Wild Fire (The Kingson Pride Book 2)

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Wild Fire (The Kingson Pride Book 2) Page 30

by Kristen Banet

  “I missed what you found. That… fucking sucks. You got hurt because I missed it, because I couldn’t put the pieces together,” Gabe blinked back tears. Riley pushed him back into the couch and straddled him. “I was taking Adderall to… to keep going while in Denver but it didn’t work. Well... it did but it didn’t give me what I wanted.”

  “Gabe…” she leaned down and kissed him and he felt like he was home. He found sanctuary and love in it, found forgiveness. “None of what happened is a single person’s fault. Not yours, not mine, not Troy’s, Brenton’s, Zachary’s, and definitely not Andrew’s. We are a pride, Gabe. And I love you. I love you and for everything, I’m sorry. I forgive you for whatever you think you did.”

  He groaned and pulled her back down for another kiss. He let her pull his shirt off and rub his chest and abs. Her nails scraped his skin, and he ripped her shirt open at the collar, making her gasp.

  “Gabe,” she laughed, getting up off him. “Let’s do this a little different so I have clothing to wear when we leave.”

  He growled as she pulled off her clothes. He followed suit and sat her down on the couch. He wanted to serve her. He wanted her to feel all the love he had. He pushed her thighs open and licked her inner thigh, listening to his favorite music: her.

  He nibbled and teased, smelling how wet she got as he toyed with her until he made it to his destination. With a growl, he shoved his tongue in her and felt her hands grab his black hair. Her moans rang out, the whimpers were precious, and her screams echoed.

  Her hips bucked as he licked her, enjoying the sweet taste of her. He felt the tremble, the ripple of exactly what he wanted. Her beautiful climax.

  “Gabe!” Her exclamation was airy and passionate. He listened to her purr and crawled up her body. He heard the door to the den open but didn’t look to see why. He didn’t care.

  He laid her down and got between her thighs, shoving in before she had a chance to stop him.

  “Oh, gorgeous,” he growled. The door closed as he pumped into her. “I love you.”

  Her nails bit into his back as she panted and screamed his name.

  “I love you, gorgeous,” he bit the sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder after that, working her until she came again and took him with her. Panting, he let her go, sitting up and seeing half closed eyes.

  “I love you too, Gabe,” she gave him a soft smile and those words in her husky post-sex voice nearly made him hard again.

  “Are we going to watch a movie?” Troy asked with a chuckle. “Or do you two want to go for another round?”

  He looked over and didn’t find just his brother. Andrew sat with Troy on the right couch while Brenton and Zachary fought over space on the left.

  “I figure we’ll all make it twenty minutes into this thing and fall asleep,” Brenton chuckled. “But we can try to watch a movie.”

  Gabe chuckled and put his forehead to Riley’s.

  “We were caught,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, it seems we were.”

  “You two definitely were,” Troy laughed hysterically. “Pretty girl, I thought you didn’t want to have sex in front of all of us.”

  “I didn’t notice you come in!” Riley laughed back as Gabe shifted them to get comfortable. Zachary threw a blanket to him, so he could cover them up.

  He noted that Riley’s scent didn’t have any embarrassment in it. After all this time, she didn’t have a care in the world about who saw her with who. He nuzzled into her hair and promptly fell asleep, his heart lighter than he’d ever thought it could be.


  Two days later, they came. Twenty agents from the US SSTF arrived on their doorstep.

  Those two days were a whirlwind. The pride had decided to throw themselves back into their work and reclaim their lives.

  The first night after dealing with Abel Cartona, Riley slept in her own bed, sandwiched between Troy and Gabe. The next night, Andrew was there, but at least she was sleeping in the bed.

  She spoke to Abigail again and told the doe what she had done. Riley freaked the doctor out, but when the doe didn’t run screaming from the room, Riley thought she would be alright.

  The wolves moved out, getting a house in town as they figured out what to do with their lives. No word ever came to any of them about Chris Marek. Thomas didn’t want a large pack and was happy just with the guys. They had money and were talking about just opening a bar together to pass the time, though Riley heard one of them say they really liked Rocker’s.

  Finn, the poor fox was still in town. They still had Riley’s apartment in the Dump under her name. They furnished it for him and hired him. He was apparently good with a wrench. He wasn’t a pride member, but now he was their dedicated mechanic to help Gabe with the small problems. He could also do plumbing and electricity, so he was really helpful to have around town. He didn’t want to be pride, but they hoped they could convince him to stick around for a long time. They wanted to keep him in the community, and he needed it.

  The diner’s burnt husk was torn down while the pride and half the town watched. Construction would begin immediately on the new building. Andrew had spent their time in Denver working it out and getting it ready. Instead of a painted A Starry Night mural, Riley convinced him to go with a wall cover that could be replaced if it was damaged or aged. It would save her from needing to repaint it, since she was the only person in town who could.

  She also quit her job at the diner.

  “Andrew,” she called to him, finding him in the kitchen making dinner.

  “Hey darling,” he smiled at her and pulled her into his arms, making her watch while he cooked.

  “I have something to talk to you about,” she bit her bottom lip, nervous.


  “I’m going to leave the diner,” she sighed as he stopped working. “I have so much other stuff now. The gallery and studio in Denver, the board with Brenton. The diner takes a lot of my time that I could spend painting and-”

  “It’s okay, Riley,” he whispered in her ear. “I understand. Do you want to stay the co-owner?”

  She shook her head and looked up at him, turning in his arms.

  “The diner is your baby and you deserve everything from it. And we’ll still see each other since you only do three days a week there,” she leaned her head on his chest. He chuckled.

  “I was wondering what would finally do it,” he rubbed her back gently. “The diner isn’t your future, Riley. I knew it and was wondering when you would figure it out.”

  “Thank you,” she mumbled. That was it. She was no longer an employee of Starry Night Diner, her home and livelihood for the nearly three years she’d been in Wild Junction. She felt excited and nervous about the future, but now she could dedicate those four to five days a week to just painting. She could spend two days a week in Denver in the gallery talking about her work.

  It was a good decision for her; and, after dinner, she dragged Andrew to her bed and let him make her feel better about it. She was going to miss their time there, but she would always have him here. She could also now visit him at the diner for a tryst in the back office without feeling guilty.

  “They’re here,” Brenton said quietly as they all sat in the entry hall the next morning. Riley’s head came up and she looked out the window. Several vehicles pulled up. They all wore black uniforms, carried sidearms, they were talking to each other as two ran up to the door. Brenton opened it before the guy could knock.

  “I’m Special Agent Joshua and this is Special Agent Spencer,” the jaguar indicated himself then a wolf shifter next to him. “We’re the team’s leaders. The unit commander will be with you in a moment to talk about what we think might be best for your safety until we can verify that the threats against you aren’t serious.”

  “Thank you, agent. You can all come inside,” Brenton held the door open for several of them to enter. Riley made sure to get a good look at nearly all of them and then followed Zachary to the
large office in the basement that they were going to use for this. They didn’t have cameras in the basement, making it secure for this discussion.

  She caught a scent as they walked, something familiar and a little close to hers but not in the strawberry and peppermint way. She wasn’t sure what to make of it.

  They piled into the room, the agents immediately pulling out different plans, and talks began between them and members of the pride. Riley just stayed next to Zachary, listening in and hearing what they all had to say.

  Guys on rotation on the property. Guys manning the gate to enter the property by the driveway. They would have free reign to decorate the servant’s building, but cleaning it was also up to them since the pride didn’t keep a staff to help with that. The quarters had their own kitchen, and Andrew already made plans for new electronics to be added to the building so the agents would have entertainment when they had their off hours.

  A man walked up to her and introduced himself, a jaguar shifter.

  “I’m Cortez, I’ll be one of your two personal guards. You get me during any day time trips while Edmond will be with you at night, in case you go out or anything. We aren’t here to change your life or your schedule.”

  “Oh,” Riley blinked and looked at the shifter, shaking his hand. He had the pale-yellow eyes that most jaguars did, a bland version of Brenton’s lion gold. “Well, we’ll have to talk about my work schedule then.”

  “Of course. We’re willing to help in any way.” Cortez grinned. “I look forward to getting to know you. We’ll be together a lot so, we might as well make the best of it.”

  They spoke for a few minutes and then a man in the back cleared his throat. They all quieted down as a human walked forward.

  “Hello, everyone. I’m Special Agent Stern. I’m going to be the unit commander for this protection detail for the entire duration of the mission. It’s time to talk shop. You’ve got a lot of threats against you and your safety is paramount.”

  He had brown eyes and hair. The brown of the hair was the same color as the dark natural streaks in her own, but it was riddled with gray. That wasn’t something she remembered. He had more wrinkles than she remembered, and when he spoke, he looked directly at her. He was roughly six feet tall, well-built and wearing the same black uniform as everyone else.

  She stumbled into Zachary, who grabbed her.


  “You know, Riley, setting someone’s house on fire is something your mother would do.” He frowned at her and she jerked her head back. “I hope you have some sort of explanation as to why you thought that was appropriate.”

  She didn’t respond as the shock wore off. Eight years and that’s what he wanted to go with? Was he seriously comparing her to Isabella? Him even being there showed her that he knew about shifters. Did he ever intend on telling her?

  “Go to hell, old man,” she growled, leaving the safety of Zachary’s arms, “and take your condemnation with you.”

  She began to walk out and ignored Keith’s sharp command for her to stop. She didn’t look back at the man who’d left her, but she did look to her pride.

  “Find me when the meeting is over,” she told them. Brenton nodded, his eyes hard. She knew he wasn’t mad at her. Oh no. He was probably about to unleash hell on her father.

  “Andrew, go with her,” Brenton mumbled, turning to Keith, his teeth bared. “You and I, Special Agent Stern… we are going to have a long talk about how you think you can talk to my pride members. Daughter or otherwise.”

  Andrew caught up to her outside the room. She hadn’t stayed to continue listening, ignoring everything that was said as she stormed out. He grabbed her to stop the forward movement of her feet and pulled her into a hug.

  “We didn’t know,” he whispered.

  “I know.”

  “We’ll figure this out.” He squeezed her tightly and her arms went around him. Andrew’s hugs were the best.

  “I hope so.” She blinked back the tears threatening her.

  Andrew picked her up and carried her to her room. They fell on her bed and just cuddled. She turned some music on when they could hear their new protection talking in the hall about security ideas. She cranked it up loud enough to drown out the world around them.

  Troy crept into the room later, claiming he was done with everything that he needed to do. She and Andrew welcomed him into the bed without a word, a silent approval of his company. She wanted them all there, but alas, the others had serious work to do.

  They had watched their lives nearly burn down around them, survived a hell most shifters never walked away from, and she got revenge on the male that had tried to break her. They were receiving death threats from multiple sources that the SSTF thought were serious enough to warrant protection.

  All of that paled in comparison to knowing that her father was in their home and she couldn’t hide from him forever.


  Kristen Banet is a new author in her late-twenties living in the Northwest with a husband, two fur-babies, and two roommates who might as well be children (though she promises they are actually adults). She loves to read, do artwork and is currently in college.




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