Trailing Home: Liam's Bride (The McKenzie Series #3)

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Trailing Home: Liam's Bride (The McKenzie Series #3) Page 8

by Lynn Coppersmith

  “Oh, it’s nothing really ma’am. I’m just glad I could help you out. Are you going to be getting off at Independence?”

  “That’s right, what about you?” she asked sweetly.

  “I’ll be leaving from there too, so it’s possible that we will see each other again sometime on the trail, ma’am.”

  “Well Hank, I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for you,” Selena gave him a throaty laugh, “but I insist that you call me Selena.”

  The man chortled with delight. Liam could just imagine what the man must be thinking and how he was ogling her. He was tempted to stomp into the room and challenge the bugger to a fist fight, but he stopped himself when he realized just how revealing that would be to Selena. Instead he strained to listen as the man continued.

  “Alright, Selena. Meeting a pretty lady like you has brightened my morning. I’ll look forward to seeing you again. You take care now.”

  Liam heard Selena’s heels clicking as she walked toward the door, and he pressed himself back into the shadows. He waited until she had walked past him to reach out from behind and snatch her against his chest. He clamped one hand over her mouth.

  Her squeal of alarm came out as a muffled shriek. Selena struggled only a moment before realizing it was Liam, and then she raised her brows at him, giving a haughty indication that he should release her at once. When he complied, she crossed her arms and glared at him.

  “What in blue blazes are you doing? Are you trying to scare the wits out of me?”

  Liam grabbed her by the elbow and led her to their cabin, waiting until they were inside with the door closed before he answered her. “Never mind what I was doing, what were you doing flirting with that man?”

  “Flirting? What are you talking about?”

  She looked genuinely bemused. Liam wasn’t buying it.

  “You know perfectly well what I am talking about . . . Hank!” He ran a hand through his hair and went to look out the window. It irked him that she could so easily stir his jealousy. “You give me the cold shoulder but have no shame about throwing yourself at another man.”

  Selena kept her features carefully blank. She could have informed him that Hank was at least seventy years old if he was a day. She could have told him that Hank’s attention to her was more like that of a kindly grandfather than a man interested in her favors. Instead, she thought it best to let him stew in his own juices for a while. Selena assumed a casual air.

  “I just wanted some fresh air, and I decided to go for a walk.”

  “Well it didn’t sound like you were looking for fresh air. If you care at all about your reputation, you’ll stay away from Hank. It won’t look very good if you are flirting with other men just days after your marriage, now will it?”

  “Don’t try to order me around, Liam McKenzie! I’m your wife in name only, and I have no intention of being cooped up in this room for the next several days. I’ll go wherever I like and talk with whomever I like.”

  She crossed her arms and presented her back to him. The nerve of the man! Especially after she had seen him flirting with Natasha!

  Liam grabbed her elbow and swung her around to face him. The muscles in his cheek were twitching with his irritation, but his voice was low and deceptively smooth.

  “As my wife, your behavior reflects on me. I expect you to behave with proper decorum, and that does not include gallivanting around and batting your eyes at every man this side of the Mississippi!”

  “Don’t you dare try to instruct me on proper behavior,” Selena spat, her eyes violet pools of flashing anger. “You have the manners of a boorish oaf, and if I were to spend my time on this trip doing nothing else but trying to improve your manners, I fear the best I could accomplish would be teaching you to keep your hands to yourself!”

  As she said the words, Selena yanked her arm free from his grasp. She smoothed her skirts and squared her shoulders before giving him a narrow-eyed glare.

  “Now, I’m hungry, since I missed dinner because of you. I’m going to eat breakfast.”

  Selena snatched open the door and strode down the hall without a backward glance. Liam gave an ominous snarl and set out in her wake. His longer strides quickly caught up to her, and he would have stopped her again. However, just as she emerged onto the deck, she nearly bumped into the Captain.

  “Oh!” she squeaked, quickly recovering enough to give the man a warm smile. “Good morning, Captain Harris.”

  He touched his fingers to the brim of his cap and returned her smile. “Good morning to you, Mrs. McKenzie.” His gaze went past her to Liam and his smile broadened. “Mr. McKenzie.”

  Liam forced himself to smile, though his anger was still seething. “Captain,” he nodded, “we were just going in search of breakfast.”

  “I won’t keep you then,” the Captain nodded once again. “Enjoy your day.”

  The Captain walked away, unaware of the tension brewing between the newly wedded couple. Liam waited until the man had rounded the corner before he grasped her elbow once more and leaned down to growl in her ear.

  “I wasn’t finished talking with you.”

  “Oh, was that your idea of talking?” Selena inquired sweetly, giving him an exaggerated look of surprise. “It felt more like you were manhandling me, and I won’t stand for that. Now kindly release my arm or I will be forced to scream.”

  Her eyes conveyed her intent to follow through with the threat. Liam promptly let go of her arm but remained scowling down at her.

  “I can’t believe I let myself be saddled with such a stubborn, senseless little twit,” he snarled.

  Selena gave him a spiteful smile before turning away. As she walked briskly toward the dining room, she flung a parting shot over her shoulder.

  “Well, make sure you keep your hands off me from now on so you won’t be saddled with me permanently.”

  The dining room was empty, and they settled at a table and ordered their food before lapsing into a stony silence. Selena refused to meet Liam’s eye, though she was keenly aware of his brooding gaze on her. She raised her chin to a lofty angle and looked around as if she were unaware of his presence. She was facing the door when the Boyd family entered the room.

  Natasha immediately noticed Liam, and she plastered on a glowing smile. “Oh, Mr. McKenzie, this is a pleasant surprise!” She hurried toward them, her family trailing behind her. “This must be your wife,” she cooed, not really needing a confirmation.

  Her eyes chilled as she took in Selena’s appearance. Natasha was displeased by Selena’s beauty. She had hoped that Liam’s wife would be a homely woman, but Natasha brightened considerably when she saw Selena’s dress. Natasha’s silk chemise alone cost more than Selena’s entire outfit, and Natasha secretly gloated.

  Liam politely rose from his chair and nodded a greeting to the Boyds before making the introductions. He and Selena gave every appearance of being a happy couple. Marcia Boyd gave Selena a warm smile and clutched her hand in greeting.

  “I’m so pleased to meet you, Mrs. McKenzie. I understand that we will be neighbors once we reach Oregon.”

  Selena returned her smile. “The pleasure is mine, Mrs. Boyd.” With a wave of her hand, Selena indicated the empty chairs at their table. “Won’t you join us?”

  As they accepted her offer, Selena noticed that Natasha opted to sit next to Liam. Selena surreptitiously took note of the other woman’s appearance. She was wearing another stunning dress, this time of royal blue silk. The bodice was tailored to fit her curvaceous form sublimely and had a square neckline trimmed with exquisite white lace that provided the perfect showcase for Natasha’s bountiful bosom. More lace had been used to adorn the multiple ruffles on the skirt and the dainty cuffs above her elbows.

  In comparison, Selena felt dowdy and plain in her pink dress, but there was nothing to be done about it. With her extremely limited wardrobe, she couldn’t hope to compete with the style of the other woman, so she might as well not dwell on the fact.

The meal was passed in cheerful companionship, and Selena was pleased to find that the Boyds, with the exception of Natasha, were warm and friendly. Selena instantly liked them, and she and Marcia were soon chatting like old friends. She learned that they were moving out west from Chicago, where Gerald had owned a very profitable manufacturing business.

  “So, have you given up your business, Mr. Boyd?” Selena asked.

  “No, luckily our son Charles is now running the company,” Gerald smiled with obvious pride. “He’s young and keen, and he has a very good head for business. I decided that I have had enough of city life. As a younger man, I enjoyed farming, and I’ve always missed working the land.” He reached over to pat his wife’s hand lovingly. “When my brother kept writing to us about how much opportunity there was in Oregon, Marcia was kind enough to agree to the move.”

  Selena’s heart constricted as she watched the older couple. When their eyes met, they glowed with genuine affection, and Selena once again wished that she had that kind of relationship with Liam. Glancing in his direction, she stiffened. Natasha had placed a hand on his arm and was laughing gaily at something he had said. Natasha must have sensed her regard, for she looked at Selena and gave her a superior smile.

  “Mrs. McKenzie, your husband was telling us that he met you when you were working as a waitress.”

  Selena stiffened as she gave a small nod. She wasn’t proud of having worked in such a seedy place, and she was hurt that Liam had told them.

  “Yes,” Selena said evenly. “Liam came into the saloon where I worked, and I waited on him.”

  Clear astonishment was written on Natasha’s lovely features. “A saloon? Do you mean to say that you were a common barmaid servicing the needs of the male customers?” Her tone of voice carried the worst possible connotation, and as she voiced the question, her eyes raked dispassionately over Selena as if she were a repugnant creature.

  “Natasha, that’s enough!” Marcia gasped in outrage. She gave Selena a nervous smile of apology. “I’m sorry, Selena. My daughter obviously forgot her manners.”

  Liam placed a hand protectively over Selena’s and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before facing Natasha. “As a matter of fact, there was nothing the least bit common about my wife, Miss Boyd. The only things she served to the men were food and drink. If they desired anything else, she let them know in no uncertain terms that they would have to look elsewhere for that.” He turned his gaze to Gerald and Marcia and smiled somewhat sheepishly. “It was her uncommon beauty that captured my attention. When I found out she wanted to go to Oregon, it just seemed to make sense for us to get married.” He looked at Selena and grinned. “Isn’t that right, sweetheart?”

  Realizing all eyes were directed at her, Selena returned his smile, though there was no warmth in her eyes. It seemed to her that he was making fun of her, since they both knew she had looked her very worst when she first met him. Liam was probably trying to protect his own reputation rather than hers, and Selena decided to do a little taunting of her own. Her voice took on a simpering sweetness.

  “Now sugarplum, you know it was the other way around.” She flashed Marcia a bright smile, ignoring Liam’s warning squeeze on her hand. “I must admit, my husband literally swept me off my feet. Why, I’d never seen such gallantry and charm. He was a perfect gentleman.” Her eyes mocked Liam with the reminder of the pass he had made at her the first night they met. “Why, before I knew it, I was begging for him to let me come along.”

  Susan gave a dreamy sigh. “That’s so lovely! It sounds like it was love at first sight!”

  Natasha was quick to correct her younger sister. “Don’t be ridiculous, Susan. There’s no such thing. Why from what you’re saying, it sounds as if the two of you haven’t known each other for very long. Surely your marriage isn’t a love match, is it Mrs. McKenzie?”

  “What’s gotten into you, girl?” Gerald berated his daughter. “Apologize for your impertinence.”

  Selena was taken aback by the nerve of the other woman, but she managed a tight smile. “No, that’s quite alright, sir. I’m sure your daughter is just curious, right Miss Boyd?” Without waiting for her reply, Selena went on. “As to whether our marriage is a love match . . .” turning toward Liam, Selena flashed him a coquettish glance from beneath her lashes. “I confess . . . the two of us can hardly be in the same room together without sparks flying. Isn’t that right honey?”

  Even though he knew Selena was flirting with him merely for the sake of their observant audience, Liam felt a tightening in his loins. He could give as good as he got, and he reached up to cup her cheek, rubbing a thumb suggestively over her bottom lip. He was gratified to see a tiny shiver go through his wife. The simplicity of the caress made it appear even more intimate.

  “That’s right, sweetheart. I can honestly say that I’ve hardly gotten any sleep since we got married.” He flashed her a wicked grin and a suggestive wink. His meaning was anything but subtle.

  Gerald cleared his throat nervously, and ran a finger inside his collar is if it suddenly felt too tight. “Well, I really must apologize for my daughter’s behavior. Sometimes she lets her curiosity outpace her common sense.” As he spoke, Gerald rose with an anxious smile and pulled his wife’s chair out from the table. “We really must get along now. It was a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. McKenzie.”

  “And you as well, Mr. Boyd,” Selena replied with a smile, before she shook hands with Marcia. “I will look forward to seeing you again.”

  Marcia’s smile was genuine and her eyes twinkled as she clasped Selena’s hand. “I certainly will too.” She murmured for Selena’s ears alone, “That’s the most fun I’ve had in a long time.” As she straightened, she gave Selena a conspiratorial wink. “Come along girls.”

  Marcia turned without another word and led her family from the room. For once, Natasha remained silent and followed her mother’s direction, but the pinched look around her mouth gave evidence of her displeasure. When they were once more alone at their table, Selena jerked her hand free as she hissed at her husband.

  “Did you have to make such a crude remark? You made it sound as if you’ve done nothing but bed me since we got married. You embarrassed poor Mr. Boyd and shocked his daughters.”

  “You started it, Selena. Let that be a lesson to you. I’m not some stripling lad that you can manipulate with your fluttering eyelashes and coy little smiles.”

  Selena gave him a narrow-eyed glare. “And I’m not some little strumpet to be fondled in front of others. Once more, I feel the need to remind you to keep your hands to yourself.” She rose stiffly and exited the room.

  Liam sat for a long time sipping his coffee and staring into space. He was completely at a loss about how to deal with his wife. He had never had a problem getting women to do what he wanted, but Selena was proving to be an enigma. His smile was wry as he rose from the table. Of all the females who had thrown themselves at him over the years, he had to marry the one woman who found him repugnant. Brilliant!

  Selena and Liam managed to avoid each other for most of the day. She ate her lunch alone in their cabin, having fetched a tray for herself. There was very little to keep her occupied, but she managed to while away the hours by taking in the passing scenery, laundering her blue dress and napping for a while. She wasn’t used to inactivity, and the hours seemed to drag by. Late in the afternoon, she was standing by the rail, looking out over the river when Marcia Boyd joined her.

  “We’re having fine weather so far, aren’t we?” Marcia asked.

  Selena gave her a warm smile of welcome. “Yes, but I fear we can’t expect it to continue much longer. I’m not looking forward to being drenched with rain while traveling in a covered wagon.”

  “Me neither.” There was a moment of silence before Marcia continued. “Selena, I wanted to apologize again for my daughter’s behavior. I fear that growing up having everything her heart desires has made Natasha quite spoiled. I had a stern talk with her after we left you this mo
rning. I hope she gave some heed to my words and will stop flirting with your husband.”

  Selena placed an arm around the other woman and gave her a small hug. “Thank you, but there’s really no need to apologize.” Selena looked away, unable to meet Marcia’s eye. Her instincts were telling her that Marcia could be trusted, and Selena decided to confide in her. “The truth of the matter is that Liam and I really don’t have much of a marriage. Natasha had it right when she assumed that we have more of a friendship than a love match.” She gave a rueful laugh. “It’s not even friendship, really. It’s more like a business arrangement, and I can’t really say what’s to happen when we get to Oregon.”

  Marcia’s laugh startled her, and Selena faced her with a questioning look. Marcia placed a comforting hand over hers. “My dear, you are young, so you still have a lot to learn about men and how they think. I saw the way your husband looks at you when you aren’t watching. And the way he was quick to come to your defense bodes well for your future.”

  “But you don’t understand,” Selena frowned. “All that affection we were pretending to have . . . it was all an act.” She blushed self-consciously but continued in a low murmur. “We haven’t even consummated our wedding vows. We truly have a marriage of convenience, simply as a means for me to reach Oregon, where I intend to join my sister. Once there, we intend to have the marriage annulled.”

  Marcia shrugged. “Nonsense, my dear. Many happy marriages have been built on far less, and Oregon is a long ways away. You may feel very differently by the time we get there.”

  Selena shook her head. “It’s not my feelings standing in the way. Liam hates me. In fact, we can barely exchange two words without getting into an argument.”

  Marcia merely smiled and nodded as her eyes took on a faraway look. “It was much the same with Gerald and me when we first married. He thought he would just lay down the law and I would agree to whatever he said, man of the house and all that nonsense.” She laughed and raised a brow. “It took me almost a year to make him understand that I wasn’t some spineless twit. Now, we’ve been happily married for twenty four years. You just have to stick to your guns and trust that everything will work out alright.” Seeing Selena’s skeptical frown, Marcia chuckled. “Mark my words, dear. Your husband is more than a little smitten with you. With the right encouragement, he will come around.”


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