That's a Relief (Promises, Promises Book 3)

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That's a Relief (Promises, Promises Book 3) Page 3

by Victoria Klahr

  “Yeah, Josie. You should see the way he watches you when you play with Alec. It’s written all over his face.”

  Excitement turns into peace, and I lean my head back in my rocking chair and close my eyes. The quick movement makes me feel dizzy and sick again, and I groan, cupping a hand over my mouth. I try to breathe deeply through my nose, count four seconds, and then breathe out. It doesn’t work.

  Brooke rummages through her bag, and I open my eyes to see her twisting the cap of a pill bottle.

  “Here. These will help with the morning sickness. If you take one now, it should last you through most of the night.” She holds out a pill and the bottle, and I grab both greedily.

  “Why do you have these in your purse?”

  “These are left over from when I was pregnant. I hate getting sick, so I keep them in here just in case I start feeling nauseous. You know how it is when I’m hungover. Anyway, make sure you ask for some when you go to your first appointment.”

  A doctor’s appointment? It didn’t even cross my mind until she said it. I groan and cover my face with my hands. “How am I supposed to do this, Brooke? I don’t know how to take care of myself, let alone a child!”

  Brooke places her arms around my shoulders and hugs me to her. “Stop, Josie. You’re not alone this time. I’m here for you. Seth’s not going anywhere, either, and there’s no one better to take care of you than him. He won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

  “I know that, Brooke. I do. I wouldn’t want to be having a baby with anyone but Seth, but I’m—”

  “Scared?” she finishes for me. “You’re creating a human being. That’s scary shit. It’s a huge deal.”

  I widen my eyes and throw her a sarcastic smile. “Thanks, friend. That made it oh so much better.”

  “You wouldn’t call me your best friend if I didn’t tell you how it is.” She winks and crouches in front of me, taking my hand in hers. “Anyway, it’s true. A day will come that you wake up and the shock and reality of pregnancy or being a mom to a beautiful baby won’t be as scary as the day before. It’ll become second nature for you, and you’ll think back to this moment and realize how insignificant this fear is. You’re going to be an amazing mom. You and Seth are going to be great parents. Your kids are lucky to have a mom and dad who love each other as much as you two do.”

  Didn’t I once believe without a doubt that happily-ever-afters don’t exist? That the road to a happy life is never easy? I knew first-hand because I thought Seth and I could have had something epic, but it was shattered like the aftermath of an earthquake when I found him with another woman. It took years to get where we are, and it hasn’t been easy. Looking at us now, I know I feel differently.

  I swipe at a tear I didn’t mean to shed. “Wow. That was really nice, Brooke. Thank you.”

  She gives my hand one last squeeze and stands, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “No problem, bestie. I’m just super excited to be a part of this adventure with you.”

  An adventure? Yeah, you could call it an adventure. Or you could call it jumping out of a plane without being sure you have a parachute to help slow the fall.

  Either way, my life is about to change.


  I’m attaching the back of my earring when I feel heavy arms wrap around my waist. I look into the mirror and see Seth’s reflection staring at me. His eyes, a mix of the brightest green in a mossy meadow and the clearest blue in an ocean, stare straight into my dark-blue ones.

  My soul feels complete.

  My lips part as I try to take back the breath he made me lose. Is it necessary? To breathe? Is it really important when he breathes so much love and passion into my existence? Certainly breathing the oxygen of this Earth can’t compare to the paralyzing substance Seth offers me in a single glance.

  “You look incredible.” He places a kiss on my neck, eyes still focused on mine in the mirror. “Stunning.” Another kiss behind my ear. “Sexy.” Tongue caresses my jaw. “Gorgeous.” His voice is gravelly as he breathes against my skin.

  My eyes feel too heavy to keep open and a shiver runs up my spine. His hands slide along the bare skin of my slightly exposed stomach and it ignites me. It engulfs me in a fire I have no desire to put out. I may die from the burn, but it would be a glorious death to be in the arms of the love of my life.

  “Thank you,” I whisper when I’m finally able to speak. What’s the point of learning the alphabet and advanced vocabulary when I can’t form anything coherent around Seth?

  The tips of Seth’s fingers meticulously sear into my skin and I lose my brain in the process.

  “It’s not too much?” I ask, barely above a whisper, chest rising and falling too fast. His hands move down my black leather skirt, and my eyes flutter open. His eyes smolder as they meet mine again.

  “We can have a lot of fun with this tonight,” he answers, strumming one finger where the hem of my skirt meets my thigh. One single finger. He doesn’t need anything but a simple touch for me to understand the powerful implication. To liquefy in his embrace.

  “You won’t punch a waiter for checking me out again?” I breathe out, lips tipping upward as I think about the last time that happened. His chest rumbles with a laugh behind me, and it’s just as electrifying as his fingers.

  “Too much lust in his eyes. I won’t apologize for that.”

  “He asked if I wanted another drink.” I arch my brow at him and then quickly close them when his lips whisper against my shoulder.

  “Exactly,” he says. It’s as simple as that in his mind, and I love it. I smile again and bring my hand up behind me to tangle in his smooth, slicked-back, blond hair. “You sure you don’t just want to make it a two-day birthday in bed?”

  He sucks the skin behind my ear into his mouth in an intimate kiss I wish he would move to my lips. I twist around in his arms and his hands hold my backside tightly against his body. He’s challenging me with his gaze—daring me to forget about what I have planned so we can explore each other for hours in bed. It’s hard to say no when he looks at me like that; the temptation in his words try to pull me in.

  “Mmm … tempting,” I say. “But I’ve been planning this surprise for a month now. No way I’m backing out now.”

  He leans down and places a light kiss on the side of my mouth. His hands squeeze my backside, soliciting another moan out of me and forcing me to doubt my reasons for wanting to go out over staying home in bed with this human sex popsicle.

  “You sure, Pussycat?” he whispers, lips trailing up my jaw.

  The shiver I let out betrays my next words. “We’re going out, and you’re going to have just as much fun.”

  He gives me a dubious smirk before kneeling in front of me. I release an audible breath of air as excitement races through my veins. He picks up the back of the earring I dropped on the floor before he walked in and places it on the counter. Instead of coming back up, he remains kneeled in front of my body. His hands slide up my thighs, gathering the material of my leather skirt until it rests completely on my hips. His thumbs, calloused and rough, slide over the sheer pink fabric of my panties before replacing them with his mouth.

  The hot breath from his kiss makes my knees shake. “Then you better take these off. Unless you want to add another ripped pair to the bin,” he says, his voice husky.

  He stands up abruptly, and I grip onto the counter for support. With one last kiss on my cheek, he leaves the bathroom, a cocky smile on his lips.

  I close my eyes and try to calm my racing heart—which is an impossible feat every time Seth seduces me with his mouth and words. After a few deep breaths, I open my eyes and take off the unnecessary underwear.

  The truth is, I know Seth isn’t lying when he threatens to rip them off my body, and as sexy as that is, it’s not something I want him to do in the middle of where we’re going.

  Turning back around, I take in my reflection. I wanted to do something different and edgy for Seth tonight—something he couldn’t
resist. If earlier is any indication, I’d say I succeeded. My hair is teased and hair sprayed into a thick tangled mess, my makeup black and heavy. My crop top shows off my bronzed, flat stomach, and my leather skirt shows off my legs. The sexy, not-so-innocent, rocker girlfriend has taken my place, and I’m kind of in love with the change.

  I fix a strand of wayward hair and look at my hand when I’m done. I may only be a few weeks pregnant, but I swear I’m swelling already. My engagement ring is suffocating my finger, but the promise I made to the man of my dreams urges me to keep it on. I smile as I think back to the night he gave it to me.



  “Yes? Is that a yes? Are you saying yes?” Seth propped up on his elbow and braced himself over me, eyes alight with excitement and wariness.

  My smile was unrestrained. I reached my fingers to touch his cheek. “Yes,” I say more enthusiastically. “Absolutely. Hell fucking yes I’ll marry you, Seth.”

  It was an easy decision—I wanted to marry this man. I wanted to give him every ounce of my soul, every life I live after this, and every breath in my body. With tears streaking my cheeks, I leaned up to kiss him. He let out a deep humming noise when my lips reached his. It started gently, but there’s so much to be said for a tender, passionate kiss.

  One word. One lingering kiss. One earth-shattering love story.

  His lips traveled across my face, kissing away every tear I cried. There was no grief. For once, my tears were completely related to the love I felt for this one man. One man who has shown me my worth in every single touch, kiss, and conversation. He. Is. Everything.

  When his lips captured mine again, I tasted the saltiness of my tears and started crying again. Heat filled every pore in my skin. His mouth grazed my collar, neck, shoulder. Lips as soft and delicate as cotton candy—a feeling that’s too delectable for words. His kiss meant everything. He was the cause of the meteor showers shooting across the galaxy. He was a warmth that radiated right to my bones. He was perfect.

  Oh god. Did I just compare his kiss to meteor showers? He’s making me lose my edge.

  “You are amazing,” he murmured against my mouth. Suddenly, I didn’t care if I was a silly love-sick mess. His lips grazed my jaw—feather-light but potent as hell. “Beautiful.” Down my neck. “Perfect.” Nipped my collar bone. “Delicious.” He moved to my ear and lowered his voice. “I will never deserve you, Josie.”

  “I will never deserve you, Seth. Never,” I said emphatically.

  His lips crushed mine and his hands gripped my waist. They slid up my shirt, igniting a roaring fire that licked at my skin, and my hands wove into his hair, trying to get him closer. The hay and apple pie scent that always clung to his skin tickled my senses and created a craving so intense I was ready to take things so much further.

  In my dad’s backyard.

  It was a kiss that reached the stars, forcing them to shine brighter and thrive longer. Slow. Passionate. Us. Tongues seeking supplement and hands reassuring that the moment was real.

  His kisses grew soft and he eventually pulled back, tugging me so I laid on top of him. He took my left hand in his, his eyes burning with affection as he looked at me. Bringing my pointer finger to his mouth he started a story I will never forget.

  “Before my grandfather passed away, he told me how he met Grams. He had just returned from deployment and was with his fellow army friends at a carnival, when one certain woman grabbed his attention. She was yards away, but her bright-red coat and blond hair called to him. She was stuffing her face with cotton candy when she caught his eyes.

  “It wasn’t love at first sight for her, but he swore it was for him. He said his good looks and charming smile are what won her over. Of course, that was after he asked her ten times and bribed her with more cotton candy. He knew in one hour that she was the one he was going to marry, way before she knew.”

  A smiled tugged at the corner of my lips as I pictured his Gramps trying to win over a very stubborn Grams. I’m sure Seth inherited the same charming smile Gramps used on Grams. Seth smirked as if he knew my thoughts and moved to kiss the tip of my middle finger.

  “My mom and dad met when they were seventeen at a late-night, secret barn party. Both were trying to get away from something. Mom from her overbearing parents and Dad was looking for a reprieve from the farm. Dad saw Mom dancing with another guy who was stepping all over her feet. He said Mom just smiled and continued to dance, so, of course, my dad had to rescue her, and took over. He asked her to sneak out the next night, and he waited on top of the water tower for hours before Mom finally got there. They held hands and fell in love under the moon.”

  Seth kissed the tip of my ring finger and grazed his teeth against my skin. The stories of his family were so sweet and romantic. Ours was dirty and messy in comparison.

  “And you, Josie. I met you when we were so young. I watched you get picked last in dodge ball and read by yourself under the tree for days before you punched me. I wanted to know you. I wanted to know the fire behind your blue eyes. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend.” His hand touched my cheek softly and I leaned into it. “You didn’t know this, but when we were sixteen, my feelings for you changed. We were camping by the lake and you were going on and on about the ending of this series you just finished reading. There’s something about the passion you feel when it comes to the books you read. It’s the way your eyes light up and your cheeks get red when you’re frustrated. It’s so beautiful. I wanted more than anything to be more than your best friend. I wanted to see that passion directed at me.

  “And when you kissed me that first time …. Damn, Jos, you changed my world—changed me.”

  My eyes misted as he told me his story and he kissed my nose. He reached into his pocket and pulled out an antiqued engagement ring. “Every time someone in the Montgomery family gets married, it’s for life. Not one couple has divorced or separated by anything other than death. I knew after that first kiss that you were always going to be my other half. It was inevitable. My great-grandfather saved for two years to buy this ring for his wife, and it’s been passed down to every Montgomery son in the family. You’re my everything. You’re it. There will be no one else for me. This ring will always be yours.”

  A single tear fell from my eye and onto his chest. He slid the ring onto my finger with ease and brushed my tears away with his thumb.

  “Don’t ever take it off, Jos.”

  “I won’t. I promise.”

  Chapter 5


  I look at the beautiful ring and my heart flutters. It’s about a carat diamond surrounded by geometric patterns. There is something so surreal and heartwarming about wearing a ring from the 1920s that has been passed through the members of the Montgomerys—an emblem of love and commitment through the years. I’m lucky to be the one wearing it.

  I give myself one more once-over in the mirror and walk into our bedroom. I might be going for “sexy vixen” tonight, but my shoes will need to stay comfortable. I grab my black sparkly Toms and slide them on. Seth leans against the closet door and watches as I hop on one foot trying to get it on. His eyes make my skin prickle as they slide a hot, sensual gaze up my legs and thighs, stomach, lingering on my chest, and then my eyes.

  An appreciative hum starts from the back of his throat, and it heats my body. He’s wearing a tight black The Who t-shirt and dark jeans, both articles of clothing hugging his athletic frame. His black boots bring the whole, dark, bad boy style together, but it’s his eyes that shoot straight to my soul.

  “You shoulda agreed to stay home, pretty girl.” His voice is low, thickened with his southern accent. Welp, I’m officially turned on now. A ghost of a smile graces his face and he turns to leave. I take three deep breaths and finish putting on my shoes.

  “I’m driving,” I announce loudly, skipping into the kitchen and grabbing Seth’s keys off the counter. I turn to walk outside and the keys are snatched from my hand.

nbsp; “No, you’re not,” Seth says, his voice stern.

  I try to jump up and reach the keys, but he keeps pulling them away. I cross my arms and pout. “Come on, Seth. You already had a beer earlier tonight.”

  He chuckles and touches the tip of my nose with his finger. “And yet, I would be a better driver drunk than you are sober.”

  Moments like these remind me that we were best friends way before we fell in love with each other. He knows how to push my buttons, and is ruthless when it comes to teasing me or bickering with me.

  “Ahhhh …,” I groan. Jump again. Miss. Pout.

  “Your pouting won’t work on me tonight, Pussycat.”

  I flutter my eyelashes and stand on my tip toes to give him a sensuous kiss. “Please?” I ask in a sugary-sweet voice. He licks his lips, eyes dark with a building lust.

  “That was a valiant attempt,” he says, needing to clear his throat. “But it’s still no. I’m driving. You’re a terrible driver, and I don’t want you to wreck my truck.”

  “Gahhh!” I throw up my arms and stomp to the front door. I kick Seth’s Converses out of my way. “Stop leaving your fucking shoes in the middle of the walkway, Seth!” I grab my purse and walk outside. Fishing for my car keys in my purse, I walk to my car.

  “Hey! What’re you doin’?” Seth says, chuckling as he grabs my elbow.

  “I’m driving myself,” I say defiantly.

  “Shut up, Jos. It’s not going to kill you to let me drive.”

  “My dad was killed by a drunk driver, Seth.” Low. So, so low. Seth flinches and pulls back, remorse and sadness forming in his eyes. He gives me a curious look, cocking his head to the side.

  “Baby …” His hand reaches out and cups my cheek. He squints his eyes as he tries to study me. “I can’t tell if that’s really a concern of yours or if you’re just saying that to get me to cave.”

  I pull away and look down. “It’s real.” I scratch the side of my nose and Seth sighs. I’m a terrible person, I know, but I hug myself triumphantly when he tosses his keys to me.


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