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Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2)

Page 36

by Debbie Behan

  ‘Well let’s go then.’ Lord Mensa set off. ‘We can be in big rock canyon by mid-morning.’ Aurek turned and allowed Caitlin time to drop his arm before leading them down the hill. Here they passed a cobblestone path that led to an aged brick cottage. Caitlin had always loved character in buildings and this small café had it all; delicate leafy trees, vivid floral natives, chairs and tables placed comfortably between them and a kindly elderly woman complete with a frilled apron and hat who waited on patrons.

  ‘I always thought when men talked about camping it meant roughing it in the bush. You know – with bugs and spiders crawling all over you, freezing at night and eating maggots from a tree when you all got so drunk you couldn’t shoot straight enough to catch anything. Yet here I am, sleeping in a log cabin with a fire and passing cafés in the middle of nowhere. It’s so convenient for those who catch nothing.

  ‘Time to fess up guys, it’s all make-believe to keep us women at home.’ She laughed at their stunned faces. ‘I’m right aren’t I?’

  Aurek composed himself. ‘Look here young lady, you ever tell anyone our secret and you’re in big trouble.’ He looked serious.

  ‘Bully!’ She grinned. ‘You are so going down when I find you a girlfriend.’

  ‘You are my girlfriend.’

  ‘Tell Wolf that to his face.’

  ‘He’s just your fiancé, not going argue with the man, just stealing you from Jett.’

  ‘Okay! This is getting hard to follow. I thought you two were an item. Who are these other two?’

  ‘Don’t even try to work it out buddy; she has a string of us bowing at her feet. I’m just levelling out the playing field and telling her how it is. I figure I have a couple more days to brainwash her before I take her back and that should just about do it.’ Aurek eyed her devotedly.

  ‘In your dreams sugar!’

  ‘See what I go through? She has me jumping through hoops for her and all I get is attitude.’

  ‘You sound like an old married couple.’ Lord Mensa walked to his left to miss fresh cow dung.

  ‘No fun Lord,’ she said, and nudged Aurek.

  ‘Do you two ever shut up?’ He picked up pace and ignored them. Both turned on him instead of each other.

  A little way up a muddy path he stopped for a second and turned to them. ‘I wish I had never tried to break you two up. Please, feel free to go back to rubbishing each other again.’

  ‘No way, you’re too much fun.’ Caitlin ruffled his hair as they scooted past him.

  ‘You won’t beat her buddy, so you know what they say,’ Aurek said.

  ‘Can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.’ Lord Mensa finished the cliché.

  ‘Yep! And if we don’t hurry up and get in the lead, she’s going to go in the wrong direction and there will be another half hour of bantering with her before we move on.’

  Lord Mensa held Aurek for a second. ‘I like your friend – a lot.’

  ‘Me too,’ Aurek agreed and moved quickly into the lead, the walk not far to the canyon where they thought the bear hid. Lord Mensa hung back with Caitlin and chatted to her most of the way. Her wit and yet innocence to stop and touch everything along the way fascinated him. They got to an area where boulders and massive trees lined the edges of a riverbank. The water was as clear as glass as it ran over the rocks. Small multi-coloured fish fought the current as they swam upstream while wildlife waited poised and ready to eat the ones that did make it.

  ‘This is the spot,’ Lord Mensa said quietly.

  He pulled out the little bag of bugs he’d picked up from the cave and held them up. ‘Bait, a bear’s delicacy,’ he told them. ‘They’re like an oyster to us.’

  ‘Yuk, if they taste like oysters it’ll make the grizzly run a mile.’ She shuddered.

  ‘Glow, I can’t believe you don’t like oysters. Have you tried them Kilpatrick?’ Aurek asked.

  ‘I’ve never tried them; they quiver like jello.’ She shuddered again at the thought.

  Lord Mensa smiled at Aurek. ‘To be a good hunter you have to go through an initiation and eat at least half a dozen oysters, or you are never taken again, isn’t that right mate.’ He winked at him.

  Aurek nodded. ‘My oath, that’s the rule.’

  ‘You’re both having a lend of me. No way, that’s like the worst thing ever.’ She was disgusted.

  They both laughed at her reaction. ‘Can’t I just catch the bear for you instead?’

  ‘That, I would like to see,’ said Lord Mensa.

  ‘I wouldn’t encourage her if I were you. She’s gutsier than that grizzly,’ Aurek remarked.

  Lord Mensa scoffed and put his arm around her. ‘What – this little soft soul. Take down such a beast, you sure?’

  Aurek shrugged. ‘Don’t say I didn’t warn you.’

  They picked up the trail and followed it and upon finding the bear, they thought they had it, but there was a problem. By the time they’d cocked their guns it would run off and they’d miss. Caitlin decided you needed a lot of patience for a sport like this and hers was slowly running out.

  It was late afternoon, and the light had faded before they cornered the bear again. Without warning the bear lunged at them. It knocked Lord Mensa over and headed for Aurek who fired a shot into the beast. Unfortunately, the bullet didn’t kill him and the bear continued on its path.

  With no other thought but to save her friend, Caitlin shot her hand up and let out a stream of power. The beam zapped the beast and stunned it. The bear wobbled before falling to the ground. Aurek fired another shot, and by then Lord Mensa had fired into the grizzly as well and both their shots finished him off.

  Aurek and Lord Mensa slapped hands and jogged towards the bear, excited they had brought it down.

  ‘Come with me and help butcher this beast.’ Lord Mensa pulled out a big knife and made sure it was dead before he transported the animal from their sight.

  She stood thinking of how excited Rory and the boys would have been if they were here.

  Aurek was full of beans. ‘Did you hear? He invited us to help break up the carcass. We can stay there for dinner, maybe sleep in a real bed tonight. But if you prefer not to go it’s okay, I’m happy either way.’

  Caitlin could hardly spoil the light that now radiated from him. Had she made this happen or was it the adrenalin rush from the kill? Either way she was watching the hard-core brute she first met disappear before her eyes. Left was how a man should see life, feel life. He looked a man now, a real man, sexy, alluring, sweet and caring. He would not go if her answer was no. Her work here with him was almost done and yet she wanted to stay. Why?

  ‘As if we’re going to let him take all the credit for taking down the town’s terror! I believe it to be your shot that took him out. ’

  ‘You’re the best, Glow.’ He put his arm around her and transported her into the barn where Lord Mensa and two dark tanned islanders were standing over the bear, admiring the coat. Caitlin sat on a bale of hay and watched with interest until they started to work on it. Uninterested in the gory butchery, she jumped down and strolled around the stable. She stopped to pat a colt in one of the stables. Its mane was black and curled around its face, which, in a kooky way, reminded her of Jett. Eventually it lay down and she sat beside it – startled when a hand touched her.

  ‘Sorry, I must have dozed off.’ She reached up to let Aurek help her up, pulling a face. ‘Phew, I hate to tell you this, but you pong.’

  ‘And you stink like a horse.’

  She touched his shirt. ‘Yuk is that blood? That’s disgusting.’

  They smiled at each other. Truth was so much more fun with Aurek.

  ‘Shower,’ he suggested.

  She nodded. ‘Yes please!’

  He transported her into a big bedroom with an ensuite. The room had one of those big old fashioned four-poster beds, and she sat on it admiring the embroidery around the edge of the sheer gold material that draped around it. Too lazy to bend down she kicked off her shoes and loved th
e feel of the royal blue carpet that was surely too soft to be Earth-made. The feel of complete luxury was interrupted by a mural that took up most of the visible walls. Fascination had her walk over for a closer look. A youngster, sweet in her puffy silk skirt and angel wings was depicted in later years. Not a mother, but the same child grown. The story showed a torturous life’s journey but in the end, she stood with poise and position inside her temple in the sky.

  Exquisite, Caitlin thought as she ran her hand over the tapestry. Strange emotions ran through her when she realised the young girl had identical green eyes to her own. It was a colour she had seen many years before, looking back at her in a mirror. Blinking with surprise she turned towards the shower Aurek came from. He was dressed like a lord himself, and the rich scent of cologne gave him the appeal she remembered when she first met him.

  ‘The ladies will flock around you tonight.’

  ‘I only have eyes for one lady here tonight so get showered and meet me down stairs. I’ll keep Lord Mensa entertained so they don’t start dinner without you. Move it,’ he added as he saw her glance back at the mural.

  Caitlin forgot all about the stranger in the picture and made a dash for the bathroom.

  ‘I’m heading downstairs. The closet is full, so pick something out,’ Aurek called to her.

  ‘Like what?’

  ‘Evening attire; there will be dignitaries sitting at the table so dress to impress.’

  ‘Can’t we order in?’

  She knew he wouldn’t entertain that and didn’t expect an answer. The need to be down there with bragging rights would be to enticing. Caitlin, in a quandary dragged out dress after dress. Finally choosing one, she pulled out the drawer below and found sets of lingerie. My size mmm… She pondered why the wardrobe and drawer were full of clothes her exact size. Interested to find whose room they had put her in, she dressed quickly and, closed the door on the mess she had made, as she hurried down the stairs to find Aurek.

  Downstairs a huge crowd gathered and more flowed steadily through carved, solid wooden doors held open by men in gold and red uniforms. She suddenly felt out of her depth with such royalty, men and women that seemed frozen in time, the women with their big hair, big hats and even bigger dresses on the arms of men in tails complete with top hats. The waiters pulled out chairs for the ladies at a magnificent dining table laden with fine bone china, elegant silverware alight with soft candles burning around delicate flower arrangements.

  ‘Maybe I should have picked a more appropriate dress,’ she muttered.

  The bottle green gown suited her, and the other pastel frocks were not a good look with red hair. However she did cheer up a bit when she walked past the mirrored wall as the colour matched her eyes and the gold weave in the fabric glistened under the flicker of the many candles, now burning brightly.

  Lord Mensa was unexpectedly at her side. ‘You look the belle of the ball dear. Come, allow me to introduce you.’ His kindly features calmed her nerves as he took control of who she met and where she sat… next to him, of course.

  During dinner, Caitlin became light headed with the unusual taste of the ambrosia and food she nibbled on. Try as she did, getting used to food on these home worlds was difficult. ‘Maybe there’s a magic potion available to change the way my taste buds react,’ she slurred, ‘and explain why it is again, that I have to go to bed.’

  ‘It was a wonderful evening Glow. You were the life of the party but if you don’t sleep this off, our day tomorrow will be ruined,’ Aurek said as he put her to bed.

  ‘Lord Mensa is a cool dude hey!’ Caitlin said.

  ‘He seemed a little too attentive towards you. Be careful sweetie. Emotions in men such as him can get confused.’

  ‘But he’s kind of father-like, you know – old!’

  ‘Old worldly, but not old by any means.’ He smiled at her frown, noting she had no idea what she had done, how she attracted nearly every man in the room when she lit up. ‘We have an early start tomorrow so forget about it. We’ll be gone in the morning and that will be the end of it.’

  He found her a nightshirt and after she fell asleep, sighed, grabbed a pillow and made himself comfortable in a chair. No way was he leaving her alone to maybe attract a midnight suitor, especially after the sweet bouquet she was giving off. Aware since meeting her that this was to calm others around her, tonight he believed the fragrance had fear mixed with it, and this alone kept him alert and ready.

  Unable to sleep, Aurek gave up; his mind on Glow. She was funny, innocent, sweet, irritating, moody, but most of all, the friend he had always wished for, kind, considerate and full of character when she spoke of him. She put him on a pedestal and no matter how Mensa rubbished him, she saw nothing but the best in him. He had never laughed so hard as when she scrambled up on her chair surprising them all and threatened to take them all on if they kept rubbishing him. It was then he decided it was time to take his hot-headed, inebriated friend to bed.

  On their way out the next morning, Aurek asked who had scared her last night. She shrugged. ‘I don’t know.’ Then she stopped. ‘Hang on, there was a man last night that kept catching my attention. Long hair, blond I think, with deep blue eyes.’

  ‘The one with the funny laugh, like a donkey; you had him in stitches.’

  ‘He was the only man there apart from Lord Mensa that I really remember.’ She smiled. ‘Apart from you of course.’

  ‘To be sure of your security, I’d better keep you close until we get out of here.’ He took her hand and led her down the stairs. ‘I have our flasks from yesterday. Let’s stop by the kitchen and fill them before we head off. If we don’t get to Shyanne Heights by noon, we’ll miss the angaroos.’

  ‘What are they?’

  ‘On Earth you would call them kangaroos only here, they’re completely untameable and very dangerous.’

  ‘Ah, thought you two might try and sneak off.’ Lord Mensa had just brewed fresh coffee, took two more mugs from the cupboard and poured them one.

  Caught out they sat to chat for a few minutes before heading off. ‘Sorry, we didn’t mean to be rude, just wanted an early start and I was a little hesitant about security here. If anything happens to Glow I’m in deep trouble. Prefer to be out there on our own if you can understand my concerns.’

  ‘What’s spooking you?’

  ‘Dinner guest, blond long hair, laughs like a donkey.’

  ‘Ah him, yes, I saw the look Glow Girl kept giving him, and had the man watched. Her intuition is very good. We caught him trying to sneak into Glow’s room last night. No weapons, turns out, just infatuated.’

  He sat back, slits for eyes as he watched Glow. ‘It was as if he was under a spell. Snapped out of it early this morning and doesn’t know what he was thinking.’

  Aurek squeezed Glow’s hand to quieten her. He knew she was about to confide in her powers to hold others to her but for some reason he didn’t trust Lord Mensa with that information and couldn’t give a reason why even if asked. They left with a last wave as they were let out the main gates of the castle, before Aurek confided why.

  ‘He didn’t see you stun the bear, so let’s just keep that our little secret.’

  ‘You caught that did you?’

  ‘Glow, he was right on top of me. There was no way that sized bear could have missed me if you hadn’t pushed him back. As for the Blondie that you attracted last night, that’s a whole other story.’

  She looked unsure. ‘Mystery to me.’

  ‘That is still to unfold then. Look, I don’t trust any of this. We’re going back to pack our gear and getting out of here. I’ll find us somewhere else to hunt. This whole thing reeks to me and your uncertainty is worrying me.’

  Kidnapping Foiled

  At the cabin, Aurek rushed to pack his gear. ‘Quick Glow, I have trust issues with more than the one you spoke of, Lord Mensa had a weird look in his eyes. I’m getting us out of here now!’

  ‘He’s your friend! Are you sure? I mean, he just
seemed a little hung over to me.’ She rolled up her towel and shoved it roughly in to her backpack. She was annoyed the trip was being cut short just because of trust issues. ‘I’ll have you know I can take care of myself.’

  He glanced up at her tiny frame and his eyes were unconvincing, ‘Glow! Hurry!’

  A noise outside had her stop and listen. ‘What was that?’

  One set of footsteps thumped heavily up the wooden stairs and the door flung open taking them off guard. Both wondered who would dare invade their privacy without knocking. Aurek was at Caitlin’s side in a flash, his stance threatening, his eyes glowed angrily.

  Blondie who laughed like a donkey stood there, his breathing heavy, his long hair matted from a bad night’s sleep.

  ‘What’s going on!’ Caitlin’s voice was pitchy as he slammed the door shut behind him, fumbling for a catch to lock it.

  ‘Quick! Get out of here! They’re coming!’ He pointed to the open window. ‘Through there. I’ll hold them back.’

  ‘Who?’ Aurek’s angry tone chilled the air. ‘What are you babbling about man?’

  ‘Lord Mensa. I heard him tell the guards your woman has powers he needs to complete his kingdom and he wants her. They are coming to get her. He is with them and I know what he is like, he will kill to get what he wants.’

  Caitlin put her hand up at Aurek whose temper had him torn between turning into Orion or to staying her kind friend. Lord Mensa had been in his life a long time and the disbelief this was possible had left him speechless and stunned. ‘Let me speak to him.’ She stopped him from pouncing on the man who sounded a little insane and yet they both knew something was wrong or they wouldn’t be packed, ready to leave.

  ‘What are your powers; tell me quickly,’ Caitlin said and kept calm, as her inner-self read that he was telling the truth.

  ‘I can block magic; why?’ he replied, puffing from the long jog up to the cabin.

  ‘Don’t even think about it. I’m getting you out of here now!’ Aurek was firm. ‘Axon and Jett would have a fit if I was to allow this confrontation to go ahead with a ruler, even one meant to be a mate.’


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