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Disrespectful Page 9

by Tynessa

  “So, what are you going to do?” Sevyn asked,helping Teyana clean her face and get herself together.

  “I’m ending things with Gambino. It was fun while it last but we both know this shit isn’t going to work. I just hate that I fell in love with his ass though,” Teyana said sadly.

  “Aw. Come on, baby.” Sevyn pulled her into her arms.

  Teyana’s decision was hard but she knew it was for the best. Like she told Gambino, she wasn’t trying to end things on a bad note with Tyriq, a complicated break up was what she didn’t want. As she walked back over to the table where he sat talking to Zywon, she inhaled deeply. Gambino had to understand where she was coming from.

  “You okay, baby girl?” Zywon asked as he stood. Teyana just nodded her head up and down as she glared at Gambino. He was looking down at his plate, never once did he look up at Teyana. He couldn’t bare seeing the look of hurt on her face, hurt that he,unintentionally, caused.

  “Come on, baby. Let’s go back to our table and give them a minute.” Sevyn said to Zywon. After making sure Teyana was going to be alright, she pulled Zywon to their table.

  Teyana picked over her food as she sat in deep thought. Ending things with Gambino might’ve been one of the hardest things she’d ever had to do in life and just as she looked up at him to begin speaking, he spoke up.

  “Look Teyana, I never meant to hurt you. I mean I didn’t plan for this shit to happen. Since I started fucking around with you, Jazz and I haven’t been rocking like that. I can honestly say that the last time she and I had sex was the night before I saw you and ol’ boy at the restaurant. I only did it that day to shut her the fuck up because she was bitching, so it had to have happened then or before I met you. I just found out and believe me I was gonna tell you but you peeked the shit out yourself. Last thing I want is for you to be mad at me about something I didn’t plan. I’m not going to say that I regret the baby because I don’t, but I didn’t mean for the shit to happen.” Gambino words were sincere. The only thing he regretted was Jazz being the mother.

  Teyana signed deeply as she nodded her head up and down. She was hearing Gambino but her mind was made up. She just couldn’t do it anymore, it wasn’t fair to Tyriq, or Jazz. Not only them, she had to think about Camari. He’d really taken a liking to Gambino and that only made things worst.

  “This isn’t going to work out, Gambino,” Teyana blurted out getting straight to the point. All she wanted to do was get it over with so she could leave.

  “What the fuck you mean, Tee?” asked Gambino. He just knew she wasn’t about to trip over shit he had no control over.

  “I love you, Gambino but this whole love triangle shit isn’t working. Let’s be real, you’re never going to leave Jazz and--,” Teyana was cut out by Gambino’s loud outburst with a banging on the table with his fist.

  “How the fuck you gonna tell me what I’ll never do?” he said angrily. Teyana eyes widen before she rolled them upwards in her head.

  “Like I was saying--,” once again her words were cut off.

  “Like you was saying what? You ending this shit with me so you can marry that fuck nigga!? What the fuck is wrong with you Teyana? I can’t even believe you’re sitting up here really about to marry this nigga when he use you as his own fucking punching bag. Even if I don’t leave Jazz that should be good enough reason for you to not wanna marry this nigga, but you know what!? Congratulations on the fucking wedding, and don’t come looking for me when that nigga beat yo’ ass like he always does.” Gambino’s harsh words cut Teyana deeply. She watched as he stood, fished through his pockets, threw a fifty dollar bill on the table and stormed out without a second look at her.

  Teyana was speechless. That didn’t go as she’s planned and she would be lying if she said she wasn’t hurt. She refused to cry simply because she knew it was for the best on both ends. Getting up, she headed to Sevyn and Zywon’s table. All she wanted was to go home, shower and crawl into bed.

  Chapter 19

  Gambino hadn’t talked or seen Teyana since he walked out Waffle House on her three weeks ago. He wasn’t going to even pretend like he wasn’t fucked up about it because he was. He’d picked up his phone plenty of times to call her, but refused to. If she wanted to marry Tyriq, then he wasn’t going to stand in her way. Fuck him and her!

  He’d dropped Jazz off at home and was riding around with no destination in mind. He and Jazz were moving to Atlanta the next week,but he was really considering leaving Jazz in Buffalo. He needed to get away from her ass. They’d found out she was four months pregnant about two weeks ago and her ass was beyond nerve wrecking. Always craving shit and wanting him to go out at three and four in the morning getting her greedy ass something to eat. Gambino was sick of her. He couldn’t remember Jazz being that damn worrisome when she was pregnant with the baby they lost. The sound of his phone brought him out his thoughts.

  “Yea, man?” Gambino answered as he rolled his eyes upwards.

  “Bae, where you at? Our baby is hungry,” Jazz whined. Gambino rolled his eyes and shook his head, that was the shit he was talking about. Whenever he was out, she would call with that bullshit as if it wasn’t nothing at their house to eat.

  “Man, go in there and cook you something Jazz, damn,” Gambino fussed. Jazz was becoming lazier and lazier as the days went by.

  “No, bae. Why can’t you just bring me something now? Where you at and when are you coming home?” That was the reason Jazz was calling and Gambino knew it.

  “Man, I’m at my mom house. I’ll be there when I leave here. Just finish packing,” with that, Gambino ended the call.

  Getting out the car he walked up to his mother door and used the key he had to let himself in. Walking in, he found her sitting on the couch watching TV and smoking a cigarette.

  “What’s up, ma?” Gambino took a seat next to Tamika after kissing her on the cheek.

  “Hey, baby. What brings you by? Better yet, where is your shadow?” Tamika asked, referring to Jazz.

  “Man, I left her ass at the house packing, I needed to get away. Her ass is about to drive me crazy. I mean I’m happy I’m about to be a father, but damn, all she wanna talk about is the baby that ain’t even here yet. She wasn’t that damn excited about the first pregnancy,” Gambino vented. That shit was pissing him off, and the fact that he hadn’t talked to Teyana pissed him off more. Tamika laughed at her son.

  “Son, why don’t you just call her?!” Tamika was old school. She knew the real reason her son was beyond irritated and it didn’t have anything to do with Jazz continuously chatting about the baby or her nagging him. Gambino looked up at his mother with a frown.

  “Man, what you talking about, ma?” he questioned his mother, confused.

  “Boy, don’t look at me like that. I’m talking about Teyana. Ever since you came back from Atlanta, yo’ ass been mopping around here looking like a lost puppy. Jazz all smiles so it don’t take a genius to see that some shit went down with you and her. That was your main reason in going up there in the first place.” Gambino couldn’t say shit, his mother hit the nail on the head and Gambino smacked his lips. It pissed him off all over again just thinking Teyana would soon be married.

  “We decided to call it quits. Well she decided to, shit I didn’t really have a say-so in the matter. She talking about some this love triangle isn’t going to work and she knows I’m not going to ever leave Jazz. How the fuck does she know that? To tell you the truth, ma, I think she decided to break shit off with me just so she could to marry that nigga. I don’t even care, though. If she wants to get her ass beat on a daily basic then by all means, go right ahead.”

  Tamika couldn’t do nothing but laugh and shake her head. Gambino was really fucked up behind this and Tamika knew right then and there that her son really cared about Teyana. He sat with Tamika another hour or so before her boyfriend Darius came over. He and Darius got along great. He would often talk to him about his problems with Jazz. Gambino knew he should do the noble
thing and stay with Jazz and raise their child as a family but she was really grinding his gears.

  Jazz was really getting on Gambino’s’ nerves didn’t even wanna go home. After he was finished chatting with Tamika and Darius, he decided to call his niggas and head to the strip club. He met Biggs and the rest of his team at the strip club about an hour later. They already had grabbed a section in the VIP area and got comfortable. They knew when Gambino did come out, they would be out for a while because he only came out when he couldn’t deal with Jazz. He decided to start his celebration move early.

  Gambino ordered bottle after bottle of Hennessey and lit blunt after blunt. He had been getting a lap dance from a red bone chick for the last thirty minutes at least. She had an exotic look to her that would easily make a nigga wanna wife her, but she was a stripper none the less. Since Gambino didn’t really care for strippers, he paid her 5 Gs to dance until he was ready to leave.

  Looking around he saw all his niggas enjoying themselves and noticed that Biggs was more focused than he was loose. He liked that about Biggs. He was all about business and never let his guard down. Biggs would look at the strippers but he wasn’t really paying them any attention. Gambino knew he had made the right decision in leaving him to run things when he moved.

  After hours and hours of partying, Gambino realized that it was almost 4 am and he decided to head on home. He had no clue how he drove up, got in the house or up the stairs but he decided to sleep in the guest room. He needed to sleep the liquor off in peace and he knew he wouldn’t be able to do that with Jazz complaining ass.

  Teyana was heavy on his mind. He missed her something crazy but he wasn’t going to let her know that. He decided to text her though and let her know that he was thinking about her, though.

  Gambino: Tee, if you lying next to that fuck nigga right now; I swear, I hope it’s the worst sex ever”

  He had to laugh at himself for sending the line from the Chris Brown track “Drunk Texting”. He slid his phone under the pillow and before he knew it, he was sleep not even bothering to wait for a reply from her.

  Chapter 20

  It seemed like Gambino had just shut his eyes when felt a warm mouth wrap around his growing member. His dick came to life instantly but he kept his eyes closed and enjoyed the feeling. She was teasing the head of his dick, licking all around it while massaging his balls with her other hand. She finally took his whole dick in her mouth and swallowed it until it touched the back of her throat. No gag reflex, and that’s what he liked about her. Only she knew how to take his dick in her mouth like that.

  She slurped and sucked on his dick getting it wet until she felt his nut building up. She pushed him deeper in her mouth and he grabbed the back of her head and began to slowly fuck her mouth, he knew his nut was nearing.

  “Damn Teyana…ma…” Gambino said but suddenly, his moans were replaced with a stinging sensation where he had been slapped. His eyes shot open and he was looking at an angry Jazz.

  “Who the fuck is Teyana, Terrean?” Jazz said holding back the tears that were threatening to fall. Gambino knew he had fucked up and wasn’t no way out of this fuck up except to apologize. He damn sure wasn’t going to tell her who Teyana was.

  “Don’t call me Terrean, Jazz, you know that irritates the shit out of me, and as far as Teyana goes, she’s nobody to worry about.” Gambino said climbing out of the bed. He headed to the bathroom to shower. Jazz sat there stunned but she didn’t know if she was madder at the fact that his ass called her another bitch name, or the fact that he had an attitude because she called him Terrean.

  She knew that Gambino had cheated in the past, but she never had the proof. He could’ve been having a wet dream. He did have a crush on that singer Teyana Taylor. Jazz noticed his phone sitting on the nightstand and she grabbed it.

  After going through it thoroughly and not finding anything she sat it back down and sucked it up as him having a wet dream. She smelled the liquor seeping through his pores and figured he had went to the strip club with his boys. All types of shit happened there, maybe that was the dancer from last night name. She wasn’t going to dwell on it because as far as she was concerned, she was the one he was moving to another state with and it was her that was carrying his seed.

  Jazz got up and went to the master bedroom to get some clothes on so she could fix breakfast and finish packing up the house. She headed downstairs and started on breakfast first. She heard Gambino moving around upstairs, so she knew he was getting ready to leave again.


  Gambino had to hop in the shower to get his mind right. He couldn’t believe that Teyana was clouding his mind so much that he was slipping. How the fuck could he call Jazz by another bitch name. And then, he had the audacity to sweep it under the rug like it was no big deal. He was surprised that Jazz didn’t drag an argument out of the situation.

  After his shower, he went back to the guest room closet and pulled out a pair of black sweats, a black thermal and his black Gamma blue 11s. He grabbed his work phone off the nightstand and checked to see if he had missed any business calls. Once he seen there was only a call from Biggs, he decided to call him back while grabbing his personal phone from under the pillow. While waiting for Biggs to answer, he looked through his personal phone to see if Teyana had called him.

  She didn’t call but she did reply to his drunk text he sent her. He was still laughing at that message; he couldn’t believe that she brought out the sucka in him.

  Tee Baby: You must be drunk. IMU2 Terrean, but this was for the best. You have a baby on the way.

  Gambino: That don’t mean I wanted to be with her. You made a decision for me because you needed a reason to marry that fuck nigga.

  Gambino slid the phone in his pocket while he finished politicking with Biggs. Things at his traps were running well so he decided to go see his mother and Darius. He needed to talk to Darius about having his son manage his detail, clothing and barbershop fulltime. His son had a Masters in business management and wasn’t really putting it to use, so he figured they could help each other out.

  When Gambino pulled up to his mother house, Darius and his son Darren were just pulling up. He greeted them when they all reached the door. Gambino took his keys out and let everyone in the house. He didn’t understand why his mother and Darius didn’t just move in together. Hell, she wouldn’t even give him a key but they had been together well over 15 years. I guess his mother was still apprehensive since his father passed away but Gambino felt enough was enough. She deserved the life of being someone’s wife and he couldn’t ask for a better man than Darius to provide it.

  They walked in the house to the smell of food cooking and knew they would be able to find Tamika in the kitchen. Gambino walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek while stealing a piece of the bacon she was frying up for breakfast. Darius and Darren followed suit and greeted Tamika.

  “So, Darren, I have a proposition for you. You are the only person on the legal business side of the tracks that I will ever trust with my money. Since I’m moving down to ATL, I was hoping that you would be willing to run the stores and barbershop for me?” Gambino cut straight to the point.

  “Shit, that works for me. I am never going to move to a management position for this fortune 500 company, just of GP of me being black. They only hired me for the statistics of having a black man working for them. I will gladly walk away from that and lead your businesses.”

  “So as manager, you work on a salary and not an hourly basis. You can hire all new employees or you can keep the ones I already have. Everyone working for me has some sort of background or degree in the field and can help you where you need it. I don’t trust anyone as an accountant, so can you keep that position and I just pay you two salaries?” Gambino wanted Darren to know he appreciated him taking over for him. He knew he wouldn’t have to make many trips here to be checking on the books with Darren in charge.

  “I only need the one salary. I am more than ready to take
on this opportunity. When I go over your books every month I see nothing but progress and I like the employees you have. They are very respectful. I am going to put in my two weeks now.” Darren and Gambino gave each other a brotherly hug and agreed to meet later in the week for lunch.

  Tamika sat back and admired her son. She was so proud of the man he became and the man he was becoming. He went from nickel and dime hustling against her wishes, turned it into an empire and managed to invest it into 3 businesses that were doing very well.

  “Ma, why you looking at me like that? I wanna talk to you two, too.” Gambino said referring to her and Darius.

  “What’s up, son, trouble in paradise again?” Darius said laughing. He knew that Gambino was going through the motions with Teyana. He loved her but they met at the wrong times. He knew that story all too well.

  “Nah, not today, but I do wanna talk to my mom about why she won’t give you the commitment you’re asking for. Ma, this man loves you and I think y’all are good for each other. I wouldn’t ask for a better man to take care of you since I’m moving.” Gambino said

  “Terrean, first of all, why you minding grown folks business”, Tamika said laughing at her son. He was never one to bite his tongue.“And furthermore, it’s not that I won’t give him the commitment. He knows firsthand that I have no issues marrying him, I just didn’t feel right knowing that your father still held a piece of my heart. Darius and I have talked about his.”

  “Ma, I also talked to Darius and he understands. I understand, but you can’t keep putting your life on hold. You deserve to be happy and dad kept you happy while he was alive. I’m sure he wouldn’t object to you being happy with someone else since he can no longer do it.”


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