Sheppard's Quest

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Sheppard's Quest Page 10

by Gary Caplan

  Mor’ag said, “You don’t seem worried, General Selketh.”

  Selketh said, “Strike Marshal Vodun is this region’s command marshal and my direct superior. He would not have destroyed the seventh planet as your supreme leader, Lord Kar’ag, did in that system; it had significance to that region beyond strategic and raw resources value. This system we are presently at is not like that one, but it does have high resource value.”

  Mor’ag said, “Lord Kar’ag angers more easily than most of the members of our Archon. In any case, I have some officers who have requested to battle with a group other than just the Alliance of Worlds task forces. Also, I believe our forces need to work together more, as we have not obtained a satisfactory battle rapport. So I will send you a few starships. I cannot spare that many at this time. I am sending one of our Kadath-class dreadnaughts and three attack cruisers.”

  Selketh replied, “Thank you, sir. Any starships you can spare will strengthen our joint tactical position here.”

  Mor’ag said, “Thanks are not needed. Access to the new system’s resources will be enough.”

  The image of Mor’ag’s visage faded. Selketh said, “We will make do with the starships they send. Invite the commanders to our fleet. We will strike soon.”

  Felgrooth said, “The final wave of long-range torpedoes launched as we headed here has arrived. They are target selecting now.”

  “Allow our allies enough time to get into range; then we strike,” said Selketh.

  Chapter 10

  Battle for Treeton

  Sheppard was reviewing the fleet status reports when he saw the flash of an antimatter torpedo detonation from his reinforced view portal in his office. Clearly the next wave of torpedoes had arrived. He saw the flash of another, this one closer. Checking the scanners he saw a visual of his ships, including starfighters. Sheppard muttered, “Damn,” as he realized some of their starfighters would have been too close and damaged from the detonation.

  Meanwhile on the Phoenix’s bridge, Captain Wilder was working to coordinate with his wing commanders which targets to protect. The planet Treeton III and vectors heading that way would be the priority defensive areas. Wilder was getting worried, and he knew the captains in his task force on the other starships would be getting worried, especially now. The only good news is that this wave would not be long. Part of the task forces that arrived was sent to reinforce the Patrol ships assigned to Treeton III.

  Mr. Sterling said, “Sir, sensors are tracking some missiles headed for the orbital station.”

  “We will divert a few starfighter squadrons to intercept the missles and some to aid the Waterway-class cruisers with defense patrols. Mr. York, arrange the support ships.”

  Ares said, “There will most likely be some cloaked torpedoes among the enemy weapons targeting the orbital base, or some will bypass and head down toward the planet.” Wilder nodded in agreement.

  Then reports came in from the Cynz, who detected a few more torpedoes arriving from another vector. They believed it to be another wave of long-range torpedoes.

  Sherman said from the alcove, “I will arrange for another task force to deal with the enemy torpedoes the Cynz informed us about.” Sherman conferred with his tactical officers briefly. “Well, it seems the Cynz are heading to intercept. That’s good, as we may need the help.”

  Captain Wilder was looking at the sensor data with helm officer Darani and Second Officer Sterling. “With all the vectors, I think the Varlon are here in force in more than one group.” The Varlon starships had their chameleon fields operating. The Phoenix officers were trying to locate the Varlon ships. This time, however, the Hegemony allies provided information about most likely positions of the Varlon starships with a degree of accuracy the Alliance of Worlds’ starships’ sensors couldn’t quite manage.

  Fleet Captain Sherman said to his officers in the command alcove and the commlinked commanders of the starships in the three task forces, “Use your sensors to target and strike a small area of space where we think the Varlon ships are. To do that we will use the location data provided and updated by the Hegemony and the Cynz, who have much better ability to detect the Varlon, and we will fire weapons barrages into that area.”

  Wilder was listening to Sherman notify the task forces and said to his officers, “The Varlon may get the first strike at us, but between the data from the Hegemony and Cynz starships and the Varlon having to return fire, we will be better able to hit them.”

  Commander York added, “Unfortunately, they still have their durable Spunril hulls and energy defense shields—more resilient than ours.”

  Wilder nodded and sighed slightly. He said to the assembled crew, “We will come out of this in condition to fight. Our forces have the upper hand now.”

  Commander Taylor took her station and said to Wilder, “Sir, I finished most of my side project on the specimen data from Treeton; now reporting for duty.”

  Wilder responded, “Good to have you at your station.”

  Taylor said, “Sir, there’s just a few areas of information that need to be completed by Commander O’Brien, and the computer will run the final data.”

  Wilder nodded.

  Commander Andor was also on the bridge as he was working with Pelori, Ares, and York to coordinate the transmitted Varlon location information with the other ships in Task Force One. He looked at Taylor and nodded as he transferred the active science officer duty to her while he continued his coordination task work.

  Darani looked at the scans from the Estrian ship and compared them to the Cynz scans. “Sir, there are more than just torpedoes heading our way. I think this represents several Varlon ships moving toward the planet.”

  “It’s difficult to see,” said Sterling, his eyes straining as he viewed his display. “In any case, we were informed that the Cynz released some kind of crystalline dust particles in several strategic areas to increase detection accuracy if the Varlon cross those areas.”

  Wilder looked at the sensor information and then motioned for Sterling to come over as well. Commander Darani continued, critically analyzing the new information, “Sir, cycle the scans in parallel and through the other spectrums, then look at the shifting space dust and other particle content across the infrared and ultraviolet. I think we can see the general area of the ships’ courses by the occasional wakes in the patterns of crystalline space dust.”

  Wilder was trying to adjust the scans to view the information differently and then he said, “I think some of us may need a multispectrum analysis to really see this more clearly, since we humans don’t have as wide a spectrum of vision as a Quarlusian has.”

  Fleet Captain Sherman and Commodore Sheppard were in the alcove off the bridge where the Alliance task forces were being organized and monitored. Sheppard had some powerful allies here: the two Cynz heavy battle cruisers and the three Hegemony ships, an Estrian recon cruiser, a Lyramenian defense carrier, and a Karratin defense starship. The Karratin ship was actually Garfield’s ship, the Zeloc. Sheppard knew that the Zeloc was a special Karratin starship, more powerful than the typical Karratin defense cruiser. From what he had seen, the Zeloc had battled for a short time against a Kad’jiah-class and was able to avoid being destroyed. Although it was only in the past year that Sheppard and his task forces got to work with this many Elderships, they had been able to help the Alliance of Worlds, although the Hegemony starships still tended to work defensively and not attack until it appeared they were under direct attack.

  The defensive forces on Treeton were mobilizing in case the Varlon began sending ground forces to the surface. Various tanks and other mobile defense platforms were being moved from underground storage bunkers and readied for battle. As the Varlon had sent occupation forces to this system, they would no longer be sending long-range torpedoes. The Varlon starships could more accurately direct their own weapons to specific targets. The commanding general on Treeton prepared for a potential onslaught of Varlon ground forces and their legged heavy
tanks, designated Varlon spider ships. These spider ships could launch from their cruisers to the surface and could function as atmospheric fighter craft for a short time. Their spider ships were composed of the Spunril, the Varlon’s organo-metallic hull.

  Commander Flynn, one of Sherman’s tactical officers, was showing Sherman and Sheppard the spectral analysis of the data sent from the Elderships. Sheppard considered the whorls and blips and occasional pieces of what might be viewed as Varlon ship sections.

  Sheppard said, “This scanner information on the cloaked Varlon is resolved more than I have seen before.”

  Sherman replied, “The information we’re getting is much better than the hints our sensors get. Both the Hegemony and the Cynz are able to penetrate the Varlon’s chameleon defense system notably better than us.”

  Flynn said, “Sir, more ships arriving at periphery according to information sent to us by the Estrian recon cruiser. The Estrian communication officer reports that according to the remote subspace probe, these are Accad starships. She states the images have been checked to verify it is not a chameleon cloak deception.”

  “How many?” said Sherman.

  “Four, sir: a dreadnaught and three cruisers,” replied Flynn.

  “What class of dreadnaught?” asked Sheppard.

  “Sir, it appears to be one of the Kadath class,” said Flynn.

  Sherman said, “Well at least it not one of those Kad’jiah-class ships.”

  Sheppard said, “Yes, we only have to worry about a dreadnaught more than twice the size of one of ours and over four times as powerful, and that moves as easily as a ship much smaller. It’s as dangerous as a Varlon H-class”

  Sherman said, “The Varlon must have called for some aid before they arrived, and they probably have new cloaked probes in system.”

  Sheppard said, “We need to reorganize into two main task groups with a small group to float behind as support for the planet’s two orbital bases and the remainder of the planetary patrol group.”

  Commander Quelt, one of the task force liaison officers, said, “Sir, our allied Rhyn ship is segmenting into drone components, and their captain indicates they will set some gravitic mines along a course toward the Varlon. They are requesting support.” Sheppard watched on the viewer as the over-twelve-kilometer-long carrier ship seemed to segment and separate into ten smaller ships ranging from about two kilometers to half a kilometer in length. All the segments moved radially away from the mine field they were laying.

  Sheppard said, “Let’s keep our task forces out of the mine field. I’m sure the Rhyn captain will send us the locations and any trajectory they sent their mines on. I know they use disguised mines, and several have a fairly good stealth field around them.”

  “Yes, sir,” responded Quelt.

  Commander Quelt noticed an energy wave flash that marked something exiting hyperspace. It occurred a few light minutes away from the large Rhyn carrier starship. Rhyn sensor scans eventually sent over reports of the details, revealing a small task group of four Accadian ships, including one Kadath-class dreadnaught and three Accadian heavy cruisers, moving to an intercept course. The Kadath-class ship was an organic formed and elongated ovoid vessel over fifteen kilometers in length and a third that at its greatest diameter. It contained several hangers with squadrons of smaller heavy attack fighters. The heavy cruisers were similar elongated ovoid starcraft but smaller, about seven kilometers in length. All in all an impressive and at the same time terrifying group of enemies. Quelt felt a chill go up his spine as he reported his finding to Fleet Captain Sherman. At the mention of Accads, Commodore Sheppard came into the command alcove.

  Quelt said, “Sir the Rhyn reported the small Accadian task force had recently come out of hyperspace and didn’t seem to care that they could be detected. They used intense probing scans to sweep across the space between the nearby Alliance of Worlds ships. They also released some type of sensor probes and then the first squadrons of their marauder and raider attack craft began to leave their hangars.”

  Onboard the Accad dreadnaught, Fleet Captain Kolg was giving orders. “It’s time to destroy the enemy and take this system from them.” He paced the dreadnaught’s bridge, walking near or around the multihued organic surfaces of the bridge’s interface stations where his officers interacted with the ship’s systems. These Accadian officers were partly encased inside separate operator interface stations where they had access to their operation station as well as the ship’s artificial intelligence. The first officer watched the play of lights and flashes of color and heard the interactive computer’s auditory interface as the crew interacted with the control systems.

  His first officer, Kaldag, the captain of the dreadnaught Su’droth, said, “I have a tactical report. The enemy forces are in three main groups. One of their carriers appears to be a Rhyn ship, and it has separated into drone ships and is setting an extensive mine field. It has moved to continue that process around what scanners report to be their allies’ mining colony with a small orbital base. The other starships are moving into position to defend the main colony in this system.”

  Kolg replied, “They believe they can hide their mines or distract us. Prepare to release a locator shock wave from our hull when we are closer; then we can locate and avoid those mines.”

  The tactical officer continued, “Yes, sir, but should we not avoid the area and let the Varlon, who know the Rhyn better, deal with them?”

  Kolg replied, “According to our tactical section, the Varlon seem to have been stalemated by the Rhyn too often. It’s time someone shows our allies how to battle a cowering enemy.”

  First Officer Kaldag said, “We should consider that there are also two Cynz and three Hegemony ships here, sir. They are in different areas and appear to be supporting the Alliance of Worlds starships.”

  Kolg replied, “They will be our next targets. Send another squadron of our heavy assault fighters ahead to begin to shatter their defenses.”

  The four Accadian ships moved toward their enemy task force’s positions at speeds even the segmented Rhyn ship could not overtake.

  The Phoenix and Task Force One headed to intercept a Varlon transport and some spider ships that were headed for the planet. Task Force Two was under orders to intercept the Accads and assist the Rhyn carrier. The third smaller support task force was there to help reinforce in case of a tactical loss. The only problem was that the exact number of Varlon wasn’t clear. The Elderships’ scans gave a good idea of location and numbers but even they were not infallible, and the Varlon could be sneaky.

  On the Phoenix, Sherman relayed orders from Sheppard to the task forces. It was time to try to stop the Varlon and their Accadian allies from taking this planet. The Rhyn had shown an aggression and willingness to fight the Varlon, or perhaps remind them that the Rhyn had held their space and held the Varlon from claiming their home system for over a century. Now support starcraft and starfighters flanked the space around the mine field, and the Varlon could fight or try the mine field instead.

  On the bridge of the Phoenix, Captain Wilder asked, “Have the other Elderships moved from the planet?”

  Ares replied from her tactical station, “Sir, only the Cynz have moved to an intercept course toward the Accads. They appear to be providing flank support to our second task force.”

  Wilder said, “And the Hegemony ships?”

  Pelori said, “The Estrian and Lyramenian ships are flanking Task Force One, and Admiral Garfield’s ship, the Zeloc, is in high orbit above the main colony.”

  York added, “At least they’re willing to play a more direct support role this time.”

  Wilder said, “Right. The last time we faced a Varlon occupation fleet, we were defeated and I…” Wilder cringed for a moment, recalling. “I basically stayed with the ship as sections caught fire. This time we won’t get a restoration from a Protren, but we do have allies.”

  Sterling said, “Sir, visual reports from starfighters indicate Varlon crui
sers and dreadnaughts sighted as probable comet and some small rocky bodies heading toward the planet, with heavy distortions on sensor readings.”

  Wilder said, “I think that’s our target. Order the task force ships to send an antimatter torpedo barrage at that so-called comet.”

  “Aye, sir,” said Ares. “That should force them from complete stealth mode.”

  York said, “Then we will at least have partial ability to get weapons locks on their locations.”

  The Alliance torpedo barrage commenced. The tracking missiles and antimatter torpedoes were followed by a squadron of starfighters that would take advantage of any short-time-visible target and move to make an attack run if possible.

  Lieutenant Corwin was leading the starfighter attack run. He piloted his starfighter a safe distance behind the actively seeking antimatter torpedoes. He saw some debris from the coordinates and then saw an opening after the shock wave dissipated. Then he said to his wing squadron, “We have a window of opportunity to strike; let’s take it.” The sensors eventually recorded a few hits, but there were many more misses, and the other Varlon ship was revealed from debris clouds or as shadows across the intense weapon energy release. The squadron moved forward into closer attack range. They began to fire energy disruptors and launched their torpedoes. Corwin began to see strikes, but the discovered starship initiated an energy surge and opened a jump window, then left. Most of the weapons impacted on the enemy’s force screens before they left.

  Corwin said, “It’s like they are not ready to strike or are waiting for orders.” Corwin’s starfighter was close, and he noticed some spider ships and other Varlon starfighters leave their ships. They used their chameleon fields, but by the vector they left on, Corwin could see they were headed toward Treeton Three. He sent a message notifying the squadon commander.

  Onbord the Phoenix, the crew watched the view screens as the starfighters advanced.

  Ares said, “They are moving beyond range, sir.”


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