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Almost Home Page 11

by India Masters

  Haley uttered a raspy shout when he rose to his knees, dragging her with him until her thighs were draped over his. His hands grasped her hips, feeding his cock into her with her with long, hard thrusts that made her breasts dance. Instinctively, she cupped them in her hands, pinching and plucking her nipples.

  “Ah god, darlin’, that’s so hot.”

  In one powerful move, he hauled her onto his lap, filling her almost to the point of pain. With one hand between her shoulder blades, he bent her back and sucked one hard, red nipple between his lips as she rode him.

  “Wyatt,” she shouted his name when his teeth clamped on her nipple, sending a jolt of pleasure straight to her core.

  He lifted his head and chuckled. “Like that, do ya?” He nipped her again and she shrieked, muscles tightening around him, hips undulating. “Oh lord, do that again, honey.”

  Jesus, Mary and Joseph, what the hell was he doing to her? One hand lightly grasped her hip, guiding her as an unbearable tension built, bubbling up from deep inside her until she thought she might pass out. Her entire body clenched, grasping and greedy, preparing for a second release. Her eyes slid shut.

  “No baby, open your eyes. Look at me. God, you make me so hot,” he rasped, pressing a thumb against her clitoris as he thrust up one final time.

  Haley screamed and wrapped her arms around him as he came. He fell back on the mattress, taking her with him so that she still straddled him as they both gasped for air.

  Tears leaked from Haley’s eyes, dampening Wyatt’s chest. Making love with him was more than she’d ever expected. She’d anticipated some pain but it had been so minimal as to be practically nonexistent. What she hadn’t expected was the intense pleasure. She’d overheard plenty of women discussing the pros and cons of sex. Some saw it as a thing to be endured. Others craved it like a drunk needing a drink. Having experienced it for herself, she could understand the craving. She didn’t think sex with Wyatt would ever become a chore.

  Wyatt stroked her back and kissed the side of her neck. “Here now, why the tears?”

  She rested her cheek on his chest. “I don’t know. I’m just…glad I waited. I don’t think it would have been like that with someone else. I…is it always that good, that intense?”

  Wyatt rolled her onto her back, swooped down for a lingering kiss. “Well if it ain’t, it should be. I reckon it depends on the people doing it.” He sat up. “Don’t move, I’ll be right back.”

  Haley heard water running in the bathroom and he returned with a damp washcloth. A blush heated her cheeks as he gently cleaned her, a slight frown puckering his forehead and he cleared his throat.

  “Um, I don’t suppose there’s a chance in hell you’re protected?”

  “You mean birth control?” She shook her head, then her eyes widened in horror. “Oh god, no. I mean, I never needed it until tonight and then it never even occurred to me. Oh lord, and you didn’t use a condom.”

  Wyatt’s cock, which had started to perk up a bit, softened. “Haley, I’m sorry. I got so carried away, I just forgot.” He snuggled her against his side. “Look, if something…comes of this, we’ll get married. I’d never make you go through something like that alone. You know that, right?”

  She nodded, struggling to keep the tears at bay. He’d do the right thing by her, no doubt in her mind, but Haley didn’t want a marriage based on necessity.

  “It’s okay. I’ll make an appointment to see a doctor in Kerrville. I can get one of them morning-after pills and a prescription for birth control.”

  Beside her, Wyatt stiffened. “You’d take one of those pills?”

  Uh-oh. She’d thought he’d be relieved. A part of her was relieved, too. “You wouldn’t want me to?”

  “Hell no.” He rolled onto his side. “Haley, look at me.” She did and he continued, “I ain’t a man that believes in that sort of thing. Not unless the circumstances call for it, which they don’t in this case. I’m not the love them and leave them type. If we made a child, I’ll do the right thing.”

  Haley pulled away from him and sat up, snatching her sleep shirt from the bedpost. “I got no desire to be anybody’s do-the-right-thing-woman, Wyatt Brody. That’s what happened to my momma and for damn sure it ain’t gonna happen to me. If I’m pregnant—and that’s a big if—I’m perfectly capable of raising a child on my own.” She jerked an oversized sleep shirt over her head, stood up and stomped from the room.

  “The hell you say,” Wyatt shouted at her back.

  She heard his feet hit the ground but kept going to the kitchen, opening the cupboard to grab the coffee canister. She slammed it to the counter and yanked the grounds basket from the coffeemaker, emptying it into the trashcan with a vicious smack.

  Wyatt followed and she glared at him over her shoulder despite the fact that he looked sexy as hell with his unbuttoned jeans. His chest was bare, his hair sex mussed. Her whole body clenched. Jesus, even pissed she wanted him again.

  “What the hell are you doing?” he growled.

  Haley snorted. “What the hell does it look like? I’m making coffee.” She added grounds to the filter and filled the reservoir, setting the machine to brew.

  “This conversation ain’t over, Haley.” He stalked toward her and she held her ground.

  “Says you.” She was being mulish and she knew it but she would not marry a man who didn’t love her, no matter the circumstances.

  “You’re damn right, says me.” He jerked his fingers through his hair in frustration. “God damn it, Haley.”

  She tilted her head defiantly. “God’s last name ain’t damn it.”

  “What the hell’s…” Wyatt’s eyes narrowed. “God don’t have a pony in this race, woman. The point is no way are you raisin’ a child of mine without me.”

  “And you ain’t the boss of me. Best you remember that.” She turned her back on him and pulled two coffee mugs from the cabinet, damn near dropping them when Wyatt spun her around. His big hands grasped her waist. He lifted her as if she weighed no more than a feather and set her down on the cool granite top of the island. He took the mugs from her and set them aside.

  “I ain’t trying to be the boss of you, sweet pea. But you gifted me with your first time tonight and I take that seriously.” His big, calloused hands parted her thighs and he stepped between them, pulling her to the edge. “I figure that makes you my woman.”

  His woman? “It don’t mean nothing, Brody.” But it does. It means everything.

  His angry expression softened as he leaned in and brushed his lips against her ear. “Liar.”

  His fingers brushed against the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. “No.” Her protest was belied by the soft, needy sound of that one word.

  “It’s a sin to tell a lie, darlin’. I think you’d like it if I was to take you right here on this cold granite top. And I think if I did, you’d come like Ol’ Faithful. Ain’t that right?”

  It was in her mind to deny his words but his wicked thumb brushed over her and she gasped.

  He chuckled and eased her onto her back, spreading her legs wide. “I reckon you’re too sore to take me again so soon but I’m of a mind to prove you a liar.” He leaned down, gave her a gentle nip, then ran his tongue right where she wanted it most, lapping gently. She arched her back. “Feels good, don’t it?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “You know it does. Make me come, Wyatt.”

  “Oh, I’m gonna make you come, sweet pea, but you got to make me a promise. No morning after nothing and we’re gonna talk like sensible grownups about what happens if you are pregnant. Deal?”

  “Damn you…deal.” Haley gasped as he set about his task until she was half out of her mind with the need. “Wyatt.” She couldn’t help herself, she wrapped her legs around his shoulders, her hips moving as if they had a mind of their own. “Oooh, I…oh my god.”

  No sooner had she spoken the words, than her back bowed and she shattered.

  “That’s my girl.” He placed a damp kiss
on her inner thigh and straightened. “Now, let’s talk.”

  Chapter Eight

  Wyatt buttoned his jeans. A man didn’t want to have this kind of conversation with his dick hanging out.

  Haley slid off the countertop and nearly melted onto the floor. “Can we pour us a cup of coffee and have this discussion someplace where I don’t have to lock my knees to keep standing?”

  He stifled a smile. “Go on and sit down. I’ll bring it to you.”

  Wyatt watched as she sank onto the couch. He could practically see the gears spinning in that independent little head of hers as she tried to figure out exactly what he was going to say to her. He suspected he was in love with her, and she with him, but was she ready to hear the words, to return them?

  Moments later he joined her on the couch, handing her a mug. He blew across the rim of his own and took a swallow. Damn but the woman made a good cup of coffee. She set her cup on the table and leaned back, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Well?” She cocked one eyebrow, a gesture he’d come to know as her cynic’s expression. He had to concede she had due cause.

  He sat down beside her and put his cup on a coaster. “I think I’m in love with you, Haley, and I don’t want you to be with anybody else but me. I think maybe you’re gonna be the mother of my children.”

  The look on her face was almost comical. She was big-eyed and slack-jawed, gaping at him like she’d just discovered a new and exotic species right there in the Texas hill country. Finally, she blinked and took a deep breath.

  “Well.” She sat frozen for a dozen heartbeats, then said, “I don’t know what to do with that.” Wyatt’s heart felt as though it had dropped to his stomach. She saw his pained expression and offered up a smile. “I didn’t say I don’t feel the same. I do. I just don’t…you gotta give me a break here, Wyatt. I don’t know how to do this. I never seen it done right. I ain’t so sure I’m your best bet for the future mother of your children. I damn sure wouldn’t put money on me.”

  Wyatt stretched out on the couch, taking her with him, wrapping his arms around her to cuddle her close.

  “Sweet pea, you got a way about you that sets folks at ease. You think I haven’t seen that? That I’ve missed the way you are with Maria and Dooley’s youngsters? How much they love you already? The way you treat your animals…even that foul-mouthed bird.” He shifted once more until he had her stretched out on top of him, groin to groin. “There’s no hurry, darlin’. We can take all the time we need. Unless there’s a baby. Agreed?”

  She rested her chin on his breastbone and nodded. “Agreed.”

  “Good.” He yawned widely and gave her a light squeeze. “What say we take a little nap? And when we wake up, I’ll show you a few bedroom tricks I’ve learned over the years.”

  She sighed and pressed her cheek to her chest, closing her eyes. “Mmm…sounds like a plan.”

  Wyatt didn’t know how long they’d been sleeping when Haley’s phone rang. He gave her a gentle shake.

  “Phone, honey.”

  Haley shook her head and mumbled something incoherent but Dooley’s voice on the answering machine woke her.

  “Molly’s in labor. Didn’t want to wake you but it’s been close to half an hour since her water broke and she ain’t progressing. I called the doc. Reckon I’ll try your cell.”

  Haley leapt from the couch like a circus performer shot from a cannon, barely missing the family jewels in her haste.

  “I’m here.” Her voice high-pitched with panic she shouted, “I’ll be right there.” She dropped the phone and raced to the bedroom.

  Wyatt took the stairs two at a time. Haley was pulling on her clothes with trembling hands. She looked up at him, shaking her head. He reached for his socks and boots, making his voice as soothing as possible. “It’ll be all right, darlin’. Doc Bell’s the best vet around.” She gave him a terse nod as she jammed her feet in her boots, then took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before standing up. “Go. I’m right behind you.”

  By the time Wyatt got to the barn, Haley and Dooley had gotten Molly to her feet, both of them talking to the mare in reassuring tones. Haley stroked the mare, ran her hand down her back and over her flanks, then lifted her tail.

  “Shit. Elbow lock. How long before the doc gets here?”

  Dooley scratched Molly’s ears. “Ten minutes tops. We got gloves if you wanna get started.”

  The horse shifted restlessly. “Only if I have to. I don’t wanna take a chance on the hooves rupturing anything. I’ve done it before but it ain’t no fun and my arm felt like someone shot me full of Novocain. Flopped around like a fish out of water.”

  Wyatt raised an eyebrow. “Well that’s dedication. I usually let my vet do the exploring, especially since we went organic and don’t have to pull calves anymore.”

  She barely spared him a glance. “Got nothing to do with dedication. Mare and foal would have died if I didn’t. But it feels like your arm’s in a vise when the uterus contracts.” Her head turned in the direction of the barn entry. “Doc’s here.”

  Wyatt met Ben halfway up the aisle, explaining the situation as Haley had explained it. He clenched his jaw as Haley rushed to the vet, pulling him into the stall with a relieved smile on her face, as if the man was some returning war hero or something. On top of being the best damn vet around, Ben was a good-looking cuss, or so the women hereabouts claimed. Tall and well built, the man had a shock of wheat-colored hair and green eyes he’d heard females exclaim over. Every single woman in three counties had her eye on Ben Bell. And Ben had his eye on Haley.

  “Hey Ben. Thanks for getting here so fast.” She practically shoved him in the direction of the mare’s hind end.

  The vet gave her an aw-shucks grin and Wyatt was tempted to break a couple of his perfect white teeth. Make his smile a little less appealing for the womenfolk. The man had designs on his woman and, despite the agreement he and Haley had reached earlier, he didn’t like it. Not one little bit. He clenched his jaw and kept his mouth shut.

  “Wyatt says we got a case of elbow lock?”

  “Nothing but head presenting. Got her up on her feet quick as we could but it don’t look like the position’s changed much.”

  The vet nodded and opened a large box and drew on a shoulder-length glove.

  “Better glove up just in case.” He stepped behind the mare. “All right, Molly girl, let’s see what’s going on here.”

  Wyatt watched as the vet eased his hand inside the mare, a part of him thinking he’d give anything to see Ben’s arm flopping around like a fish out of water. The mare, however, was not amused and nickered nervously.

  “Easy now,” Ben murmured. “Okay, there’s the head and neck. There’s the forelimbs.” He glanced at Haley, using his chin to gesture at the medical box. “Grab me two obstetrical straps, will you?” Haley found the straps and unwrapped the sterile packaging, handing them to the vet one at a time.

  Jesus, that had to hurt like holy hell. Wyatt had done his share of calf pulling when he was younger and he’d never forget the sounds of the cows bawling as they forcibly tugged the calves from their bodies. Ben used the straps, gently pulling the legs into position, and the mare blew out a sigh of relief. Lying down in the straw, her belly heaved several times and the newborn foal slid from her body.

  Elated, Haley threw herself into Ben’s arms. The vet returned her hug, smearing her t-shirt with bloody gunk as he smiled over her shoulder at Wyatt.

  Haley practically crowed. “Geronimo’s first colt, and he’s a beaut. Gentlemen, meet Geronimo’s Texas Tornado.”

  Wyatt’s jealousy was short-lived, because Haley threw herself in his arms and kissed him with a healthy dose of tongue. Reluctantly, he let her break the kiss but she surprised him by turning in his arms to lean back against him, bloody gunk and all.

  “Ain’t that something?”

  Wyatt slid his arms around her waist, meeting Ben’s gaze. “Yes ma’am, it surely is.” To his relief, the v
et gave him a discreet nod, acknowledging that Haley had clearly made her choice.

  Within the hour, Molly delivered the placenta and the little foal was on his feet.

  Haley sighed happily. “Anybody for coffee and pie before we call it a night?”

  As it happened, everyone was for coffee and pie.

  * * * * *

  Haley was the first to wake and she did so with a start. Ezzie Dooley was staring at her with tears in her eyes.

  “Ma sent me. Something’s wrong with Snoop.”

  Haley sat up, glad she’d worn her oversized t-shirt to bed. Beside her, Wyatt came awake, tucking the sheet securely around him. “What’s wrong?”

  Ezzie gave him a puzzled look. “Did you and Wyatt have a sleepover?”

  Heat rushed to Haley’s face and she could have choked Wyatt when he uttered a strangled laugh.

  “Yes, we did.”

  Ezzie nodded. “Can I come next time?”

  There was another snort of laughter behind her and Haley reached back, giving Wyatt a vicious pinch. He yelped but still laughed.

  “We’ll see, sweetheart. What’s wrong with Snoop?”

  Ezzie shrugged. “He must be awful sick because Ma wouldn’t let me see. Pa’s with him. She just said to fetch you.”

  Alarm skittered up Haley’s spine. “Okay, sweetie. You wait in the living room for me and I’ll be right out.”

  “Okay. Can I have a cookie?”

  Haley nodded. “Sure. Help yourself. We’ll be out in a minute.” As soon as the child left, Haley closed the bedroom door and began rummaging for clean clothes. She didn’t miss Wyatt’s grimace as he pulled on yesterday’s garments. “Much time as you spend here, I reckon you should leave some extra clothes, maybe a toothbrush and razor. That beard of yours will ruin mine.”

  Wyatt grinned. “Better watch out, I might move in.”

  Haley snorted. “You practically live here now. Hope that foreman of yours don’t send out a search party.” She sat on the bed and stuffed her feet into her barn boots. “All right. Let’s go see what’s wrong with Snoop.” She shooed Ezzie in the direction of home and went in search of Dooley.


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