TURMOIL: Bratva Fury (book 2)

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TURMOIL: Bratva Fury (book 2) Page 16

by Alexi Ferreira

“Raven, on this day, there is still a part of me that cannot believe I'm the one who gets to marry you. I will hold you above all else, worshiping you with my body, my mind, my very soul. And I promise to love you, to cherish you, and to protect you, Luke, and any children we may have.”

  A tear escapes and rolls down my cheek as I feel every word Nik speaks deep in my soul. “Nik, you stole my heart the moment I met you, and I know that I will be forever yours. I promise that I will walk with you hand in hand wherever our journey leads us. That I will bear your children, nurturing them to adulthood, and be proud to carry your name. I promise to love you with my body and my soul and listen to you, forever holding you in my heart."

  Luke walks towards us with our rings, a big smile on his face. When Nik bends down to take the rings, Luke lifts his arms to be picked up. Sofia holds his hand to take him back to his seat, but he fusses. “No, I want Daddy,” he calls loudly, making some guests laugh. Nik looks over at Luke and then at me and lifts a brow in question. I know what he’s asking, and I nod. Nik nods to Sofia, letting her know to let Luke come to us. His little legs pump as he runs towards us. Lifting him into his arms, Nik says something that has Luke nodding, and then he looks at me and smiles just like his dad.

  We exchange rings, once again making me cry with emotion. Luke leans forward and tries to come to me. “Mama crying. Kiss,” he says loudly, making the guests laugh again.

  “It’s okay, baby,” I murmur with a smile as Nik places his free arm around me, guiding me out of the church. Sofia once again takes Luke. He starts to fuss, but Nik berates him, which has him meekly leaving with her.

  “We need to talk about this dress you are wearing,” Nik says against my ear, the arm around my waist tightening gently.

  “Do you like it?” I murmur as I slide into the back seat of the car.

  “You know I like it, but you are playing with fire,” he murmurs as Andrei starts the car and pulls away.

  “Promise?” I dare, and his eyebrow rises before he lowers his head and takes my lips in a scorching kiss that leaves us both breathless.

  “Don’t tempt me or we won’t be making the reception,” he growls as he pulls away, making me smile as I lean against him.

  “I missed you yesterday,” he says after a few minutes of silence. “I don’t like being away from you.”

  At his words, I still, never expecting to hear Nik confess something like that.

  “I don’t like being away from you either; therefore, make sure you stay close,” I tease, making him kiss my forehead affectionately just as Andrei pulls up to the venue.

  “Let’s not stay too long, okay?” he mutters against my ear as we make our way inside. Shaking my head in amusement, I greet the guests, smiling and laughing at things they say until Nik has me sitting at our table. I notice Luke playing with another boy his age a few feet away from us.

  “He’s enjoying himself,” Nik says against my ear. “Thank you for my son, Raven. For once in my life, I feel like I finally have a family of my own.”

  Turning in my chair, I look deep into his eyes, seeing the love this man holds for me, for his son. Lifting my hand, I stroke his cheek. Leaning forward, I kiss his lips lovingly. When I lean back again in my chair, I take his hand in mine and bring it against my stomach. I see he doesn’t realize what I’m doing for a few seconds, and then his eyes widen. “What are you saying?”

  I nod, letting him know that what he’s thinking is true. “We’re going to have a baby,” I murmur, and I can see the surprise in his eyes turn to tenderness as he strokes my stomach gently. Leaning forward, he takes my face between both of his hands and kisses me deeply.





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