by Cynthia Hart
Hem started moving inside me, pulling out and pushing back in, building friction. It came with power, magic rippled on his skin and then onto mine, and I lost myself in him and the sensation. An orgasm built inside me, taking over, starting from my core and spreading outward, and when Hemming tipped me over the edge, I fell apart beneath him.
And somehow, I knew he would put me back together again.
The Boss’s Mistress
Amelia West
The Boss’s Mistress
Copyright 2017 by Amelia West
All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal.
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to a person, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental.
Warning: Due to mature subject matter, such as explicit sexual situations and coarse language, this story is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18. All sexually active characters in this work are 18 years of age or older, and all acts of sexual nature are consensual.
Table of Contents: THE BOSS’S MISTRESS
Arousing Suspicions 1
Seduced by The Werewolf
The Boss’s Mistress
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Doing Inventory
High on Biology
Chapter 1
Shelia walked into the office with her long, blonde hair put up in a tight bun, her blue eyes eager for the interview. She was wearing a tight, blue dress that showed off her cleavage and her hips. When she turned around anyone could notice that she had a great ass to look at through clothing. She put on her best smile and walked up to the front desk, sighing as if she had been waiting there long.
“Can I help you?” An older woman asked, seeming a little annoyed with her as she eyed Sheila quickly.
“I’m here to see Mr. Marr, I have a job interview.” Sheila held her head high, the old woman wasn’t going to make her feel less than confident in herself.
The woman turned around and got on the phone, pushing a button on the telephone in front of her she whispered something into the phone that Sheila couldn’t hear. A few seconds later she buzzed Sheila into the office and watched her head to the door that was closed that read Mr. Marr on the outside of it.
Sheila didn’t even bother to knock as she turned the knob and entered the office, she saw Derek sitting behind a long, oak wood desk. He was leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his head. His eyes were just about closed until she shut the door behind her.
“You’re hired.” He stated, his dark blue eyes opening wide as he checked Sheila out. He was shocked that she would dress the way she had for an interview.
“You don’t even know my talents yet.” She giggled, blushing when she realized that it sounded as if she was hitting on him.
“I think that you’d be good at typing and setting up appointments.” He explained, getting to his feet quickly.
Derek walked towards a door that was by his office and opened it, waiting for Sheila to walk through.
She stood in the doorway close to Derek, so close that her tits were just about grazing his chest. He was lucky they both had clothes on.
Shelia peeked in the office that was going to be hers. She had her own phone, her own computer sitting on a desk that was just as big as Derek’s, she even had a coffee pot that she assumed was meant for both Derek and her.
“Do you like it?” Derek asked her, hoping that she was still interested in the job.
“I love it, it looks so cute!” Sheila squealed and put a hand on his arm, giving it a little squeeze as she looked him over.
“Good, the only thing I ask is that you keep the door open while we are working together. I don’t want to holler through a door.” He grinned at her, glad that she had been the first one for the interview that morning.
“That’s fine, not a problem at all. If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to your other assistant?” She wondered why the person had been let go, not that it was any of her business she was just curious.
“He was a good friend of mine, he had to relocate. He has dreams too and making them big, I couldn’t step in the way of that now could I?” He asked her, raising his eyebrows as he ran a hand through his black hair.
“They say when one door closes another one opens,” Sheila stated, walking further into the office to get a better look at it.
“They sure do. So you want the job?” He asked, watching her as she walked into her office. He watched as her hips swayed and his eyes slid down to her ass. It had been a while since he had seen a gorgeous woman walk into the building. He had a feeling it was going to be a very good time with Sheila working beside him.
“Yes, yes thank you.” Sheila looked over her shoulder, and when he made eye contact with her, she could see that he had been checking her out.
“Great, I will let Peggy know, and we can get you on the payroll today.” He cleared his throat and walked back to his desk.
“Is Peggy the old woman that runs the front desk?” She asked, smiling never thinking she would have her own office space.
“Yes, she’s a hard woman until you get to know her. When she warms up to you, you’ll see that she’s not all that bad.” He chuckled, shaking his head as he walked away and picked up his office phone.
He talked softly into the phone and Sheila could hear him through the wall, finding out they were paper thin. She felt a bigger smile come to her face when she heard the tail end of his conversation.
“Let Michelle know that I will be home late tonight. I have a few meetings and some extra work I have to get caught up on.” Derek stated, feeling his face growing red. The only two reasons his face got red was either he was angry, or he was lying, and he wasn’t angry.
He stayed on the phone for a few more seconds and then hung it up, clapping his hands together he got up and walked to the doorway of Sheila’s office.
He leaned against the door frame and saw that she was behind the desk, rearranging the pencils and pens. The notepad in front of her as she waited to get to work.
“You know, with all the new employees I like to have a dinner with them and get to know them a little better. Do you think you’re up for that?” Derek asked her, putting his hands in the pockets of his black slacks and feeling the white button up shirt tighten around his chest.
“That would be great. I don’t have anything better to do. It’s just my roommate and me. She’ll be happy that I landed a job finally.” Sheila blushed, she wanted to let him know that she was single. That there would be no reason why she couldn’t stay late.
“Great, we will have some pizza and drinks in my office. I want you to be able to relax and have fun.” Derek smiled at her and disappeared back into his own office.
Derek felt his cock growing hard just thinking about being alone with Sheila. She dressed the part, she wanted to be noticed. It was the look she was going for, he had seen plenty of women like her in the past, and that’s what they were looking for, the attention. She was going to get all the attention she needed working for him.
Chapter 2
Right before lunch, Derek handed a stack of papers to type up for him, he had to make sure she could do the work before he got his hopes up of her working full time for him. He had to have someone who was quick at the
computer, who had the typing skills he was looking for.
“You think you can get this done before tonight?” He asked, eyeing her cleavage as he spoke to her.
“Yes, I can have it done within a few hours. One of my major skills was typing, I hoped that I would one day put it to good use.” She winked at him, looking down at his slacks.
He was standing so close to her that she could see the head of his cock through the slacks he was wearing. She giggled, she could see that he wasn’t wearing anything under his slacks. She could see that he was interested in her, the signs were there.
“Good, maybe if you finish you’ll get a small reward.” He teased her in a soft voice before he walked away.
Sheila wasn’t at all put off by the flirting that Derek was doing, it made her feel as if he was a normal guy instead of some uptight boss that wanted the work done. All work and no play was a boring kind of job. A job that she wouldn’t stay at for too long, but a job like this one she could see herself being his assistant for years to come.
Just as she had promised Sheila had all the work printed out and put on his desk in two hours, he was on the phone when she walked into his office and set it on his desk. He gave her a wink and nodded his head at the paperwork that was finished in front of him and put a hand up to have her wait a second.
Sheila sat in the chair across from his desk and put one leg on top of the other, showing off her knee as a piece of her dress slipped away from her leg showing him what she had to offer without taking off her clothing.
Derek noticed her long legs and wondered what it would feel like to have them wrapped around him. He muffled a moan as he quickly got off the phone and put it back on the desk.
“So all of it’s done?” He asked, impressed with her getting her work done so quickly.
“Yes, I even double checked all of it to make sure I wasn’t missing anything.” She assured him, nodding her head firmly her eyes filled with confidence.
“Good, I had a good feeling about you Sheila. If you satisfy your boss, you’re sure to have a job.” He grinned at her as he saw her face turn red from his statement.
“I’m sure that’s true in most boss/assistant relationships,” Sheila commented without hesitation, sure of herself as he was of himself.
“I agree with that statement.” Derek was about to get up when there was a knock on his closed office door.
“Come in.” He cleared his throat as he sat back in his chair.
“I wanted to let you know I was taking off for the day Mr. Marr.” Peggy walked into the room and saw that Sheila was making herself comfortable in his office.
“That’s fine, I will see you first thing in the morning. Please lock up, and when I’m done here, I will go out the back door.” Derek gave her a small smile but didn’t get one in return.
“Have a good night Mr. Marr,” Peggy stated, quickly leaving the office. The last thing she wanted was to be introduced to the new assistant that he had. She didn’t care too much for the young people that came to work for them.
“Now we can get down to the finer details of the job. Every day you will have a sheet of sizes and what dresses are for large women and what dresses are for petite women like yourself with a big bust. It’s a very important job because if we get the size wrong it can mess up the production line and we will have a ton of dresses that we can’t do anything with.” Derek explained to her.
“I understand Mr. Marr.” Sheila nodded her head.
“Please call me Derek.” He grinned, seeing the respect she was already showing him. Surprised that she had, he knew the younger generation wasn’t much for respect, but he could see that she was raised in a home that was taught respect.
“Okay. When do we close up for the day?” Sheila asked, noticing that Peggy had taken off quite early.
“We usually don’t leave until about three in the afternoon, but Peggy always leaves earlier. She’s the first person here and the first person to leave. She’s a dedicated worker and makes sure that the front runs smoothly. If there are any problems, she comes to me right away, so I don’t mind giving her a little slack.” He explained, not that he had to, but he wanted Sheila to know that everyone that worked for him pulled their weight one way or another.
“Do you have any more work for me today?” Sheila asked, looking at the clock behind Derek on the wall and seeing that it was almost four in the evening.
“No, I think that we should order the pizza and have a drink.” He raised his eyebrows and got up from the chair.
Walking behind his chair, he opened a cabinet that turned into a mini-bar and Sheila was impressed with it.
“When you have a lot of money to play with you can do whatever you want. I have this here mostly for late night hours, it helps me relax when I’m feeling stressed.” Derek looked over his shoulder and grinned at her when he heard a noise come from her mouth.
“That’s something I would have if I had that kind of money.” She giggled.
“Scotch on the rocks?” He asked her, turning around and making one for himself.
“Yes, please.” She licked her lips.
Sheila couldn’t remember the last time she had a hard drink, but she was ready to have one. She had a great job, she had a handsome boss who wanted to get to know her in more ways than one, and it was a big celebration for her.
“I like to spend a lot of time out of the office and usually like to have someone be my partner in crime.” He laughed, turning around and putting the glass of Scotch in front of her as he sat down in his chair and took a few sips of his drink. The Scotch going down smoothly.
“That sounds like a lot of fun. I wouldn’t mind doing something like that.” She nodded her head as if he was inviting her along with him.
“We will see how things go.” He murmured as he looked at her tits, he saw that her nipples had gotten hard and they were showing off for him inside her dress.
Sheila had drunk down half her glass before she realized that he was staring at her, really staring at her and when she looked down, she saw that her nipples were getting really hard. She didn’t have to look, she could already feel the sexual sensation that was running through her body because of Derek, because of the way he was treating her.
Derek put his glass down when he saw that her drink was almost gone. He stood up and walked around the desk. He could see the hot desire in her eyes, and he had to know if she wanted him as much as he wanted her at that moment.
He stood behind her and put his hands on her shoulders, slowly massaging them as she closed her eyes.
“What do you do for fun Sheila?” Derek whispered, licking his lips as he slowly closed his eyes.
“I like to cause trouble.” Sheila moaned, feeling his hands slowly sliding down the front of her from her shoulders.
“You do?” He murmured, sliding his hands down further until they rested on her tits.
“Mmhmm.” She gasped, feeling him squeeze her tits gently through the fabric of her dress.
“That makes two of us.” He chuckled, running his fingertips over her hard nipples slowly.
Chapter 3
Sheila unbuttoned the front of her dress, letting her tits bounce freely out. They had been held so tightly that they were a little red from the small space they had been in all day. She felt her pussy getting wet, wishing that he wouldn’t take his time, wishing that he would just strip her down and have his way with her.
“You know what you want, that’s always a good thing.” Derek sucked in his breath as he felt the softness of her skin.
Sheila giggled, she had always been confident in herself since she was younger. She stood up from the chair and went to his desk. She turned, facing him she stripped out of her dress. Within seconds she was completely naked in front of him.
“I always know what I want, there’s no second guessing,” Sheila told him, her voice soft and sexy as she kept eye contact with him.
“It’s very rare that you see that in a woman these days.”
He licked his lips, his eyes slowly sliding away from her face, barely noticing her tits as he grunted and let his eyes move quickly down to her pussy.
She shaved it nicely, he could see how smooth it was without even touching it. He could imagine what it would feel like to have his face buried between her legs.
“Like I know what you’re thinking right now Derek.” She moaned, hoisting herself up on the desk and spreading her legs as he watched her pussy lips spread for him, her clit teasing him from the short distance he was from her.
“What am I thinking right now?” He teased her, looking away from her pussy and staring right into her eyes.
“Your eyes are telling me that you want to fuck me hard. That you want to fuck me right here on your desk and your cock, well your cock is telling me it’s ready to feel the wetness of my pussy. I can see how hard you are right now.” She looked down at his crotch and nodded her head at it.
“You’re right, you’re right on everything you guessed at.” Derek murmured, making his way to her quickly.
He stood in front of her and quickly slipped out of his shoes, he yanked his slacks down and stepped out of them, his hard cock standing at attention for her. It was ready for her and ready for what she was promising him.
Sheila reached down and grabbed his cock in her hand, roughly stroking it, making him moan for her as she continued to jerk it harder and harder. She loved the hot desire in his eyes each time she yanked on his cock.