The Vampire Jonah

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The Vampire Jonah Page 13

by Ann B. Morris

  “If you’re still fearful, I think it best we end this now before we go too far.”

  Too far for you to stop yourself?

  Yes. Once The Need takes hold, I am its prisoner.

  Like you were earlier this evening?

  He shook his head. No. That was different. That was fueled by anger. I don’t want you to think that would ever happen to me when I am making love to you. And there would have to be more than sex between us.

  You mean like last time? She couldn’t deny that while she remembered the thrill of his taking her blood while they mated, it was still a frightening thought to consider when she wasn’t caught up in the throes of passion.

  Between her legs she felt his cock spasm and stiffen even more.

  Yes. Since I haven’t had blood or one of my substitute drinks since I was with you last night, I’ll need your life force to mix with mine when our bodies join.

  She realized it wasn’t just Jonah who was highly aroused. Every cell in her body was begging for the kind of pleasure only he could give her. “I want you,” she said again, this time aloud, as she slid a hand between their bodies to grasp him between her fingers.

  She had once again put herself in his hands, trusting him to take her body and whatever blood he needed, and at the same time, keep her safe. “I trust you,” she said, moving both hands under him and cupping his swollen testicles.

  His upper body jerked and his head snapped back, startling her. After a deep breath, he took both her breasts in his hands and massaged them, bringing her nipples to points. “You’re heating my blood to a boil and it’s giving me wicked thoughts.”

  It thrilled her to know how hot she made him. And the sensation of having his hands on her breasts, added to the heat of his words, had fired up her body.

  His face suddenly dipped down to hers. The changes in his eyes were complete now, and the fiery red globes once again took her breath away.

  Spellbound, she watched his nails lengthen, sending spirals of heat through her body the way she imagined it spiraled through his.

  “Open for me.” His hand groped between her legs, making her ready for his entry. She longed for him to kiss her, but she knew it was too late for that. She would have to be satisfied with his mouth at her neck while he was inside her, bringing her the greatest pleasure she had ever known. She gripped his shoulders, trembling at the thought of what awaited her.

  When he spread her wide and pushed inside her, she almost screamed from the electric jolt of pleasure that seared her loins. As it had the night before, her body begged for release the instant he entered her.

  Jonah ran his claw-like nails through her hair and then gently positioned her neck beneath his extended fangs. She shivered involuntarily. One part of her yearned for the ecstasy having his mouth at her neck would bring, but another part of her shuddered at the thought of him piercing her vein. Still, she would do nothing to stop him.

  She closed her eyes and moved her neck closer to his lips, every fiber of her being on edge as she waited for the almost imperceptible sting that would signal his success. She knew when the vein had been opened by the rush of liquid fire in her veins that roared through her. A burst of light momentarily blinded her. And then she heard Lilith’s voice.

  You have been faithful to Jonah’s needs. You have once more proven to be a worthy mate for him. Enjoy all the pleasure a union with him can bring.

  When she thought the light could get no brighter, it intensified, and, at the same moment, she was rocked by an explosion of exquisite pleasure as she climaxed.

  Above her, Jonah’s body shuddered and he cried out the names of entities unknown to her. Then, as her rapid breathing slowed and her heart rate returned to normal, she became aware of Jonah’s body sprawled across hers. She waited for a sign that he was ready to withdraw, but when a long stretch of time passed and he made no attempt to move, her quiet heart gave an unwelcome leap.

  Was he all right? Or had the energy he’d expended during sex been too much, too soon?

  JONAH SENSED Angela’s concern for him, and he raised his head. “There’s no need for you to be concerned, my love. I’m fine.” Although he really wasn’t fine. All of a sudden, he felt ill. But he didn’t want to worry her. She had been through enough.

  Angela passed the back of her hand across his forehead. “Are you sure? You feel unusually warm to me.”

  He laughed, hoping to allay her fears. “Have you forgotten what I . . . what we have just been through?”

  It looked to him like she blushed a little and he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  She smiled and shook her head. “No, I haven’t forgotten, but . . .” She touched his cheek. “I still think you’re warmer than you should be.”

  Intent on convincing her that she was worried about nothing, he slipped his arms under her back and rolled over, taking her with him. He realized instantly that it was the wrong thing to do. Having her on top of him again would only heat his blood and he wasn’t ready for that yet. Angela would know for sure there was something wrong if she didn’t get a rise out of him. He planted a kiss on her bare shoulder.

  “I think you’d be more comfortable with your head on my shoulder.” Without waiting for her to respond, he rolled her next to him and slid his arm under her shoulder. They remained quiet for a while, basking in the afterglow of their union.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  From the tone of her voice, he knew the question was a serious one.

  “Sure. What do you want to know?”

  She hesitated a second then turned toward him. “Have you ever been as upset about anything as you were tonight?”

  He didn’t have to think about his answer. “No. Never.”

  “But it’s just a postponement. Why did it upset you so much? I mean, I know how important—”

  His body tensed instantly. “No, you cannot know how important this is to me.” He hadn’t intended to sound so belligerent, but he’d be damned if anyone, even Angela, questioned the importance of this audition. It meant everything to him.

  Next to him, Angela repositioned herself so that her forehead rested against his cheek. He could sense she wasn’t finished.

  “I know it’s none of my business. But I still don’t understand why you reacted so violently. We all have disappointments.”

  He jerked his body to an upright position so fast her head slipped off his shoulder. He looked at her, clenching his fists to hold back a scathing reply he wouldn’t be able to take back. It took several long, deep breaths before he trusted himself enough to answer civilly.

  “It isn’t possible for you, or any other mortal, to understand what it’s like to spend each day for a century planning for something and then have it snatched away at the last moment.”

  She met his gaze, her own eyes blazing. “Do you think our disappointments hurt less because we’re human—because since our lifetime is shorter, our disappointments mean less to us? We all have things we desire and work for. And it’s not as if your audition has been cancelled. It’s just been postponed.”

  He chastised himself for hurting her and placed his finger over her lips. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me if you feel I’ve demeaned your aspirations. That is the last thing I would do. I know what staying with me has cost you. And I’m eternally grateful.”

  “I’m sorry too, Jonah.” She scooted up so she could kiss his cheek. “I was just so worried about you when I saw—” Her voice caught and she rested her cheek on his chest. He should have known the woman he had chosen to stand beside him had a sympathetic heart that would forgive him anything.

  Were those tears he felt on his skin? He pulled her closer. “I can only imagine what it was like for you to witness that scene. I can’t undo what happened; I can only promise I will do whatever is necessary so it won’t happen again

  He sent a plea to the realm above that he could keep that promise. If what he suspected was correct, the postponement of the audition might soon be the least of his problems.

  Chapter Twelve

  ANGELA HAD REMAINED with Jonah until shortly before daybreak, when he’d walked her to the door and kissed her goodbye. Back in her room, she’d fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

  The brightness in the room when she woke told her that it was approaching midday. It was too late for breakfast, so she made herself a cup of coffee and took it back to her room. There were several calls she wanted to make before lunch.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and placed her first call to Dottie. Things had finally started to stabilize in San Francisco, which allowed the two women uninterrupted time to chat. After disconnecting the call, Angela tried her friend Simone’s number in New Orleans. She and Simone hadn’t spoken for quite some time, so it took a while for her to bring Simone up to speed. When she got to the part about her relationship with Jonah, she knew from Simone’s response that she wasn’t telling her friend anything new. Simone was undoubtedly in constant touch with Dottie, just as she was.

  “It’s only been a couple of days since . . .” She found it difficult to speak about her union with Jonah, even though she knew Simone shared a similar experience with Julian.

  “I know it’s difficult to talk about,” Simone said, “especially in the beginning. But you know Dottie and I are here for you.”

  Angela ran her finger along the edge of one of the floral designs on the coverlet. “I know. And I promise I’ll call if I need to talk to someone.” There were so many things she wanted to talk about now, but it was too soon in her relationship with Jonah to bare her soul to anyone, even to one of her two best friends. She certainly couldn’t talk about his outburst last night and the effect it’d had on both of them.

  “I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other soon for the ritual,” Simone said, obviously trying to move past the lull in the conversation. “Until then, remember I’m as near as your phone.”

  “The ritual?”

  There was a long silence before Simone spoke. “Pay no mind to me. I spoke out of turn. I should have realized you were still very new to—”

  Angela broke in before her friend could berate herself any more. “If you’re talking about Julian’s call for Jonah to come to New Orleans, I know about that. I just never considered I might be going with him.”

  “Actually, Julian and I haven’t spoken too much about the ceremony. I guess I just assumed you’d be coming with Jonah. Anyway, we have time for all of that. Meanwhile, if you need to talk, I’m here for you.”

  “I know. And of course, I’ll come to New Orleans if Jonah wants me to. I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than spend time with you and Dottie. It would be like old times.”

  Like old times. The words stayed with Angela after she hung up the phone. They implied things could go back to being as they once were, but she knew that was impossible. Nothing would ever be the same. The thought had her second-guessing once again all the decisions she’d made this past week.

  But then she reminded herself of where she was and what she had found with Jonah. She knew, without a doubt, that she was meant to be by his side. But she also knew what had to be done.

  This next telephone call would be one of the most difficult ones she’d ever have to make. There was no need to wait until Friday to cancel her appointment with the law firm in Mobile. She picked up the phone.

  After disconnecting the call a few minutes later, a feeling of heaviness settled on her chest. Even if she was doing the right thing, it hadn’t been easy to close the door on such a golden opportunity.

  She needed something to take her mind off of what she’d just done. So she looked around the room, searching for some form of diversion. The bag with the makeup she’d bought yesterday afternoon caught her eye. Scott. She wondered if he had a few hours free. Maybe she could get him to take her shopping again. It would stop her from dwelling on what she’d just lost. She dialed his number. In thirty minutes, they were on their way to the mall.

  THE SHOPPING TRIP with Scott that afternoon had been just what Angela needed. It wasn’t a long outing; Scott had to be at The Onyx earlier than usual to accept some deliveries usually handled by his assistant who had the evening off, but still, it had been enough.

  Back home, she’d showered, bundled up in her soft robe, crawled into bed, and turned on the television to watch the early news, counting the minutes until she heard the piano. She hadn’t expected to fall asleep again, but that’s what she’d done. When she awoke well after eight o’clock, the silence was deafening. Why wasn’t Jonah at the piano?

  She dressed quickly and headed for the living room. Perhaps he was studying a new composition, or maybe he’d had something important to take care of before he started the night’s practice. Both were possible, but she felt deep down that neither was the case. She could sense trouble deep in her bones. Something was wrong.

  JONAH TRIED THREE times to leave the coffin, but couldn’t find the strength to lift himself out of it. His head ached and his arms and legs felt as if they each weighed a ton. He’d even resorted to trying to connect his mind with Angela’s, but he was too weak, even for that. It didn’t take the IQ of a genius to figure out he was ill.

  Just the thought of Angela waiting for him and worrying when he didn’t show up at his regular time made his head throb. He had to get up; not only was Angela waiting, but he had his practice time to consider.

  After his fit of anger last night, he had come to accept the delay of his audition as a blessing rather than a curse. He would have those extra days to practice.

  Maybe if he tried to use his arms as leverage instead of his hands, he’d have more success lifting himself.

  One. Two. Three. Up.

  He was immediately overcome by a wave of dizziness that had him on his back again in seconds. He put a hand to his chest. His heart raced. High fever did that. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He couldn’t ignore the obvious.

  He was in trouble.

  ANGELA’S HAND shook as she reached for the cell phone. She pressed the number on the keypad that dialed Scott’s phone number and held her breath while she waited for him to answer. She counted the rings. After the fourth ring, panic began to set in. If Scott didn’t answer soon, she’d have to call a taxi to take her to the club. When she heard Scott’s voice, she went weak with relief.

  “Slow down,” Scott said before she’d gotten a dozen words out. “You’re not making sense.”

  She inhaled deeply and let out a rush of air. “Something’s wrong with Jonah. He hasn’t shown up to practice and I thought he had a fever when I left him. I don’t remember the code to unlock his door so I can’t go to him.”

  “I’ll get there as fast as possible,” Scott promised before disconnecting.

  Angela paced the length of the living room while she waited for Scott. When she heard him pull up in the driveway, she rushed to meet him at the door. Once inside, Scott went to the nearest chair and pointed. “Sit down, take a deep breath, and start at the beginning.” Scott took the chair opposite hers, but she noticed that despite his take-charge attitude, he sat on the edge. He was as worried as she was.

  The words tumbled out. “When he found out about the postponement of his audition, he became angry. Extremely angry. He was like a wild man. He threw himself against the wall.”

  “Are you saying he lost control?”

  She swallowed hard. She had to tell Scott exactly how it happened. Details could be important.

  “Not immediately after he got the note. He began to practice as usual, but I could tell something was wrong. His playing sounded angry. I don’t know any other way to describe it. When I questioned him about it, he told me about the p
ostponement and how upset he was. He also told me he hadn’t yet rid himself of his anger.”

  She wished Scott would stop asking questions and go instead to Jonah’s quarters and help him. If he waited too long—

  “What happened when he finished practicing?”

  She picked at a thread on the cuff of her blouse before she lifted her gaze to look squarely at him. There was no reason for her to be ashamed of having sex with Jonah. Besides, the information could be important. “We went to my room and we . . .” She couldn’t finish.

  Scott came to her rescue. “And afterward—is that when he lost it?”


  “Did he say anything, give any explanation at all?”

  “He . . . he said he had to keep me safe.”

  “And then what happened?”

  She jumped up. “Can’t we go to him now before it’s too late?” She knew it had only been a few minutes since Scott arrived, but they didn’t know what they were dealing with. Jonah might not have much time left!

  Scott came over to her and put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I know you’re worried about Jonah, but remember; there are only a couple of things that can destroy him as long as he’s immortal.”

  Scott’s words made her feel a little better, but they didn’t entirely wipe out her fear. If Jonah’s condition wasn’t serious, then why had he reacted so violently?

  “What happened next?”

  “He was in so much pain, he needed my help to get him to his quarters. After I opened the door, he barely made it to that . . . that coffin before he started convulsing.”

  “And that’s how you left him?”

  She shook her head. “No. After a time, the convulsions stopped and he awoke. Then he went to the bed to rest. That’s when I noticed how feverish he was. I stayed with him until daybreak.” She started pacing again. “I know he’s a vampire, but I’m telling you, he was sick. Very sick.”

  Scott gently squeezed her shoulder. “I’ll go to him now. I want you to go back to your room and wait for me there.”


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