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by Amelia Wilson


  The Adna Planet Series Book 2


  Amelia Wilson

  Table of Contents:

  Invitation From The Author

  Also By Amelia Wilson

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven



  Preview: Sensual Abduction Series Book 1

  Copyright © 2018 by Amelia Wilson

  All rights reserved.

  In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited, and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.

  Invitation From The Author

  I am currently recruiting BETA readers for my review team.

  If you would like to participate by volunteering to read advance copies of my latest books, and leaving an honest review on Amazon, please sign up for my email list here: JOIN NOW! I contact subscribers through email when each book is ready for review. You will be under no obligation, and can accept of decline on a book by book basis.

  Join the Amelia Wilson Readers club now if you want to receive the exclusive hot short story paranormal romance “ To Catch A Killer” for FREE and get notifications of new releases and promotions.

  ∞ Amelia ∞

  Also By Amelia Wilson


  Love Beyond the wall

  Sight of Love

  Claimed by Love

  In Love with the Enemy

  Love for you Alone

  A Rizer Wolfpack Series BOX SET


  Rune Sword

  Rune Master

  Rune Hunter

  Rune King's Daughter

  Rune Romance Complete Series BOX SET


  Aeon Captive

  Aeon Fugitive

  Aeon War

  Aeon Ending

  Sensual Abduction Series Box Set


  Bearly Deniable

  Hunting for Love

  The Soul of a Bear

  UnBearable Romance Series





  The Adna Planet Series Box Set


  Rival Love

  Strong Love

  Magic Love



  Ignition (July 18)


  A Chosen Fate

  A Dark Truth


  A Friend in Love

  A Witchy Girl

  A Final Game

  A Vampire in Disguise Box Set


  To Catch A Killer

  The Alien Surrogate

  Alien Message

  Wild Winter



  Twitter: @AmeliaWilsonB


  Chapter One

  Abigail could hear them behind her as she ran. The alien’s footsteps sounded close, but, certain she had a good head start, she didn’t look back. Being on a new planet was something she had only dreamed of three days earlier. How dumb she’d been, thinking Earth was the only thing that mattered, the only place with life! Three days earlier, she would have never believed aliens would take her. The stories of abductions, space travel, and the deals humans made with other planets had always seemed outside her realm of things to worry about.

  She’d awakened after midnight, a faint buzzing in her room. She thought she was dreaming, as the whole room was glowing with a soft white light. Her apartment was in a busy part of town so it wasn’t unusual to wake up to a car’s headlights pointed toward her window. These looked strange, though, and she felt compelled to get out of bed. Shielding her eyes, she went to her window to see what could be causing such a thing.

  The street was bathed in the same light. She couldn’t see where it came from.

  Abigail would come to regret her decision to go outside and investigate If she could go back in time she would have just stayed in bed. The light brightened as she made her way onto the porch. Suddenly, she was being lifted into the air towards a large metal object. Making out exactly what it looked like was difficult, and from then until they’d made their emergency stop, most of it was a blur.

  Now, she was running from them on a planet far from home. It was pitch black and she was running by feeling alone. The woods were thick, almost alive with a need to put a stop to her forward momentum. A branch cracked her across the forehead, another slapped her hard across the mouth. A sound of pain she didn’t recognize escaped from her. She felt the blood running into her eyes, spit the metallic taste from her mouth, and kept moving forward. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

  The woods seemed to stretch in front of her forever. Her eyes were adjusting to the dark and a moon started to peek out from behind clouds she hadn’t realized were there. The fact that there was oxygen to breathe on this planet was surprising to her when she first fled. She’d hesitated, thinking the air might kill her before she made it very far. Now, as she took in deep breaths, she could tell it wasn’t the same oxygen she breathed on Earth. Somehow this was denser, it didn’t feel the same when she took it in. However, her head didn’t hurt and she wasn’t getting weaker, so she assumed it was working the way it should.

  Another few branches slapped her before she tumbled out of the woods. Pitching forward, she came to a steep hill and found herself rolling down it uncontrollably. As she rolled, she imagined a large pit at the bottom, waiting to swallow her up. This was how she died. She knew it. Her last few minutes on Earth passed in her mind. She’d argued with a guy and tripped in front of her apartment while several people looked on. It wasn’t her best day.

  When she came to a stop, she was afraid to open her eyes. Where could she be? One eye and then the other fluttered open and she realized she was simply at the bottom of the hill. Her whole body ached, blood still ran down her face, but she was very much alive. The grass of the hill was itchy and she fought the urge to scratch all over her body.

  Another hill stretched up in front of her. She was going to have to climb. Abigail wasn’t sure she had enough energy to make it up, so she walked along the bottom hoping to find the way around it.

  A shrill screech cut the air, almost like a cricket being strangled. She froze, expecting the source of that ungodly shriek to come over the hill at any moment. She waited, and finally, after what seemed like forever, her heart settled. The noise didn’t seem to be getting any louder. She hoped that meant the creature was stuck to one place. Not sure how long she’d been standing in one spot, she started her climb.

  After walking for what seemed like miles, she came to the conclusion the hill wasn’t going to end. It was up or nowhere. She inched up the hill and almost fell back down a couple of times. There wasn’t a tree or branch to hold onto, making it difficult to get any momentum. When she finally made it to the top, she rolled onto her back, gasping. She’d never been very active on Earth and now she regretted it.

  CrossFit Carrie, as she lovingly referred to her workout-addicted friend, would have beat up all the aliens and taken over the ship
. Abigail could barely make it up a hill. Once her breathing had returned to normal, she rolled over and could just make out the outline of flowers nearby.

  She moved into it, the petals tickling her legs. She’d been abducted wearing a pair of short leggings and a large white shirt. Now her shirt was covered in dirt and whatever disgusting goo the aliens had on their ship. When they’d allowed her to redress after an extensive shower with what could only be described as a giant garden hose, her clothes were laying on a tray of different goo, goo that was clearly a part of their next experiment. When she'd fled, she'd managed to grab her purse, and the contents were the only thing she now had to her name. A wallet with worthless money, lipstick, a cell phone that didn't work, and a lighter for her occasional party cigarette. How she wished she was a Girl Scout type who'd carried survival supplies.

  Back on her abductor's ship, the English translator they wore made the clicks of the other aliens come out in words she could understand. She understood from that little box that they were going to let her rest and then start the procedure. At the time, she thought sarcastically, “Oh how nice to let me rest.” Now she thought her “rest” may have saved her from having a much worse time. The ship going down had been unplanned and she took advantage of it. Whatever they were planning to do with the goo had to be worse than what she would face on the outside.

  The flowers made Abigail happy. She realized she was laughing and tears streamed down her face. She felt a love for them and herself. It was a bizarre feeling because she knew she wasn’t feeling good at all. It had to be the flowers. She had a sudden urge to get down and roll around in them.

  She refrained, and moved faster through them. She was reminded beautiful flowers could be poisonous. Maybe these flowers were doing something to her.

  Hurrying through the flowers, she happened upon a large body of water. There was a small boat on the shore with a single paddle. The water wasn’t wide but it did look deep. She crawled into the boat and picked up a box that wouldn’t open to peer beneath it. It wasn’t clear to her what she was looking for. Other people were a long shot on a planet she wasn’t familiar with. Maybe she would find shelter and food and then a way to get back to Earth.

  She actually laughed out loud. Even if she found a way, she didn’t have a clue how to fly a ship or use an alien communication device.

  Rowing the boat did nothing to help her sore muscles feel better. She tried stroking slowly to not aggravate them so much. When it didn’t work, she went faster to try and get across quickly so she could rest her arms.

  “You, you there.”

  Someone was yelling at her. Ducking down, she tried to row without being seen.

  “You took my boat!”

  She looked towards the shore now and saw a man standing there with his arms in the air, waving at her. Was it a man? On second glance, she realized he was glowing.

  “I’ll push it back across when I’m done.” She yelled at him, knowing the solution she offered probably wouldn’t work.

  To her horror, she saw he’d gotten into the water and was swimming towards her. She tried to row faster, not wanting to panic. When she made it to the side, she leapt from the boat and took off running.

  He chased her, she could hear his footsteps. “You don’t want to go that way, ma’am.”

  The hell she didn’t. As much distance as she could put between him and her was what she needed. She gasped when an arm wrapped around her waist and stopped her from running. She fought for him to let her go, but he was far too strong.

  Chapter Two

  “Let her go.” A man came from nowhere and pushed the glowing man onto the ground. Abigail tripped as his arms ripped away from her. She hit the ground hard with her backside and scrambled away from the two who now tussled.

  “Are you okay, miss?” A woman helped her up and dusted off her leggings. Well, what was left of the leggings, now torn and dirtied to barely recognizable rags. She stood and looked at this pretty younger woman. She had a long brown braid and a conservative dress. It seemed she was a human.

  “Are you from Earth?” Abigail asked without thinking.

  “Goodness, no. We’re from here.”

  “Oh, sorry. You just look like me.”

  “No worries. Come on, let’s get you away from that glowing freak.” The woman put her arm around Abigail’s shoulder and guided her away from the men who were still fighting one another on the ground. “Our family is from Earth, but we call this place our home.”

  Abigail felt relieved that they were human.

  “Wait!” the glowing man yelled at her. “They aren’t what they seem! Don’t go with her!”

  Abigail wondered why he would say something so strange. What did he mean by that? She turned to look at him, but the woman forced her to face forward.

  The guy who’d attacked the glowing man landed a punch, and he went back to trying to fend him off. The woman continued to guide her. Up ahead Abigail saw small houses all in a row, and several people stood outside of them. Surely, with all the people here, they couldn’t be that bad.

  “What’s your name?” Abigail asked.

  “Cecilia, what’s yours?” The woman smiled.

  “Abigail.” They’d made it to the houses and Abigail noticed a shortage of women standing outside the large rock buildings. They were all men. Now her stomach did a little twist and she thought back on what the glowing man had said.

  “Come on in, Abigail.” The woman gave her a toothy grin and held open a door. “I’ll make you some tea.”

  “Sounds great. Thank you, Cecilia.”

  One by one, the men from outside walked into the house with them. They stood lined up against the back wall, staring. It unnerved her how no one said anything to her. They just kept their eyes focused on her. She felt the twisting in her stomach start to become roll.

  “Sit down, I’ll get your tea.”

  Abigail sat down and looked around the house. It seemed like a normal family home with furniture much like she would have seen on Earth. Cecilia was in a kitchen that had a sink, and some type of stove although it was different than what she was used to. Despite the bad feeling in her stomach, it was nice to have a little normalcy.

  Watching Cecilia make her tea she saw her put a bright purple tea bag in. It could be any type of tea, knowing she wasn’t in a normal situation, and she hoped they didn’t enjoy hallucinogens or something like that. She took the tea from the kind woman and smiled. It smelled delicious and the first sip filled her with a warmth and comfort she’d not experienced since the abduction. She took another sip and felt another wave of comfort and happiness.

  Something was wrong. Feeling a little light headed, Abigail placed the mug on the table. The steam, still curling from the purple liquid inside, was hypnotizing. Her hands trembled as she placed them on the strap of the purse slung across her body. Taking a deep breath, she tried to push the growing haze from her mind. Shaking her head, she worked on focusing. If she could just get her eyes to focus on one thing, her brain would clear.

  Cecilia watched from the opposite side of the table. Abigail struggled to see her face through the fog. It looked like she was smiling at her.

  “Are you feeling okay, dear?” The woman stood and was coming around the table towards her.

  Abigail tried to speak but her tongue felt glued to the roof of her mouth. She swallowed against the knot that had formed in her throat, trying to force her vocal chords to work. The mild panic registering in the back of her mind became a loud siren. She needed to get her thoughts together.

  “I’m just a little tired,” she said slowly. Her words echoed in her head, sounding if they were in some kind of slow motion. Trying to stand, her arms and legs turned to cement.

  Cecilia only nodded, her grin spreading wider. “Yes, well, you’ve been through quite an ordeal. Would you like to lie down for a while? Maybe get a little rest.”

  Every fiber of her being told Abigail she needed to get up and get moving. However
, the message from her brain to her feet didn’t seem to make it all the way. She tried desperately to lift one cement leg out of the chair, thinking if she could just get one part of her body to move, she'd gain momentum.

  She lifted her gaze to the other woman’s face and it seemed to fade completely in and out of focus until she looked just like one of the aliens that had taken her. The walls surrounding them started to flex and bend. Faster and faster, her head began to swim.

  Using every bit of energy she could muster, Abigail placed her palms on the table and sluggishly pushed to her feet. The floor tilted dangerously beneath her and she willed her balance to return.

  “Thank you, but I should probably be going.” Her words didn't even sound like her. They felt sticky in her mouth.

  The smile never left the woman’s face, though something more sinister shifted behind her eyes as she climbed to her feet. Abigail caught the change as her face zoomed back into focus and out again. “I don’t think you’re in any condition to go anywhere,” she said as she nodded her head at one of the men leaning against the wall behind Abigail.

  Abigail tried to turn and walk but a strong hand closed around her upper arm. She didn’t struggle. Instead, she just looked over her shoulder at Cecilia. “No, really. I think I just need--”

  “Take her to the back,” Cecilia said, promptly cutting off Abigail’s words.

  Panic clutched Abigail’s throat but, try as she might, she couldn’t will her legs to move. She needed to get out of this house and away from these weird people. Something horrible was going to happen to her if she didn't get her legs to move.

  “Let me go,” she said groggily as she pulled in vain against her captor.

  “I’m afraid they can’t do that,” Cecilia said with a malicious grin. “Take her back.”


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