Ugly, Perfect

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Ugly, Perfect Page 16

by Melanie Walker

  The minute he called himself my man my need was back and on overdrive. Dante would never, had never called himself anything where we were concerned. That was the simplest, yet single most important thing he had ever said to me. I felt my orgasm rise and closed my eyes unable to focus on anything than the feel of him inside of me."Look at me luv, come with me."

  I opened my eyes as his thrusts grew powerful, shorter and I couldn’t stop from letting go. His chest came over my back as he placed one hand at the crease of my neck so his fingers rested on my throat. His eyes locked on mine and full of everything that words couldn’t say. His mouth opened on a groan and his other hand linked between my fingers against the mirror as he released everything inside of me.

  We were breathing heavy, neither of us willing to move. D placed kisses along my spine as he pulled free of me and I feared the vacancy inside of me that always followed our love making. Through the mirror I watched as he turned the faucet to the bathtub off with just seconds to spare before it over flowed.

  I laugh because I didn't even acknowledge that the water was even on once he touched me. He smiles and comes back close to me, pulling my hips back against him until I have no choice but to stand.

  I feel his orgasm as it spills onto my legs with gravity and I blush looking on my counter for a hand towel. "I have never seen anything as sexy as that luv."

  I look at him through the mirror and he is looking at the wetness on my thigh. I look at him questioningly. "Is it the right kind of nasty?"

  He smiles and laughs and it’s the best sound in the world. "Exactly. Now you get it." He winks and takes the towel from my hand and cleans me gently before dropping the towel on the floor and guides me to the bath.

  The water wasn't hot enough and I was freezing laying back against his chest in the tub. After a piping hot shower that lead to another round of amazing sex we finally made it to the bed.

  I lay on his chest and listen to the rain as it pelts the window. It's almost four in the morning and I refuse to sleep as I run my fingers along his abdomen. I feel him kiss the top of my head and I jump having thought he was asleep. "Did I wake you?" I ask and tilt my head to see him.

  "I haven't slept." He speaks soft and runs his fingers along my arm. This feels very much like the last time we were in bed together. I knew there was no hope then and felt that goodbye to my bones. Now I lay here with hope like a balloon in my chest and unable to sleep.

  "Tell me what you're thinking." I say and continue to stroke his belly.

  He laughs then and holds me against him. "I was thinking that you have a different bed every time I've been with you."

  I draw my brows in, think about it and start laughing because he's right. "And you say I over think shit."

  He moves quickly until he is above me and starts poking me in my sides until I am laughing so hard I have tears. "I can't breathe!" I say through my laughter and he tilts to my side enough so I can breathe again.

  He looks around my room as if he is calculating a remodel. "You'll be in a different bed the next time we do this too."

  I draw my brows in confusion and look at him, a lump in my throat and a horrible feeling in my gut. "What?"

  It is all I can bare to ask and tears threaten to fall with the knowledge that once again he would leave me.

  He nods and kisses my nose. "Well yeah, my bed is a king. We can fit Harley and Joker both in it with us, though I don't recommend it."

  My fear turns to summersaults as what he says sinks in and hope blossoms like spring in my chest. I swear I misheard him though and refuse to assume. "Wait- what?"

  I push at his chest wanting to sit up, but he doesn’t budge and stays above me. "Well, they can sleep with us if you want, but I may shock them with the nasty and ruin them for life."

  His fingers twist in the strands of my hair as I try to catch up. "Your bed?"

  He nods dramatically at me and I slap his arm lightly. "Don't tease me D…" My voice sounds so soft as I say it I'm not sure he heard me. He rolls until he is above me, his legs splitting mine and the sheet is caught between us, but I feel his heat against me and the sheet does nothing to hide our desire.

  He then pulls both arms up and around his neck before kissing me sweetly on the lips. "I meant what I said luv. You surpass reason and logic baby. I want you…" He kisses me on my lips. "In my bed…" He moves to the right and kisses me at the crease of my neck. "In my life." He shifts until he can place a kiss between my breasts. "Indiana luv… I want you with me."

  I cup my face in my hands and cry for the eleventeenth time tonight and he soothes those tears by continuing to kiss me to my finger tips. "Say, 'Yes D, I will come to Indiana'."

  I look at him, his eyes hide nothing here and I nod. "Yes D, I will come to Indiana."

  He smiles a huge smile and kisses me soundly until I am writhing and grinding against him. He pulls back to strip the sheet from between us and parts my thighs. He slips into me and it takes my breath because my gentle lover is gone.

  He slips his hands beneath my knees, spreading me as wide as he can and thrusts hard again. "Now, I'm gonna fuck you Emjay."

  Not a request or permission. He just does it, takes the control from me the only way I like. "Yes, fuck yes D. Make me feel you for a week."

  He groans and pinches one of my nipples making me yelp. "Fuck yes luv, you are so the right kind of nasty."


  One month later

  Seattle WA

  Me: I just landed and waiting on my luggage. Boulder County Sherriff's office called while I was in the air. Ken is out.

  I hit send and see my two patent leather red rollers come on the carousel and am glad that I didn't need to wait long. I was anxious to get Harley and head to a hotel until Al was back from Kennewick tomorrow. He had stayed at my place with Harley while I was in Schererville with D looking for houses. He hit the road two hours ago with Harley asleep in my bed, fed, ran and tired.

  I wanted to get home, get my girl and get the fuck out before he could even get into Seattle. I used to be cautious and hope he wouldn’t come looking for me, but those days were gone. I now lived like an endangered animal desperate to survive.

  I hid until safe.

  My phone rang and I knew it was D without looking. "Hey babe." I say and reach for the handle on the second suitcase and shoulder the phone making my way out of the airport and to the tram.

  "When did he get out?" He asks, a bitter-hateful bite to his tone.

  I haven't looked it up yet to see. The message was at three-oh-two PM but I don't know who's time because at three-oh-two PM I was in the air."

  I step on the tram and lose the call and I know he will lose his mind for the next ten minutes until I am out from underground. By the time I get in my car and out of parking my phone alerts me to three missed calls and three texts.

  D: I lost you and its going to voicemail call me back.

  D: Emjay, call me

  D: Fucking lame ass airport underground bullshit.

  I smile as I dial his number which he answers on the first ring. "I hate SeaTac luv."

  I laugh and head towards the I-5. "I didn't know if you would figure it out."

  "I didn't at first, got my heart going until it hit me so I used my time wisely."

  "Oh yea? When you said my name did it make you cum harder?" I laugh and replay the memory of getting him worked up just before I left. After I kissed him goodbye, I told him to say my name when he came.

  "Nope. Didn't do it Luv. Saving it all for you." His voice went deep and I was ready for the move in a week. We are renting a four bedroom ranch style home with a loft for my office. Rayen will have a room and so will my kid-dog who will never sleep in there because she won't leave me.

  We had spent the last month planning my move over the phone, video chat and by the two trips I took over the last month. The first was two weeks ago where we planned this last trip so we could house hunt.

  After eight long, disturbing and tiring
years D and I were in the same book, same page with a happy ending and all. Now were set for my move and his two weeks from now.

  We didn't name what we are, we just are. For as long as I could remember the term soul mate haunted me. He told me once forever ago that I was more than his girlfriend and that whatever that meant he loved it. So now we are doing whatever and it works.

  "Are you listening to me Crazy?" He yells and I realize I was ignoring him, thinking about a happily ever after as whatever.

  "You know what happens if you call me that?" No matter what I threaten him with here, he will still call me Crazy and if there is one thing I know about D, it's that he truly doesn’t give a shit unless it’s the people he loves.

  Love will make him Crazy in a scary way.

  "Nope. And I don't care Mallory. Stop being cute and making me laugh. I'm worried dammit!" He isn't playing and I can hear the fear in his voice

  "Stop worrying Dante. I'm gonna have you reserve me a room at the Best Western in Tacoma under your name and head there until Alex is back from Kennewick tomorrow. His building is secured like the pentagon and Harley and I will be safe with him until the move. I'll get a storage unit and hire movers. I won't do anything or go anywhere alone-"

  He is literally talking over me at this point and its pissing me off. "I can't understand you when you yell over me!" I snap and take my exit into Seattle.

  "Well if you would stop talking for two fucking minutes you would hear me fine." His tone sounds scared and mad and I try to reason how this must feeling. Knowing the lengths he has gone to in order to keep me safe even though Ken doesn’t fear D… I understand his fear. In the past I let Ken control my love life by running away. D won't let me run. He is committed to my safety and always has been. The only part of Ken that scares D is the part where I become vulnerable.

  "I'm listening." I say and wait for him to give me a list of 'call me when… let me know if he… call the cops if '.

  "I was trying to tell you that I called Boulder Corrections. He was let out for overcrowding just before midnight. Any intentions he has towards you are in full motion babe. I called the cops and asked for an officer to get you in and out with the pooch safely."

  "Oh my God…" I say and I feel sick. It wasn't fair that I was on a permanent high and madly in love and happy…. For Kendal to come through and shit all over it.

  "You'll be okay babe. If there isn't an officer there when you get there go to the coffee shop just out of your neighborhood and wait for me to call you."

  "What are you going to do?" I am almost home now and waiting on an officer to walk me into my own home ignites my hatred for that fucking loser junkie is at an all time high.

  "Calling in a favor so I can get the cops there."

  He hangs up and I know he is calling his friends from the MC and getting a bought cop there no matter what. I hate when he falls back on the MC for my safety, knowing he will owe them a favor.

  Right now all I can do is hope that an officer is already there and D won't need to involve the club. My phone rings and its him so I answer hoping that he owes nobody a favor. "Hey…"

  "Okay, luv I need you to get to your house. I am on my way. The cops are there, but it's possible Ken trashed your shit because my inside guy said there's signs of a break in. I am gonna call Roz and get some members over there until I am- Emjay, are you listening?"

  "Yeah." I say and let him continue to steamroll his way through this until he could get to me. Al and Kyra always did the same thing. Everyone has a plan 'in case' but with Ken there was no threat. If his cop… friend… inside dude; whatever told him it looked like a break in, then it was a fucking break in. I hope Harley ripped him to shreds before he ran like the useless pussy he is.

  "I just got a flight in tomorrow morning it’s the best I can do Mal." He says and I can hear him texting while I am on speaker. "How far out are you?"

  "In the neighborhood now, going slow in hopes it's not real."

  "I'm trying to get there luv." He says it so comforting then curses. "Fuck this is my biggest fear Mal. Shit like this is what I meant when I said you deserved a guy-"

  "Don't! Don't you fucking dare say it or I will go ten shades of Crazy you have no idea exist." I snap, pissed off that he wants to play that bullshit now after everything.

  "I'm with you Mal. I am in it for as long as you want me. I'm just crawling out of my skin and feeling helpless and wishing I was there… You're so calm about it… it isn't right that you're used to this luv."

  His words make me sad. Not because they're true, but because the truth is worse. "I'm not used to it D. I'm just prepared." I pull onto my street and see three cops walking around shining flashlights at the broken window. "Oh my God the front window is broken."

  "The bay window in the front?" He asks and I hear more tapping as he texts and talks.

  "Yeah…" My voice fades out as I piece together the logic of this scene, one I do not want to accept. "I'll call you back." I open my door as the officer walks up. "I need to talk to this cop."

  "Keep me posted."

  "I will."

  "I love you Emjay." I heard his words but was too late to respond having hit end but I know he will understand.

  "Hello ma'am. Is this your residence?" The officer asks me and I nod, looking at the window and waiting on my baby to charge for me.

  "Yes. I'm Mallory Wayne." I say and start walking toward the window. I look over my shoulder at the officer, glancing at the other two officers who, if I had to guess, were dirty and here for the MC. "Did you see a Great Dane with a light bronze coat like a camel?"

  "No ma'am, we were notified by your boyfriend that you were on your way so we had no need for entry without permission."

  He seemed nice and by-the-book type and I needed that kind of officer when shit was bad with Ken. But, I saw his face the minute I said Great Dane and he knew as well as I did that none of these officers knew where my girl was. She is too big, too intimidating. If they saw her, they'd have known.

  Once that knowledge hit home I didn't give a fuck about his protocol and unlocked my door and stepped in my home. Officer Protocol hot on my heels as I started calling for my baby. She would not, under any circumstances run away. If she wasn't here she was chasing Ken down. I could give Ken the benefit of the doubt and assume it could be any thug, but I knew better.

  "I don't want to touch anything because there could be prints. My two best friends Kyra Johns, now McQuiad, Alex Harper and my boyfriend Dante Kole all have prints on file in both Boulder, Colorado and here. You will most likely find mine, my boyfriends and Alex. Kyra lives in Indiana and hasn’t been here in about two months maybe less."

  I look around and see Kendal in the mess. All my pictures broken, my dishes broke and walk back to my office to see it trashed. It was Kendal, but beat cop here will open a big ass investigation with no prints and no proof like usual. They will reinstate my restraining order and have some cops drive by for a while before they become complacent and eventually stop. Once they do, he comes back and does it again.

  When he does, he makes sure that Harley is in the backyard distracted, or does it while we are out. He is the worst kind of unstable with the patience of a saint. He is capable of waiting it out for the right time, just so I remain scared.

  On the few occasions that I am here, he will knock me out, or try to before Harley gets in the house. I walk to my back door, sliding it open in hopes she is sleeping under a tree, but she isn't. She is just gone. The officer follows me asking me the same old questions and I respond both bored and agitated.

  I sigh and roll my neck when I see blood on the floor down the opposite hallway from where we were. I rush down the hall when I see my bedroom door is closed and rush in and stop short at the massacre on my bed. My brain flickers as I try to process what I see, but there is no more denying what I knew the minute I saw that broken window and my dog nowhere in sight.

  I feel the tears fall shamelessly as I walk to my bed. I hea
r Officer Protocol curse and start spitting codes into the radio attached to his shoulder. The two officers that I think are there more for D's peace of mind than mine, rush in and stop short and slide losing their footing in the bloody mess on my hardwood floor.

  I just stare at her, lifeless on my bed as my tears fall. I snap out of my shock when I see her try to lift her head and an agonizing terrible sound escapes her. I rush to her, careful not to hurt her.

  "Oh baby…" I cry and kneel to the side so we are face to face. I place my hand on top of her head and stroke my thumb down her snout between her eyes.

  I hear the officers calling for animal control, but I know she is dying. She tries to lift her head again, that same awful sound again and she closes her eyes and looks to struggle for a breath. I want to hope for the best and somehow I find it in me to hope for her, my baby, my protector. "Just be calm baby." I say and try to soothe her as best I can.

  My heart is breaking and I can't breathe through the devastation that watching something you love so very much, suffer as she is now. "Oh God, Harley, fight baby. I know you can fight, you're so strong."

  She moves her head a small inch and moans that awful moan, but succeeds in resting her head closer to mine and on my other hand. Even in death she wants to comfort me and it kills me seeing her like this.

  I look behind me and start screaming for someone to do something to save my dog. "I have no children, but she is my lifeline! Don't you get that? She is not just a fucking dog!"

  Officer Protocol places his hand on my shoulder calmly and squeezes in kindness and comfort. "They're almost here Miss Wayne." He then looks to Harley and pets the side of her cheek. "Stay strong girl, just a little longer."

  That kindness gave me something nobody in my life ever had. He may not understand what Harley means to me or the ways she saved my life, but he understood that it was absolute hell fire torture to wait on a miracle.


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