t find this shit out,” Carla said for the umpteen time in the last two hours. She and Sevyn walked outside to smoke a blunt and Teyana joined them, but she was regretting the shit.

  “Look, I know Gambino has a girl already, trust and believe you don’t have to keep bringing her name up every five damn minutes,” Teyana said. She was pissed. This was the exact reason she didn’t want to meet Gambino’s family. The shit they were doing was wrong as fuck and Carla’s ass kept reminding her how wrong it was.

  “I’m saying, though. That shit is wrong how you all over hereatthis girl’s mother-in-law house and shit. Gambino ass is wrong for even bringing you, I swear that nigga is so fucking disrespectful. I know for a fact Jazz isn’t going to be pleased with this.”

  “First of all, Gambino isn’t married to anyone so what mother-in-law are you referring? Secondly, it’s obvious that you’re the only one that’s concerned about the bitch’s feelings, so why don’t you do us all a favor and go be with her ass, since you care that much about her. I swear, Gambino and I would be so much happier.” With that, Teyana walked back into the house. She didn’t mention the fact that she had a fiancé at home while she was flaunting someone else’s man around like she didn’t have a care in the world.

  “What do you have against my girl, Carla?” Sevyn asked. She too wanted to go off in Carla’s shit.

  “Man, you know that shit ain’t right Sevyn and y’all know how crazy Jazz is over that nigga. You and Zy probably hooked that shit up. That’s why y’all so fucking cool with it,” Carla said.

  Sevyn chuckled and shook her head.

  “Damn, it’s funny how hard you’re going for that chick when I know for a fact that you don’t like her. I mean, what the fuck, Carla? That bitch don’t even like you,” Sevyn was trying to figure out why Carla even cared so much. “Since when you cared if Gambino cheated on Jazz or not?” she asked.

  When Carla didn’t say anything Sevyn said, “Exactly” and walked inside the house.


  “Well it was nice to meet you, Mama Mika,” Teyana said hugging Tamika.

  “It was nice to meet you, too, baby. Don’t y’all be no stranger. Terrean she’s a keeper, I like her,” Tamika had said for the second time that night. Gambino smiled as he pulled Teyana closer to him.

  “I know, ma. She ain’t going nowhere,” he assured her as he kissed Teyana on the lips. She just blushed as she cut her eyes at Carla.

  “Nope, I’m not going anywhere, Mama Mika,” she said with a smile, fucking with Carla. What’s this chick problem? Teyana wondered. They said their goodbyes to the rest of the family and was out the door.

  “Gambino, I don’t know about staying here at y’all house. This shit is already bold as fuck to be in her hometown chilling and shit with her man. Then, I have my son too,” Teyana said.

  “Man, come on, ma. We’ve already established that he was staying in the guest room and we could sleep in the other one. Don’t be scared, baby,” Gambino flashed his million dollar smile.

  “But the way your cousin was acting I wouldn’t be surprised if her ass call Jazz up as soon as we left.” Teyana was really feeling some type of way about Carla’s ass. She’d talked about her the whole ride from Tamika’s house.

  “Her ass just talking, but I promise I’m gonna check her for that shit though.” Gambino grabbed her hand and placed soft kisses on it. “I promise I would never put you in harm’s way. You’re safe with me, baby. Trust me when I say, I got you!” Gambino looked Teyana in the eyes as he spoke. He was so fucking sexy and Teyana couldn’t turn down his offer if she wanted to.

  “I hate that you’re so fucking sexy! Let’s go,” said Teyana as she opened her door and exited the vehicle. Gambino grabbed sleeping Camari out. As soon as they stepped foot in the house Camari woke up.

  “Who house, mama?” Camari asked looking around and Teyana begin to panic. There was no way in hell she could tell him that it was Gambino’s house. Gambino noticed her words were stuck in her throat so he spoke up.

  “Come on lil’ man, I have a game system upstairs. You like video games?” he asked Camari. He knew how much kids loved games so he wanted to throw him off. Camari nodded his head in excitement and they disappeared up the stairs.

  Teyana made a call to Tyriq to let him know they were okay and she would be home in a couple of days. After him telling her how much he missed her and Camari they ended the call. Upstairs Teyana bathed and put her son to sleep before showering herself. She went to the guest bedroom in search of Gambino but he wasn’t in there, so, she then went to the room he was in earlier. He was laid back on the bed smoking a blunt as he was earlier that evening.

  “Are you sleeping in here tonight?” T
eyana asked as she stood in the doorway. She was looking so good to Gambino is her red silk gown. His dick instantly became hard.

  “No! You can come have a seat.” He patted a spot next to him as he put out his blunt. Though Teyana had just been in there, she was hesitant. Slowly walking to him, she stood between his legs as they hung off the side of the bed.

  “Damn you smell good as fuck,” Gambino said as he flicked his tongue over her swollen nipples through the thin fabric. Pulling her down, he kissed her with so much passion as he pulled her on top of him. Teyana straddled him then begin to grind slowly before coming to her senses. There was no way she could fuck Gambino in his girlfriend’s bed. Or could she?

  “Let’s go to the other bedroom, Gambino. I can’t fuck you in her bed, that shit is beyond disrespectful.” Teyana tried to get up but Gambino grabbed her and flipped her over on her back. He then, positioned himself between her legs.

  “I told you I don’t mind being disrespectful!” Once he said that it was a wrap. Shit, if he didn’t mind disrespecting Jazz then why should Teyana. That was his girl, not hers!

  Chapter 14

  Teyana walked into the hell hole she called home. When she pulled up she was hoping Tyriq wasn’t there but she knew that was too much like right. If only she could have stayed in New York with Gambino. Tyriq was putting on the nice guy act but Teyana knew him too well. She knew it would be only a matter of time before he showed his ass. Once he did she and her son was out.

  “Daddy, we’re home,” Camari screamed as he ran through the house searching for his father. Good someone missed him because Teyana didn’t.

  “Hey, my big man,” she heard Tyriq said. Teyana rolled her eyes upwards as she made her way to their bedroom. Tyriq was just about to walk out.

  “Hey, bae. I missed you so fucking much,” he said as he pulled her in for a hug. He hugged her so tight as if it would be his last time and when he pulled back Teyana had a confused look displaying on her face.


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