Sir Kendrick and the Castle of Bel Lione

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Sir Kendrick and the Castle of Bel Lione Page 10

by Chuck Black

  “Sir Kendrick … I … I …”

  Kendrick turned to face him. “Ancel, everyone makes mistakes. The question is what do you do with the situation once you know it. Some men let their mistakes destroy them, but men of character embrace their mistakes and become stronger. The choice is yours and yours alone to make, but know that I don’t condemn you. Neither does Duncan.”

  Ancel’s gaze went to the ground and then back to Kendrick. “May I come with you?”

  “No.” Kendrick placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Your mother and your sister need a man of courage here.” Ancel nodded. Kendrick watched him disappear through the stable’s big front door.

  “Thank you.” Elise stood behind Kendrick. Her arms were folded, her countenance somber. “I heard what you told Ancel.” She motioned with her head toward the door. “He’s been brooding since you left.”

  “He’s a good lad. He just needs a little confidence.”

  She nodded and didn’t move. She looked as though she was about to weep. “Do you think Duncan is still alive?”

  “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have planned his rescue.” He reached for his pack, trying to cover his own doubts with purposeful action.

  Elise stepped closer, and a single tear fell down her cheek. “I’m so afraid—for Duncan … for you … for us all. Lord Ra is so powerful.”

  “Listen, his power is nothing compared to the King’s.” Kendrick finished strapping the pack behind the saddle and turned to face her. “Elise, the Knights of the Prince are taking back from Lucius all that belongs to the King. There is such great power in Him and in the Prince that Lord Ra trembles at the thought of it. That power is with Duncan, with me, and with all who believe in Him.”

  She studied him gravely. “I believe too. But please be careful.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed Kendrick’s cheek.

  Kendrick smiled as he watched her leave. Elise was a beautiful young woman both inside and out, and Kendrick was glad she had chosen to give her heart to his young friend. Her love for Duncan solidified his resolve to face the day with courage.

  He left the manor grounds astride Pilgrim, with Duncan’s horse in tow, and found himself grateful for the cool breeze. He had purposely worn armor that would allow quick and quiet movements, but even light armor warmed up quickly in the bright sunshine.

  Following Landor’s recommendation, Kendrick journeyed north and then east, skirting the region under Lord Ra’s direct influence. The castle of Bel Lione was off to his right, but much too far away to be seen. He arrived at the northern foothills of Mount Quarnell by midafternoon and then turned southwest for a time. He climbed a knoll, from which he could just make out the rear towers of Lord Ra’s castle in the distance.

  According to Landor, this side of the castle was protected not only by the blood wolves but also by an outer wall that enclosed a bailey. The secret tunnel passed beneath this protective wall and outer yard and from there into the dungeon. Kendrick opened the map Landor had drawn for him and identified key terrain features to help him approximately locate the hidden entrance of the castle.

  From this point on, Kendrick knew his senses must be on full alert, for he was entering the dark domain of the Shadow Warriors. The thought made his heart race, and he took several deep breaths to settle himself before folding the map and resuming his journey. He traveled much more slowly now and stopped often to check his location against the map.

  After a while he spotted a jagged outcropping of rocks high above him and slightly to his left. Landor had called the formation Panther Peak, for its shape resembled the silhouette of a crouching panther. Kendrick made his way to the base of the peak and tied the horses there. He would cover the remaining distance on foot.

  He found a clearing and stayed at its edge. The castle towers loomed much larger now, and his muscles tightened. According to his map, he would soon enter the territory of Lord Ra’s blood wolves. He returned the map once more to his vest and drew his sword. Feeling the golden hilt in his hand was comforting, for the power of the Prince seemed to flow through it and into his arm.

  Kendrick reached the far side of the clearing and moved on toward the castle. The hidden entrance would be another five hundred paces directly before him. He placed each foot carefully, feeling for twigs that might snap and announce his presence. With each step, Kendrick sensed the darkness of evil beginning to envelop him. It took great concentration not to let fear swell up within him. His sword grew heavy, and his lungs seemed to resist the air he was breathing. Two more steps, and Kendrick felt he was in the fog of a bad dream, where his legs were made of lead and each movement took great effort.

  He stopped, listened, and looked behind him. His progress had been much slower than anticipated.

  Where are those beasts? Dusk was approaching and before long he would be as blind as the monsters that awaited him. His sight was his only advantage. He chose to increase his pace.

  He looked toward the castle. Through the half-bare trees he could now make out the dark form of the massive wall in the distance. A breeze rustled the dry leaves, and Kendrick didn’t know if he was thankful for the sounds of the wind or not.

  He moved forward another thirty paces and identified the two towers Landor had said would align when he was near the hidden entrance. Realizing he had veered slightly left, he turned to his right … and froze.

  Just ten paces away, a mound of brown fur rose from a half burrow in the ground. A row of spiny horns on the creature’s back stood up straight, and a demonic snarl filled the air.

  Kendrick had tried to ready himself for this moment. But even with Landor’s descriptions, nothing could have prepared him for the absolute terror that crouched before him. The blood wolf’s sharp teeth glistened as it turned its head from side to side to pinpoint the location of its victim. Its milky, colorless eyes added to the impression that this monster was something more than a fierce animal. Its muscled haunches drew taut, and catlike talons dug into the soft soil in anticipation of its attack.

  Kendrick swallowed hard, willing his mind to overcome the paralysis that seemed to grip his body. He slowly brought his left hand to the hilt of his sword and prepared for the blood wolf to attack low, as Landor had warned. But before Kendrick realized what was happening, the beast lunged straight for his throat. It attacked without taking a single step, covering the ten paces between them in a single leap.

  It happened so quickly that Kendrick was unable to position his sword for the lethal blow to the beast’s abdomen. Instead, he swung his sword with all his might and stepped back from the path of the flying beast.

  “You have one and only one chance when it attacks.” Landor’s words resonated in Kendrick’s mind as he sliced his sword across the blood wolf’s thick hide. Could he possibly survive now that his one chance had come and gone?

  He felt the edge of the blade penetrate until its upper portion hit the bony spikes of the beast’s spine. The animal’s bloodcurdling cry told Kendrick it was wounded, but it still managed to swipe with a claw as it passed, and the talons tore at his shoulder. His armor stayed secure, but the powerful blow spun Kendrick around like a doll made of rags and threw him to the ground.

  He nearly lost his grip on the sword, but recovered and scrambled to a kneeling position just in time to see the blood wolf turn and attack again. This time it did not leap but ran low to the ground, straight for Kendrick.

  For a moment, he didn’t know what to do. He had no prior experience with this kind of enemy. And while he was grateful to have a second chance, he knew he wouldn’t have another.

  With only a split second remaining, Kendrick stayed on one knee and braced his right leg behind him. He took a modified hanging-guard stance by pulling the hilt of his sword near to the right side of his head and pointing its tip at the charging blood wolf.

  The beast covered the last few steps to Kendrick at a frightening speed and opened its jaws to tear Kendrick’s body to pieces. At that moment, he thrust forward with all of h
is might, aiming the tip of his sword at the blood wolf’s open mouth. The blade penetrated the animal’s throat, and the momentum of the beast’s attack skewered it onto Kendrick’s sword until the hilt was lodged against the blood wolf’s teeth.

  Kendrick stayed firmly planted until the massive body of the blood wolf slammed against him and sent him reeling backward. Pain shot through his body as he hit the ground with the animal’s flailing body on top of him.

  The death of the blood wolf was quick and silent. Kendrick pushed the carcass off of himself and lay panting on the ground, acutely aware of the stark pain in his right shoulder. He tried to move his arm, but any attempt brought unbearable pain. The joint was misaligned.

  He let his head rest on the ground for a moment, looking for even the slightest relief and remembering what Landor had said about the blood wolf’s territory. At least he wouldn’t have to face more than one of those dreadful beasts.

  After a few moments, Kendrick forced himself to stand. His right arm was useless; it felt like it had been nailed onto his shoulder backward. He couldn’t continue in this condition, and yet he didn’t dare turn back. Once the dead blood wolf was discovered, the castle guards would be alerted. A future rescue attempt would be impossible.

  Kendrick searched until he found a tree with its roots exposed. Kneeling beside it, he grasped the root firmly with his right hand. He positioned his torso parallel to the ground and filled his lungs with air, then pulled steadily on his arm and began to rotate his shoulder.

  The pain was excruciating, and he bit his lip to keep from screaming. When he couldn’t bear it any longer, he released his grip and fell to the ground, wondering if his mission would be over before it had begun. He fought against the discouragement that settled into his heart as the pain in his shoulder spread to his whole body, rendering him useless. In his despair, his thoughts turned to the One who had suffered so much more than he.

  My Prince, You have called me to this place … to this mission. One of Your knights is in peril under Lord Ra. Help me to help him, my King. Strengthen my heart that I might not fail You.

  It took a fair while before he could muster the fortitude to make another attempt, but eventually he rose and set his face like flint. Once again he positioned himself above the thick root. This time he pulled harder and twisted his body further until he heard and felt his shoulder pop. Instantly the stabbing pain was replaced by a dull, constant ache that was at least bearable.

  Kendrick returned to the dead blood wolf and knelt in front of it. His sword was still embedded in the animal’s carcass. He had just placed his right hand on the hilt, wondering if there was enough strength left in his arm to remove it, when he heard the blood wolf growl.

  Impossible! Kendrick jumped back, bewildered. Then he realized the growl had come not from this animal, but from somewhere behind him. He slowly turned to see another blood wolf, even larger than the one he’d slain, crouching just three paces away.

  Kendrick’s heart sank into his stomach, for he knew there was no escape.

  The massive muscles of the blood wolf tightened in anticipation of the attack. It crouched for the lunge, fangs dripping. Then it froze, its head cocked to the left, ears lifted as if to listen. Kendrick took advantage of the pause and reached for his embedded sword, though he still believed the situation was all but hopeless.

  Then Kendrick heard it too—the sound of air being split by a spear.

  The blood wolf yelped as the spear sank deeply into its side. Kendrick pulled on his sword with all his might and carried the energy into a full swing that flew diagonally upward toward the blood wolf’s neck. His sword hit the creature’s shoulder in what should have been a deathblow, but the bony spines stopped the weapon short of its mark.

  The injured wolf lunged for Kendrick. He rolled to the side at the last moment, barely avoiding the snapping jaws. Kendrick wondered how long it would take for the spear to kill it … and if he could last until then.

  The blood wolf attacked again, and Kendrick could not bring his sword to bear in time. The powerful jaws of the beast crunched down on Kendrick’s leg and would have severed it instantly were it not for his armor. Even with the protection, teeth pierced his flesh. Kendrick swung his sword at the blood wolf’s neck but couldn’t bring enough power for his slice to be effective.

  The blood wolf released its grip on Kendrick’s leg and lunged for his throat … just as a powerful sword tore into its body from above. Shrieking with anger and pain, it turned on its new attacker. But by the time it positioned itself, another slice from the man’s sword had cut deeply into its throat. Blood spurted, and the beast collapsed.

  Kendrick lay panting on the ground, stunned to discover he was still alive. He looked up, hardly believing what he saw.

  “I thought you said they wouldn’t cross into another’s territory,” Kendrick said between deep breaths.

  Landor shrugged. “I guess I was wrong.” He offered his hand to Kendrick and lifted him to his feet.

  “To say that I am grateful is a bit of an understatement,” Kendrick said.

  “I’m just glad I arrived in time.” Landor wiped the blood from his sword and slid it into his sheath with a businesslike snap. “We should be wary … if there were two, there could be more.”

  Kendrick nodded. He bent stiffly to retrieve his own weapon. “I didn’t think I’d see you again, my friend.”

  Landor shook his head, as if he couldn’t believe his own actions. “You are quite mad for doing this, and now I have become mad for helping you.” He pointed past the blood wolf’s carcass to a thick tangle of trees and bushes. “The entrance is just over there. Can you walk on that leg?”

  Kendrick took a few steps. The pain from the blood wolf’s bite caused him to limp slightly but didn’t hinder him much. “I’ll be all right. Let’s go.”

  They made their way carefully to the overgrown area and felt for the stones that would indicate the entrance. Brush and vines had completely covered the depression leading to the door and the stone retaining wall. They cleared them away, then used a stone to break open the rusty lock that hung from the door’s metal latch.

  The thick wooden door creaked in resistance to the intrusion of its solitude. Kendrick saw Landor back up a step and wondered at his response. He looked at his older companion and recognized the face of fear.

  “It’s all right, Landor. I can go alone.”

  “No … you will need me. I just need a moment.”

  Kendrick took a cloth from his pouch and wrapped it tightly about a thick branch. He poured oil from a small flask onto the cloth and then used flint stone and the flat of his sword to light it. When the torch was ablaze and he was set, he looked at Landor. The older knight nodded, and the two allies from different realms entered into the belly of evil.


  Kendrick and Landor made their way down a dank tunnel that smelled of old roots. The darkness seemed to swallow the torchlight, so they could only see a few paces ahead and behind them, and the low ceiling prevented them from walking completely upright. In places, they had to step over rubble dislodged by tree roots, and from time to time a large rat would squeal and scurry away into the darkness ahead.

  They traveled for some distance, until Kendrick supposed that they must be close to the castle wall. They came to a crude set of stairs that led farther down into the depths of the earth beneath the castle. The ground became damp and the air even more stale. Kendrick found it difficult to breathe, and the ache in his shoulder and leg seemed to worsen, but he tried to keep his mind focused on Duncan and not on his own misery.

  At the bottom of the stairs, they stepped into ankle-deep muck that clung to their boots. Here the tunnel split to the left and to the right. Kendrick remembered this first junction on Landor’s map but wanted to make sure of the direction.

  “Which way do—,” Kendrick turned to ask, but Landor motioned him to silence. “We are close to the dungeon now,” he whispered. “Lord
Ra’s men may be near.”

  Landor pointed toward the left branch, and they traveled that direction until they reached a dead end. In the stone wall was a small recess, but there seemed to be no way forward.

  Kendrick wondered if they had taken the wrong branch, but Landor put his ear to the wall and listened. After a long moment, he stepped away and took a deep breath, as if to prepare himself. Then he motioned for Kendrick to help him push against the right side of the wall.

  At first it seemed as though they were pushing against a mountain, but they doubled their effort and the wall pivoted slightly. A sliver of dim light entered the tunnel, and Kendrick felt a rush of air. His torch flickered and threatened to go out.

  The smell of this air was different—worse! It held the odors of human feces and death, and it frightened Kendrick. A deep moaning sound reached through the crack and warned them of what lay ahead.

  They listened for any indication of discovery and then pushed on the wall again. This time it moved more easily, and they continued until the opening was wide enough for a man to slip through sideways. Kendrick extinguished his torch and placed it in another recess he’d discovered on the tunnel wall. Landor stepped through the large stone doorway, and Kendrick followed.

  They stood side by side in an alcove off a dark passageway. As they looked around to get their bearings, a scream pierced the dungeon air and echoed off the stone walls. Cries and moans filtered through the passageways, some from men and some from women. Kendrick shuddered at the thought of anyone being held in the chambers here. This was a place of great woe.

  “There are three levels to the dungeon,” Landor whispered. “I think we are on the second. If your friend is still alive, he is probably in the torture chamber.” Landor pointed downward. Kendrick’s heart nearly despaired again, but he steeled himself.

  “Take me there,” he said to Landor.

  They stepped cautiously from the cover of shadow and into the passageway. It stretched left and right, with many branches joined to it. An occasional torch in a bracket provided just enough light for them to see. Both men drew their swords and then ventured into a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers.


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