Sheppard's Quest

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Sheppard's Quest Page 18

by Gary Caplan

  York said, “Looking at the nervousness in some of the crew, things are different now that we have Talcon, Hegemony, Cynz, and some Rhyn with us this time.”

  Wilder was looking at his console displays and appeared somewhat relieved when he said, “Some of the Betellian starships are now here with us as well, and they know how to deal with the Jiyharr-made starships.”

  Sheppard had gotten through to Ambassador Kalst’s ship as Garfield wasn’t answering his Alliance commlink. Kalst was one of the Cynz leaders and one of the few elders he had met and felt he could communicate with to ask some questions. Kalst’s image formed, and he said in his vibrating voice, “Greetings, Commodore Sheppard.”

  Sheppard said, “Greetings, Ambassador Kalst. I was looking to talk with one of your captains, but I was informed you were here as well.”

  Kalst said, “Yes, it was an interesting mission you were on. I think the Keeper will no longer be collecting the same way.”

  Sheppard said, “Has Gar fa’ eld told you of our mission already?”

  Kalst replied, “I was there briefly in spirit and learned then.”

  Sheppard just nodded and thought that maybe Kalst was Ascended too.

  Sheppard said, “Perhaps you would enlighten me as to what is happening to space now in this system.”

  Kalst replied, “Yes, I can do that. The Ceyloom were not happy with the Talcon’s manner and set interphased mines to destabilize some underspace areas. To use a simpler analogy, they used the distortions created by collapsing subspace to capture the flying creatures in their webs.”

  Sheppard said, “Thank you, that is clearer. How does one escape it?”

  Kalst replied, “Your ships are not as morphable as ours. So the way you will proceed is to alter your drives to short pulses with vector changes toward the crest of greater resistance to move slowly away.” Kalst paused and began to glow slightly. “Or if the Cynz ships are not busy defending against the Varlon and Accad, we could tug some of your ships out. That action will keep us from breaking our nonaggression treaty with the Ceyloom.”

  Sheppard said, “Thank you, sir, that would be helpful. So not all of your ships were affected?”

  Kalst said, “No, the Ceyloom did not directly target the areas the small Cynz contingent is in.”

  Sheppard felt the reverberation of a torpedo striking the hull and the subsequent jostling.

  Sheppard said, “Have to go, Ambassador. Thank you.”

  Sheppard ended his link to Kalst and then sent a message to Peregrine, with a copy to Wilder and Sherman, briefly detailing the information he had obtained from Ambassador Kalst. Then he headed to the command alcove. He nodded to Sherman sitting at his station coordination with his task force captains.

  “Thanks for that information, sir,” Sherman said. “Oh, by the way, we just received a communication from Commodore St. John. He said he had some information for us.”

  Sheppard said, “Link it here to your station.”

  St. John appeared on the monitor. He said, “Oh, you do have a moment, Robert. Good.”

  Sheppard said smiling, “Yeah, I can spare you a few moments as long as we are not being blasted.”

  St. John said, “Well, I had been given a researching mission earlier by Admiral Braddock. Anyway, my team has discovered some way to avoid the collapsing space areas.”

  Sheppard said, “Well, thanks for notifying me personally.”

  St. John said, “Seems Sixth Fleet is in the midst of the area.”

  Sheppard said as he looked at Sherman, “Just our luck.”

  St. John said, “We have an initial program for detecting the effect. I thought with space collapsing now, it would be a good time to send the preliminary version to the fleet. The only problem is you have to be very close to the affected area and quickly attempt to maneuver away before the Ceyloom’s gravity well fully forms.”

  Sherman said, “We have received the program and maneuver process.”

  Sheppard said, “We can implement that, and with the information Ambassador Kalst told me, we may have a workable defense.”

  St. John said, “You got some information from the Cynz; I can use that to improve the process.”

  Sheppard said, “We just sent that information from the Cynz to our task forces here. You can get that information and send us an improved version. Then we can have it distributed.” Sheppard glanced over at Sherman, who nodded back at the viewer with St. John’s image. “Thanks for the research, Dave.”

  St. John said, “You’re welcome. Just doing my duty; St. John out.”

  Sheppard then walked over to the tactical display station in the command Alcove to see the Sixth Fleet’s active strategic deployment. He began to look at the active sensors along with Sherman and a tactical officer.

  The Ceyloom had been busy somehow draining power from the starships caught in the affected regions. Sensors now revealed a contingent of Ceyloom starcraft here and a rather large network of stations, some of which existed partially in subspace or had been cloaked. The facilities could be mining, military, or habitat facilities near the fourth planet and strung across the system’s asteroid belt.

  Sheppard said, “From the sensors it seems now that they’d sprung a defensive trap. They revealed that they did have a presence in this system that was previously cloaked.”

  Sherman said, “Sir, it seems from reports that the Ceyloom are tossing us out of the system. They are draining most of the starships’ energy and then tugging the ships away. The torpedoes that hit us earlier seem to have a draining effect, and there are some nanomachines that could get in if our shields go down.”

  Sheppard said, “Maybe they want to neutralize us.”

  Sherman said, “Well, it’s not as effective on the Talcon or the elder ships, from the interagency group reports. Scans now show the Varlon and Accad are heading mostly for the Talcon.

  Sheppard studied the tactical map, which was just updating. “I can see that now. In any case, any free ships have to aid our allies against the Varlon or Accads. Avoid the Ceyloom unless directly attacked.”

  Sherman said, “I’ll inform our forces, and I sent the information onward that you sent to me from your chat with Ambassador Kalst. It has been distributed to our task force commanders. Once Commodore St. John comes up with an improved program, I will have that sent onward and implemented.”

  Sheppard glanced over briefly and nodded, still studying the tactical map. “It’s like the Ceyloom don’t really consider us a much of a threat and are mostly going after the Talcon. I consider this an attack, and we will defend our allies.”

  Sherman went back to his station to see what had been sent via coded system and said, “Sir, seems Fleet Admiral Peregrine agrees in principle and is giving our task group orders to assist the Talcon.”

  Sheppard looked at Sherman and moved to the bridge. “Fleet Captain Wilder, gather as many of our task force as available and arrange a course to the battle zone…near Prince Kyr’s dreadnaught carrier.” Sheppard glanced at Sharon. He realized he hadn’t needed to go to the bridge but just wanted to see her for a moment.

  Wilder replied, “Yes, sir.”

  As Sheppard’s task force approached closer to their Talcon allies and the main battlefront, they gained a few other Hegemony Elderships besides the Lyramenian and the Estrian and a few more Cynz cruisers, including a contingent of Betellian starships. The Betellians were about as advanced as the Jiyharr and arrived at the last minute to support their allies in the Alliance of Worlds and the Hegemony fleets. Fleet Admiral Peregrine was at the other line of the active front, supporting the Talcon ships.

  Sheppard watched tactical displays as both Accads and Varlon released antitorpedo and antimissile countermeasures. Those ships that were struck by the energies generated by Prince Kyr’s dreadnaught carrier’s disruption wave began to experience power loss and fluctuations, causing some internal systems damage. The Kad’jiah-class starship was struck, but it was faring better and wasn’t pus
hed off course as a few of the other lesser Acadian cruisers had been. The Kad’jiah-class ship the Ka’lou was charging its antimatter cannon and had targeted the Talcon starships. Meanwhile, the Varlon had generated accelerated heavy plasma torpedoes and sent them at the Talcon as well.

  The Talcon starships’ rail cannons produced comet-like projectiles that pushed through defensive screens and penetrated the Varlon’s organo-metallic Spunril, and partly into the Accad’s organo-metallic diburnum-alloy hulls. Sheppard knew that the Talcon had limited cargo of matter for those projectiles. They were, however, effective weapons.

  The Varlon ships intensified their chameleon fields after several Talcon torpedoes or projectile weapons succeeded in finding their ships. The impacts from the Talcons’ rail cannons caused course alterations and hull-integrity disruptions in several enemy ships.

  Sheppard watched the Ceyloom ships approach. They seemed every bit as formidable as the other elder races’ spacecrafts. After neutralizing many Talcon and Alliance of Worlds ships by draining some energy and collapsing some small areas of subspace, the Ceyloom joined in the attack. Wilder also began to look at tactical data and enemy weapons fire. The Phoenix was in Varlon’s long weapons range, and torpedoes were headed for the task force.

  Wilder informed his first officer, “Evasive maneuver, course alpha two.”

  “Aye, sir,” said Commander York. “Helm, initiate evasive course alpha two.”

  “We are still over two light minutes out of our energy-beam-weapons’ range,” said Lee Sterling after examining the tactical data.

  “The Talcons have released some rail projectiles and have detonated multiple antimatter torpedoes,” stated Andor. “Shock pulses from the antimatter explosions are approaching.”

  “The Varlon have released some of their powerful plasma torpedoes at the Talcon dreadnaughts and carriers,” said Wilder.

  The tactical section of the bridge view screen showed the weapons fire on part of the view screen and magnified sections of space on the rest.

  “Sir, scans show that the Talcon mass drivers seem to be having an effect on most of the ships except the Jiyharr, although its shields are being stressed by these smaller projectiles from the Talcon starships,” said Taylor.

  “That’s good for us; those shields are very effective,” said Sheppard, coming out to the main bridge from the command alcove. I think we’re at extreme range, but let’s distract the enemy. Signal the task force to select targets and fire.”

  “The Jiyharr ship is discharging their antiparticle cannon at the Talcon. The beam pulse has sectioned to strike different areas,” said Andor.

  They watched, worrying. When that weapon struck the ships of the Sixth Fleet in the expanded task force sent to QB7, the blast had sheared through defense screens, sectioning and destroying starships with two or three blasts.

  “One of the Kadath-class dreadnaughts is also charging their antiproton cannon,” Andor reported. “That dreadnaught is headed for Task Force One, but has Talcon starships along its course between us and it.”

  One of the antiparticle beams was dampened or absorbed while another was intercepted by matter from the rail gun and exploded in nova-like fashion, producing a shock wave. The third struck a Talcon dreadnaught and caused critical systems damage but did not shear it in half. The one from the Kadath struck one of the Talcon carriers and exploded one of the hanger bays, causing severe internal systems damage. Then the Varlon plasma torpedoes began pelting their defense screens, reducing them further.

  Wilder remarked, “The Talcon are faring better than we did against those antiproton weapons.”

  “Well, the Jiyharr ship is preparing their antiproton blast again, and from my scans, I can estimate that the total energy is now at nineteenth power,” said Sharon.

  “Just like it did with blasts to the core of the planet QB7,” said York.

  “And then QB7 exploded,” said Ares.

  Sheppard said, “The nova cannon is charged. Use it to try to target the next antiproton beam close to the starship. The Talcon don’t have those huge projectiles they can hurl from the Starcity now.”

  Wilder said, “We can use the nova cannon’s particle stream to intercept and interact close to the Accadian ship to let them feel their own shock waves.”

  “They seem to be splitting the beam. It’s pulsed toward three targets,” said Ares, looking at data from the tactical sensors.

  “Another one of those projectiles has intercepted one of the antimatter stream pulses,” stated Andor.

  “Ares said, “Two other Talcon battle cruisers have been hit by the split antimatter blast from the Jiyharr ship and have taken severe damage with critical systems failure.”

  They all watched the view screen as weapons fire was exchanged. The area of space lit up with energy as the flashes or explosions occurred. Barriers and defense screens were pushed to the limit. The shock wave moved toward the Accadian and Varlon ships, disrupting the outgoing weapons fire from all the enemy vessels.

  Pelori said, “Sir, the Betellians are moving forward to try to neutralize the Jiyharr ship.”

  Andor added, “Before they get there, the Jiyharr will release a blast again—oh, and it’s also releasing…two singularity torpedoes.”

  “We are in range to fire the nova cannon,” said Ares.

  “Fire nova cannon,” said Wilder.

  The Phoenix reverberated slightly as the engines compensated for the forward burst release of the nova cannon. The beam tracked and intercepted one of the antimatter streams just ahead of the Jiyharr starship. The explosive shock wave was enough to push and alter the course of the huge Jiyharr starship. The two Betellians, being closer to the shock wave, swiftly altered course to go around most of the explosive wave and then passed through with minimal shield disruption.

  “It still doesn’t look to me as if these Accad and Varlon have worked or had many combat drills together before,” commented Sheppard.

  “Then that is to our advantage, sir, for now,” said Sherman.

  “Sir,” said Ares, “there are some cloaked mines and torpedoes being affected by the shock wave, revealing their positions. Twenty Varlon plasma torpedoes are ahead of the shock wave and heading our way. Not all seem to be headed to or targeted on the Phoenix. Also there seemed to have been some Accad torpedoes, but the shock wave either destroyed or disrupted their course.”

  “Sir, we are in good weapons range,” said Commander York.

  Wilder said, “Release antitorpedo countermeasures. Hopefully that will work on a few of the Varlon torpedoes. Once we get some partial weapons locks, target and fire all weapons,” ordered Wilder. “Notify the other ships in my task force to do so as well.”

  “Sir, the oncoming energy shock wave is approaching our ships. It will likely cause more serious interference with weapons fired through it,” said Andor.

  Shortly a vibration was felt throughout the ship as the encroaching shock wave altered the ship’s course vectors.

  “Helm, compensate for the course alteration,” stated Wilder.

  “Yes, sir,” Darani replied. “The space distortions are finally stopping.”

  Pelori said, “Sir, unknown Ceyloom approaching on the port side. They’re coming up z vector from near the collapsed space zones.”

  “Should we launch the starfighters?” asked Commander York. “The pilots are requesting instructions.”

  “After the shock wave’s disruption completely passes, you can launch,” said Wilder.

  Sterling said, “Sir, Talcon cruisers moving to intercept and engage the Ceyloom.”

  “Varlon torpedoes are now hitting our ships, sir,” said Ares. “Countermeasures are only partially effective.”

  Wilder watched the tactical view as it informed him of explosions. One torpedo partially penetrated the screens and struck the Phoenix in the lower decks. Some mild vibrations reached the bridge.

  The tactical display showed the Jiyharr using another extreme weapon in its advanced

  “Sir, gravimetric distortions are increasing and headed for several Talcon ships,” said Commander Taylor. “It’s one of those of singularity torpedoes, and it is headed slowly in our general direction.”

  “They used that on the heavy cruiser Valiant and imploded the whole ship,” said Lieutenant Pelori.

  Wilder said, “Plot a course that avoids the gravity wake and takes us away from its trajectory.”

  As they looked at the view screen, the crew could see the massive detonations of energy as Talcon, Varlon, Accad, Ceyloom, and Alliance torpedoes flashed against shields or were detonated by antitorpedo devices.

  “Is the nova cannon recharged, Commander O’Brien?” asked Wilder. “I would like an overload level.”

  “Almost normal-level ready; will go to overload charge status, sir,” O’Brien answered.

  Sheppard had come out to the bridge again, and Sherman followed, saying, “Sir, more Hegemony ships are arriving.”

  Sheppard’s commlink chirped with a notice from Grandmaster Tairic, one of Sheppard’s recent Star Knight mentors. He and other Star Knights had banded together in the past on a mission to stop the Varlon from setting up long-range-torpedo-launching facilities. It was a message to avoid certain coordinates. Sheppard saw the hyperspace window of Tairic’s scout cruiser Orgnar. Tairic was a Quarran who lived on another of the Hegemony worlds once his home world’s own sun expanded to red giant.

  Sheppard relayed the message to Wilder and Sherman. “Let’s avoid that area.”

  Sherman looked at Sheppard and remarked, “We also just received notification there are other Hegemony ships requesting a travel-exclusion zone.” Sheppard began to worry not only about the crews but about his own safety. Things were going to get more dangerous from what Garfield had already told him; now Grandmaster Tairic showing up, and what was happening in space. Sheppard did his best to keep his outer presence resolved and calm, but the inner turmoil was starting to wear away at his military resolve.

  Wilder nodded and said to Ares, “Notify our task force to avoid the area,” and then paused before adding, “and target and fire nova cannon with overload level at the approaching Varlon dreadnaught.”


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