Uber Gothic--Industrial Sorcery

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Uber Gothic--Industrial Sorcery Page 13

by Morgan Hawke

"Sygni, call the Inspector.” Morwyn lifted her chin. “Now would be nice?"

  "Fine, whatever...” Sygni picked up the phone by her abandoned dinner and started punching buttons. She set the small phone to her ear. “It's ringing.” The operator answered. Sygni asked for the Inspector's extension. She glanced at Morwyn. “The line is being transferred."

  The phone clicked. “Inspection department, Grimley here.” His voice was crisp and dry in her ear.

  Sygni turned away. “Hello, Inspector Grimley? This is Sygni. Is Inspector Coventry available?"

  "Oh, hello, Sygni. He's due back any second. Do you want to wait?"

  "Sure, I'll wait.” Sygni rolled her eyes. Coventry must have an instinct for being inconvenient.

  Morwyn rose from her chair. “Gentlemen, why don't we take this discussion into my private parlor so Sygni can talk?” Both men rose from their chairs.

  "What?” Sygni lifted her chin. “Abandoning me?"

  "Yes.” Morwyn grinned as she opened the door. “You shout too much when you talk to him."

  Sygni's brows shot up. “He shouts at me!"

  "And your point is?” Morwyn waved as the guys slipped past her. “Come talk to us when you're done.” She closed the door behind her, leaving Sygni in the dining room by herself.

  ~ Fifteen ~

  The phone in Sygni's hand clicked. “This is Coventry.” The voice was slightly nasal in quality with a pronounced drawl. Yep, she had the Inspector, all right.

  Sygni stared at the empty dining room. “Hello, Inspector, this is Sygni..."

  "Oh, it's you, Sygni, the great and powerful. I've already followed one of your leads today only to find myself in a nice quiet suburb,” he snapped out. “What do you want now?"

  Sygni closed her eyes and took a breath to keep from screaming. “I figured out what's going on with the factory. I think we're dealing with a time-still...” She went into detail as to why it might be a time-still they were dealing with, and then told him about the high-school kid that might be a magus. “That's my update."

  "A time-still, a mage-child, and a sorcerer manufacturing vampires and werewolves for a mysterious Russian buyer.” The sarcasm was as thick as syrup in his voice. “Do you have anything concrete to prove that this isn't some elaborate hoax?"

  Sygni abruptly stood. “You want proof? Oh, I have it! It's right here!” She raised her fist to the phone and showed it her middle finger.

  "You mean to tell me that have concrete proof that someone is manufacturing vampires and werewolves?"

  Sygni took a deep calming breath. She even smiled. “Yes, Inspector, I have a werewolf fresh from Doctor Gruber's factory,” she said calmly. “And a newly risen vampire. Is that proof enough?” She could just imagine his astonished and slack-jawed expression. It brought a warm curl of delight to her heart.

  Papers rustled on the other end of the line. “Are you still at that castle?"

  Sygni continued to smile. Keep cool; keep calm ... “Yes, I'm still at the library, Inspector."

  "I'll prepare a team..."

  She rolled her eyes. “Why? Are you afraid to come by yourself?

  "If you actually have a vampire and a werewolf, I am not about to walk into a dangerous situation without..."

  Sygni cut him off. “Look, Inspector, they're not going to attack anybody, and they want the doc out of commission as much as you do. Not everybody with magical talents wants to hurt people with them. They're even willing to be legally registered. You do not need a team of baby-sitters to protect you.” She grit her teeth. “I'm more dangerous than they are!"

  He snorted. “That goes without saying, sorceress."

  "Look...” She curled her lip. “I called to let you know what was going on, but if you don't want to deal with it, I'm perfectly fine handling the mad doctor by myself..."

  "I'm not about to let you handle something as fragile as a time-still, not when there's a child involved in this!"

  Sygni rolled her eyes. “A high-school kid, not a child, very likely a magus and working with the doctor, not against him. The kid is one of the bad-guys, Inspector!"

  "That is beside the point!” She clearly heard the spit hit the phone. He continued in a growl. “When it comes to children, you can't even be trusted to hand out candy for trick or treat!"

  "Hey, low blow! That kid was possessed by an imp!” Sygni shook her head. So she dangled the brat from the second-story porch by his heels to scare the imp out of him. The kid had a case of the screaming fits after it, but she got the imp out with the kid still in one piece. Not an easy thing to do. “Look, I know you don't like the way I do things, but I get the job done. I can do this without you."

  "It is my job to deal with this, not yours! Do not, I repeat, do not attempt to take matters into your own hands, witch!"

  She smiled and pulled the phone away from her ear. He was shouting. “Okay, if you're absolutely sure you don't want me to handle it?” she said as sweetly as she could.

  "I will be there in less than an hour and I had better find the situation under control when I get there. No extraneous hocus-pocus."

  She nodded then rolled her eyes again. “We'll be good, I promise. I'll tell Morwyn to put the tea on for you."

  "Expect a second car, and that gate had better open for both vehicles."

  Her lips formed chicken-shit. “Make sure you bring Inspector Grimley. He likes Morwyn's tea and he can hold your hand if you get scared."

  "You are a snide little bitch."

  Sygni smiled brightly. “Why, thank you, Inspector. I do try.” The phone clicked and the sound of the dial tone buzzed in her ear. She threw back her head and shouted. “I hate your fucking ass, too, you bastard!” She barely stopped herself from pitching the phone at the wall.

  After using every swear word she could think of at the top of her lungs, she stomped her foot on the stone flags for good measure. Better to bruise her foot than to explode in a magical rage. She hadn't had an accident in years, but where Covington was concerned, her grasp on her temper and her power was shaky. Hela's tits, she hated that small-minded vicious man!

  After taking several deep breaths, Sygni knocked on the kitchen door. Dour-faced Bernard silently took the phone from her hand, then disappeared. Her hands clenched into tight fists, she set off for the parlor, hoping the walk would cool her temper.

  * * * *

  Galen was leaning on the wall just outside the door, waiting.

  Sygni jerked to a halt. Now what? The walk had brought her power under control, but her temper still had her pulse leaping in her throat.

  He straightened from the wall. His expression was as stark and grim as hers.

  Sygni winced. Shit, he's picking up on my feelings again.

  Before she could blink, Galen had her wrapped in a warm and tight embrace. He pressed her against his hammering heart. “Don't hold it in, let it go."

  She froze, then tried to push away. “No, I don't...” She closed her eyes. I don't want to cry...

  His arms tightened. “You have to.” He looked down at her with haunted eyes. “I don't know what the hell that bastard did to you, but it's eating you alive.” He swallowed and gave her a slight smile. “And it's not doing good things to me, either.” He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. Crimson flashed in the heart of his mismatched eyes. “Let it go."

  Sygni choked as the impotent rage stirred by years of dealing with Coventry's hatred surged up in a heaving black ocean of despair. She exploded in a welter of tears. Barely able to breathe past the gulping sobs that tore from her throat, she wrapped her arms around him and grabbed fistfuls of his shirt, clinging to his strength.

  He stroked her hair as he held her. Somehow, the pain bled away with every beat of his heart. Eventually, the sobs retreated.

  He kissed the top of her head, then caught her face and brushed the last of her tears from her cheeks with his thumbs. With a small smile, he pulled a huge cotton handkerchief from his pocket and offered it to her. “You done?"

  "I think so.” She wiped her eyes and blew her nose in the handkerchief, then offered it back to him.

  He winced and held up both hands. “Keep it."

  It made her smile. She jammed the soiled handkerchief in her back pocket.

  He tucked her under his arm and they walked into the parlor.

  * * * *

  The private parlor was scattered with worn comfortable furniture and warmly lit with garage sale lamps. Mismatched bookshelves overflowed with well-loved paperbacks. A brand new stereo system was nearly buried under a pile of CDs. The Cable News Network droned on the big screen TV in the background.

  Morwyn and Sam looked up from the loveseat. They sat shoulder to shoulder with a Frank Frazetta art book spread across their knees.

  Sygni took a deep breath and tightened her arm around Galen's waist. “Coventry says he'll be here in less than an hour."

  Morwyn smiled. “By himself? That's awfully brave of him."

  Sygni shook her head. “He's bringing a second car.” She snorted. “We're to have everything under control and no extraneous magic going on. I told him to bring Grimley to hold his hand."

  Morwyn shook her head. “How a man so terrified of magic got his position, I will never know.” She passed the art book to Sam and got up from the loveseat. “I'll have the staff get the tea service readied...” Her head shot up and her eyes widened. “Something just crossed the property border. Something fast."

  "What?” Sam leaped up from the loveseat.

  A bong resonated throughout the castle.

  Galen jerked in Sygni's arms. “What the hell?"

  "The shield wall!” Morwyn headed for the door at a run. “Shit!"

  "Morwyn!” Sam chased after her.

  Sygni bolted after them.

  Galen followed close behind. “Somebody tell me what the fuck is going on?"

  "What ever just crossed the property line is hostile.” Sygni took the stairs two at a time. “So much for keeping things under control."

  * * * *

  Sam, Morwyn, Sygni and Galen stared over the second story balcony of the castle. Sygni shivered. The night had chilled and the wind coming straight from the north hissed as it ripped the dying leaves from the surrounding trees. Blown leaves fluttered through a shimmering ring of light curving across the pavement and grounds.

  Galen narrowed his eyes. “What the hell is that glowing thing?"

  Morwyn glanced over at Galen. “That is the shield wall. It protects the library from attacks."

  Galen frowned. “How come I didn't set it off when I came to steal the book?"

  Sygni smiled tightly. “You didn't come here to hurt anybody.” She pointed past the blazing ring. “That thing did."

  On the other side of that line paced a nightmare that walked on two legs. The creature down on the pavement was tall and massively built. Tightly folded ears were set high on its broad-muzzled head. Small dark eyes blazed yellow from the darkness. The short and sleek black fur turned to rust across its muscular chest and throat. Hackles were raised along its back. A long, slender tail curved from his haunches.

  Sam frowned. “Any idea what the hell that thing is supposed to be?"

  Galen tapped the balcony with a finger and frowned. “It looks like a weird kind of dog."

  Sam lifted his chin and wrinkled his nose. “Gah! It reeks like dog, too."

  "Sam, I know you're in there!” The bellowing voice was deep and slurred. “Come out!"

  Sam frowned. “How the fuck does this thing know me?"

  Sygni bit her lip. “I think it's Tyrone."

  "What?” Sam looked over the wall and shouted. “Tyrone? Is that you?"

  The canine head lifted. “Yeah, it's Tyrone!"

  Sam shook his head. “What the fuck happened to you, man?"

  The creature pointed a long clawed finger toward Sam. “This is your fault! You left and the Doc did this to me!"

  Sygni groaned. “Gruber used the Book of the Moon again."

  Morwyn frowned. “That's supposed to be a werewolf? He doesn't even look like Sam."

  Sygni bit her lip. “Wolves are probably hard to get on short notice. Gruber must have gone to the pound."

  Sam shouted down at Tyrone. “You saw what he did to me! Why didn't you leave, you fucking moron?"

  Tyrone took a step back. “I...” His mouth opened and he bayed.

  Sam curled his lip. “What the hell kind of answer is that?"

  Sygni frowned at him. “He's probably new, so he may be too confused to think straight."

  Sam snorted. “Are you kidding? He couldn't think straight when he was just a guy that empties trash."

  Morwyn tilted her head to the side. “What kind of dog did Gruber use?"

  Sygni nibbled on her bottom lip. “A big one."

  "It's a damned Rottweiler.” Galen glared at Sygni. “You're the one who said he should cross Tyrone with a Rottweiler!"

  Sygni scowled back at him. “I didn't think he'd actually do it!"

  Sam leaned over the wall. “Look I'm sorry, man, but I can't do a damned thing about it!"

  Tyrone's muzzled head came up. “You can come back and talk to the Doc!"

  Sam snorted. “Do I look stupid or something? I'm not going anywhere near that nut-bag!"

  "You have to come back!” Tyrone paced at the edge of the ring. “If you come back, the Doc said he'd make me normal!"

  "It's a lie.” Morwyn looked over at Sam. “This spell is permanent, or I would have reversed yours."

  Sam gave her a lop-sided smile. “I know.” He shook his head. “But I doubt that idiot will leave."

  Galen gave Sygni a disgusted look. “So now what do we do?"

  Sygni pursed her lips and raised a brow. “Morwyn, do you have an empty room strong enough to hold a were-rottie?"

  Morwyn's mouth fell open. “You want to capture it?"

  Sygni nodded. “Sure. I bet Tyrone knows how to get back into Gruber's little pocket universe."

  "Capture it?” Galen growled. “Woman, are you insane?"

  Sygni looked over at Galen. “If I can get him in the workroom, he can be restored to a man, or stuffed into the dog. Either one will be less dangerous than this form."

  Sam grinned. “I say pack him into the dog. The dog probably has more sense."

  Sygni smiled Grimley. “And dogs don't have hands to turn knobs or pick locks."

  Morwyn tapped Sygni's shoulder. “Can your magic hold him long enough to get him there?"

  Sygni rolled her eyes and grinned. “Oh, please ... All we have to do is get him to hold still enough and I can bind him."

  Sam peered over the balcony. “I can take him."

  Galen's head whipped around. “What? Are you crazy, too? Sam, even furry that thing is a couple of feet bigger and probably stronger than you."

  "He's only a dog.” Sam smiled and his teeth lengthened before their eyes. A feral green reflected deep in the hearts of his eyes. “I'm not."

  Morwyn set her hand on Sam's shoulder. “Are you absolutely sure you can do this?"

  "Oh, yeah.” Sam snorted. “Mostly because Tyrone here is afraid of big dogs, so he's not...” He frowned. “I don't know what you call it, but me and the wolf are buddies. We're working together in here.” He tapped a finger on his chest. He jerked a thumb toward the creature on the lawn. “I seriously doubt Tyrone has any kind of working relationship with his better half."

  Galen clapped Sam's shoulder. “I'll give you a hand."

  Sam nodded. “I'd appreciate it."

  Sygni jerked around. “Galen, it's bigger than you, too!"

  "Sygni, give me a break, will you?” The vampire rolled his eyes. “I'm super fast and super strong, I might as well make myself useful."

  Morwyn sighed. “I guess I better go down to the workroom and build a binding collar.” She nodded at Sygni then at the guys. “Better make some enchanted rope for them."

  "Good idea.” Sygni raised her hands. “Two enchanted ropes coming right

  ~ Sixteen ~

  Sygni stepped back from the stone balcony's edge and nodded at Galen. “I'm going to pull magic from you, so don't freak out.” She held her arms out, palm up.

  "Okay.” Galen crossed his arms over his chest.

  Sygni concentrated. Her soul opened and a firestorm of power blazed out and up her arms, bathing her hands in a swirl of red mist.

  Galen gasped softly. “That is freaking weird. It's like there's this door in my heart and it just opened."

  Sygni looked briefly at Galen. His eyes were glowing scarlet with the power rushing through him. “The door is in your soul. The power lives on the other side of it."

  Sam frowned. “That doesn't make a whole lot of sense."

  Sygni grinned. “It does if you don't think about it."

  Sam snorted. “Oh, right."

  Galen grimaced. “From where I'm standing, it makes perfect sense."

  Sygni whispered to the power in her grasp. It coalesced and tightened into thin faintly glowing red ropes wrapped around each of her forearms. “There, that should do.” Her unused magic whirled back into her soul and the door shut.

  Galen gasped. “Whoa, that door just slammed closed."

  Sygni began unwinding the rope from her arms. “And now that you know where it is, you can get to it."

  Galen blinked. “Oh ... okay. So, what do I do with it?"

  Sygni smiled. “You play with small bits of it until you can figure out how it works for you.” She raised a cautionary finger. “The trick is not to call on too much."

  "That it?” Galen frowned. “That's not particularly arcane."

  Sygni shrugged. “Most stuff can be done by making it up as you go along. Arcanum is used in big complicated magic, like calling on the powers."

  "Calling powers?” Galen eyed the rope pooling on the stone flags at her feet. “Like gods?"

  "Yep.” Sygni nodded and smirked. “And demons.” She handed Sam the end of one rope. “This is strong enough to hold a demon, so it should do nicely for one were-rottie."

  Sam coiled the rope in his hand. “So, what do you want us to do with this? Rope him like a steer?"

  "Something like that.” Sygni unraveled the rope from her other forearm. “All you have to do is use the rope to hold him still long enough for me to wrap a spell around him so we can get him into the castle without destroying stuff."


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