Uber Gothic--Industrial Sorcery

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Uber Gothic--Industrial Sorcery Page 9

by Morgan Hawke

  The werewolf leaned against her and stroked his entire body along her, then moved over to sniff at Galen.

  Sygni chuckled. “Feel his fur, it's really soft."

  Galen held up his fingers and the werewolf rubbed against him. He smiled. “Damn, Sam, you make a fine werewolf."

  Sygni looked hard at the long claws at the end of the werewolf's fingers. “Sam? Can you do me a favor?"

  The werewolf turned to look at Sygni.

  "Sam, can you to dig the silver bullet out of my leg with one of your claws?"

  The werewolf walked over to her and shoved his nose under her leg.

  Sygni moved her leg out as much as she dared. The cable shifted, tightening. She groaned. “If this thing gets any tighter, I'm gonna have crushed ribs!"

  The werewolf sat down on his haunches and lifted his long-fingered forepaws. His forelegs reshaped into something that resembled furry human arms right in front of her eyes. He waggled his clawed fingers, then grasped her leg.

  Sygni swallowed. “Oh, boy..."

  Galen craned his neck. “What's he doing?"

  "I think he's going to try.” She wheezed for breath. “If he can get the bullet out, I can get all of us out of here.” She looked down. “You're coming with us, right, Sam?"

  The werewolf looked up at Sygni. His ears pricked forward.

  Sygni smiled. “You didn't think we were going to leave you behind? I bet the good Doc made you because he has a buyer for you too."

  Sam released a blood-curdling liquid growl. He focused on her leg, ripping the bandage away with one slice of his claw.

  Galen hissed. “Damn, those claws are sharp."

  Sygni felt the claw dig into her leg and winced. “Yep, yep, they are."

  Galen panted at her side. “Hurry, big guy, I can see the mad doc headed this way. It looks like he has a gun and a collar in his hands."

  "Tyrone!” Gruber shouted. “Where the hell are you? You're supposed to be watching those two!"

  She bit her lip as the werewolf dug around in her thigh. It felt like he was rooting in her leg with a red-hot poker. She held her breath and squeezed Galen's fingers to keep from screaming. Please hurry. Mother Night, please hurry!

  Doc Gruber stepped into the circle of light. Light gleamed on the barrel of a nickel-plated automatic and the silver hoop in his other hand. “Sam, get away from them!"

  Sam ignored him and continued to dig. A small something moved in Sygni's thigh, then rolled out and landed on the floor with a small ring.

  "Sam, I will not warn you again.” Gruber raised the gun. “Come here."

  Sam leaped away and disappeared into the shadows.

  Gruber lunged after him. “Sam! Get back here!"

  Sygni released her breath in a long groan. Her suppressed power swelled to ferocious heights. She reached for the spell that held the cable and slammed her power through it, shattering the spell. The cables dropped from Sygni and Galen with a loud clatter.

  Gruber turned toward them and raised the gun. “Stop!"

  Galen lunged for the first UV lamp as Sygni fell forward, hands outstretched, aiming for the other.

  Shots rang out.

  Both lamps crashed to the floor and went out, plunging the room into pitch darkness.

  Sygni stayed on the floor. Her leg was one mass of screaming pain, and she couldn't see a damned thing. The floor seemed a very fine place to be. Someone scooped her off the floor and pressed her against the side of a column. Power pulsed under her fingers. It was Galen.

  "Without those damned lights I'll be back to full speed in a minute,” Galen whispered.

  "You idiots,” Gruber snorted. “I can see in the dark.” The sound of a gun being cocked was loud. “This time I'm putting both of you under and keeping you in separate steel cages."

  Sygni hissed and gathered her power in a tight snarling handful. “Not today, asshole!” She cast it outward and shouted. “Dismay!"

  The darkness came alive with gibbering movement. Something crashed.

  "Get away from there,” Gruber shouted. “Don't touch that!"

  Shots rang out. High-pitched laughter echoed crazily. Something else crashed and exploded.

  Galen pressed his lips to her ear. “Sygni, what did you do?"

  Sygni smiled. “Imps. If he's not sorcerer enough to stop them, they'll tear this whole building down around his ears in a matter of hours.” She moaned softly. “Let's get out of here!"

  "Your word is my command!” Galen curled her against his body and bolted into the blackness. “Where are we going?"

  "Up the stairs and to the left. There's a broken door at the corner of the wing.” Sygni hissed. Every step jolted her leg. Wetness slid down her thigh. “I'm parked right outside it with the keys in the ignition. Can you drive? It's a five-speed stick."

  "Yeah, no problem.” He came to a sudden halt and turned. “Sam! We're leaving! Come on!” He leaped upward and landed at the top of the stairs in one jump. Two jumps later, he turned to the left and dashed down the trash-strewn hall.

  The pain of being carried at a jarring gallop became unbearable. Sygni couldn't stifle her soft cries.

  "Hang on, Sygni, hang on!"

  She closed her eyes tight. “I'm trying."

  Galen took a sudden right and stepped out under the sky. Sam was a long gray shadow at his side. “Piss, you're bleeding like a stuck pig."

  Sygni moaned. “Gee, thanks.” She turned to see her car. “I need to touch the car to take off the anti-theft spell."

  Galen focused on the blood dripping down her leg. “You need to get that bleeding stopped."

  "We need to get out of here more.” She leaned for the car with her hand outstretched. Galen let her close enough to touch and Sygni released her spell. “Good, now get us out of here."

  Galen opened the passenger door then the back door. “Sam! Get in the back!"

  Sam jumped in. The car rocked. He was so huge he took up the entire back seat.

  Galen closed the back door, then set Sygni down in the passenger seat. He knelt on the pavement and shoved her onto her side facing the driver's seat, practically onto her stomach. “This'll just take a second."

  "Galen, what are you doing?” She felt him grab the rip in her leather pants and then his mouth right on her open wound. She gasped. “Galen! Are you licking me?"

  Galen lifted his head. Blood smeared his face. He licked his red-stained lips. “I stopped the bleeding.” He got up and shut her door. Only a blink later he was in the driver seat and starting the car.

  Sygni moaned as the car sped over the broken pavement. “We can't go to the condo."

  Galen scowled at the road. “Where, then?"

  "The library. Morwyn's castle."

  "He knows where that is."

  Sygni closed her eyes and held on. “Yeah, but he probably doesn't know Morwyn's a friend."

  "That's a long drive. Can you make it?” Galen turned the steering wheel hard left and changed gears.

  "I hope so.” She felt her stomach lurch. Too much pain, too much motion ... Maybe letting the vampire drive wasn't such a good idea. “I don't feel so good."

  Galen glanced at her. “You don't look so good.” The brakes squealed. Galen turned in the driver's seat and captured her chin. “Sygni, look at me."

  Sygni looked up at Galen's mismatched eyes. “What?"

  Galen stared straight into the heart of her eyes. “Sleep."

  "Huh?” Sygni felt a jolt of power. Blackness rose up and sucked her under.

  ~ Eleven ~

  Sygni was being kissed thoroughly and expertly. She knew that masculine scent and that tongue anywhere. Her nipples tingled and hardened. She moaned and the kiss stopped. She opened her eyes to see Galen's face hovering only inches from her mouth. She was in a bed and naked under the pile of blankets, with Galen's heavy weight leaning over her. Her libido gave a happy little jump. “Galen?"

  He blinked and grinned. “Son of a bitch, it worked."

  She frown
ed up at him. “What worked?” She looked around and recognized the small book-lined guestroom she used when she stayed overnight at Morwyn's. The window to her immediate right was heavily curtained and the tiny bed-lamp cast a soft golden glow from the right corner by the wall. Apparently they had made it to the library in one piece, in spite of the vampire's driving.

  "I told you that would do it."

  "Huh?” Sygni looked past Galen's shoulder to see Morwyn in a midnight blue dressing gown, sitting on the delicate loveseat that faced the foot of antique bed she was in. “Morwyn?” She struggled to sit up and Galen piled pillows behind her back. Oddly, her leg felt stiff, but not anything like before. The ripping pain was gone.

  "Welcome back.” Morwyn looked to the left and patted the empty chair next to her. “Have a seat, Sam."

  A completely human Sam carrying a coffee mug and a saucer came through the bedroom door on the far left and walked over to Morwyn. His long pale brown hair had changed to shimmering dark silver with bright silver highlights and black streaking his temples, but other than that, there was no trace of his furrier nature. His eyes were still a very vivid green. He looked rather cute in the oversized jeans and a plain black T-shirt. He dropped carefully into the chair by Morwyn and nodded at Sygni. “Hey, sleeping beauty. You gonna live?"

  "Looks that way.” Sygni couldn't help but smile. “How are you holding up?"

  Sam gave her a sour grimace. “Other than the fact that I'm a part-time eight-foot-tall furry monster? Just dandy, thanks."

  Sygni leaned forward to get a better look at him. The change seemed to have done him good. He looked leaner and more muscular. “Looks like you got a hold of yourself pretty good."

  "You could say that.” Sam abruptly blushed and rolled his eyes. “I had a little help.” He sighed and glanced at Morwyn. The coffee mug in his hand rattled on the saucer. “Okay, so it was a lot of help.” His knee pressed against Morwyn's. “Nice to have you back."

  Sygni frowned. “Why does everybody keep saying that?"

  Galen abruptly stood and stretched his arms. “Damn, I'm tired."

  Sygni took a look at the red T-shirt and crisp new jeans Galen wore. “I see you found the shopping bags in the back seat.” She moved over and patted the mattress.

  "Yep, we found them.” Galen sat down and stretched out next to her. He reached out to close her hand in his. “It's nice to be dressed like a human again.” He nodded toward Sam. “The clothes are a little big on Sam, though."

  "Hey, it's better than being furry.” Sam grinned. “Or naked."

  Morwyn raised her brow. “Galen, aren't you going to tell her?"

  Sygni looked at Galen suspiciously. “Did something happen?"

  Galen rolled his eyes. “Uh, more like something didn't happen.” He crossed his ankles and wiggled his bare toes. “Once I got you here, you wouldn't wake up."


  Morwyn smiled. “He means that once he put you out, he couldn't get you to wake up. I told him to kiss you. It worked."

  "Oh...” Sygni looked from Morwyn to Galen. “How long was I out?"

  Morwyn leaned back. “Since last night. It's nearly dawn now."

  I was out a whole day, and a night? Sygni stared. “That long?” The sorcerer must have had time to regroup. Damn, she didn't have any kind of plan ready yet. “Any sign from Gruber?"

  Sam shook his head. “Nope. I don't think he knows we're here."

  Sygni focused on the werewolf. “Sam, he can track you by his power signature in your spell."

  Morwyn lifted her chin. “Not any more, he can't. When we adjusted Sam's enchantment, I did a bit of a wash on him too.” She smiled warmly at Sam. “He wears my signature now."

  Sam smiled just as warmly back at Morwyn. “And damn proud I am to wear it, too."

  Sygni bit her lip. Morwyn and Sam? This was definitely different. It was also really fast too, especially for Morwyn. She never took to guys this fast.

  Morwyn smiled and absently patted Sam's knee. “Sam is only furry when he wants to be.” She nodded at Galen. “Galen helped with the ritual."

  Sygni's mouth popped open. “Galen?"

  Galen bit his lip. “Morwyn did the ritual, I just supplied the power."

  Her power. Galen had supplied her power. Sygni flinched with guilt. She tightened her fingers around his. It was his power, too.

  Sam shook his head and his cheeks flushed. “There's nothing like going from fur to bare skin right in front of the sexiest female known to mankind."

  Morwyn rose to her feet and smiled. “You're pretty cute yourself, even without your fur."

  "Oh, I see how it is.” Sam got up and lowered his brows. “You love me for my fur."

  Sygni blinked. Sam was barely a head taller than Morwyn. She hadn't realized that Sam was that short. His alter ego was enormous.

  "I do love your fur.” Morwyn grinned. “Among other pertinent parts."

  Sam snorted and a smile curled his lips. “Any parts in particular?"

  Morwyn examined her scarlet nails. “Oh, one or two..."

  Sygni stared. Pertinent parts? Just how far had this relationship progressed?

  Galen chuckled. “Sygni, they are grown adults,” he said softly.

  Sygni turned on Galen. “What, are you telepathic now?"

  Galen shook his head slowly and smiled. “It was written all over your face."

  Morwyn headed for the door with Sam at her heel. “Good night, you two. Sygni, I'll see you for late brunch.” She opened the door. “Come along Sam, I'm in the mood for a soak in the hot tub.” She slipped out in a whisper of heavy satin.

  Sam turned to face Sygni and Galen. “Play nice!” He closed the door behind him.

  Sygni stared at the closed door. “Hot tub? She's taking him to the hot tub?"

  Galen got up out of the bed chuckling. “Sygni, they're both over twenty-one.” He tugged the T-shirt over his head. Muscle bulged enticingly across his chest. “I think they know what they're doing.” He tossed the shirt over onto the loveseat.

  Sygni nodded at him. “What're you doing?"

  Galen stood to unbuckle the belt on his jeans. “I think that's a little obvious.” He unbuttoned the top then lowered his zipper. His cock jutted firmly upward, rigidly hard. “Don't you?” He peeled the denim from his hips and stepped out of his jeans

  Sygni's body gave a warm wet and hungry clench. “Hello? I have a bullet wound?"

  "That's all healed up.” Galen reached for the blankets.

  Sygni snatched for the covers. “Already?"

  "As of sunset, about eight hours ago. You had a scar but it's fading.” Galen tugged the blankets from her fingers, exposing her from head to knee. He focused on her breasts and grinned. “Mmm, hard nipples ... My favorite.” He bent and took her hand. “Come on, out of bed.” He tugged.

  Sygni focused on Galen's pale and sculptured chest. His nipples were hard, too. She licked her lips and allowed herself to be pulled out of bed. The leg wasn't bad at all. It felt bruised, but it was okay to stand on. “Where are we going?"

  Galen led her across the carpet. “The shower. I told Morwyn I would try not to stain the sheets."

  "You told her about ... that?” Sygni winced. Mentioning that his semen was blood-based had to have been embarrassing.

  Galen ducked his head. “She asked me point-blank.” He turned to give her a brief smile. “Freaked my shit right out, too.” He led her into the small bathroom and slid the glass shower door open. “Wait here.” He stepped in and turned on the water.

  "Now that I think about it, I'm not surprised she figured it out.” Sygni leaned back against the shower wall. “Morwyn knows more about weird shit than I do. I have more voltage, but she's got a lot more knowledge and experience."

  "She knew how to fix Sam right up.” Galen stuck his head out of the shower door. “When we got here, he could adjust his body to walk on twos or fours but he couldn't go human or true wolf. He was stuck. He couldn't even talk. Now he can go all
the way from human to wolf, or anywhere in between.” Steam began to roll past him from the open door. He ducked his head back in briefly. “Water feels like it's ready.” He reached for her hand. “Come on."

  Sygni let him tug her into the shower and under the hot rush of water spray. The heat felt incredible. She reached for the soap.

  "Wash after.” Galen grabbed her around the waist and turned her, encouraging her back against the slick tiles of the shower wall. His mouth covered hers with a small hungry moan.

  Sygni opened her mouth to his demanding kiss, parrying the thrusts of his tongue and nipping at his lips. She slid her hands across his damp chest and found his hard nipples. She caught them in her fingers and pinched.

  He groaned and responded by sucking on her tongue and sliding a palm down her belly until he cupped her mons. He pressed a finger between the plump outer lips and sought the tender inner folds. Delicately he dipped his finger into her, wetting it in her cream, then pulled it back to rub insistently against her clit.

  Erotic lightning arced in exquisite tempo with his working finger. Her body quivered under devastating waves of increasing heat. She moaned and her knees trembled. He was skillfully stirring her to a maddening froth with impressive and ruthless speed.

  Galen released her mouth to take a nipple with his lips, then his tongue, and then his teeth...

  Sygni gasped under the delicious and greedy assault. His mouth on her nipple and his finger on her clit burned a path between them. She pushed her aching clit against his palm and pressed her breast against his mouth. Damn, he was good ... and it was working fast. She panted for breath, and a halfway decent thought. “Are we ... in a rush?"

  Galen released her nipple and leaned his chest against her soft breasts. “I haven't had anything since I put you in the car. It wasn't even a mouthful.” He reached down with both hands, grabbing her under the ass. He lifted her up off the floor and pressed her tightly against the tile wall. “I'm starved."

  Sygni wrapped her arms around his neck and frowned at him. “You're hungry?"

  Galen grinned. He slid the swollen head of his rigid length against her damp flesh. “You have no idea.” He let her slide down and onto him, taking her in one strong thrust.


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