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Trailing Home: Liam's Bride (The McKenzie Series #3)

Page 11

by Lynn Coppersmith

  He saw her holding the items, and he reached to take them. “Here, let me get those.”

  Selena resisted, hugging them to her. “No, that’s not necessary. I’ll pay for them.”

  Liam gave her an irritated frown. “Selena, don’t be ridiculous. Put them up here.” He tugged them loose from her grasp and added them to his pile.

  Selena stood silently fuming. Short of making a scene, there was no way to stop him from paying for the items she wanted. She bit her tongue to keep from voicing her displeasure.

  “I think that should do it for us,” Liam said to the shopkeeper as he counted out the money and nodded his thanks to the merchant. Selena helped him gather up the goods he had purchased and followed him back to the wagon.

  “Why did you do that?” she hissed in an angry whisper. “I’m quite capable of paying for my own things.”

  Liam loaded their goods into the wagon. “Selena, you’ve already paid me more than enough to cover your way.” He raked her with a sidelong glance as he worked. “You hardly eat enough to keep a bird alive, so I think I can afford to buy you a few pennies worth of candy and some odds and ends.”

  Selena chewed her lip as she watched him. “Well, I don’t want you to get into the habit of thinking you can boss me around. I am my own woman, you know?”

  Liam finished securing the canvass and propped an elbow on the wagon as he looked down at her. “Selena, you are my wife. I am quite capable of buying anything you want, within reason of course.”

  “I’m your wife in name only,” she ground out, giving a furtive glance around to make sure no one was listening to them.

  “That is another point entirely, but until we get the marriage dissolved, you are my wife.” He bent his head down to catch her eye. “In case you’ve forgotten, you made a vow to obey me, remember?”

  Selena gave him a narrow-eyed glare and raised her chin to a lofty height. “Yes, and you promised to love, honor, and cherish me, remember?”

  Liam released a frustrated sigh. “You are the most infuriating, mule-headed, argumentative woman I’ve ever met.”

  “And you’re the most arrogant, overbearing, bossy man I’ve ever met.”

  Selena turned away just as she heard her name being called. She looked up to see Marcia Boyd rushing toward them, her daughters not far behind. Selena struggled to subdue her anger and managed a smile of welcome for her friend.

  “Oh Selena, I’m so glad to have found you in this crowd.” Marcia gave Selena a hug and turned to Liam. “Hello, Liam,” Marcia smiled.

  “Hello ma’am, ladies.” Liam tipped his hat as he returned her smile and nodded to Natasha and Susan. “Where’s Gerald?”

  “He’s getting all our supplies. He bought us a wagon and a team of oxen this morning from the man you had recommended to him.” She looked around at the people bustling past them. “I hope he finishes soon. I’m anxious to get away from here. All these people rushing around make me nervous.”

  Liam gave her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, Mrs. Boyd. I understand the town is always like this in the spring. Everyone is anxious to stock up for the trip, and the merchants depend on their business. But don’t worry. We’ll be on our way in a few days.”

  Natasha sidled closer to Liam and looked up at him with a pretty pout from beneath her lashes. “I was so worried that we wouldn’t find you in this crowd. We were counting on traveling with you, since you know the way and all.”

  Liam gave Natasha a tolerant smile. “We’re all headed in the same direction, Miss Boyd. I’m sure you wouldn’t have gotten lost.”

  “Nevertheless, I’ll feel so much safer knowing that you are around to help us,” she replied.

  Liam looked at Marcia. “We’re almost finished in town. We just have to make one more stop before going over to the livery. I understand the owner has a side business selling feed and livestock. Why don’t you find Gerald and meet us there, then you can follow us back to our campsite?”

  “Oh, that would be wonderful,” Marcia said with relief. “We’ll try not to keep you waiting. Come along girls.”

  Selena watched them hurrying to cross the street in search of Gerald before she turned back to Liam. From his expression, it was obvious that he was still annoyed with her. She much preferred the easy camaraderie they had enjoyed the previous day, and she sought for a way to lighten the mood.

  “You know, if you keep calling me names, I won’t share any of my candy with you.”

  Caught off guard by her abrupt change of mood, Liam couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh, so that’s what this is about. You don’t want to share your candy.” As he said the words, he lifted her onto the seat.

  “Well, it’s awfully good candy,” she said saucily. “But if you’re really nice, I’ll give you some.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” he grinned.

  Liam steered the team out into the busy thoroughfare and they plodded their way to a clothing store. Once again, Liam lifted her down but kept his hands on her waist as he fixed her with a stern look.

  “We’re going in here, and I’m going to buy you a coat. You’ll need it when we get up into the mountains.”

  “No Liam, I’m quite capable of buying myself a coat,” Selena replied stubbornly.

  “That may be true, but if you’ll remember, our agreement was that the money you gave me was to be used to buy the extra supplies we would need for you. A warm coat is just part of those supplies.” Seeing the obstinate set of her jaw, he leaned closer and playfully tapped the tip of her nose with his finger. There was a teasing light in his eyes. “Even if it costs me a taste of that candy, I’m going to buy you a coat.”

  She studied his face, seeing the determination in his hazel eyes. Thrusting her bottom lip out, Selena blew her breath out with a frustrated sigh, ruffling her bangs.

  “Well, it looks like I have little choice in the matter. You’ve already made up your mind.”

  “That’s right. Now be a good girl and come along.”

  Liam lightly took hold of her elbow to steer her into the store. They were relieved that the shop wasn’t as busy as the other businesses they had visited, and it wasn’t long before the shopkeeper turned to serve them.

  “Could I help you?” she asked with a smile.

  Liam drew Selena forward. “We need a warm winter coat for my wife. What do you have?”

  “Nothing too expensive, just something serviceable,” Selena murmured.

  The shopkeeper led them to a rack and pulled forth a heavy coat of dark grey wool. She held it up, and Selena slipped her arms into the sleeves. She snuggled the collar up around her neck, ignoring the prickling sensation of the wool against her skin as she stood for Liam’s inspection. He frowned slightly then turned to the shopkeeper.

  “Is this the only coat you have?”

  The woman smiled and shook her head. “No sir. I have another coat that would probably fit her, but it’s more expensive.”

  “Could we see it please?”

  The shopkeeper helped Selena remove the grey coat, and she returned it to the rack. She pulled out another coat. This one was of finer wool that had been dyed a deep blue. As Selena slipped her arms into the sleeves, she noticed it was lined with a soft blue silk. The cut of the coat was finer too, hugging her womanly curves rather than hiding them beneath its bulk.

  “Much better,” Liam murmured, using the opportunity to run his eyes appreciatively down her length. The color of the coat accentuated her blue eyes and made her complexion glow. “We’ll take this one.”

  Selena swallowed any protest about the cost. She would have liked to argue about the extravagance, since this coat cost more than twice what the other one did. However, she had to admit that it felt much better against her skin.

  “She’s also going to need some warm mittens, two pairs, and a hat,” Liam said, as he helped her out of the coat and folded it over his arm, ignoring Selena’s narrowed eyes.

  The shopkeeper pulled out a tray of knitted wool m
ittens and hats, and Liam quickly chose the ones he liked. Selena stood quietly beside him, making a valiant effort to contain her irritation.

  “Will that be all for you sir?” the shopkeeper asked, returning the tray to its shelf.

  “No, she’s also going to need some warm winter underwear,” Liam stated, with only a brief glance of warning in Selena’s direction.

  “I have just the thing,” the shopkeeper stated, leading them to another area of the store. She shuffled through some garments, not noticing the battle of wills raging between Liam and Selena. “I think these would do nicely,” the woman said, holding up a pair of sturdy quilted cotton pantalets and a matching chemise.

  Although the undergarments were thick enough to be warm and practical, they were edged with lace and trimmed with pink ribbon. The shopkeeper circled behind Selena and held the garments up in front of her to show Liam that they would fit. Selena blushed hotly beneath Liam’s regard. She could guess he was imagining her in the garments, and her pulse raced at the thought. She forced herself to remain still as he studied her.

  Little did Selena know that Liam’s thoughts were much more scandalous than she guessed. He was imagining her with no clothes at all, and he absently nodded his head, cocking it slightly to the side as he considered his wife.

  “Those will be fine,” he said at length. “We’ll take two pair plus these other things.”

  Liam handed all the items to the shopkeeper and followed her to the counter. Selena had little choice but to follow in his wake. She waited until they were once again outside before she turned to him with a glare.

  “You said one coat, Liam. Now I insist that you let me pay for the other things.”

  “Selena, I only bought the things you are going to need,” Liam said quietly, stowing their packages in the back of the wagon.

  “I can’t let you pay for those things. It wouldn’t be proper for you to buy my undergarments,” Selena whispered, blushing hotly.

  “It’s perfectly proper for a man to buy underwear for his wife,” Liam stated with a wolfish grin. When she opened her mouth to protest, he held up a hand to stop further argument. “Enough. If it makes you feel any better, you’ll be working hard on this trip. You’re going to more than earn your way, so there’s no reason to argue.” She released another frustrated sigh, and his grin widened. “Good. Now let’s go meet Gerald and Marcia.”

  He lifted her onto the bench before climbing up to join her, and they made their way to the livery. Liam led her inside the large barn, and they waited their turn. When the owner lent them his attention, Liam ordered several large bags of feed for the oxen.

  “I also want to buy four laying hens,” Liam said.

  The owner led them to a chicken coop at the back of the barn. Liam selected the ones he wanted and the man put them into a long coop that could be secured onto the side of the wagon. As the owner completed the task, he gave Liam a wry grin.

  “My wife ain’t gonna be happy mister. You just picked out my best laying hens.”

  Liam gave him a charming smile. “Well, tell her that you charged me more than a fair price for them. That should help to soothe her ruffled feathers.” The two men laughed and then Liam indicated a small corral that held several cows. He pointed to one near the back and asked, “How much will you take for that cow?”

  Selena eyed the pathetic looking creature. Her bony frame was almost gaunt, and her eyes looked lazy and mournful as she lay munching her cud. Selena turned with a worried frown and whispered to Liam.

  “She doesn’t look like she would give much milk, Liam. Are you sure she’s healthy?”

  “Trust me,” he whispered in her ear.

  The owner looked a bit uncomfortable and tried to get Liam to select a different cow, but he was adamant about his choice. They dickered for a few minutes and finally agreed upon a price. After adding some chicken feed to their order, Liam paid the man, and they loaded the feed and tied the animals to the wagon.

  “Selena, would you like to get something to drink while we wait for the Boyds? It’s pretty warm today,” Liam offered.

  The livery owner’s interest perked up. “Selena? That’s an unusual name. Are you Selena Darcy?”

  “Yes, I am. Why?”

  “Selena McKenzie, actually,” Liam said with a frown.

  Selena smiled somewhat apologetically to them both. “We’re just recently married, and I forget sometimes to use my married name. But why were you asking?”

  The owner scratched his head and grinned. “Well, there was a man in here earlier today, name of Hank, I believe he said. He was asking if I’d seen you. He said you were a right pretty little lady, and I can see he wasn’t exaggerating.”

  “He would do well to remember that she’s a married woman,” Liam growled. The frown he directed at Selena made it clear that he thought she should remember as well.

  Sensing the tension, the owner nodded his head to them both. “I’d better see about these other customers who are waiting. Hope you have a safe trip.” He abruptly turned and went back into the barn.

  Liam crossed his arms over his chest and glowered at Selena. “You must have made quite an impression on Hank for him to be asking around town for you.”

  Selena shrugged her shoulders and gave a small secretive smile. Liam’s temper was not soothed by her flippant attitude, and his frown deepened into the blackest of scowls.

  “Well, I’d appreciate it if you would stop flirting with other men.”

  “I wasn’t flirting with Hank,” she protested.

  “I heard you on board the ship. What was it you were saying to him?” Liam raised the pitch of his voice to mock hers. “‘That’s a good idea, Hank. I would never have thought of that on my own.’” Liam’s voice dropped back to an ominous growl. “You were simpering as if you were some brainless twit that needed his assistance. Believe me, I’ve had a number of women flirt with me and that’s exactly how they do it. As my wife, I expect you to refrain from flirting with every man you come in contact with.”

  “Would you keep your voice down,” Selena murmured, glancing around. She frowned up at him. “I wasn’t acting like a brainless twit and I wasn’t flirting! It just so happens that Hank and I were carrying on an intelligent conversation, and he offered me some good advice. Obviously, you weren’t eavesdropping long enough or you would know that.”

  Liam opened his mouth to reply, but just then, the Boyds pulled up with their newly purchased wagon as well as a sturdy buggy hitched to a mule. Their arrival put an end to the conversation, but both Selena and Liam knew that the topic would be continued.

  The Boyd family wagon was packed to the brim with supplies, so they had bought the buggy to keep Natasha and Susan from having to walk the entire way to Oregon, as so many other emigrants were forced to do. Liam took a look at the animals, inspecting their teeth and hooves and running a hand over their well muscled flanks. He assured Gerald that they looked hale and hearty.

  Gerald took Liam’s advice and also purchased a cow and some chickens. Marcia and Selena chatted while they waited for the men to conclude their business. Selena was more than a little peeved when she noted how Natasha kept sending flirtatious glances at Liam.

  “We’d better get going. There is still a lot of work to do this afternoon,” Liam said.

  Everyone agreed, and Liam and Selena led the way back to their camp. Gerald and Susan followed in the second wagon, and Marcia and Natasha brought up the rear in the buggy. As they rode along, Selena cast a few glances back at the cow Liam had bought and finally couldn’t resist voicing her concern.

  “Liam, are you sure about that cow? She doesn’t look like she could make it all the way to Oregon, much less produce any milk along the way.”

  Liam growled with frustration. “Will you just drop it? Trust me. I’ve got an eye for animals. That cow, sad looking as she is, is going to produce more milk and cream than we can use.”

  Selena continued to eye him skeptically, but giving him
the benefit of the doubt, she remained silent. They reached their campsite, and the Boyd family set up their own camp a short distance away. As she helped to unhitch the oxen, Selena couldn’t help noticing that Natasha was the only one not helping. Everyone else was busy with the various tasks that needed attention, but Natasha was preoccupied with brushing the dust off her dress. Selena sighed as she noted that the other woman was impeccably garbed in yet another beautiful dress, while she was wearing the last of her own sparse wardrobe, a simple cotton dress of buttery yellow. She felt like a dowdy sparrow next to a swan.

  Liam made her jump when he appeared at her elbow. He was searching for a way to ease the tension between them.

  “Why don’t you make us some lunch,” Liam suggested with a smile, “while I get the wagon unpacked. We need to organize everything so we can get to it easily, and since you’re going to be the cook, you can arrange the food the way you want it.”

  Selena agreed, and they both set to work. By the time she had a large pot of soup prepared Liam had spread most of their supplies out in the shade of the wagon. Selena dished up a large bowl for Liam and then one for herself. The soup was delicious, and Selena felt somewhat vindicated after the disastrous bread she had made that morning.

  “Well, I’ll be darned,” Liam said with a grin. “You can cook after all.”

  Selena heaved an exasperated sigh, but the corners of her mouth twitched from his teasing. She was happy to serve him seconds when he finished off the last bite. They ate lunch in companionable silence, enjoying the cool spring afternoon. When they were finished, they leaned back shoulder to shoulder against a log to relax for a few minutes. Selena realized with some surprise that she was enjoying her husband’s company, and she gazed up at the fluffy clouds skirting across the sky.

  “Liam,” she said softly, “tell me about Oregon. What is it like?”

  “Beautiful,” he murmured.

  She turned to find his gaze on her, and her breath caught in her throat. His eyes were glowing orbs flecked with green, and as she watched, they dipped to her bosom. It was almost as if he could see through her layers of clothes, and Selena felt her nipples crinkle beneath the fabric of her bodice. She glanced around to make sure no one nearby was observing them. Much to her relief, the wagon and the log they were leaning against afforded them some privacy.


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