Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2)

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Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2) Page 25

by Debbie Behan

  ‘Axon is fine, while we’re on our own.’

  ‘I wanted to speak alone for a minute as I know Glow wants to go home.’

  ‘How did you know? She only asked me before we came.’

  ‘I know.’ Sadness flashed for just a second across his face. ‘It is you I wish to speak to though. You have befriended me, and my brothers. Last night you let your hair down and enjoyed the evening with us and I believe it was sincere. Caitlin had toned down her power so it was all you. I want to know why. If it’s a ploy to take her from me, us, I will be so disappointed, as I too, fell for your jests and kindness and would like nothing more than to call you friend.’

  Axon breathed in deeply, exhaled and eyed him. ‘Truthfully, I wanted to run with Caitlin. It worries me she is so petite against such power and yet when I looked into her eyes when we spoke this morning, I saw her strength, her willpower and her love for you and them. I could no sooner take her from you than I could turn my back on the friendships that have begun to develop between us.’

  ‘I am pleased to hear you say that Axon. When I heard her thought that you’re both leaving, I immediately blamed it on you, and jumped to the conclusion you had talked her into it.’

  ‘No Jett, Cait is not that easily persuaded. You must know this by now.’ He grinned, remembering the performance they had just been through with her so she could come back here.

  ‘Yes, you are right!’ He grinned back. ‘Your fiancée is such a damned handful.’ He gave Axon a slap on the back in recognition.

  ‘Our handful?’ Axon agreed.

  ‘I will miss her more than I have missed anyone, anything, yet do not understand the connection. Glow has nothing I want and yet I can’t get enough. Crazy.’

  Axon shook his head. ‘Oh how I can relate to that but from the opposite perspective. I want it all and can’t get.’ Both men cracked up laughing.

  ‘Jett, let’s just call this for what it is. My bloody girlfriend loves us both so how about we come to a truce. As far as I’m concerned I too have had to change, as you have. As for your home, you have welcomed me into it and given me a chance to win Caitlin back. I have thoroughly enjoyed your hospitality and commend your mediation skills for setting something like this up. It has been a pleasure getting to know everyone. I don’t know where we go from here; that’s up to you and your family. For now and for Cait, let’s at least keep the door of communication open and see where it leads.’ He put his hand out and, Jett took it eagerly and the two men shook amicably.

  ‘Agreed, and thanks. That’s how I’d like to leave it too. I’ve done all I can to get them to know you, Axon. I don’t know what my family will do the day they finally find out who you are, but when the time comes, I hope the uniting of us this second time will at least stop them ever being able to hurt our Glow. Just promise she can visit here from time to time.’

  ‘I will; she will make sure of that.’ Axon smiled.

  ‘Glow said we would both know when it was time to let each other go. It feels right this time.’ The two strolled back to the table, the conversation light and sociable, after the pact they formed for the one they both loved.

  It was so noisy you would think there was double the number of people present. Razor commandeered the BBQ, sending the servants scattering with his thunderous growl. The rest of them sat back in the lounges chatting and being waited upon. Axon had always wondered what it would be like to hang out with gods and this was everything he expected. Even Caitlin fitted in perfectly as one of the servants fed her grapes and she giggled and slapped Jett for hanging it on her. He blinked. Cait fitted here because the controlling side was a goddess. Funny how he didn’t feel oddly on the outer. The family included him in every topic, eager to hear what he had to say, amused at his normality for one that lived amongst the stars.

  At the table Caitlin won Razor over completely when she made a fuss of his cooking. ‘I’m having seconds.’ She leaned over for another scoop of marinated wings.

  ‘That’s my girl.’ Razor grinned. ‘You’ll need all the energy you can get for when we go skiing later. It’s bitterly cold out there today.’

  ‘Skiing?’ She glanced at Jett to whom she’d already confided she would be leaving straight after the meal.

  Ted Bear caught the look. ‘What, you’re leaving early?’

  ‘Ted you haven’t seen me ski. I’m hopeless. Ask your son who’s spent many days trying to teach me.’ Her words were a little desperate. She felt worn out from the power she used to keep the questions about their lives to a minimum.

  ‘Just a couple of hours,’ he pleaded.

  She glanced at Axon who was no help. He too had enjoyed the last hour or two of their time there and seemed in no hurry. He puffed on a cigar, his legs stretched out comfortably as he settled in to the chat with Calyx.

  She plonked herself down between Calyx and Ted, the two most powerful of them all and here she would stay with them until they were ready to go. She recalled her equal. Cassie used her horse and even her team to draw power if needed. Therefore it stood to reason she too had this gift. If she could take just a little energy charge from both they would never know and she figured these two could well afford to lose some. The way they ate, they would gain it back in no time.

  Feeling better, she filled her plate and forced in more food. Jett had not included the ski area when putting up the dome. The gods possessed powers to adjust with the weather and he didn’t feel it necessary. This Caitlin thought of when powering up beside Ted and Calyx. The extra food and fuel would help her survive the icy slopes. It was times like this she cursed her delicate skin. Her team would have no trouble adjusting to these conditions. Even with all this, without the magic of her horse she would still feel the cold. Unable to say no and let down her new friends she decided to rug up and brave it.

  ‘Well?’ Ted nudged her once she finished her second plate of food.

  ‘Only because you are so hard to say no to and because I would love to see what a bear looks like on his arse.’ She giggled and every one cracked up amused.

  Thrilled she was staying and not even slightly agitated, yet wanting to provoke more laughter, Ted touched her nose. ‘You, stirrer, have triggered the animal in me so don’t even think for a second that this mammoth girl-eating monster will be taking it easy with you now. You’re going down.’ He put his head back and roared with laughter as she slapped him on the arm in good humour and called him a bully.

  Caitlin turned to Honey and asked if she was skiing but she declined. ‘I’ve never had the patience to learn, love,’ she said. ‘Ted tried to teach me in the earlier days, but I have always had a fiery temper when it comes to sport, so he gave up. I have other qualities that keep Ted still very interested in me.’ She chuckled and rolled her eyes at him.

  ‘Honey!’ Caitlin stood and shook her head at Honey and Ted who were smiling at each other. ‘You two are so naughty, and at your age.’ She tutted and sent them both into a hearty laugh.


  Later, on the slopes, the icy cold wind was bitter but Caitlin was determined to brave it. Ted was insistent she went with him for her little wisecrack before breakfast. ‘I am so going to enjoy watching the spills as payback.’

  His laughter echoed, as time after time he would help her up, only to have her fall a little farther on. Once she got into a slide towards him and was just about to hit the ice when he grabbed her and laughed so hard the bear ended up on his behind as well. Caitlin fell about giggling when a dripping wet Ted called it a day. ‘Just shake it off, that’s what bears do, don’t they.’

  Flinging her over his shoulder, he headed for the cable car and sat her in it. ‘No more, bad Glow.’ He shook his finger at her, and the tears of laughter ran from her eyes.

  All in all they had a blast, Jett commenting he had never seen his father have so much fun. ‘You’ve won him over Glow.’ Jett hugged her good-bye. ‘Thanks Glow, you’re good for me. My life has changed since I met you and now I know real happines
s, I want to grab hold of it and not let it go, not let you go. But I know I have to.’ He grinned slyly. ‘Maybe the evil side of me will be forgiven for preferring to just steal you away right now instead of letting you go.’

  She laughed and smacked his arm. ‘You will turn my man grey with worry my little evil friend.’ She chuckled.

  He laughed and then got serious. ‘I’ll miss you and…’

  ‘And what?’ she asked.

  ‘I want to give you something.’

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘A free pass for a couple of days; no fighting so you can be with your friends and make amends with them after choosing me over them to make you better.’

  ‘Yes. Thank you. I will need to eat quite a bit of humble pie. I have missed them.’

  ‘Call me,’ he said, and looked as if he didn’t want her to go.

  ‘No, ring me so I don’t disturb you. Your family might still be here.’

  Jett gave her one more hug. ‘Talk to you tomorrow.’

  Goodbyes over, Axon took her hand and their image faded from sight as they transported back to Ara.

  ‘Home, sweet home!’ She sounded her old self.

  Axon picked her up and swung them both in a circle. He was on such a high at the smile that lit up her face. Glow Girl was gone and his Caitlin back. He now knew the difference.

  A Deal is a Deal

  Caitlin sang out, ‘we’re home,’

  ‘In here,’ Rory answered from the kitchen.

  ‘Cait.’ Bree squealed and ran to her, arms spread out, and gave her a hug. ‘I thought we lost you. I’m so glad you’re okay.’

  ‘I’m fine now. How’s it been with you guys?’

  Bree didn’t get to answer.

  ‘Come here!’ Rory hugged her too, his emotions evident. They had gone through a lot while she played mediator and it was now time to take Rory aside and talk about it. He was the one person in the world she could tell anything to.

  ‘Got time for a chat?’

  ‘For you, all the time in the world.’

  She apologised to Bree and Axon and they went outside in the garden where they sat and talked for a long time. Rory was not just her boss, he was and always would be, the one man in the world she would always trust with everything.

  ‘Cait, you had me so worried. I wish you didn’t have to do these missions alone. I want to be there but you closed me out.’

  ‘I have no idea how to handle this Rory, the goddess takes me over and yet I feel it’s me.’

  ‘Then next time, know I have your back. I can help in other ways and from now on I will. My powers are growing too. Thanks for confiding in me Caitlin.’

  ‘I don’t ever want us to fight again Rory. You’re my friend first, always.’

  ‘And wherever I am, that’s your home. Never forget that Cait.’


  Inside the kitchen, Rory used his arm to sweep an area clear and lifted Caitlin up onto the bench. He turned to continue preparing breakfast and left her to chat to Bree.

  ‘So spill everything. Leave nothing out about your holiday. Nothing,’ Bree said.

  Axon stood the other side of her. ‘Well maybe you better leave out the make-up sex.’ He grinned.

  She nudged him. ‘He wants every detail, you heard him.’ She smiled at Rory’s reaction as his head swung around so fast it cracked.

  ‘I know you better than that girlfriend, better not be details.’ Bree leaned into Cait. ‘It’s okay. You can tell me that bit later when we’re on our own.’

  Rory flicked her with his tea towel. ‘No you won’t Breezy. I don’t want you talking to our innocent Cait about any of her personal stuff and influencing her any more than the boss already has. She’s not like you. She’s pure and sweet so just behave.’

  Bree winked at her. ‘He loves me, but still has you up on the pedestal.’

  Axon didn’t look surprised at Rory’s reaction. ‘I vote she learns from Bree.’ He grinned at Bree. ‘You go girl.’

  Rory eyed Caitlin. ‘Don’t listen to them Cait, stay you.’

  ‘She’s my fiancée and listens to me now.’ Axon’s arrogance and confidence bit at Rory. His cheeks flushed. Caitlin hadn’t mentioned the engagement when they talked.

  ‘Sorry Rory, I should have mentioned it but I thought we were going to wait until everyone was here before the news broke.’ She eyed Axon.

  ‘What!’ He smirked, enjoyed having a claim to her and letting Rory know it. ‘He should be the first to know.’

  ‘Yes, I should have been, Cait. I would have talked some sense into you. Axon, are you sure about this? What will Zoren say? It’s not too late to admit this was just a crazy moment, a holiday fling and a mistake.’

  ‘Rory!’ Axon sounded annoyed. ‘This is no mistake and Caitlin is old enough to make decisions for herself. God, sometimes you sound just like her father.’

  ‘I might sound fatherly but someone has to have some common sense. She is part of my team and I didn’t train her all these years for her to laze around and become all wifey and soft.’

  Axon had his mouth open to fly more insults and pull rank on his stubborn commander, when Caitlin sobbed.

  ‘Don’t Rory, I love him.’

  Rory immediately dropped the spatula and went to her. ‘Sorry Cait. I should be having this talk with him in private. I know you love him, but you’re both putting a lot on the line. What if Zoren sacks him for marrying you, an employee? I lose you both.’

  Caitlin leaned into him, as her tears softened him and Axon.

  ‘I’m sorry too Cait. I stirred him up instead of waiting.’ Axon turned to Rory. ‘Zoren knows. Zoren has known me for centuries and has never understood that there has never been anyone for me. He was the one that saw it first. It took me some time to admit how I felt and when I did, I told him I was going to marry her. He warned me as you have that the Caitlin we have now could change. That this might be a turning point and without her innocence, the goddess influence could possibly leave her. But to tell you the truth, what that influence does scares the hell out of me. It attracts evil and I don’t know about you, but I’d sooner just have Cait, the one we had before all this madness started.’

  Rory picked up a serviette and patted Caitlin’s face. ‘You okay now?’

  She nodded so he stood straight and faced Axon. ‘Maybe I was a bit hasty. It sounds like you have thought it through and I have to admit I completely agree. I thought I lost her.’ He bent down and cupped her chin and lifted her eyes to his. ‘I guess congratulations are in order.’ He kissed her forehead and looked back at Axon, ‘Apologies for that, but you ever hurt her and hell we revisit this conversation.’

  ‘Fair enough, but that will never happen.’

  ‘Then with my blessing, congrats Axon.’ He put out his hand and they shook.

  Axon smiled. ‘Knew you’d be a pain in the arse about it.’

  ‘Glad I didn’t let you down.’ Rory tuned and flipped the hash browns.

  ‘You never do Rory, you never do.’ He shook his head.

  Suddenly Rory was back to his old self, stirring in jest and made her laugh. ‘Seriously Cait, I think you could do better.

  He touched his earpiece and called in Nate, Jarvis and Lisha. ‘Guys, the boss has proposed to Cait and she has said yes. Get in here and slap her for me.’

  The cheers and yahoos were heard long before the door swung open and the three bounded in with enthusiasm. The noise was ear piercing as they eagerly wished them every happiness and praised Caitlin’s choice in a man. ‘With you being her first boyfriend we have nothing to compare you with.’ Nathan shook Axon’s hand. ‘But you’ll do.’

  Axon, accustomed to the team and their playful spirits, an attribute that attracted him to them from the beginning, smiled from ear to ear, pleased that in their own way they accepted him into their family unit. He stood back watching the fuss they made of Caitlin. She was a much-loved member and even though what she had gone through must have confused them, not
one of them showed any resentment or judged her. They displayed just pure caring as they hung on her every word, listening to the story as it unfolded to them. They all needed a break, time with each other, so he went upstairs to the composer to contact Kayden. With Hades and his brothers still busy on Pluto for the next couple of days, this was the perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. Woody could work on Caitlin while a training session with Kayden wouldn’t hurt the rest of the team. They had struggled with the last mission worrying about Cait and he wanted to get them in the right head space again.

  ‘Kayden, my man, would you mind a motley crew that need a couple of days R&R and maybe a bit of a shake up?’

  He heard Kayden cover the mouthpiece not well enough and swear as he informed Cassie who squealed excitedly. ‘Looks like I’m outvoted, so come on down. The men will love it and Cassie is still jumping around tugging at me to find out when.’ He sounded amused.

  ‘We’ll head off after lunch.’

  ‘Did you want Woody to work with Caitlin? I hear she’s been through a lot lately.”

  ‘That would be great if it’s okay with Woody. I know how much he’d sooner work with the team. I know his training abilities and would hate to take away from him the pleasure of getting up in their grill.’

  ‘Don’t worry, he will do both, you can be assured of that.’

  Both men laughed heartily.

  Kayden’s Farm

  It was quite a reunion when they arrived on Earth. The horses’ bridles were removed and they were left to graze with the rest of Kayden’s horses.

  After the back slapping and hugs, the team were ushered into four-wheel drives. A dusty mad dash and the sound of tyres that skidded on gravel brought them to a sudden stop outside the stately home next door. Woody and Jason awaited the team’s arrival and reprimanded Ethan and Conor for racing each other.

  ‘Guys!’ Woody chastised. ‘You’re lucky K’s not here yet.’

  The pair got out of the drivers’ seats and high fived each other, neither the winner but both having enjoyed the hell out of it. ‘Sorry.’ They grinned while they helped the girls out of the cars.


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