[Meet Your Match 01.0] Prejudice Meets Pride

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[Meet Your Match 01.0] Prejudice Meets Pride Page 7

by Rachael Anderson

  Emma waved aside whatever comment Nicole had just made, reminding Kevin that he’d just walked into what was bound to be an awkward situation. Why was Nicole even here, and how could he explain that the something that had “come up” was his cute next door neighbor and her two daughters—er, nieces? Kevin took a subtle step back, hiding in the hallway as his mind hunted for a plausible excuse.

  “Why don’t you give it to him yourself?” said Emma. “He spilled something on his shirt and is changing. He won’t be long.”

  Kevin stiffened. Did she really just invite Nicole inside?

  “I really don’t want to impose,” said Nicole. “If I’d known he had family in town, I wouldn’t have stopped by.”

  Family? What had Emma told Nicole?

  “As much as Kevin talks about you, it might not be long before you’re family as well,” teased Emma.

  Emma! He and Nicole had only been on one date—one! And now Emma was telling her that he might propose any day now? Kevin suddenly felt like wringing Emma’s cute little neck. He should have stepped in the moment he’d seen Nicole at the door, rather than hide like a coward.

  “We really don’t know each other that well yet, but I’m glad to hear he’s mentioned me,” said Nicole. “And I wish I could say the same about you. He hasn’t really talked about his family, and I didn’t know he had a sister.”

  So he and Emma were brother and sister now? Awesome. What next? Would Adelynn and Kajsa become his nieces? Kevin frowned when he realized his wish to be called Uncle Kevin was about to come true.

  “That’s Kevin for you—always pretending I don’t exist. Too bad for him I like surprising people, especially him,” Emma said. “Come on in. He’s going to be thrilled you stopped by.”

  Thrilled wasn’t a word Kevin would use to describe his feelings at that moment. He couldn’t tell if Emma was doing it to protect him or because she liked causing mischief. Had she even stopped to consider what would happen if he continued to date Nicole? Because she’d eventually find out the truth, and then what?

  Ugh. He really needed to put a stop to this before Emma buried them any deeper. Forcing his feet forward, Kevin walked toward both women, mustering a look of surprise. “Nicole? What are you doing here?”

  She blushed, and Emma quickly jumped in, “I was just telling her what a gem of a brother”—she looked at him meaningfully—“you are.”

  Nicole stepped inside, holding a plate of something covered in tin foil. “I don’t mean to intrude, but when you said that something had come up, I figured it had to do with work and thought you could use something to get you through the night. I brought you some of my homemade lemon bars.”

  “That was nice. You really didn’t need to do that, but thank you.” Kevin accepted the plate, feeling as if he was being rewarded for something he didn’t earn.

  Nicole waved him off with a smile. “It was no problem. I wish you would have told me that you had to cancel because your sister needed a sitter. I would have offered to help you watch her girls.”

  Kevin’s eyes flew to Emma’s. Watch her girls? Was that the excuse she’d given Nicole? That Kevin had cancelled a date in lieu of a babysitting gig?

  A mischievous look appeared on Emma’s face. “I think that Kevin must have fed us the yummy dinner he’d made for you. I’m so sorry. I wouldn’t have barged in on him like this if I’d known he had a date. But I was in a bind, and he’s always so good to help me out when I need him.” Emma patted his arm in an indulgent way, making Kevin feel like wringing her neck once again. “I’m just sorry he had to cancel on you because of it.”

  “I completely understand,” said Nicole. “It’s not a problem at all.”

  Kevin disagreed.

  “You should stay, Nicole,” said Emma. “I was just about to leave. And if you’re sure you don’t mind having two crazy girls underfoot, I’m sure Kevin would love it if you stuck around. It’ll give you a chance to see his softer, fatherly side. He’s wonderful with my girls.”

  Before Kevin could put a stop to the direction the situation was taking, Nicole said, “I’d love to stay.”

  And that was how his date with Nicole went from being off to on and how Emma finagled a free night out. But how would he keep up the pretense? And what would happen when Adelynn and Kajsa came running inside and called him Kevin instead of Uncle Kevin?

  Turned out he didn’t have to worry, because once Emma had given them a goodbye squeeze and whispered a few words in their ears, it became official. He was now Uncle Kevin.

  And, like with the lemon bars, it didn’t feel earned.

  “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” Emma said to Becky as she twisted her spoon in a bowl containing a large glob of macadamia nut yogurt. They sat at a small table in a frozen yogurt parlor, surrounded by dozens of teenagers. “You were supposed to go get the girls from Kevin, not talk me into coming out with you. I feel like the worst guardian ever. I hardly know the man.”

  Becky waved off Emma’s concern. “I’ve known Kevin for years. Your girls are in great hands, trust me.” Becky laughed as she licked a spoonful of coconut flavored frozen yogurt, covered in M&M’s. “I just wish I could have been there to see the look on his face when you left him with a date he’d ditched, along with the girls. So hilarious!”

  Emma couldn’t help but smile at the memory of Kevin’s deer-in-the-headlights expression. Still, what had she been thinking to leave him with the girls and walk out the door? And what had he been thinking to call off his date with the beautiful Nicole? Did he really pity Emma that much, or was it the girls he pitied? This entire night had turned out to be a fiasco, and Emma had no one to blame but herself. If only she’d listened to Sam and not let the dinner burn. Then none of this would have happened.

  But did she really wish for that? Emma shoved a spoonful of yogurt into her mouth as she thought about Kevin, tying his apron around Kajsa, chatting with the girls, teasing her, and wrestling the sprayer from her hand. It had all felt so… homey. So wonderful. The picture of the happy little family Emma had always dreamed of having one day. He seemed honest, trustworthy—the type of guy she could easily fall for.

  And then, like a frigid splash of water in the face, Emma had opened the door to find the willowy and poised Nicole on Kevin’s doorstep—the type of girl who belonged with someone like him. It had stung, and Emma didn’t like to sting. So she’d rallied her pride by leaving the perfect couple with two darling little chaperones.

  “He offered me a job, you know,” Emma said, almost to herself.

  Becky’s eyes widened. “Kevin did? Really?”


  “And…?” Becky prodded.

  Emma twisted her spoon in her yogurt, making swirling patterns. “I turned him down.” She kept her eyes glued on her yogurt, not wanting to see the Are you crazy? stare that Becky was probably sending her way.


  It was a question Emma had asked herself several times since. But what it all boiled down to was the way he’d fumbled over the offer, as if making it up on the spot. The way he’d looked so relieved when she’d turned him down.

  “My pride,” Emma finally said. How could something that had given her so much strength over the years now be her undoing? Ever since she’d met Kevin, it had been one prideful blunder after another.

  Becky dropped her Styrofoam container on the counter with a thump. “Emma!” she said, finally drawing Emma’s eyes to hers. “What were you thinking?”

  “He only offered out of pity,” Emma said. “You should have seen the relief on his face when I said no.”

  Becky leaned back in her chair and leveled Emma a look. “You’re broke, Emma. You need a job.”

  With a frown, Emma turned back to her yogurt for solace. “I thought I could get one just fine on my own.”

  “Yeah, at Dairy Queen,” Becky said wryly. “Do you really want to make Blizzards and French fries for a living?”


sp; “Kevin’s office is really professional. His staff is awesome. You could work while the girls are in school, and they could come to my house until you get home. And if one of them ever wakes up sick, and you couldn’t go to work, Kevin would understand. He knows your situation and would be flexible. He’s really a great guy.”

  When Becky spelled it out that way, Emma felt worse than ever. Becky was right. Even if the offer was made out of pity, Emma had blown it.

  “Why don’t you tell him you’ve reconsidered?” Becky said.

  “Oh, I couldn’t.”

  “Yes, you could,” Becky said. “You’re a mom now, and as such, you need to learn that it’s sometimes necessary to set your pride aside for the sake of your kids. Capiche?”

  So much for a relaxing and carefree girls’ night out. Becky was asking her to admit defeat—and to Kevin, of all people. But when Emma pictured two pairs of large, trusting eyes peering up at her, she knew Becky was right.

  Yet how in the world was Emma supposed to approach Kevin about it? Hey, thanks so much for watching the girls tonight. And for feeding us dinner. Oh, and for trying to fix my sprinklers and buying me groceries and mowing my lawn and offering me a job. Speaking of which, is that offer still on the table? Because I’d like to take you up on it now.

  Ugh. A swirling mass of unease filled Emma’s stomach at the thought. Where was the sugar to put in her lemonade now?

  Her mother’s voice seemed to call through the miles that separated them. It’s in the job offer, honey. Lots of sugar there.

  But it didn’t taste like sugar to Emma. It tasted like unsweetened cocoa.

  “Capiche,” Emma finally muttered.

  Becky reached across the table and patted Emma’s hand in a motherly way. “That’s a good girl. Now what do you say we take advantage of Kevin a little longer and catch a movie?”

  “Oh no, I cou—”

  “Yes, you can.” Becky took Emma’s bowl and threw it into the trash, then grabbed Emma’s arm and pulled her out the door. “I already texted Kevin, and he said to go ahead.”

  A car engine died, followed by two slamming doors. Kevin rose and lifted one of the wooden slats in his blinds in time to see Emma wave a quick goodbye to Becky before darting across the street towards Kevin’s house. She’d changed from the business suit to fitted jeans and a plaid, button-down top. She looked casual and beautiful, and he liked watching the movements of her hips and the way she tossed her head to keep her hair from blowing in her face.

  As she neared the house, Kevin let the slat fall back in place and moved to open the door before she knocked and woke the girls, both of whom were sound asleep on his couch.

  Emma met his gaze with an expression of uncertainty and worry. “I’m sorry I’m so late. Becky said you wouldn’t care if we went to a movie, and since I figured you’d want some more time with Nicole, I said okay. But then the movie was longer than I thought, and—”

  Kevin placed a finger against Emma’s soft lips to keep them from moving. Her large gray, almost blue, eyes widened, looking so much like Kajsa’s that it tugged at his heartstrings. He let his finger fall back to his side. Then he nodded toward his couch where the two girls were curled up, each on opposite ends.

  A serene smile lit Emma’s face when she saw them. “They look so angelic when they sleep, don’t they? As though they could never throw fits or call each other names. It makes me want to pick them up and snuggle them close.”

  For a moment, Kevin had the insane urge to snuggle Emma close. He stifled it as quickly as it came. He’d given Nicole a hug goodbye not long ago—Nicole, the girl he was dating. Emma, on the other hand, was the girl next door—a girl who’d left him with her two nieces for four hours. It didn’t matter that Kevin had enjoyed every second with the girls. But with Nicole here, things hadn’t been quite the same as they had with Emma.

  “You owe me,” Kevin teased, watching her closely for a reaction.

  Guilt appeared first, followed by resignation. She placed her cool hand on his arm. “Would you settle for a thank you? That seems to be all I ever say to you, but I don’t have much else to offer.” She looked so tired, defeated even, as though the rigid strength he’d glimpsed earlier was all used up. What had happened? More than ever, he wanted to pull her into his arms and try to coax some of it back. What was it about her that drew him to her? That made her look beautiful, even next to Nicole, and cause Kevin to miss her when she wasn’t around? Why was his heart suddenly racing like a teenager?

  “‘Thank you’ works,” he said, his voice husky.

  The corners of her mouth lifted slightly before wilting. She dropped her hand and clasped her fingers together. “Before I lose my nerve, I, uh—need to ask you something.”

  When she said nothing more, Kevin prodded, “Yes?”

  “I was, uh, just wondering if—” Her lips clamped shut as though she couldn’t force herself to say the words. Her fingers fidgeted, and she couldn’t stand still. It was almost comical watching her fight whatever inner battle was going on in her mind.

  “Out with it, Emma,” Kevin said as he fought back a smile.

  Her eyes met his for a brief moment before looking down at the floor. “Is that job offer still on the table?” she said in a rush, still looking at her feet.

  Anxiety flared in Kevin’s gut for a moment, then quieted almost as quickly. Not only was Emma intelligent and confident, but she was strong and good. She’d do fine.

  “Yes,” he said firmly. “The offer is definitely still on the table.”

  Hopeful eyes turned up to his—eyes brimming with moisture. She threw her arms around Kevin and hugged him tight. For a few shocked moments, he stood there, wondering what to do. Then he wrapped his arms around her the way he’d wanted to do earlier. As she sniffled into his shirt, he rested his chin on her head. Her hair smelled lightly of cherry blossoms, and her body felt soft and strong at the same time. He didn’t want her to pull away.

  But she did eventually. Her eyes were bright with a mixture of defeat and relief. Kevin knew it had cost her a lot to ask him that, yet she’d done it. And he knew exactly who she’d done it for.

  A lock of hair blew in her face, and Kevin lifted his hand to brush it back. His knuckles lingered against her cheek as he said, “No thanks needed, Emma. Something tells me you’re going to make a great employee.”

  Emma simultaneously laughed and sniffed at the same time. “And something tells me you’ve had too much to drink.”

  “I don’t drink.”

  “Neither do I,” she whispered. “I can’t afford it.”

  It was Kevin’s turn to laugh. He wanted to pull her to him once more, feel her against him, and smell the cherry blossoms. But if he was going to be her boss, that wouldn’t be appropriate. He gestured toward the girls instead. “If you carry Adelynn, I’ll follow with Kajsa.”

  She looked like she wanted to say something more, but finally nodded.

  Kevin lifted Kajsa easily into his arms, then followed Emma to a house that still had a faint smoky odor. They deposited the girls in a queen-sized bed in a bare-walled room with blue, painter’s tape lining the ceiling and baseboards. An old, beat up headboard rested against one wall, with a box of paints sitting next to it. While Emma removed the girls’ shoes, Kevin stepped forward to get a closer look. He couldn’t really make out the colors in the darkness of the room, but he could tell they were all different colors—both light and dark. There were probably about twenty in all—two gallon sized, two pint sized, and a bunch of small, sample-sized jars. What did Emma plan to do with them? His gaze moved from the paint to the old headboard, picturing it covered in splattered, multi-colored paint.

  What kind of artist was Emma? The words eclectic and abstract came to mind, and Kevin found himself worried for the girls’ sake. Would they be able to fall asleep in here once Emma was done? He could only hope she didn’t plan to paint the outside of the house as well.

  The feel of Emma’s hand on his arm pulled Kev
in from his thoughts, and he looked up to find her nodding toward the hallway. He followed her out and waited as she closed the door softly behind them.

  “I can’t believe they didn’t wake up,” Emma said as she led the way to the front door. “You and Nicole must have really tired them out.”

  “She was great with them,” said Kevin, in an attempt to get his mind back where it belonged. Nicole had been good with the girls. Although they didn’t like her lemon bars—Kevin had to pacify them with some ice cream—they did seem to like her. Which proved what Kevin had figured all along—she’d be a great mom some day. Really, there were zero red flags when it came to Nicole.

  So why had his thoughts constantly strayed from her to another girl the entire night? A girl who raised an entire bouquet of red flags? Granted, Emma wasn’t nearly as far out there as he’d originally thought, but she wasn’t the sophisticated and collected woman he’d always pictured himself with.

  “Listen,” Emma said as she opened the front door for him. “I wanted to apologize about earlier—you know, leaving you with Nicole and the girls. I’m not sure what got into me.”

  Kevin leaned his shoulder against the jamb and smiled down at her. “Probably the same thing that got into you when you turned the kitchen sprayer on me. I’m thinking you’re part-prankster at heart.”

  She bit her lip, trying not to return his smile. “Only part?” Her eyes twinkled up at him.

  Kevin studied her for a moment before answering. “You can’t be whole-prankster because you’re too many other things. Mom, driver of clunkers, artist, bad cook—”

  “Hey, I am not a bad cook,” she interrupted with a laugh.

  “The smell in this room says otherwise.”

  “You can’t blame me for that. I didn’t even know a casserole was in the oven—not that I’m blaming Sam or anything. I mean, she did try to tell me. I just wasn’t paying attention. But you can’t go blaming me for—”

  Kevin rested his fingers against her mouth, shushing her. “Do you always talk this much?”


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