Sheppard's Quest

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Sheppard's Quest Page 16

by Gary Caplan

  The communication channel closed, and Garfield began opening other data-collection channels.

  “Something wrong?” asked Sheppard.

  Garfield said, “I have asked Zeloc to discretely locate any new information on the Nahalion that entered our galaxy. I presumed the Thurians or Calyx would have by now dealt with its threat…however, it is still present, and clearly the Keeper knows it, which caused an acceleration of the Keeper’s plan.”

  Zeloc said, “This star system is stable, and several planets besides the Arkology rings are being used as zoo locations.”

  Ares said, “Sir, maybe it’s time to look for Razel more actively.”

  Garfield said, “I agree. Zeloc, remove stealth measures and set course for the nearest control node near Razel’s starship.”

  Natarris said, “That sounds like a good place to start, but what if they don’t want to release her now?”

  Sheppard said, “Okay, then if she is being held against her will, Ares and I’ll get some gear together for a rescue mission.”

  The others nodded in agreement.

  It wasn’t long after Zeloc’s active sensors and released probes began to return more detailed information about Razel’s scout cruiser and the region close to the nearest control node—not long as well for two Calyx cruisers to approach the Zeloc. Sheppard and Ares looked on admiringly at the crystalline beauty of the Calyx starships as they approached.

  Garfield had requested information about the Star Knight Razel and had asked to speak with the Keeper.

  The Calyx ships escorted them to the Arkology’s middle ring segment. Soon it was clear that their destination was the Calyx control node where Razel had been transferred. Sheppard looked on through the imaging system the Zeloc provided as they approached a small, circular area on the ring that resolved into an intricate crystalline structure.

  Eventually the Zeloc came alongside the control node, and they received a communication that they were invited to the command chamber.

  The Zeloc created an extension bridge and connected to a docking chamber with an appropriate environment. The Calyx didn’t need oxygen like the Zal, humans, and Karratins. An automated device of crystal scanned them as they entered the facility. Several symbols showed on the crystalline surface of a column, or what transformed into a console. Garfield accessed the device, and a pulsing green line moved along the floor beyond the extension bridge and into the Calyx facility. Garfield walked in. He seemed familiar with what was going on. Garfield said, “This green way will take us to a reception area.”

  As they followed the green light, a corridor of crystal led them to an immense crystalline chamber. The chamber looked to Sheppard like a huge geode perhaps a thousand feet across with several adjacent chambers, each lined with crystals of various sizes and colors. Natarris and Ares used portable sensors to scan for life forms and remotely sense the upcoming corridors. Ares and Sheppard had come armed with hand weapons. Garfield carried his morphable multifunction device, and he occasionally looked as if he was using an interlink as he continued to walk.

  They reached an intersection, and Natarris indicted that life signs corresponding to Razel’s race seemed to lead in a different direction. Natarris said, “I think Razel and her small crew may be in another area than where the green way is going to take us.”

  Looking at her sensor data, Ares added, “It may be a detention center of some kind.”

  Sheppard said, “So we split up and see.”

  Garfield said, “You and I, Robert, can go see the Keeper while Natarris and Ares investigate Razel’s situation. I do not think that it will seem unusual to the Calyx for some of us to want to verify that personally.”

  Sheppard said, “So then I can represent the Alliance of Worlds and perhaps in this instance you can represent the Hegemony.”

  Garfield said, “Yes, the more interested groups involved may sway an argument.”

  Natarris said, “What if you cannot persuade the Keeper to allow Razel’s group to leave?”

  Garfield said, “Then you may have to take matters into your own hands. It can take time to arrange things with the Calyx. They have a different appreciation of time.”

  Natarris nodded, and Ares said, “Sir, I suppose if problems occur we will see you back aboard the Zeloc.” Ares looked at Sheppard and briefly at her own holstered weapon.

  Sheppard responded, “Hopefully it won’t come to that.”

  After following the green-hued crystalline path, Sheppard and Garfield arrived in an antechamber. A Calyx was interfacing with some kind of crystalline information console. There was another chamber beyond with some other Calyx using what appeared to Sheppard to be tools but were more like extensions for their hands. One or two used the hand projections to rearrange some other crystalline equipment. Occasionally an image of some object would appear in a crystalline imager of some kind. Glimpses of specimen images occasionally flashed across what would be equivalent to viewing terminals on the Phoenix. Sheppard watched as what he thought was a section of crystal began to glow and form extrusions from a cluster of large crystals in the center of the chamber beyond. He realized it was another Calyx but sensed it was different somehow.

  Sheppard said, “Well, it looks from the images as if this is some kind of catalogue of specimens.”

  Garfield said, “Yes, they are monitoring the specimens they have and evaluating the new incoming ones.”

  Sheppard asked, “Is that a Calyx forming?”

  Garfield answered, “It is more than a Calyx; it is a Hytren. It must have Ascended recently, probably sometime in the past year or so.”

  Sheppard said, “Tifflynn mentioned he thought the Keeper had Ascended.”

  Garfield said, “He did. You can think of the Hytren as the more recent Ascended being and the Protren as the ancient Ascended.”

  Sheppard said, “That means that this Calyx is no longer only a Calyx but a recently Ascended higher-level entity.”

  “It is still consolidating its own power and still completing tasks it started long ago,” said Garfield.

  Sheppard said, “You know quite a lot about this, and about the Protren we encountered at QB7.”

  “One could say I am part of something larger than what you see, and with your Star Knight abilities, you have subconsciously suspected something since that encounter at QB7,” said Garfield with a wry smile.

  Sheppard nodded, considering. “Does this Hytren have other parts?” he asked.

  Garfield replied, “It’s likely it has more than one percept now, but it’s not had enough time to develop much more than that. Sometimes a newly Ascended being spends more time in isolation, like this one probably did.”

  Sheppard watched the Calyx move toward them. It had an unusual glow, somewhat different than the other Calyx. It glided over the polished rock plates on the floor. As he looked more closely at the floor, Sheppard saw some small dark lines crosshatching in the rocky floor and surmised some form of magnetic control was involved in the movement of the Calyx.

  Natarris and Ares watched as the Calyx moved about the halls. They were looking for some kind of pattern. The Calyx they observed were more like worker bees than security guards. Each seemed to be going about some task. They continued down the corridor once the Calyx moved through.

  Natarris said, “It might be best if we avoid any contact now.”

  Ares said, “If they intercept us, do we pretend to be lost and trying to find the ship, sir?”

  Natarris said, “That’s fine, but I hope it does not come to us trying to communicate with an elder species neither of us have communicated with before. After all we are not here on a contact mission.”

  Ares said, “I see, sir, and these Calyx have already detained some people already.”

  Natariss paused for a moment and then said, “I am using a discipline to enhance my senses as they may detect active sensor sweeps and come looking for us.”

  They continued to move down the corridor when they heard the
vibrating that accompanied the Calyx movement. Natariss realized they would not be able to double back as the last intersection corridor was too far behind. Natarris concentrated and hoped the Star Knight technique he was starting to use would affect the Calyx enough.

  As the Calyx entered the section of the hall, Natarris used his ability to make vibrations and flashes of light away from them toward the other side of the hallway. The Calyx turned that way and headed to investigate. The corridor it had emerged from was the way they had to go. They ran. Natarris used his telekinesis to make lightsteps to limit his movement’s vibrations, and he was a bit slower than Ares to get across to the other corridor’s entrance. There was an aperture leading to another area not far down the corridor.

  Ares said, “That was close sir.”

  Natarris replied, “Yes, I am glad I thought to use vibration and light to distract it since the sound and images we hear and see may not have worked as well. Oh and by the way, you are very quick.”

  Ares smiled, “I can be quick if I have to be.”

  Natarris said, “I am going to continue to use my enhanced sense and spatial awareness. I want to avoid the Calyx.”

  After a few more corridors, Natarris and Ares had arrived finally at the detention area by mostly avoiding the Calyx. Ares was impressed with the way Natarris seemed to just be able to sense where the Calyx were located. He mentioned along the way that the discipline he used increased and sharpened his spatial awareness, allowing him to sense the presence and general position of others.

  Ares said, “This detention area looks more like a supply storage basin where they are keeping Razel and her crew.”

  Natarris said as he looked around, “Yes, it not what we would consider a detention area. I will probably have to use telekinesis to cause vibration and other distractions for the Calyx guarding the wing with Razel and her crew.”

  Ares said, “Life form detectors indicate Razel and her crew are in the detention area ahead.”

  As he concentrated using his spatial awareness and clairvoyant remote sensing and tried to determine where to start a distraction so they could move closer, Natarris said, “I think there is only a small contingent of actual guards. The other Calyx seem to have different tasks.”

  As she was using her scanning device, Ares said, “Now that we are closer, passive sensors indicate a nice large space for them—it’s not a tiny cell.”

  Natarris said, “The Calyx don’t seem to be too interested in us, but I still want to be cautious.”

  Ares said, “They may not really consider us a threat.”

  They approached a door-like portal to the next chamber. Natarris touched the portal frame, and Ares watched as he seemed to concentrate. Eventually the edges glowed, and a section of the crystalline portal slid to the side, allowing them to pass.

  Ares asked, “What was that you just did?”

  Natarris answered, “Mostly sensing to open the lock and using some telekinetic manipulation. It was difficult, but once I realized that different levels of energy controlled the locking mechanism and not some kind of interlocking crystals, I altered the energy flows and eventually got it to open.”

  Ares said, “Now we have one last chamber, and we can get to Star Knight Razel.”

  Natarris said, “Once we get through this area, it’s probably time to send Sheppard an update on our progress.”

  Sheppard was getting impatient as the Keeper seemed to amble about. He said, “Keeper, we are here representing the Alliance of Worlds and the Hegemony. Perhaps you could answer why you and your people have taken these specimens from many of our worlds.”

  The Calyx Hytren known as the Keeper began to speak not with vibrations to mimic sound but inside Sheppard’s head. It became known to me of the incursions of those from beyond the rifts the Thurians first opened long ago. These Nahalion are dangerous, especially to organic life.

  Sheppard looked over at Garfield and realized that he too was being sent a telepathic message. The Keeper continued, You might wonder why I, being a different kind of life, would be interested in that. Simply, I believe in preservation, and I enacted a plan. The government of my original people, the Calyx, is sometimes slow to move to decisions that would possibly interfere too seriously with others. I took the task upon myself to start to build this facility and over time to facilitate the task of placing the specimens in safeguarded zones.

  Garfield said, “A noble task, and although collection and preservation may be necessary, your methods are irregular and should be in accordance with the laws and traditions of whatever race you are acquiring the samples and animals from.”

  The Keeper responded this time using the vibration speech as he sensed his guests preferred it that way. “The incursion rate has increased, and the recent arrival of a world destroyer type Nahalion is an indication of the instability of some of the rifts. There have also been other realtively more recent external forces either inadvertently or by design providing possible access for Nahalion and others to enter this dimension. Now that I have Ascended, I see more clearly the problems with these chaotic entities arriving in some areas.”

  Sheppard said, “So this is why you have just bypassed local governments and taken matters into your own hands?”

  The Keeper said, “My tasks are close to completion. I have even facilitated or accelerated some collection initiatives by acquiring some official aid from a few of the local governments, as you say.”

  Garfield said, “You may not be completely aware, but there are several defenses and protocols put in place by the other elder civilizations for any incursions of these dimensional beings such as the Nahalion.” Sheppard noticed Garfield was gently touching a crystal around his neck. He recognized it as a Quellien crystal fragment. Using his Star Knight senses, he sensed energy being brought forth, but it was emanating from Garfield, not the crystal.

  Sheppard said, “So, Keeper, you will not be willing to give any creatures back?”

  The Keeper replied, “No, the specimens will be preserved and protected. This system-wide facility has many automated protections, including a Quellien barrier.” The Keeper twisted as if looking at Garfield.

  Garfield, looking at Sheppard, said, “This may take some further negotiation. I was an ambassador once, and I can arrange things here. Perhaps it is best if you find Natarris and go back to the Zeloc. I sense Natarris and Ares are about to do something that could get them into trouble.”

  “You’re right. I’m not used to this level of stubbornness, and of course this is my first encounter with the Calyx. It is probably best to leave this to you.” Sheppard turned to the Keeper and said, “Sir, enjoy your day, and I hope those of us in the Alliance of Worlds can have favorable relations with the Calyx.”

  When Sheppard then did an about face and walked away, he sensed immense raw psionic power, and perhaps something more, emanating from both the Keeper and Garfield. As he turned the corner and looked back briefly, he could see energy crackling around Garfield. If he did not know his mentor’s usual attitude, the effect could have appeared threating.

  Sheppard headed down the corridor and back to the main area and used the scanner in his commlink to get a location for Ares and Natarris. He sent a request through the commlink to Ares for a status update while he moved at a steady pace toward Natarris. Part of him wanted to go back once he felt a tremendous appearance of energy similar to what he felt at QB7. It was then that he got the status update: “Having problems extracting Razel and her crew.”

  Sheppard quickened his pace.

  Once Sheppard had gone, Garfield said, “You have a choice. You can join the rest of us or be on your own. However, once you are informed of the rules of your new status, you will be required to follow the tenets or there will be consequences, including possible isolation or restrictions placed upon you. Before you make any decisions, allow me to introduce you to some of my associates.”

  It was then that three entities, or rather percepts of them, appeared in the ch
amber, each surrounded by a nimbus of light. Garfield introduced each. “This is Agronius, once a Calyx like you. The second is Pharzon, once an Estrian who has recently ended his Hytren status. And this is Kalst. He was once Cynz and still interacts with them within tenets and boundaries.

  It will be good to have a new member, said Pharzon.

  May there be harmony found among us all, said Kalst.

  Let us commune, said Agronius.

  The Keeper looked around and for a moment considered something else, then relented and communed with the others.

  Sheppard avoided one Calyx who was traveling down the corridor as he hurried to join his team. He arrived to find Natarris using telekinetic force to hold back two Calyxes trying to stop them from freeing Razel and her crew. The doors to the detention area were open, and people who must be part of Razel’s crew were attempting to escape.

  More Calyx were arriving, and a few were using some kind of glowing metallic rod that hummed and crackled, one pointed it at Sheppard. He felt like he was losing his balance and almost tripped, and he also felt an irritating pain as he stood in front of the device. The location of the irritation area changed as the Calyx aimed the device. As he moved in one direction, the pain and disorientation stopped. They seemed to be trying to herd the crew back toward a holding area. Sheppard began to concentrate to form a barrier around him to impede what was most likely some form of microwave pulse weapon.

  In the meantime, Natarris had gone over to the chamber that contained Razel. He used the telekinetic lock skill to short circuit and shut off the force field to her chamber. Razel seemed tired, but she stood. Then, recognizing him as a fellow Star Knight, she saluted as the force barrier went down. As he stepped into the chamber, he sensed some kind of psionic dampening field. Natarris felt weakened for a moment until he stepped back out.

  Razel said, “Thanks, yes, so you noticed the dampening field.”

  Natarris replied, “Yes, I guess that is why you stayed a guest.”


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