Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2)

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Fire Divine (Lord of the Planets Book 2) Page 39

by Debbie Behan

  Axon started to smile and realised he was just kidding. ‘Can’t blame a man for trying. Okay, new deal!’

  ‘Yes, Nephew, and this had better be the last.’ Jett poked him with a finger.

  Aurek stepped back from Jett, annoyed. ‘I’m not in the mood Uncle. This is bullshit. I want – no demand another three days.’ He saw Caitlin’s expression and knelt beside her. ‘I haven’t even had time to show you the mountain ranges yet. That’s where the real hunting begins,’ Aurek said.

  Caitlin could see they weren’t going to get anywhere by joking or bullying. They had to back off and let her work through it with him. Orion had begun to appear, his mood ready to flare at any moment at the thought of her departure.

  Axon was quick to observe and handed it over to her. ‘Cait are you happy to stay with Aurek another few days?’

  ‘Love to if you can spare me.’

  ‘Three days it is then. But any crap like today and she comes home straight away.’ Axon wasn’t going to leave it without a warning.

  ‘Deal!’ Aurek stood and walked back to the fireplace to give Jett and Axon a private moment. A slight grin of pride now etched the corners of his eyes.

  Both men stood and hugged Caitlin and said their goodbyes. Axon gave Caitlin a final squeeze. ‘Have fun precious one; I’ll see you in a few days.’ He kissed her sweetly before giving her up.

  ‘Aurek.’ Axon eyed him. ‘Please do something wrong so she busts your cheeks.’

  Aurek laughed heartily. ‘Not likely but you can dream.’

  Axon laughed too as he and Jett faded from sight.

  Lord Mensa picked up his gear. ‘That’s some man you’ve got there Glow. I can see he makes you very happy. As for me, I’m exhausted. It’s been a long day. I hope you kids don’t mind, but I’m going to make a move. You’re quite welcome to come and stay in the castle tonight if you wish.’

  ‘We’re good. How about you meet us in the morning for breakfast instead?’ Caitlin suggested.

  ‘Sounds a fine idea. I’ll see you both in the morning then?’

  Aurek stood up and shook his hand goodbye, letting him know there were no bad feelings. Then after he left, he threw an arm around Caitlin. ‘Thanks Glow. I wasn’t ready to be back in the real world just yet. I feel like we’ve been on a roller coaster.’

  ‘We have, but it’s over. Let’s just relax and enjoy the bonus of an extra few days then.’

  ‘Yes, well, now the old fart’s gone and your bloody fiancé and ex-boyfriend have shot through, that is exactly what I intend to do. I never thought we’d be on our own.’ He cranked up some music while he made them a hot drink.

  ‘Now that’s what I’m talking about.’ Caitlin took her cocoa and clunked mugs. The night was theirs at last. Aurek put down their drinks and pulled her into his arms to dance. He was excellent at rock and roll and had them up dancing for quite some time before they flopped down on the cushions in front of the fireplace and talked until dawn. They had only just drifted off when Lord Mensa arrived with breakfast. It was a nice gesture and welcomed. His servants fussed around them, giving them five star services and to Caitlin’s surprise, the food was delicious.

  Over breakfast her father asked a lot of questions about Axon and then asked why they hadn’t got married yet. ‘He obviously adores you. He was so gentle and sweet with you last night, it did my heart good to see someone so very deeply committed to you. The guy would hand you the universe on a platter if you asked for it.’

  ‘He is pretty off the charts adorable.’ She smiled dreamily.

  ‘Then what’s been the hold-up?’

  ‘Maybe I’ve been waiting to find my father so he can give me away.’ She nudged him affectionately.

  ‘Well I’m here, and been waiting for this day for long enough so where would you like to get married? There must be somewhere you’ve been that screamed, wedding.’ He cocked his head to the side with a cheeky expression as he pushed her to give an answer. To see his only daughter find the happiness that he always hoped she would find was more than a dream now and he wanted to move mountains right now, today, to make it happen. ‘On me of course.’

  ‘What, you’re paying?’ She eyed him.

  ‘Yes, I will definitely be paying for my daughter’s wedding.’

  Caitlin’s expression was thoughtful, hopeful, as she smiled up at Aurek. ‘Actually, it wasn’t until we arrived on Orion’s Belt to see you that the impact of your home snapped the image. From the air, it was the resort style grounds, modern chalets and the daydream to have such opulence around me on my special day, which triggered the fantasy. An elegant walk through picturesque gardens, lighting, soft music and delicate blooms that lined the way to my man.’ She blinked and smiled.

  ‘Are you kidding?’ Aurek wore a grin from ear to ear. ‘You really want it at my house?’

  She nodded. ‘I know, it’s a crazy idea, but seriously, I just loved it.’

  ‘I’m honoured.’

  Caitlin smiled. ‘You wouldn’t mind then?’

  ‘Mind? I must insist.’ He glanced at Lord Mensa and back at Glow. ‘By the time we two are through spoiling you, this will be the biggest event ever.’

  ‘Steady guys, I just want something simple.’ Her eyes darted as if ready to make a run for it. This sounds scary.

  ‘Jett’s going to be so goddamned jealous.’

  She held her hand up. ‘Hold on, maybe we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves. There will be no ruffling the feathers of my other bestie!’

  He could see the sudden panic that filled her eyes and even though he hated to give in to his uncle, for Glow he had to start to compromise or risk hurting her. ‘How about this,’ he proposed. ‘We give and take with the festivities. You ladies can have your hen’s night on Orion and us men can duck over to Pluto for the buck’s night. I’m sure the lads would enjoy a night ski. Nothing makes a man want to warm up next to their woman more than after a night on that ice world. He will be begging to be with you.’

  Excited, Lord Mensa slapped the side of his leg. ‘That’s it then, wedding is on.’

  ‘Yep, looks that way.’ She grinned.

  Lord Mensa punched the air and let out his joy, at the same time picked her up and swung her around happily. Suddenly he stopped dead. ‘Pluto! Hades! Tell me Aurek didn’t say that planet.’

  Caitlin was stunned with his sudden mood swing. His face looked ready to explode it was so red. ‘Yes, Pluto, why? Hades was here last night. I don’t see the issue here. What’s going on?’

  ‘Hades! Here!’ He was even more exasperated.

  ‘Yes – Jett. You met him last night. One of the same, Jett is how I refer to him to keep his identity secret to outsiders, but you’re hardly a stranger so you might as well know.’

  His tone was so low she strained to hear him as if so secret he was afraid to share with her. ‘Caitlin, it is he and Zeus that has hounded me for years. Hell! I’ve never met him personally, in fact none of his family. Just their army and the rough neck goons they send to watch over me. After last night he now knows you are my daughter and he and his brother will be together right now planning your demise. Really honey, you should have told me who he was, we could have kept it a secret about me being your father.’

  ‘Dad, please don’t do this. You have feared for my life since I was born and I want you to stop hiding me. I’m all grown up now and can take care of myself. I only surround myself with the most caring of people and they love me as I love them. Jett is one of my dearest friends, and even if my time was up and I had to die by anyone’s hands, I would choose a friend to kill me. I feel safe with Jett, so protected in fact, that if I had a brother I would wish it to be him. We have a bond so strong the devil himself would have a hard time breaking it. Ask Aurek, he’s seen him with me and knows what we share.’

  Aurek agreed. ‘He’s absolutely smitten by her and would never let anyone harm her. Why do you think he came last night? They share something and he feels her, even now he will kn
ow she has got upset and will be worried.’

  She held her father’s hand. ‘Jett already knows who I am. When I first met him I told him about my life and he disappeared for a week. He went and checked out my story and would have guessed who I really was, but still chose to love me anyway. Things have changed for Jett. He’s content and is the last person in the universe that would ever frighten me. Truth be known he planned this meeting between us. Am I right Aurek?’ She eyed him.

  ‘Did he know you were bringing her here?’ He turned to Aurek.

  Aurek nodded. ‘He suggested it. I didn’t understand why at the time, but I had no plans to cross him. He was very strict about how to care for her and grilled me for hours before allowing me to take her anywhere. There were so many other wonderful places I could have gone to, but it all makes sense now.’

  Caitlin was desperate to end the tension. ‘The war between you two is over. This was his way of letting you know. Don’t look at him like Hades the enemy, but Jett, one of my dearest friends. One who will spend forever trying to make it up to me. Give yourself a chance to heal by making the first step. The only way to do that is to leave what happened up until now, behind you. This is a chance for you to join me in this new universe that I and all of my new friends are trying to build together. It’ll not always be perfect, but taking that first step is always the most humbling of all. Like yesterday when I forgave you.’

  ‘Yes! That may be true Caitlin, but I’m family and it’s easier to forgive blood.’

  Aurek shook his head. ‘You don’t know your daughter. To fill you in might help you see the person we have all grown to love. Jett kidnapped her and yet she forgave him and chose to stay with him for months. I tried to blow her team up twice. She was so close to death Zeus summoned my cousin Apollo to come down and bring her back to life. When I realised she was one of the Macros, I threw up, knowing it was I who hurt her so badly. I was beside myself with grief and she forgave me and chose to spend time with just me, so I too could heal. You have taken up some of the time she promised me and I can confidently say that she won’t go home now until she has honoured our agreement. You saw her with Wolf last night; they are so deeply in love, that any other woman would have gone home happily with her man. Not Glow, she still has room in her heart for us and, chose to stay without another thought for her own needs. That is how forgiving your beautiful daughter is and she must have inherited a little of that from you, my old friend.’ He smiled.

  Lord Mensa shook his head. ‘Wolf?’ He grinned. ‘I heard you call him that last night.’

  Caitlin grinned. ‘Axon took me to Delphinus Island for a day and that’s where we met Jett and his wonderful family. Just in case we were immortal enemies, we used pet names for each other. None of us wanted business to spoil the lovely time we were having. When they met me, Axon and I had been lying in the sun and swimming all day, so they said I glowed. That was why I ended up, Glow Girl. Wolf is in honour of the animal worshipped on his home world.’

  Lord Mensa looked miles away before moving his head and breathing deeply. He liked the idea of an alias to protect not only Caitlin, but his own home world. ‘So when the time comes and you introduce me to your new friends, what will you call me?’ he asked with an amused look on his face.

  Caitlin had already given this a lot of thought and realised he had too. Her family would always be a target due to the position she held with the Macros. The name was an obvious choice and she smiled as she spoke. ‘Torpez, after your exquisite precious stones.’

  With a toss of his head, he belly-laughed. ‘I like it.’

  Aurek slapped a hand on his back. ‘So you are in old boy? Are you happy to go to Pluto for the buck’s night?’

  ‘Well, put it this way, I don’t think I can forgive Hades for the hell he put me through, but for Caitlin, for now, I will look upon him as Jett and put our differences aside, at least until after the wedding. But mark my words, I have a score to settle with Hades and man to man, it will happen.’

  Caitlin covered her ears. ‘La la … don’t want to know about it. But if either of you gets hurt, I will step in.’

  Aurek snatched her up in his arms laughing. ‘You will stay out of it Glow. Men’s business, bruises heal and unless your father has retribution, he will not.’

  He put her down. ‘Now, about the dress.’ Orion spoke to her father.

  ‘Already on it. My dressmaker is on her way here now to measure Glow. A gown of French lace is already being designed,’ said Lord Mensa.

  Caitlin shook her head, and red curls fell loosely about her. Both men wanted to adorn her right there and then with life’s finest. ‘Can we slow down you two?’ she chuckled, ‘Geez! For a start, we live in a magical world. My horse I ride will dress me in any style I so desire. Save your money, please.’

  ‘Even so love, I would still like to have a dress made up for you, a real one to keep. I’ve waited for this day since your birth. Let me spoil you rotten for just one day.’

  Caitlin patted his hand. ‘It would be sweet of you to do so, but dresses take forever to be made. I think Axon is planning to elope with me if we are not married soon.’

  ‘There’s nothing that can’t be done when you are Lord over all who dwell here. I promise it will be ready when you are.’ As he spoke a horse-drawn carriage pulled up, and swayed heavily to one side as a rather large woman stepped out. With pink hair and pins stuck in her apron, she dragged the tape measure from around her neck and without writing down a thing, measured Caitlin and was back in the cart within seconds. ‘Mustn’t dilly-dally, ‘she said as she waved out the window with a hanky. ‘I have a gown of much importance to make.’

  ‘Are you all for real?’ Caitlin chuckled. ‘I feel like Alice in Wonderland, already late for the tea party.’

  Lord Mensa took both her hands. ‘Allow me this pleasure, I beg you.’

  How could she say no to either of them? Both waited for her to give them the go ahead. ‘How long will your team take to make the dress?’

  ‘I’ll work them around the clock, so two days max.’

  ‘How long will it take you, Aurek, to organise the event? And I only want a small private affair.’

  ‘I have three days left with you. If we have any hope of surprising that man of yours, we need to work together and get most of it organised before you have to go home.’

  Her eyes were bright and alight with excitement. ‘Then it’s home and what’s the plan to prevent him from whisking me off to elope?’

  He made patterns on a NAVtablet he pulled from his pocket. This he used to compile time frames they had already discussed. ‘I need at least five days in total and one of those is the buck’s night. Don’t worry, we’ll figure something out.’ He looked pleased she trusted him to organise everything.

  ‘Wow that’s fast. Can we do it?’ She shook with nerves now it was becoming a reality. In her mind, she pictured a quiet gathering with a few friends and her man. Thoughts of him made her panic more. ‘Axon!’ She slapped her hand to her forehead. ‘Maybe I should tell him. I don’t think he likes surprises.’

  ‘Maybe we should gag you!’ Aurek laughed. ‘Axon’s going to be so happy you’re finally committed solely to him, he’ll not care, trust me.’

  Aurek rubbed his chin, his mind now elsewhere. ‘First things first.’ He turned back to Caitlin. ‘Who’s the best person to organise your friends to come?’

  ‘Rory!’ Caitlin’s eyes were alive again with excitement knowing Rory would be involved and how he would love the cloak and dagger secrecy.

  ‘And I will contact Uncle Jett to organise our side of the family,’ Aurek said. ‘And while I’m at it I will organise a hunting party.’

  ‘Better make sure Rory’s invited this time. I know you will be hunting on Taurus. He’ll be stoked.’

  ‘I’m in too.’ Lord Mensa was eager.

  ‘Okay, so it’s Rory, you and I. Three is perfect.’ Aurek looked pleased.

  ‘Hey! What about me?’ Caitlin

  ‘Not to Taurus.’ Aurek was firm. It’s too dangerous. Aldebaran may have given us the okay, but Aurus the ruler is not trustworthy. He is a fool and a dangerous one at that. Jett would never allow it and if Axon knew he would take you home immediately!’

  ‘Surely the guy is no worse than you were. You know I can handle myself. You’re taking Rory. That’s not fair,’ Caitlin grumbled.

  ‘Sorry but his laws prevent females having a say. I won’t budge where you’re safety is at risk.’

  Lord Mensa stopped the argument. ‘And the buck’s night, you will speak to Jett while you are there?’

  ‘Yes! Can’t forget our boys’ night!’ Aurek made a mental note for himself. ‘This is doing my head in already. It will be easier if we leave now and coordinate from home. Your father can take you to my place. Go make yourselves comfortable while I go speak to Rory and Jett.’ Aurek grinned and ruffled Caitlin’s hair. ‘You have to allow me some manhood. Let me call the shots for a bit and care for you like I promised I could.’

  She smiled back. ‘I guess I can find something to do while you’re gone.’

  ‘That’s my girl and I promise you’ll not be bored. I have a plan.’

  Encounter with the

  King of Gods

  The butler interrupted Caitlin and Aurek with a clang of a tray as the door flung opened. ‘Your hunting party has arrived, Squire.’

  They had moved into the study after dinner, both so hyped about the pending wedding that they talked until early hours of the morning. Aurek had no sleep yet seemed excited when Rory and her father arrived, the three of them having a morning snack before heading off.

  Tired, Caitlin went up to her room and flopped on the bed, leaving the men to organise themselves and weaponry before they headed off. Aurek had organised Jett to spend the day with her. He was to be there around mid-morning so she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  ‘Are you awake, ma’am?’ The butler shook her for the second time.

  Caitlin sat up quickly. ‘Jett! Is he here?’ Her head jerked from the pillow and fully awake this time, she scrambled from the bed and in her haste, knocked into the butler.


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