Competitive Heat [Men of Iron Horse 8] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Competitive Heat [Men of Iron Horse 8] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 11

by Morgan Fox

  She waved her hand at him. “I can handle an iron horse way more than one that could buck me off.”

  “Buck?” he smiled. “That leads me to my next question.”

  * * * *

  Why did the way he said buck sound sexual and why did his eyes darken like he was plotting something—naughty?

  Naughty, but oh so nice.

  “How about we go for a ride on our motorcycles tomorrow night?”

  She saw the gears rolling behind his eyes, a curve to his lips and a shift of his body. He was plotting—to have sex with her again. She bit her lip.

  “So we can buck again?”

  He looked aghast. “Woman, is that all you think about?”

  She chuckled, taking his bait. “Maybe. You?”

  “Maybe.” He sipped his water. “Is that a yes?”

  She frowned. “Sorry. I’ll be at Iron Horse tomorrow night, but we can try for—” She looked at him, wondering if his schedule was the same as last week or different. “Do you play Sunday?”

  He shook his head. “Bye week.”

  “Do you get the day off?”

  “Are you thinking overnight road trip?”

  She laughed. “How did a motorcycle ride on a day off turn into an overnight road trip?”

  “I’m hopeful.”

  She placed her fork and knife on the table. His hazel eyes were vibrant, staring back at her with interest, a burning need firing within them. She liked the way he looked at her, as if she were the only thing he’d ever desired.

  “Are you going to keep me in suspense?”

  “Are you going to hold out this week or cave like before, assaulting me with your wicked wiles?” She couldn’t stop the shiver that spread out across her body at the memory of how wicked he was, kissing her like he couldn’t get enough of her—like he’d missed her terribly.

  “Hey, I wasn’t the only desperate one, if I remember.”

  No, he wasn’t. She’d craved him, too. Badly. Still did. “Would this be a Saturday-Sunday thing or—”

  “Yes. Saturday afternoon we leave and we’ll come back Sunday night. Late.” The way he said it made her think they’d be spending a good deal of that time naked. He hadn’t done anything to give her concern, so she shouldn’t hesitate about the idea of going away with him. Plus, she’d be lying if the idea of being naked with him for a few days didn’t make her nether region a bit joyous.

  “Where would we go?”

  “A place like nowhere else in the world,” he replied, with a dubious grin. “A place I’m sure you’ll never want to leave.”

  She furrowed her brow, intrigued. “How should I dress?”

  His slanted a grin at her that melted her right to her center. “As you well know, I prefer naked. However, I’m sure you’d like something comfortable, but bring your sexy lingerie.”

  Somehow, she held steady in her chair, while her insides squirmed and fire slouched through her veins. Finn was setting her ablaze with just the thoughts of a wicked weekend that she was likely never to forget. She’d never given herself this kind of opportunity in the past. Fear had stopped her.

  Let the past go. Start living. Stop comparing.

  “Okay. Fine. I’m game.”

  * * * *

  Noble wasn’t sure what to expect when Finn showed up at her house in his extended-cab dually pickup truck and matching enclosed motorcycle trailer. She was forced to roll her tongue up into her mouth as he strolled up her driveway. Taller than the average male and as broad as a doorframe, he wore light blue jeans, cowboy boots, a molded T-shirt, and a black cowboy hat. Her body stirred.

  Maybe we can delay our departure for an hour—or two.

  Shaking her head clear, she stepped off her front step. “I thought we were riding our motorcycles?” He grinned, his intense gaze sliding over her pulled-back hair, leather jacket, and jeans. She hadn’t gotten around to putting on her chaps. She’d been ready to put those on when she saw him pull up. She had expected to ride to their destination, not carpool.

  Trailer queens tow their motorcycles. I never trailer. Ever.

  He held up his hands, catching sight of her uncertainty. “Keep your panties on. We’re going to drive to our location and ride out from there. The weather is unpredictable this weekend, and besides, I need my truck for parts of our trip.” He kissed her, swiping his hand down her jacket, around her waist, until he cupped her ass firmly. “You look amazing, by the way.”

  “I look like I’m ready to ride my motorcycle,” she corrected.

  “Actually, you look”—he groaned—“needy.”

  She shoved against him, his flirtations more annoying than cute and charming. “Whatever. You should’ve been clearer.”

  “Then I would’ve missed out on seeing you like this.” He took her hand and placed it on his cock. “I really like you in leather.”

  Regrettably, she snatched her hand back. She had to. He was getting way too cocky. “You’re a mess.”

  Really, he was damn sexy. His jeans were snug against his legs and ass. The white T-shirt he wore clung to his muscles, making her mouth water with the need to lick every inch of those unforgettable pleasure zones. She wasn’t going to inflate his ego by telling him how good he looked or how much she wanted him. Not if she was going to stay in the cab of his truck for who knows how long. She’d keep that tidbit to herself.

  For now.

  Once he’d loaded her motorcycle into the trailer and she put her bags in the truck, they were on their way. Outside of Dallas and heading south, she asked him where they were headed. But no matter how many times she asked, he wouldn’t tell her, which was both exciting and annoying. The controlling side of her liked to know, the side of her that sought adventure was intrigued by the mystery. It didn’t stop her from inquiring though.

  “What if I don’t like where you’re taking me?” She wasn’t into camping out in the woods with no bathrooms available. If that’s what he had in mind, she was thankful she had her motorcycle and had been smart enough to fill the tank. An exit strategy was a must.

  “What if you love where I’m taking you?” he countered, again not revealing their destination.

  She glared at him, shifting in her seat to press her back slightly against the door. “Do you know that it’s rude to answer a question with a question?”

  He nodded. “That’s what my mother always told me.”

  “You bring up your mother a lot,” she pointed out. “Are you a mommy’s boy, Finn?”

  “You make it sound like a bad thing.”

  “You’re not denying it.”

  “Why should I? I’m an only child with a mother who was just as much a part of my life as my father. My mom taught me how to cook and the value of cleaning up after myself. She spent hours reading to me, homeschooling me, and taking me to football practice. My father taught me how to repair my car, fix pretty much anything, take care of the ranch animals, and how to ride a horse and rope a cow. They were the best parents a kid could ask for.” He cast her a quick glance. “If being a mommy’s boy means I learned respect and was loved, then hell yes, I’m a mommy’s boy.”

  She wasn’t judging him, she was appreciating him—and his mother for doing such a good job.

  Trying to keep things light, she recapped, “So what I’m hearing is that not only are you a pro athlete, a cowboy, volunteer fireman, and motorcyclist, but a mechanic and chef, as well.”

  He shot her a crooked smile. “Yes, I suppose I am.”

  She shook her head, laughing. “And you’re an only child?”


  Her stomach rolled with butterflies. She kept her eyes trained on his chiseled good looks—straight nose and squared jaw—not a single scar or blemish, only the dark stubble of his facial hair touched his smooth skin. “The women of the word are weeping, Finn Kipling. Crying like babies.”

  Surely there was a flaw somewhere buried deep. Not that she wanted to find it. She preferred he stay perfect, but she couldn’t sto
p the fear that being with him was only temporary. At that thought, the numbers of women in his life came rushing at her.

  “No wonder you’re such a popular quarterback and so many women swoon around you.”

  His smiled faded, his expression serious. “I hadn’t noticed anyone swooning,” he said, his concentration unwavering. “I haven’t been able to see anyone but you since that night at the bar.”

  Oh, he was good and she wasn’t unaffected. She crossed and uncrossed her legs, shifting in her seat, feeling like the heat coming from the truck was on full blast and aiming straight at her. She moved back in her seat and pushed the button to bring in some fresh air, desperate for something other than the heat that was rising in her blood.

  She glanced out into the falling night sky. To the left of her was twilight and to the right still awash in the warm glow of the setting sun still hanging on the horizon. Crestfallen over the impending darkness, she slanted a quick glance in his direction. She wouldn’t be able to see his eyes each time he looked at her, or the curving of his tempting mouth as he smiled.

  I lose myself so easily with him.

  The more she was with him, the more she lost her composure and appeared the lusty vixen. Perhaps it was that she’d gone so long without sex that she was making up for lost time. But that wasn’t it. She knew it wasn’t. Sex was one thing. Constantly thinking about him, wondering if he was thinking about her, was something else entirely. Finn had crippled her defenses, burst through like a gallant knight racing to her with his charm and power erupting all around him like the sun. Unable to resist, she’d taken what he’d offered and greedily partook. Now, she couldn’t get enough.

  Chapter Twelve

  “You’re taking me to your parent’s ranch?” Noble’s heart fluttered uncontrollably, an intense ramming in her chest that accelerated the instant the front tires of Finn’s truck touched the dirt gravel road.

  She lost her breath, a cold chill crawled up her spine, and her palms grew wet with sweat. Her parents had died too soon, and seeing others with their families was unsettling. Jealousy ignited within her, hating that she craved the connection and bond others still had the opportunity to share with their mother and father.

  Finn meant well, but he was unknowingly crashing her heart.

  “We’re going to my ranch. It’s a handful of miles south of here, but I have to stop and get the key from my folks first. They maintain the place for me while I’m away,” he said matter-of-factly.

  Hearing that didn’t ease her dismay. She hadn’t been prepared to meet his folks, hadn’t been ready to put on a happy face.

  You can do this.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I was going to run in and grab it. If I don’t, I fear my parents will keep us here longer than we’d like.”

  Relief was there, but not fully. “No problem.”

  He parked the truck on the far side of the circle drive and bolted into the house. She figured he’d be back quickly, but it seemed to take much longer. She sank down into the seat, her shoulders tight with tension. She glanced out of the windshield, slightly past the headlight beams, and noted a few horses lingering in the pasture. She had no idea what life was like on a ranch. Did they leave those horses out all night? Did they retreat to the barn on their own? What if it rained?

  A knock on her window startled a scream from her. She’d been so caught up in her own thoughts that she’d never heard anyone approach. An older man, wearing a cowboy hat with wide hazel eyes and about the same build as Finn, smiled at her. Inhaling a calming breath, she pressed the window button down.

  “Howdy,” he said, his voice soft and pleasant. “Are you here with Finn?”

  She nodded, unable to find her words.

  “Well, his momma has him trapped in the kitchen, so you probably should come in. There’s no telling how long he’ll be in there.”

  Forcing a smile, she nodded—the feeling of dread swallowed her whole. She turned off his truck, unbuckled her seatbelt, and climbed out. Silently she followed the man who must’ve been Finn’s father. The likeness was uncanny. He held the porch door open, and Noble entered the house. The home was spacious, no rooms divided by walls, only furniture. She spotted Finn in the kitchen, his mother standing directly in front of him.

  “You must be Noble,” Finn’s mother said, moving up to hug her. “It’s so nice to meet you. Finn has told me so much about you.”

  He told his parents about me?

  Finn looked down and then back up, his hands molded to the back of the kitchen chair. She couldn’t read his expression.

  “I hope it was all good.”

  Finn rose to his full height, stepping up alongside her. “Mom, this is Noble. Noble, this is Theresa, my mother, and this strapping man is Phineas, my father.”

  She smiled at both, her stomach caught in her throat. “It’s nice to meet you both,” she managed.

  “We can’t believe Finn finally brought someone home to m—”

  “Mom?” Finn called out in warning.

  “What?” Theresa breathed. “Can’t I be happy for you?”

  Finn glared at her as his father patted him on the back.

  Noble’s heart sank as she wondered how her own mother would’ve responded had she been the one to bring Finn home. She knew how her father would’ve responded—he would’ve been over the moon. Dallas was his favorite football team, and to be dating the star quarterback would’ve been a marvelous thrill. Her mother would’ve been happy if she were happy.

  At least that’s what she imagined.

  “How long are you staying?” Theresa asked aloud, bringing her attention back.

  “We leave on Sunday.”

  Theresa frowned. “That’s not a lot of time. You’ll have to have dinner with us tomorrow night. I’ll make your favorite.”

  Finn looked torn. “Mom, I had planned to show Noble my ranch and take her riding—”

  “Do you ride horses or motorcycles?” Phineas asked.

  She swallowed. “I’ve been riding motorcycles since I was a kid. My father was a big enthusiast. I’ve never been on a horse.”

  “Well, this is some of the best country for riding motorcycles or horses. You’ll love it. I showed Finn every route, every trail, I know.”

  She smiled.

  “So it’s settled,” Theresa continued. “You’ll ride in the morning and be back here by six for dinner.”

  “Mom,” Finn started, but his father cut him off.

  “Son,” Phineas started. “Maybe you could do this one thing for us before you head back to the big city.”

  Noble felt a well of guilt assault her. He would likely never tell his parents no if not for her. She couldn’t be the reason he skipped dinner with his parents. Every moment with them was precious. She knew that firsthand. “We’ll be here.”

  Finn’s eyes rounded, but then he blinked away the astonished look. “Well, then we should get going now so we can get some rest tonight for our early morning.”

  “Sure. Sure.” Theresa ushered them out onto the porch. “So great to meet you, Noble. We’ll see you again tomorrow.”

  Theresa hugged her, and then Finn quickly led her to his truck, helping her in before he rounded the truck and climbed in.

  As they drove off, he said, “I’m sorry. I had hoped to not put you through that.”

  So had I. “It’s okay. Your parents are cool, Phineas.” She cocked her jaw to the side, eyeing him curiously. It only made sense that Finn’s real name was Phineas. Just like his father’s. “Family name, huh?”

  He slanted her a quick, cool glare, his mouth tight. “No one knows my real name, and I’d like to keep it that way.”

  He trailed his hand over the seat and settled it on her thigh. Hypnotically she watched his hand glide over her jean covered leg, her pulse thundering with each tantalizing rub of his massaging fingers. Heat pooled between her legs and her mouth dried.

  “Sure, Phineas.” She bit her lower lip as his wicked touch ripped
vibrations throughout her body. “You don’t look like a Phineas, you know?”

  “No?” he asked, his hand moving higher on her thigh. “What do I look like then?”

  She parted her legs, and tugged his hand up a little higher to rest at the ache only he could ease. “Like a man wearing too much clothing.”

  * * * *

  Finn slipped from the bed and put on a pair of black boxer briefs.

  “Where are you going?”

  With his hand on the door frame leading out of his bedroom, he cocked his head back in Noble’s direction. She was insatiable, lying on his bed, the sheet pulled to the side, exposing her long, sexy leg. “To get our bags. Unless you’d rather remain naked.”

  She tossed a pillow at him, and had he not moved she would’ve clocked him dead center of his smug grin. “That’s what I thought,” he called out.

  Night had fallen hard and the sky was lit by a million stars. As he took a second to inhale the fresh air and admire the view, he remembered the woman in his bed and knew she couldn’t miss a chance to see what a Texas night sky outside of the city looked like. Grabbing their bags, he rushed back inside.

  “Come with me,” he said, tugging the sheet off the bed and snaking her hand in his. “I’ve got to show you something.”

  Was it possible that he was excited to share this with her? He’d never brought anyone to his ranch before. He liked his privacy. This was a place where he could think without the press, the tabloids’ rumors and jokes, the uncouth women who tossed things at him like he was some kind of rock star on stage. He preferred a different life when he wasn’t playing ball. He was well aware that he preferred a woman like Noble to keep him company.

  “Where are you taking me?” she said, laughing as he led her through the house and out the back. He spread out a blanket he’d grabbed off the back table, and laid it flat on the ground. Naked as the day they were born, they both stared up at the stars.

  Finn felt so small looking up at something so vast and breathtaking, but when he turned to see Noble’s hungry gaze flitting over him, he felt powerful and protective.


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