SEALed for Pleasure

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SEALed for Pleasure Page 1

by Lacey Thorn

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  SEALed for Pleasure Copyright © 2013 Lacey Thorn


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  About the Author

  Also Available from Resplendence Publishing

  SEALed for Pleasure

  A Pleasures Story

  By Lacey Thorn

  Resplendence Publishing, LLC

  SEALed for Pleasure

  Copyright © 2013 Lacey Thorn

  Edited by Andrea Grimm and Venus Cahill

  Cover Art by Les Byerley

  Published by Resplendence Publishing, LLC

  2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349

  Daytona Beach, FL 32118

  Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-659-2

  Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  Electronic Release: May 2013

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

  This one goes out to my amazing fans! Thanks for reading my books and sharing your love with me. You inspire me to keep writing!

  And to my phenomenal editor! Thanks for sticking with me!

  Chapter One

  Mia hit the door of the bar with teeth gritted and a “don’t give a fuck” expression clear on her face. She’d just talked to her sister Mandy. Apparently while she was sitting at home clacking away on her computer keys, her sisters were out having fun. While Mia wrote the most amazing sex scenes in the world, her sisters lived them.

  It was such bullshit. She only wrote about one woman being worshipped by multiple men; her sisters experienced it firsthand. Both Mandy and Ash were involved with three men apiece. Mandy had slipped up and spilled the beans about her relationship with three men, cops no less. Once that cat was out of the bag, Mandy had thrown Ash under the bus too, admitting their older sister was also in a ménage relationship with three firefighters. Mia didn’t know how long they’d kept her in the dark about their relationships.

  It’s the most amazing sex you can imagine. Hell, you can’t imagine it. Not the way it actually is. The intensity. The passion. It’s…the most incredible experience in the world. Mandy’s words played over and over in Mia’s mind.

  She didn’t want to imagine it anymore. She wanted to know, to feel, to indulge. She didn’t want a relationship like her sisters. She wasn’t sure she was cut out for a long-term commitment. The last two guys she’d dated had left saying they couldn’t compete with her imagination. Boo-fucking-hoo. Funny thing was they never had to.

  She was always so horny when she finished a smoking hot sex scene. Whoever she was dating at the time reaped the benefits of that lust. They didn’t have to compete. They only needed to indulge. She was hot, sexy. Hell she was a fucking goddess in the bedroom. Wasn’t her fault that once wasn’t enough. She wanted more and more. Maybe her sisters had the right idea. Three men.

  She let her gaze roam around the bar, scoping out the men present—a few familiar faces with knowing smiles.

  Shit! It couldn’t be! But one glance at the “Welcome Home” sign hanging over the bar proclaimed it was. The one time she should have avoided the bar, here she was, and the local boy coming home to spend his last tour of duty on home ground would be, as well. Shit!

  “Hey, Mia!” someone called out as she stood, trying to decide if she should stay or make a hasty exit. “Mick’ll sure be surprised to see you here to greet him.”

  “Seem to recall you weren’t so friendly when he left.” A snicker followed this comment.

  Yeah, she hadn’t been so happy when he’d left at the end of his senior year of high school. Could be because she’d lost her virginity to him the night before. She’d been young, naïve and fancied herself in love. He’d dispelled that quickly with a husky chuckle and a brush of his fingers on her cheek as he told her he’d enjoyed her “good-bye gift”. Asshole. Even worse was several of his buddies had been around to witness her tears.

  On second thought, she settled on a barstool and waved at the bartender, maybe this was just what she needed to change her mood. Maybe she’d give Mick another shot to show her his skills. If he was single, then maybe they’d hook up. Not to pick up where they left off, which was nowhere as far as she was concerned. But to expend some of the sexual energy she couldn’t seem to release with her vibrator during solo play.

  Would he look as good as he had back then? She remembered green eyes, so much darker than hers and a long lean frame that she’d wanted to lick from head to toe. She’d started out with that intention but stopped when she got to that delicious appendage in the middle.

  Damn, he’d had the best cock she’d ever fucked. Perfect size, perfect shape, and the man had serious moves when it came to fucking. They’d only been kids back then. She could only imagine how good he would be now.

  Maybe she could pick his brain about his time so far in the Navy. She was curious to see if the rumor was true and he’d become a member of a SEAL team. She wondered what that would be like. Her mind was already thinking of all the questions she needed to ask. Since she was writing a series about men in uniform, it would make sense that some of them wore a military uniform. And who was sexier than a Navy SEAL? No one.

  If her questions led to sex, who cared? They were all grown up now. She had quit equating sex with love long ago.

  That thought reminded her once more of her earlier conversation with Mandy. She still couldn’t believe her sisters had kept their relationships from her. Who knew when they would have told her if Mandy hadn’t slipped up.

  Mia had been pissed off, and damn it, a little jealous, as well. Who wouldn’t be? Mia couldn’t keep one guy in her life. Her sisters had three each. It was enough to make a girl want to drink the night away.

  “What can I get you?” A feminine voice interrupted Mia’s thoughts, and she smiled at the bartender.

  “Shot of tequila and a beer.” Maybe she’d just ignore the fact Mick was having a homecoming here and get shit-faced drunk instead.

  The woman was quick, and soon, the liquid gold of a tequila shot sat on the bar in front of Mia. Tonight, she was getting drunk or laid. Judging by who was going to be here tonight, drunk won. You could always count on alcohol. She’d just have to pace herself, so she was still sharp when Mick and his entourage arrived.

  Christ, she hoped he would just ignore that she was here.

  She laughed. Now who was arrogant? He probably wouldn’t even remember her. That thought helped her to finally relax. She threw the shot back and embraced the burn as it traveled down her throat to start a low fire in her belly.

  “Two more shots,” a masculine voice called out next to her. “Mind if I join you? A gorgeous woman should never drink alone.”

  Mia sighed and turned to deliver the scathing comment on her tongue, only to find herself captured by a piercing set of blue eyes. He was familiar, but she just couldn’t place him at the moment. She was anything but subtle as she let her gaze sweep him from head to toe and then slowly, very slowly, back up again.

  Holy shit, he was fucking gorgeous.

  Very short hair. Military short would be her guess, probably fr
om one of the local bases. Deep tan, broad shoulders tapering to a trim waist. She bet if his shirt was off, she’d find a six pack of abs and pecs begging for the flick of her tongue. He had a nice bulge in his jeans, and God help her, she wanted to reach out and cup him, give it a squeeze.

  He cleared his throat, and her gaze bounced back up to meet his.

  “Shot?” He nodded toward the two shots of gold on the bar before them.

  “Don’t mind if I do.” Her voice was husky, low, already in the bedroom with her mind. She wanted to pour her shot over his skin and suck it off. Damn! She really needed to get laid, which meant she should probably back off on the alcohol. She wanted to remember every moment with the guy beside her.

  “I’m Brent.” He smiled down at her.


  “Nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise.” She let her tongue flick out to trace her bottom lip and was delighted to see his gaze drop to watch. He was interested. Now all she had to do was reel him in.

  “So are you here to greet the returning hero as well?”

  Mia snorted. “Not hardly. To be honest, I forgot he was coming home today. My being here is nothing more than bad timing.” She reached for her beer and took a long swallow. The tequila was already working on her, making her hot and edging up the horny.

  “So I shouldn’t feel bad if I monopolize you?”

  She grinned at him. “Monopolize away.”

  “Another shot?”

  She shook her head. “No, I’ll stick to my beer for now.”

  He nodded and grabbed his own beer. “Want to head to one of the tables toward the back? Find a little privacy to talk?”

  She nodded and let him lead her across the room toward a table. He pulled the chair out for her, sitting her with her back to the room while he took the seat across from her.

  “Are you from around here? You’re familiar, yet I’d swear we’ve never met.”

  He smiled. “Nah, I’m not from here. If you know Mick and his parents, then you’ve probably seen my picture.”

  “So you’re in the military with him?”

  He nodded. “Met in basic and became fast friends.”

  “So are you just visiting?”

  “Nah, taking my last tour here as well.”

  “So I should get used to seeing you around?”

  “I’d like that.”

  “I’m thinking I might too.”

  “So what do you do for a living, Mia?”

  “I write romance novels.”

  “Romance, huh?”

  “Yes, erotic romance.” Yep, she’d just tacked that on, negating her standing rule to never share that with a potential date. But damn. He had erotic written all over him.

  “I’m all for erotic romance. What’s your niche?”

  “I write a little bit of everything. Mostly ménage.” Let him chew on that fact.

  His smile was wicked sin personified. “You’ve got my interest. I’m guessing you mean those books with one woman and multiple men?”

  She nodded her head. “That’s exactly what I write.”

  “How many times have you been asked if you write what you know?” He laughed at the look on her face, and she had to smile.

  “More than you can imagine.”

  “I have to admit I’m curious what your answer is.”

  “I write from imagination, bringing to life the ultimate fantasy of what it would be like to have two or more men worshipping a woman.”

  He swallowed a drink of beer. His gaze held hers, and she could feel the heat blooming between them.

  “So, you ever met a man willing to indulge this fantasy?”

  “No. Most of them are too afraid of failing to live up to what I write.”

  “You’ve been with the wrong men.”

  “Have I?” There was a challenge to her question. One she hoped he picked up on. If he was offering to fulfill this particular fantasy for her, she was interested in letting him.

  The noise level increased as people began calling out greetings. She glanced over her shoulder and saw a crowd gathered. She was willing to bet it meant Mick had finally made his arrival.

  “I should probably get going.” She stood from the table, and he stood with her.

  “You’re not running off, are you?”

  “No. But I’m guessing that is the man of the hour. I’m sure your intention tonight was to meet him here.”

  “I was planning on meeting up with Mick and another friend tonight.”

  She nodded her head and stepped to the side of the table. He followed her so that she stood right in front of him.

  “It was good meeting you.” She held her hand out to him.

  Strong fingers wrapped around hers and tugged them against a very masculine chest.

  “I was hoping you’d want to join us.”

  She met those blue eyes again. “I don’t want to take you away from your plans.”

  “Hey, Brent.”

  Christ. She recognized that voice all too well. Perhaps because it had spent plenty of time in her dreams when she was younger. And okay, sometimes it still did when she was exceptionally horny and in a long dry spell. Like now.

  She glanced over toward the door, eyeing the two men who’d walked in. They looked a lot like the lust inspiring dream standing beside her. Military short hair. Broad shoulders tapering down to trim waists. Solid muscular frames that screamed for her to run her hands and other things over them. One of them was Mick. Would he remember her?

  “I’d love for you to meet my buddies.” Brent’s words tickled her ear as he leaned close. He tugged on the hand he still held, pulling her off balance, so she landed against his chest. It was as heavenly as it looked. “Maybe we’ll see about making that fantasy come true.”

  She met his eyes, and she knew he had to see her lust, her excitement. She was practically panting. Was he offering what she thought? Did he and Mick and whoever the third guy was share women? Damn, her panties were suddenly drenched, and her pussy was aching to be filled.

  “I can see you’re interested. Your nipples are hard little points against my chest. I bet that pussy is hot and wet. Want to play, Mia?”

  The other two men had walked up to join them, and she felt surrounded. She refused to turn and look at Mick. She didn’t know if she wanted him to remember her or not. She could feel three sets of eyes traveling over her just as she had looked at Brent earlier.

  “Want to introduce us to this vision?”

  Brent turned her, so she was snugged up to him with her back against his chest. There was no missing the hard bulge of his cock where it hit the small of her back.

  Holy shit! It felt good. She wanted to see it, taste it, and definitely fuck it.

  “This is Mia. I’ve invited her to have a little fun with us tonight.”

  A brow lifted over chocolate brown eyes. “And what was the answer?” He was addressing her.

  “That would be Tris,” Brent told her. “I’m sure you already know Mick.”

  She finally let her gaze slide to the third man. Mick. His eyes were just as green as she remembered. He was just as dreamy to her now as he had been that night long ago. And damn if she didn’t want tonight to end just the same way. Naked, flat on her back with his cock fucking her oh, so good.

  “Hello, Mia.” Mick’s voice was a wet dream washing over her skin. It took her back. He had changed so much and yet the lust she’d confused for love long ago was still there.

  She wanted him.

  She felt Brent’s solid form behind her. Correct that. She wanted them.

  “Welcome home, Mick.” She hadn’t meant for the words to come out so husky, but all the testosterone was clouding her brain and settling it firmly in the sex zone.

  Mick leaned in close, and she shuddered as he ran his tongue up her neck. “Just as delicious as I remember. You gonna finally give me another taste of that sweet body, Mia?”

  She let her gaze bounce between Tris and Mick in f
ront of her, let her body recline completely against Brent behind her. Here was her chance—the chance to finally experience what she wrote about, what her sisters were living. Just once, she wanted to know what it would feel like. She wanted to be the woman receiving all that male attention, instead of the one writing about it.

  She’d been with Mick before. Maybe this was her turn to show him just how much she’d learned since their last experience. They were all willing adults.

  She took a deep breath, cupped her hand around the hard cock behind her and met Tris’ brown eyes. “My answer is yes.”

  Brent groaned as those small fingers gripped his dick and gave it a firm squeeze. He’d spotted her as soon as he’d entered the bar. It was hard to miss a woman as beautiful and sexy as Mia Greyson. Of course, it helped that his buddy Mick had described her so well.

  Mick had tried to get in touch with her a few times when he’d been home over the years, but Mia had never been around. Now he understood why his buddy kept trying. Mia was all long legs, lush hips and appeared to have an amazing set of tits. She was big green eyes and wet lips. And he wanted her badly.

  When Mick had mentioned coming out tonight, Brent had groaned. Tris had outright given a big, “fuck no”, but had obviously changed his mind. Mick had to make an appearance since the party was in his honor. The idea had been to meet, greet, and get the three of them out of there, so they could find a little fun instead. Being part of a SEAL team meant never knowing when you might get called away. They had a few weeks of R&R right now, but there was no guarantee they’d get to enjoy it. If shit happened, they’d go.

  Those slim fingers twitched around his dick again and made him groan. He was planning to be damn lucky before the night was over. He could tell with one glance at his buddies that Mick and Tris were already on board for a little fun tonight. He knew Mick was cool with sharing her.

  Hell, they’d talked a lot about her over the years. He hoped Mia could handle what they had in mind. He wanted to see her stripped naked, tied up, blindfolded, and placed on her knees.


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