Royal's Wildfire & Lance's Stars (Black Hills)

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Royal's Wildfire & Lance's Stars (Black Hills) Page 5

by A. C. Wilson

  Danny slipped into the conversation. “If both Ainsley and myself agree that you are no longer needed, we can free you from the contract and you can keep the one million. When the five years are over, the money and other terms of the contract are negotiable.”

  Royal considered his friend for a few seconds. Ainsley couldn’t read his mind, but she wondered if he wasn’t trying to decide whether to stay or leave. The amount of money was tempting and he would get it in one lump sum. He could do as he wished with it. She hoped it wasn’t just about the money though.

  “Are you planning on staying in the U.S. or will Danny be running the operation here?”

  “That hasn’t been decided with my partners. I’m hoping to stay here and help purchase some more stock as well add a couple more buildings to the Potts Farm operation.”

  “Such a grand plan and with such partners, I can’t wait to begin!” Danny toasted them both with his whiskey. Royal lifted a brow and Ainsley couldn’t look away. The man was a whisker’s breadth from being drunk.

  “Perhaps we should call it a night. I will see Danny home.” Royal pushed back his chair and moved to help a wimpy, protesting Danny from his own seat.

  “What about dinner? We just ordered.” Danny slurred. Royal hooked his arms under his friend and lifted him to a standing position. Once they had begun to circle the table, Royal looked at her.

  “I’m sure Miss Fenella is paying for it. She secretly would anyway.” He looked pointedly at her and Ainsley couldn’t keep her mouth dropping open. They walked away and she had to rein in her outrage. He hadn’t forgotten and clearly, he hadn’t forgiven her yet either. Five years might not have changed as much as she thought it would.

  “Have the gentlemen left, ma’am?” The waitress stopped at the table.

  “Yes.” Ainsley nodded, spinning the bottom of her glass.

  “Shall I cancel the dinner order?” The waitress looked expectantly, her note pad at the ready. Ainsley glanced towards the exit where the men had disappeared. A thought formed making her smile wickedly.

  “Don’t cancel the order. I would like it to go.”

  After the woman had disappeared, Ainsley sipped on her white wine. It was clear that Royal was still angry about the way they had parted. It could only mean that he had feelings of some kind for her. There was hope. So much uncertainty threaded her future and where she was going to live was only part of it. Her sanity rested on Royal being the guy he was when they had first met and potentially being grounded more now than before. He held the key and he didn’t even know it.


  The woman was infuriating and so gosh darn sexy that his attention was thoroughly ensnared. It was maddening! Then Danny had gone and gotten tanked on whiskey. Royal had been the designated driver before, but tonight was worse. Danny had bent over and heaved all over the front seat of the car. At least it wasn’t Royal’s vehicle! Royal tried to suppress a grin. It really was terrible. Digging out the keys from his pocket, he meandered up the walk to his rental house. He still hadn’t gotten around to buying a home. Florida hadn’t captured his full attention, but the sudden appearance of Ainsley could.

  “Hey there, buddy.” Royal stooped over to pat his black Welsh Corgi’s head. Bomber had been with him for just over a year. It eased some of the loneliness that Royal suffered. Bomber rolled over, showing his black and white belly. Tossing the keys on the counter, Royal began shucking his good clothes for something entirely more comfortable. He clicked on the television to find a football game.

  Shirt untucked, half unbuttoned and boots off, Royal was surprised when his doorbell rang and a knock came at the front door. Running a hand through his hair, he had to dodge Bomber as the dog did a dance on the tile.

  “Calm down, buddy.” Royal told the pup as he opened the door. Of course once he saw who was standing there on his stoop, he couldn’t push any words from his mouth.

  “Someone ordered dinner.” Her words inspired his heart to ramp up its beats and it made his mouth go dry. Ainsley held two plastic bags in her hands, which looked completely out of character with her black cocktail dress. All he could do was stare at her until Bomber started jumping on his short hind legs and causing quite a ruckus. “Ah, who is this?”

  “Bomber.” Royal finally pushed out, closing his eyes as she bent her knees to touch the eager pup. “Can I take the bags for you?” He asked, inhaling the scent of his abandoned dinner. Of course that made him think about their conversation at the restaurant and the rest of the deal. She held out the bags and then resumed rubbing Bomber’s belly. Royal watched them, hating that he envied the little guy. She smiled with such warmth that she nearly sparkled. Royal fisted his hands as he waited to discover just what she was doing here, besides bringing his dinner.

  “Look.” Ainsley stood up, leaving Bomber to squirm at her feet. Royal’s gaze drifted up from her heels along her long sexy legs. “I’m sorry that you felt ambushed.”

  “That was your plan.” Royal tossed back at her before he turned to the counter and started taking containers from the bags.

  “I wasn’t sure how you would feel seeing me again. I definitely didn’t know you were angry.”

  “You had to have had some clue or you would have approached me before contacting Danny.” Royal was angry, but more about being blindsided. Seeing her again had stirred up the feelings he had been sitting on for quite a while. He could hear her heels on the tile as she walked closer. His body reacted to her; wishing she would touch him.

  “I won’t pretend that night didn’t mean anything, Royal. I can’t.” Her words made his heart clench. A surge of hope flooded his veins and he didn’t know whether to shut it down or embrace it. Turning to face her, Royal saw the truth in those dark depths, but he saw fear of rejection as well.

  “I can’t pretend either.” A small smile drifted over her full lips. The simple gesture made her seem younger. “Did you eat?” Royal indicated the food on the counter.

  “No.” She shook her head.

  “Well let’s eat and we can talk.” It was the best olive branch he could extend. He wanted to know why she had left as she did and what she had been doing for the last five years. Clearly she had been keeping tabs on him, so it was only fair that she returns the courtesy.

  Royal put the dirty plates in the sink. The silverware clanked as they hit the metal basin. Ainsley was putting lids on the containers that hadn’t been emptied.

  “Shall I put these in the fridge?”

  “Sure.” He smiled as Bomber followed Ainsley around as if she might accidently drop all of the food containers so that he could have an impromptu buffet. When she didn’t, Royal could almost see the pup frown. “Bomber. Come.” Royal pointed at his feet, directing the dog there. Bomber sat his rump on the floor and began to whine pitifully. No matter how Royal called his dog, Bomber wouldn’t budge from Ainsley’s ankles.

  “Oh, dear.” Ainsley sighed, looking down at the dog with her brow furrowed. Her dark hair falling, framing her face. It made her look so delicate.

  “Looks like you’ve stolen his heart too.” The words had bubbled out before he could even grasp what he was saying. The tension that had been around them was snapping like a downed electric wire. Her gaze didn’t leave his.

  “Did I?” Her voice was a husky whisper. Her sweet lips partially open as her chest heaved with the effort to catch any air. He knew the feeling. He was afraid to make any movement that might break their spell. “I was scared, Royal. You weren’t looking for a relationship and I was leaving the country. We didn’t make sense.”

  Suddenly they were back to that fancy hotel suite and Royal was wondering what he had done to deserve such a beauty in his bed. In some dramatic fashion she had gotten into his blood and life without her seemed bland. Then came the anger at her for leaving without saying goodbye and later it was aimed at himself for not chasing after her.

  “No, I guess it didn’t.” But you didn’t ask me. He wanted to tell her.
r />   “I’m sorry.”

  Bomber whined again and broke the spell. Royal blinked quickly and then walked to the fridge to pull out a beer. He held the dark bottle out.“Want one?”

  Ainsley looked relieved.“Thank you.” She walked forward and took it from his grip.“So, what is it that you wish to know?” Her dark eyes didn’t waver and Royal wondered if he should ask her about the last five years. Was it better to just start over? She brought the bottle to her lips and took a sip.

  “How did it go with your family once you returned to Scotland?” He popped the top off his bottle and took a deep drink. He hoped the beer would slow his heartbeat but it didn’t.

  “I felt like I was still a child. My father telling me what I should and shouldn’t do. There were a great many times I wanted to run away again.”

  “Why didn’t you?” Royal asked, leaning his back against the counter. Ainsley looked down at her feet and shook her head.

  “He was dying when I got home. I knew that even if that time was hell on earth, I’d never get more with him.”

  “Your dad?”

  “Yeah. He passed last month.”

  “Shoot. I’m so sorry, Ainsley.” Royal kicked his foot out, unsure what to do with his sudden need to hold her.“I can’t imagine.”

  “Really it is fine. We are sorting everything out. His will was rather complex.” She took another drink of her beer. Bomber nuzzled her bare leg.

  “I have heard that inheritances can be quite a bother. Have your brothers made it hard on you?”

  “My brothers?” Her eyes met his and she shrugged her shoulders.“I am the eldest but you wouldn’t know it. They feel threatened by me.” Ainsley looked so sad and probably a bit discouraged. Pushing off the counter, Royal couldn’t take the look of her anymore. He settled his hand over hers on the counter top of the island. She didn’t pull away but she wouldn’t look at him either.

  “You’re beautiful and successful. It’s a rare combination, especially in the racing industry.”

  “That is very kind of you to say, even if you are my partner now.” Ainsley sniffed. Royal squeezed her hand and she lifted her eyes to his face.“Aren’t you?”

  “I think it is a sound plan. Besides, I wouldn’t mind getting to know you better.” He offered her a grin.

  “Five years and all, eh?” She asked, blushing under the kitchen light. They finished their beers and Royal tossed them under the sink.

  “So S.L. Racing, huh? What does it stand for?”

  Ainsley was patting Bomber again.“Scottish Legacy Racing.” Royal smiled.

  “Guess I should have figured that out.” He could hear her chuckle as Bomber jumped up to lick her face.

  “Oh! Slow down there, my boy!” She wiped the slobber from her cheek.“Cheeky little bugger.”

  “He knows what he wants.” Royal smiled at his pet, wishing he had the same guts to go after what he wanted. His gaze strayed to her lips as a wedge of pink tongue swiped across them.

  “At least one of us does.” She sighed, her words breathy.“Royal, I don’t know what I expected when I came back. I really wish you weren’t so angry with me.” Her plea was strangled and Royal felt every word she spoke. Ainsley rubbed her hands along her upper arms as if she were cold and it was then that Royal saw she was trembling. Without a conscious decision, he was moving towards her, closing the distance with purpose.

  “I don’t know what would have happened. I am not as angry at you as I am with myself. I should have stopped you from leaving.” He looked into her face, merely inches from her.

  “I thought I was doing the right thing.” She offered, hugging herself tighter. Royal settled his hands on her shoulders moving them up the sides of her neck.

  “I never stopped thinking about you.” A single tear slid down her cheek and Royal was completely lost. His lips smacked into hers, feeling their teeth meet briefly with the absolute need to kiss her. Her hands slid along his back and then held his hips firmly as she kissed him back. Royal tipped her head so that he could further plunder the sweet softness of her mouth and he reveled in her moan. He had waited for this for five years. It was worth the wait.


  Ainsley Fenella sat at her desk sorting through random mail, email and now stock sales. She wore her riding pants and her new, shiny riding boots. That’s where she was supposed to be today. Riding with Royal. Instead she had gotten trapped working when she had only run inside for a phone call. She loved being her own boss, but sometimes the company ran her. Ainsley sorted out a pile of receipts for her accountant. She would let him worry about the money. Two more bids had to be made on breeding stock before the day was out. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she took in a deep breath and then let it out. Leaning back in her rolling chair, Ainsley let her mind drift to Royal.

  They had been seeing each other for two weeks. Days were spent at Potts Farm and nights were spent at her house or his. It was bliss. As scary as it had first been she had no idea how much Royal had wanted her to stay. If she had she would have liked to think she would have come back sooner. Then again, her dying father should have taken precedence. It was best not to think about it. They enjoyed each other and Royal was just as good in bed as she had recalled all those lonely nights. Maybe he is better now. The inner dialogue had her blushing.

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  Royal’s voice had her nearly dumping herself out of the chair. She caught the desk with her hands before she went over.

  “Holy crap!” She breathed, holding her hand to her chest.“You might warn a girl next time.”

  Royal chuckled as he leaned against the threshold.“I’d never get to see you daydreaming. Do you always blush like that?” She felt the flames shoot up her face again.

  “Again. You should warn a girl.” It was impossible to be mad at him. One grin, such as the one he was giving her now and she was complete mush. He sauntered into the room, a bit more sex on the mind than before. She wanted to lock the door and have her wicked way with him, right there on her desk.

  “I can read your mind, naughty girl.” Royal planted his palms on her desk and pinned her with his green eyes. They were hypnotic. She loved them.

  “You can?” She whispered hotly back. He grinned again. Oh good lord, what am I thinking now? She was nearly on fire for him.

  “Shall I lock the door?” His growl sent delicious shivers along her spine and she clenched her thighs together. Ainsley could only nod slowly at his question. A smile slid over his lips as he turned to walk back to the office door. He flipped the lock hard so that she could hear it. The sound radiated in the quiet room. Her heart was pounding as he prowled back towards her. Circling her desk, she bit back a smile of triumph at the effect she was already having on him. He wanted her. Now.

  “Can you read my mind now?” She asked, sliding to the edge of her rolling chair. His brilliant eyes twinkled like precious emeralds as he lowered to his knees in front of her. His large hands sliding up from the tops of her riding boots, his thumbs tickling her inner thighs. Ainsley closed her eyes and moaned as he found the spot she desperately needed him to fill.

  The office phone began to ring in a deafening tone. It knocked their interlude off center, but Royal continued. She would ignore it. They would leave a message if it was important. Once the ringing stopped, she was better able to concentrate on the feelings that Royal was feeding. Need was coming swiftly upon her. Then her cell phone started to buzz. She cast a glare at it as if that might shut it up. It didn’t.

  “I guess I should check to see who is calling.” Ainsley groaned as he pulled down her zipper.

  “They’ll leave a message.” Royal mumbled, intent on his task. She giggled as his tongue tickled the skin of her belly. Her phone buzzed again. Blast it! Picking it up off the table, she looked at the number. It was her attorney from Scotland.

  “I need to answer this.” She told Royal before accepting the call.“This is Ainsley Fenella.” She said. It was the las
t coherent thing she heard before she was rapidly trying to decipher what her attorney was telling her. She swiped at Royal as he tried to pull her boots off. He growled at her, but once he saw her face, he was alert. He tried to capture her attention to see what the call was about, but she couldn’t do anything but listen.

  “You have to be kidding me, right? That’s what has been holding the inheritance up this long?” She was breathless. Her heart was constricting in her chest and it felt like it had crawled up into her throat.“I know it isn’t your fault. The man was completely mad.” Ainsley listened some more and then told her attorney that she would be in touch. The call ended and she was stuck in another time.

  “What was that about? Is everything fine?” Royal asked, leaning against her desk and folding his arms across his chest. She thought about his question in a stilted way. Time had suddenly stopped.

  “No. It’s not fine.” Then part of the delayed anger peppered her until she saw red.“How dare he?” She shouted, springing up from her chair to pace the room. Her arms flailed about her like a dislocated windmill. Royal was looking at her with a strange expression.“One more way to control me.”

  “I’m not following. Who are we talking about?”

  She spun around.“My father. My deceasedfather.” She shook her fist towards the heavens, but she rather thought he would be down below.

  “How is he controlling you?” Royal’s calm demeanor was helping to deflate some of her anger.

  “Through my inheritance. That was my attorney.” She sighed, taking on the worry like stones onto her shoulders.“There is a stipulation that my father placed on the money and estate.”

  Royal bobbed his head.“Whatever the stipulation, I’m sure that we can accomplish them.” He was being sweet and supportive, but he would never go for the stipulation. She wasn’t sure she wanted to do it.“Come on, babe. Just tell me.”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.“I have to marry.”


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