Having Fun with Mr. Wrong

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Having Fun with Mr. Wrong Page 17

by Celia T. Franklin

  “Are you going to try it on, or are you going to stare at it?” Guido said.

  She slipped the ring on her finger, and it was a perfect fit. He had to have hunted through her jewelry box when she wasn’t around to get the right size.

  They drank their wine and kissed a bit. She was loose in his arms, and he smelled her uniquely Carmala smell, a combination of musk and rose. She tasted like red wine. He wanted to kiss her more, but their dinners would get cold, and he didn’t want to be obnoxious in public.

  When they were halfway through dinner, and onto their second bottle of wine, he was ready to bring up the main reason for the evening. All jittery, he patted the linen napkin to blot the sweat on his brow. Digging deep for his most confident voice, he went for it. “I was thinking. Since you’ve got the new apartment, it’s going to cost you double the rent once you’re off the free-rent period. And well, you’ll be traveling, and it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea if you had some help.”

  “Are you saying that you’d like to move in?” Carmala smiled at him.

  Wonderful. She saved him from laboring through his proposal. Maybe she’d been thinking about it herself. He was at her apartment every night anyway.

  “It would probably be a good idea. I work so many hours, and you’re over most nights.” She reached across the table and caressed his hand. “It makes perfect sense. Yeah, I think you should move in.”

  “I can keep an eye on things for you. Mama wouldn’t miss me. Besides my aunt is coming over from Sicily to stay. My uncle passed away last summer, and she doesn’t have anyone. It’s a win-win for all.”

  “Yes, I think the timing is right. Let’s do it, Guido.” She put her hand at the nape of his neck, leaned in, and kissed him gently. “And I love the ring. Thank you.” She held her hand up and studied it.

  And he loved the way the candlelight glinted off the pearl, shooting rays of pink and purple, with the diamonds sparkling around it. She looked happy. And that made him happy.

  Keyes Electric had given him the promotion to foreman on the company’s largest contract at the WTC site rebuild right after New Year’s. He was making some damned good cash to help her out, but more importantly now he could take control of the situation a little better. They’d probably share a computer and answering machine. This way he could keep an eye on things. Make sure Carmala was safe.

  He kissed her hand. Her eyes were full of love and passion; he couldn’t wait to get her home. He was one lucky guy to have this gorgeous woman choose him. He wanted to make sure that nothing, and nobody, got between them and their happiness.

  Yep, moving in was the next step. Then, within a year, they’d discuss marriage.

  He pulled her in for a scorching kiss. He kissed her neck right at her weak spot, then kissed those full, juicy lips. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, mating it with hers in a heated dance that had them both stirred with passion.

  The waiter arrived and cleared his throat.

  He’d better settle the check so he could get her home. Step number one. Huge success.


  Carmala arrived at Downey’s, the trendy new Irish pub in Midtown, at two for a late lunch date with Bill. He said he had a belated Christmas gift, which at first caused her to feel guilty because she hadn’t gotten him anything, but then he told her it was a new client. The kind that would take a long lunch—maybe the rest of the day—to discuss. She was all for keeping the afterglow of the holidays going and cleared her schedule.

  Wait staff scurried past her booth as she strained to find Bill through the crowded bar area. She itched with curiosity about her new referral. Finally, she caught sight of him and waved him over.

  Bill settled into her booth and ordered black and tans for them. “Might as well celebrate the holidays a little longer. It’s still early in the new year. I’m sorry we didn’t get together. Jane and I were busy. We spent a lot of time with her family in Jersey.”

  “You sound like an old married couple, even though you’re not married yet.” An e-mail alert sounded on her cell. On instinct she tapped the appropriate icon. It was only about a meeting next week, and she ignored it. “Have you set a wedding date?”

  “It’s going to be on February twenty-eighth.”

  “Ooh, that’s not too far away.” She glanced at her black pearl ring. Would the day ever come for her and Guido?

  The waiter delivered their frosty mugs. Bill tapped his to hers.

  “I think Jane’s had our wedding planned since high school, so she probably has most of the details underway. She’s already sent out the invites.” He glanced at her pearl ring. “I see you might have something new to tell me. Is that—?”

  Carmala jumped. “Oh, this?” She held out her hand to show her new ring, which she wore on the ring finger. “It’s a quasi-commitment ring, I guess you can say. And we’ve decided to cohabit.”

  Bills eyebrows shot up. “Really. So soon?” He smirked. “Only kidding. It’s a good thing. He can help you with the rent.”

  “I’m comfortable with it. So…are you going to tell me about the referral?”

  Bill sipped more of his beer. “This is a big one for you. Hope you’re ready to take notes.”

  “Go right ahead.” She grabbed her leather-bound portfolio and lucky red pen.

  “Michael Maddox is a self-made billionaire who lives in Palm Beach. He owns and operates Maddox Industries, a sole proprietorship, and he wants it to stay that way. He raises and trades stock and racehorses. He owns prime horse ranches in Colorado, Montana, and Florida, and has grown his business nationally with his own transactions and through his financial investments, thanks to moi. Since the economy is still dragging, he doesn’t want to pull out funds from his investments but wants to expand his operations. That’s where you come in.”

  “So he’d be open to private investors?”

  “Yes, however, he has very stringent demands. It could be a profitable venture for Synergy Plus. I have to warn you, though. Michael is a big spender.”

  “That doesn’t intimidate me much.”

  “He’s a looker too. Sure you could handle the pressure?” Bill laughed.

  “Now that I’m moved in with Guid, it’ll be like I’m almost married myself.”

  “I really don’t know much about Michael, personally. He travels alone. But he’s not going to be easy to sell. And he wants the very best. You’ll probably need to schedule a trip to Palm Beach and do some due diligence. See if Tom will let you go for a couple of weeks so you can roll out a proposal. I’m sure he won’t mind.”

  “I’m sure he won’t. Bill, I can’t thank you enough for this. It will really give me a chance to impress Synergy Plus.”

  “You don’t know yet if they’ll want to take him on, although I think they’d be crazy not to. Still, you need to do the research and come up with the proposal.”

  “Yes, sir.” She clicked her mug against his.

  They spent the rest of the afternoon catching up and enjoyed a few more beers. She worried that Guido would be pissed if she came home buzzed, but she was with Bill, and Guido wasn’t threatened by him. Besides, this was a legitimate business meeting, and she got a potential big client.

  She hoped this Michael Maddox wasn’t too much of a playboy, though. She didn’t want any distractions, personally or professionally.

  Chapter Fifteen

  On Friday night, Carmala wanted to hit the town to celebrate moving in together with Guido, as well as the lead on the big potential client for Synergy Plus, Maddox Industries, Inc. Guido was up for it and got spruced up in dress pants and a button-down shirt.

  They began the evening with dinner at their favorite downtown Thai place. The waiter brought their Thai-tinis and curry puffs. Carmala sipped her drink, enjoying the combination of tangy vodka and cilantro with the contrast of the sweet agave nectar and the tartness of the lime. “Guido, you should have seen Tom’s face when I told him about the Maddox account.”

  “Was he impresse
d?” Guido asked and popped a curry puff in his mouth.

  “I have to perform the due diligence first. But it should be a cinch. It’ll be as if I’m doing an audit. Maddox will be paying for the expenses.” Carmala took a small bite from a curry puff. “Oh, these are a bit greasy.” She put the rest of it aside. “I’m excited about going to Palm Beach. I’ve never been to Florida.”

  Guido seemed more interested in the curry puffs than what she had to say. She clucked her tongue, hoping he’d get the hint. No such luck. Another one-sided conversation. She might as well be talking to the wall. At least, it was nice to look at the ornamental Asian art. Why couldn’t Guido at least pretend to be excited for her?

  But, maybe, he didn’t want to hear it.

  “We should have a great time tonight. It’s been a while since we’ve been to a club and done some mindless dancing. I’m looking forward to it.” She hoped a change of subject would get his mood back on course.

  Nodding, he stared off into space. “I think it will do us some good.”

  What did that mean? “Is there something wrong?”

  He finished his drink and shook his head. “Nah, I’m still tired from everything. The move, the holidays. I need a vacation myself.”

  “Are you implying that my trip to Palm Beach is a vacation?” Damn! Why did she say that? She didn’t want to pick a fight with Guido.

  “Carmala, let’s face it. It’s February and miserably cold here. And you’re going to the tropics. That’s sounds like a vacation to me.” She could sense him trying to control his irritation by the way his voice caught in his throat. “It’s not that I don’t think you’ll be working hard. But I’m sure you’ll enjoy time at the spa and the pool.”

  She supposed her trip sounded glamorous to him. “You’ve got to realize I’m only going for ten days. In that short timeframe, I need to gather enough information to convince Synergy Plus to take the account. Or else it’ll be a wasted trip.” She downed more of her delicious Thai-tini. She refused to let him destroy her good mood.

  Guido popped another curry puff. “Come on, Carmala, it seems like a slam dunk to me. I mean, Maddox is a rich guy who wants more money and will pay a fee to get it. Synergy should be thankful that you landed a new, big client so soon after you started working for them.”

  Carmala sighed in relief. Maybe she’d skated by a potential fight. She finished her drink and felt the alcohol begin to take its soothing effect. “Enough business talk, let’s get this party started. We’re celebrating us too, you know. We took the plunge, moving in together.”

  He widened his eyes and smiled. “I like plunging with you, babe!”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Carmala spotted Jon Barlo. Of all people, she never expected to see him here. The Thai restaurant was nice, but not up to his usual standards. He strolled into restaurant decked out in all his designer glory. When he saw her, he waved and approached their table. She hadn’t seen him since the award night.

  “Isn’t this quaint?” Jon said. “Two gorgeous people waiting to be entertained.”

  “What a pleasant surprise, Jon. This is my boyfriend, Guido.”

  They shook hands. Jon eyed Guido up and down. “You did not tell me how hot your man is. My goodness, he’s a Roman god.” With his arms in mock reverence, Jon bent toward Guido. Guido appeared embarrassed, but that didn’t stop Jon. “You have the most amazing bone structure with a strong jaw and those muscles. You should be a model. Where do you work out?”

  Guido remained silent, turning slightly pale. He turned to Carmala. “Yo, Carm, what’s up with this guy?”

  Carmala laughed and pressed Guido’s arm to let him know it was okay.

  Jon ignored the comment and instead motioned to Carmala to move over and make room for him in their booth. Now she was sandwiched between Guido and Jon, but it was cozy.

  Jon pointed to his chest. “This guy is going to show you the time of your lives tonight. You look like you’re headed out on the town and need a host. You’re in luck. I’m ready and able. The limo is waiting, and I have a private invitation to the Cheetah Club.”

  Jon motioned to the waiter, who popped up immediately. “We’ll order another round of”—he gave an exaggerated motion of his hand—“whatever they were drinking, on my tab please.”

  “No, Jon, come on,” Carmala said. She was glad to have Jon’s company, but she didn’t want to take advantage of his generosity.

  “It’s my pleasure. I’ve got plenty to spare. And, as you see, I’m traveling solo tonight.”

  Two more rounds of drinks later, complete with jokes and laughter, the mood became very spirited. They ordered a few more appetizers and dinner. Carmala marveled at how well Guido and Jon were getting along. She was shocked and somewhat bemused that Jon’s flirtations didn’t ruffle Guido’s feathers.

  When they finished dinner, Jon rose. “If you’ll excuse me, it’s time to powder my nose.” He winked at Guido. “Come on, Guido, after all that food, I’m sure you could use a little pick me up, couldn’t you?”

  “Why not?” Guido followed Jon into the bathroom.

  Carmala was befuddled. What had gotten into Guido? The matter suddenly struck her as hilarious, and she cracked up. She laughed so hard tears streamed down her cheeks. She couldn’t believe her macho boyfriend was getting along with Jon so well. Yes, she was buzzed from the four Thai-tinis, but the scenario of the two of them in the bathroom, probably doing coke, kept her laughing until they returned.

  Jon glanced at Carmala curiously. “What’s going on with you, cherie?”

  Guido stared at her, silent, but also appeared interested in her response.

  As if two men going to the bathroom together was normal.

  “Oh, nothing.” Carmala had a hard time stifling her laughter. “You two are cracking me up. Going to the boys’ room together.”

  “Well, I had to go.” Guido shrugged. He took a seat next to Carmala, and Jon resumed his seat on the opposite side of Carmala.

  She delighted in the fact the men liked each other right away. Maybe now when she wanted to go out with Jon, for shopping or a show, Guido wouldn’t give her a hard time.


  Guido liked Jon. In fact, before Carmala had gone out with him on the night of his gala, he’d checked him out on the Internet. Of course, he didn’t share this information with Carmala. He’d verified that Jon ran a successful business and that he was gay as spades. He didn’t have anything to worry about when Carmala was with Jon, and that was good.

  And, just to satisfy his curiosity, he was able to confirm Jon was the real deal man-to-man in the men’s room. He could have done without the blow, but he took a little snort just to be social. He thought the drug went out with the eighties. Anyway, Jon passed Guido’s test with flying colors.

  As for the rich guy in Palm Beach, he wasn’t so sure.

  Now that he’d finally moved in with Carmala, even though it took four years, they had taken their relationship to a deeper level. Periodically, he’d check her personal e-mails, Twitter, and Facebook activity. He promised himself he’d only check up on her when it was necessary. And Carmala coming into contact with new men made it necessary. He wished she’d give up Facebook all together—nothing but temptation. But he didn’t expect her to give up all contact with the outside world just because he was in her life.

  When he returned to the table, Guido was surprised to see Carmala laughing. Maybe she was already drunk from all the tinis. Or maybe she was laughing at him for going to the john with Jon?

  Hey, that rhymed. Okay, he had better hold onto his control. His brain buzzed.

  Guido hadn’t done coke in years. Funny, but it made him feel happy, and he wanted to go out and dance.

  Jon paid the tab. Guido couldn’t help but notice that the bill was over five hundred dollars, but Jon seemed unaffected and whipped out his platinum credit card to settle it.

  Jon looked around at the art hanging on the walls. “You know, the Thai Bistro used to be lo
cated right outside the Twin Towers. After nine-eleven, it relocated here and reopened only nine months after the attacks.”

  “I know. It’s amazing. We love it. We come here almost every week. Don’t we, Guid?”

  Guido nodded. “Actually, I’m involved with the World Trade rebuild.”

  “Oh really? Do tell me all about it.” Jon leaned toward Guido.

  Guido gave a few details about his work.

  When the waiter returned, Jon quickly signed the credit card slip and pushed it to the edge of the table without taking his receipt. “Let’s not waste any time. We’ve got places to go.”

  “What’s going on at the Cheetah Club?” Carmala said.

  “A disco revival party. Yours truly will be showing you the red-carpet treatment.”

  “Will they let you bring both of us on the invite?” Guido asked.

  “I really don’t need an invite. Usually, I come with an entourage of one sort or another,” Jon said.

  “I’ve seen him get the red-carpet treatment before. It’s quite a sight,” Carmala added.

  Jon pulled his cell out of his pocket and made a call. “Eric, we’re ready. Can you bring the car around?” He disconnected the call. “Come on, guys. He’ll be out front in a minute.”

  In the limo, Jon popped the cork on a bottle of Don Perignon and poured everyone a glass of champagne. He and Guido got into a conversation on men’s fashion.

  Initially, Guido had ramped up his wardrobe to impress Carmala. But as he got into the shopping bit, he enjoyed dressing well. He decided to take advantage of Jon’s knowledge. “I find that if I spend my hard-earned money, I need to spend it on quality that will last. So for dress occasions, I own three Bill Bass shirts that I wear with this Calvin Klein basic black suit. It goes with about everything. I’ve acquired a variety of designer ties. I get them when they are on sale at Macy’s or Saks.”

  “I think you have a good game plan. Add a couple of pair of designer jeans to mix. You can be stylish and practical with a polo pullover, for example, to dress it up. Then dress down with a tee. I could get you some good quality things at bargain prices on Seventh Avenue. We should go shopping together.”


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