Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2)

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Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2) Page 31

by Debbie Behan

  ‘About time,’ he scoffed sounding arrogant and quite rude. ‘What, did you go make the damned breakfast yourself?’

  Jett sucked in a breath and kept his calm. ‘Well for your info, yes. Glow Girl here only likes my cooking.’

  He eyed her, not even a little embarrassed now that he had barged in on her. He had the opinion Caitlin was a call girl while wifey was away and didn’t even bother to introduce himself or inquire who she was.

  Cait put his meal in front of him, feeling as if maybe she should drop it in the ungrateful pig’s lap but changed her mind when Jett gave her a sideways glance. ‘Glow!’ He smirked, reading her thoughts.

  After a few bites the guest spoke, his voice uninterested. ‘Why Glow? What does that stand for, Glow worm? He smiled at his own humour.

  ‘It’s Glow Girl.’ She felt it time to sort out the weirdness between them. ‘I am a woman who doesn’t care who you are or where you came from. You, sir, are just a bulk of a man that has long hair and likes a joke, even at my expense. I may or may not like you, but that will never be because of what title you hold, who you are related to or what you own. It will be because I met you and took you at face value.

  ‘Jett, can you pass me the salt please.’ She put out her hand and he smiled as he gave it to her, knowing exactly what she had just done.

  The visitor’s head jolted up, fork in mid-air. ‘Jett?’

  ‘As she said, she’s not interested in the ruler, the god, only the man. It clouds the mind of many when I’m introduced as Hades. A wide berth is given to the feared God of the Underworld. But you know what, I’m a man first and I get no special favours from this one. No looks of heroism or terror at my touch. She also is of high standing and expects no pandering. You should be so lucky if you are given an alias and called her friend.’

  Caitlin was unprepared for Jett’s response and grinned. ‘You are too kind but I can see you have frightened your guest. He looks at me as though I will turn him into a toad.’ She smiled. ‘I have weighed you up, not knowing a thing about you and have a name in mind if you don’t mind my thoughts of you so far.’

  ‘Sure, why not. I haven’t done myself any favours so this should be interesting.’

  ‘When I saw you this morning I thought you were a decent and polite gentleman and that has not changed as yet. Yes, your mood changed but I assume it was a way to hide your embarrassment and awkwardness of seeing a woman so bruised and battered. I can only guess what ran through your mind, but believe me, this is where knives can cross and enemies be made. The bruises were from a work accident and definitely not who I am and I hope this has cleared up any first impressions you had of me. That being said I thought your long dreadlocks tied back in a knot, quite impressive so with your consent I would like to call you Aurek.’

  ‘Hey, did she just swear at me?’ He had been mesmerised by her voice, but hearing the name had snapped him out of it and made him unsure of what she just said.

  Caitlin grinned. ‘I said, Aurek. It means longhaired. And as if I’d swear at you within the first hour of meeting you.’

  Jett pushed his empty plate away. ‘Just wait until she does start. If you ever think crap up like that about her again, Potty Mouth is what you’ll nickname her.’

  Aurek glanced up at his uncle. ‘So you’re Jett?’

  ‘No guessing how I ended up with that name.’ He shook his pitch-black head of hair. ‘Poseidon is now Razor, because she says he needs one. And then there is Rhea and Cronus, she calls them, Honey and Ted Bear.’

  ‘Well I can guess why, the hairy sod.’

  ‘Runs in the family.’ Jett pulled some hair that stuck out from Aurek’s shirt top and made him flinch.

  ‘Ouch!’ Aurek pulled up his top and gave a slight grin. ‘Well I guess if everyone else is happy to be someone else around her, I certainly don’t want to be left out.

  ‘So Glow Girl,’ he said, his tone was less aggressive, ‘where do you come from?’ He stuck his last forkful of food in his mouth.

  ‘Everywhere, nowhere.’

  ‘So what do we bloody talk about then if we can’t ask questions?’

  She shrugged. ‘By asking me questions I can answer, like not where but how, not who but what and, not past but present.’

  Jett took over and it wasn’t long before Aurek understood the logistics of what she proposed. Over dinner, they discussed much, including how much fun she had with his family. Jett kept cutting in with the stories he knew would fully impress his nephew.

  ‘Like the time she got away with hanging it on Ted Bear when he was going skiing. Told him she couldn’t wait to see what a big old bear looked like on skis. If that had been one of us, we would have been disciplined good and proper.’

  Aurek got into stories of just that, the times he gave cheek and received a swipe from his grandfather’s big sweeping paw. He enjoyed their company so much in fact, that he stayed much longer than anticipated. A shiver from Caitlin had the three of them move into the living room, as the high roof where they sat held little warmth. Caitlin chose to curl up in Jett’s chair that lay claim to the best position in the room. The heat of the embers lulled her into a light sleep while she listened to the chatter beside her.

  ‘What’s with you and this one? Does Persephone know she’s here?’ Aurek spoke quietly as he watched her eyes close for the last time.

  ‘It was a spur of the moment thing.’ He glanced at Caitlin and for her benefit if still awake used Persephone’s alias. ‘Melita is with her mother so no, I didn’t want worry her unnecessarily. The main reason is that Glow and Melita have become good friends. If I had of told her how bad Glow really was, that she was almost killed, she would have cut her time short. That would not have gone down well. You know how her mum looks forward to Melita’s visits.’

  ‘Why here though? Hasn’t she got family?’

  ‘Wolf, her fiancé.’

  ‘Whose name I guess is not really Wolf.’

  ‘No, but for security reasons that is what he is otherwise known as.’

  ‘Fair enough, continue.’ Aurek knew any further digging would do him no good. Hades had always been a closed book and this situation suited his personality. As for Aurek, he was getting a little impatient with the cloak and dagger crap and shifted uncomfortably, yet for some reason didn’t want to leave. This was all too intriguing and not only did he want answers, but the heady scent of his uncle’s guest had him addicted for want of a better word and, he couldn’t have left if he tried.

  ‘Wolf fears for her life.’

  ‘You mean, you fear for her life. You’re in love with her too and use it as an excuse to have her here.’

  ‘Yes I love her, but I’m not in love exactly. Glow feels familiar, like family, yet much more. I can’t explain it.’ Jett shrugged.

  Aurek watched her. ‘If Glow Girl is to be a part of our family, she is certainly a pretty addition to it. Where does she come from, Earth or up here?’ he asked.

  ‘That’s private, as we expect our details to stay private. Give yourself time to get to know our mystery girl and you’ll grow to love her too.’

  Aurek stretched. ‘So what’s held you up if she hasn’t?’

  ‘Let’s go take a look.’

  ‘Glow, are you awake?’ Jett leaned over her and shook her gently.

  She sat up with a start. ‘Sorry I must have dozed again. What time is it?’

  ‘Time you got up and made us some dinner.’

  ‘Sure!’ She grinned at Aurek. ‘He would sooner eat barf than my cooking.’

  ‘See what I have to put up with. She knows nothing and leaves me to do everything, so I have got to ask why I keep her around.’

  ‘Okay I’ll bite! Why?’ Aurek joined in.

  ‘She motivates me. Come and I’ll show you.’

  ‘Is this the mystery that’s kept you busy from the rest of us? We haven’t seen hide or hair of you for months.’

  ‘It was for a good reason.’ Jett said.

r be.’ Aurek stood and put out an arm. ‘Coming, Glow?’

  She sprang up, excited, and slipped her arm through his. ‘You just have to see it to believe it.’

  ‘Hey!’ Jett punched his arm. ‘She’s my guest and my friend. Go get your own.’

  ‘She’s got another arm, so use that one.’ Aurek smirked.

  ‘Come on guys, this is exciting, share.’ Caitlin shook her head at the squabbling she normally got from the men in her team and it made her miss them. With a quick intake of air she was attentive to the men with her again.

  ‘Wait until you see how clever an uncle you have.’

  A tug left Caitlin confused when Aurek didn’t move. ‘Are you right there?’

  ‘Ah, yes and no. I mean – Wow!’ He shook his head, his eyes like saucers. ‘Your fragrance has me riveted, it’s beautiful.’

  Jett pushed at him to get him moving. ‘Get used to it tiger, until she feels safe around you, her power will control you.’

  ‘You’re one cool witch.’ He smiled down at her.

  Aurek’s attention was suddenly distracted as he viewed the overhead dome with its artificial lighting and heating that made the entire area look and feel as if it were a bright sunny day. The grand display of thriving plant life set around a waterfall that ran into a lap pool caught even Caitlin’s breath.

  ‘Oh my goodness Jett, this is so impressive now.’ Caitlin spun on her heels and smiled at him.

  ‘You got to be kidding me, Uncle Brainwave. This is unbelievable.’ Aurek stood with a stunned mullet expression, his mouth open with amazement. Hades’ old fashioned cold castle that he hated to come and visit, had transformed into an exquisite paradise. Caitlin felt pangs of pride as Aurek praised the entire setup. It took them around an hour to walk to the far end of the enclosure.

  ‘What about the cabin? Have you done anything to it? I can remember we came up once for a ski. It was all so dark, cold and miserable that I never insisted to go again,’ Aurek commented.

  Without a word, Jett put his arm around him and Caitlin and transported them to what had been transformed into a winter wonderland. In the cabin, he ignited the fire with just a snap of his fingers, and smiled when Cait called him a show off, before flicking a switch that lit up the mountain. While the men stood on the veranda in subzero temperatures, Caitlin kept warm by the fire and watched through the balcony doors. Still recovering, it weakened her powers to keep warm enough to join them. The massive powered floodlights recently installed enabled Jett to show off not only the power generators but the ski lift he had installed prior to Caitlin’s first visit. That told Caitlin it had been some time since Aurek’s last visit or he would have known those changes at least. It left her to ponder why he had picked this day to visit, a time when Caitlin’s unfortunate accident had her here too. Coincidence happened a lot to her lately and she hoped he was not a pain in her side, sometime in their future.

  Aurek was more than impressed, yet the cold had got to him. Inside he still shivered until Jett’s tour ended in the next room, with the heated hot tub, another surprise addition that had Aurek only just discovered. ‘Geez Uncle, no wonder no one has seen you.’ He discarded heavy boots and clothes.

  Caitlin turned to leave.

  ‘Don’t let my nakedness scare you off sugar. I’ve seen yours, only fair you get to check me out.’

  ‘No thanks, I prefer my men hairless.’ She laughed out loud and left him to get into the tub alone.

  ‘Join me, Uncle. Let the pretty one wait on you for a change?’ He called out to Caitlin, ‘Uncle and I will have a couple of moonjuices thanks Glow Girl.’


  It was just before dawn when Caitlin woke Jett and Aurek. She had slept on the couch while they chatted into the night. Jett refused to go back to the castle as they intended to see the sunrise out before going to sleep. They didn’t make it and both had passed out on the fur rugs by the fire.

  ‘Wake up sleepyheads.’

  ‘Glow.’ Jett checked the time, his voice hoarse from the alcohol and late night.

  Aurek didn’t murmur a word, his routine before anything was a coffee. No servants were around, so he dragged himself off the floor and turned on the coffee machine. Coffee made for three, he handed them around, his drink already half gulped down.

  ‘What’s all the excitement?’ he finally asked, watching Caitlin as she pulled back the curtain.

  Jett chastised her as he ambled over to see what was so interesting to have her looking intently out through the window. ‘What’s got you so damn excited at this time of the morning? That hit you took has sent you loopy.’

  ‘I just wanted to show you how pretty your planet is at daybreak.’

  Aurek loomed over her as he squinted to see out into the darkness. ‘What are we looking at?’

  ‘Wait.’ She turned her head up and smiled at the huge man she had befriended. He wasn’t such a bad boy as she thought. He was so not used to smiling and his parted lips stretched awkwardly as he precipitated. The endearing efforts made her chuckle as she nudged him. ‘Now! Impatient one.’ She stood on tippy toes as the sun that only licked this planet, brought it to life.

  The light was faint, but at sunrise, the faint glow from the sun clashed with the two moons above which created a magical reaction as it hit the icy snow. The impact lit up the surface making the ground shine as if diamond sprinkles covered it. These shining particles shot up into the sky and as the sun and moons moved in unison, the laser show above them was quite magnificent. It only happened for a few minutes and then it was gone, but it was one impressive sight and being an early riser, Caitlin had discovered another of Pluto’s secrets and felt sure it had gone unnoticed until now.

  ‘Worth it, Glow!’ admitted Aurek.

  ‘This place never ceases to amaze me. A phenomenon, right here on my home world and I never knew it.’ Once again, Jett felt humbled by Caitlin’s astuteness to discover a regular occurrence that neither he nor Persephone had ever noticed.

  Your planet has so many wonders Jett. How you’re ever going to leave is beyond me, she thought to him, for his ears only.

  He put his arm around her and whispered, ‘Stay here with me and don’t go home.’

  ‘Hello, I’m still here guys. Geez! Will you two stop with the secrets?’

  Jett grinned. ‘Go find your own friend to have fun with. Glow’s mine and I told you, I’m not sharing.’

  It had become a game with them both so before they could get into another argument on whose girl she was, Caitlin had a gripe.

  ‘By the way, you both almost squashed me this morning. If you want to sleep together you should have moved me out the way.’ She poked at them. ‘Had to crawl up on the couch to get away from you.’

  ‘Don’t go blaming us girlfriend. You brought that totally on yourself.’ Aurek put up his hands in a submissive gesture. ‘You’re the one that smells like cookies and cream. I just kept gravitating towards the delicious treat.’ He nudged Jett. ‘After last night I understand why you want her around you all the time, lucky mongrel.’

  Caitlin grinned. ‘Well I guess it’s my fault after all.’

  ‘Damn right it is.’ Jett put an arm around her.

  He felt happy. Not only for the friend she had become but for the way she made him view his planet. To show it off to his nephew tugged at a proud sentiment, an emotion he’d never felt before. He wasn’t sure whether to hug her or toss her around, excitedly. Due to her injuries he chose to hug her.

  Caitlin realised she had hit a sensitive chord in Jett as he struggled with the ever increasing love for his life here on this newly created home. It was a planet shunned by many and yet he felt proud of the Dwarf Planet he had named so long ago as Pluto.

  With a skip of joy in her step, Caitlin knew just what he needed, so she leaned over the bar, snatched up a half bottle of starstarter and topped up their coffee with it.

  She held up her cup to theirs. ‘To Pluto and all its surprises.’

  They gul
ped theirs down.

  ‘Glow Girl!’ Aurek’s stunned expression made her smile. ‘A female that will toast with the treasured elixir of the stars, straight too. I think you have just become my new best friend.’ He took the bottle from her and topped up his own drink. ‘I guess we could make an exception next time we go camping after all. She’s not so bad to hang out with, but no nagging us.’ He had argued with Caitlin most the night. They debated his rule that women are never allowed on their boys’ weekends away, specifically their hunting trips. For him to relent now it meant she had finally won.

  ‘For real!’ Caitlin jumped about doing a winning jig.

  Aurek had a frown and wished he could take it back. In frustration he turned her around and moved her towards the kitchen. ‘Quit it and get in that kitchen and cook me some breakfast. If you do a good job I’ll think about taking you – one day.’

  She laughed so much she collapsed onto the chair. ‘Jett. Tell your nephew he has Buckley’s and none.’

  ‘She can’t cook – seriously.’

  ‘You’re kidding me, not even some eggs and bacon? Are you for real?’

  Caitlin put her hand up. ‘Okay, Okay, it’s been a while so maybe things have changed.’

  Jett had never seen her even try so sat back on the sofa to enjoy the show.

  The pan came out the cupboard and, with a crash, landed on the floor as she clumsily placed it on the stove. ‘Oops.’ She held it up while she tried to light the burner and burnt her hand. The pan landed back on the floor. ‘I got this, seriously.’ She picked it up, not holding it correctly and dropped it on the stove with a crash. The flame went out and they heard her swear under her breath. Both men were in hysterics by the time she got to the eggs that didn’t get into the pan, but instead dribbled down the side of the bench. Not seeing it she slid along the floor, and Jett caught her before she hit it.

  With a kiss on her forehead for effort, he dumped her on the stool near them. ‘You are bloody hopeless sweetie, sit before you kill yourself or we die laughing.’


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