3013: SYNERGY: A 3013 Novella (3013: The Series)

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3013: SYNERGY: A 3013 Novella (3013: The Series) Page 9

by Laurie Roma

  “It seems like he couldn’t wait to see you,” Tavius said dryly as he came into view. “He just arrived, and he isn’t happy that we converted you. Hello, Orion…and friend.”

  “Morgan is my keeper.” Orion corrected, then his eyes narrowed at the Krytos male before moving his gaze back to Mya. “You’re a Krytos now?”

  The youngest of the Adaro brothers, Tavius, sat down next to Mya. Tavius was a male Krytos in his prime, with intense black eyes and a honed, muscular frame. Orion had known the three brothers for years, and he trusted them. He had felt the bond between Mya and Tavius when he’d stopped at New Vega before heading to X21, but he hadn’t been prepared to hear that they had converted her into a Krytos when the process was so dangerous.

  “Calm, my friend,” Tavius said softly. “Trust me, the conversion was necessary to save her life, or we wouldn’t have risked our mate.”

  “What in damnation happened to Mya?” Orion demanded.

  “It’s a long story that we’re going to have to tell you later, because I wasn’t kidding when I said that we have to go before blood is shed.” Tavius expression hardened. “However, you should know that Quilla Rego came to New Vega after you left. She released a drug onboard that made everyone try to kill one another. Tell your people to be on the lookout for that Tarin bitch since she got away before we could rip her heart out. She needs to die for all the lives that were lost.”

  Orion frowned. “We’re about to land on my home world, but I don’t think she would be stupid enough to try to hide on a planet where half of the population could sense her evil. Do you need us to come to New Vega to help?”

  Mya shook her head. “Things are still crazy here. We should be closer to your planet next month. Why don’t you come visit after we get everything fixed?”

  “My mate is right,” Tavius agreed. “It was a total shit show here a few days ago, and we’re still working on repairing everything. We have a couple Dragon Warriors arriving soon, so we’ll put them to work and have them help fix our vessel.”

  Morgan winced. “Speaking of, you’ll have a couple of new Dragon Warriors visiting New Vega soon. We met them on X21, and they’re a little…untamed.”

  “What does that mean?” Mya asked as her eyes went wide and Tavius cursed.

  “Just…they mean well, but they’ve never been around any of our races before, so…umm…you might have to warn them about the rules…before something happens.”

  “They killed a Reema in a sanctuary,” Orion told them.

  “Son of a bitch!” Tavius growled.

  “I was trying to avoid telling them that part,” Morgan whispered to Orion through their bond. She spoke out loud and said, “They’re really nice—well, Eden Nazira was. I’m not sure about her sister, Amari, since I didn’t speak to her. They’re just curious and didn’t know what a sanctuary is. And the Reema did actually shove one of them, so there was—”

  She was cut off when a loud male voice shouted out from somewhere behind him and Mya. “Where the hell is my sister! Mya, get your ass out here!”

  Mya’s face paled. “Umm…we have to go. I’ll contact you again soon.”

  The screen went black as the video conference was disconnected.

  Orion sighed. “I can’t believe New Vega was attacked. I’m sure Mya and the Adaro brothers have everything under control, especially if Jax Spartan is there and they have a couple of Dragon Warriors coming to help them.”

  “But it’s worrisome to know that the Tarin war criminal is still out there somewhere.”

  He reached out to stroke her cheek with the back of his fingers. “They will catch her and make sure she pays for her crimes.”

  “I’m sure you’re right.”

  “Hey, kids,” Daven said over the intercom. “We’re almost home, so you might want to buckle up.”

  Orion took her hand as he led her over to chairs that had harnesses that would hold them in place when they entered the planet’s atmosphere. The pressure pushed them back against their seats as they continued to discuss what had happened on New Vega.

  He told her what he knew about the war criminal, Quilla Rego. The Tarin female had actually been a slave trader that had used the name Korsek to hide her activities. It was a horrendous crime, but it was even worse to know that a female was making a profit selling other females.

  When they were through the bumpiest part of the flight, Orion pointed a finger toward the view outside the window. “We are home, keeper.”

  Morgan looked out and saw the sheer wonder that was Orion’s world. The colors of the planet were similar to those of Earth, only much more vibrant. Like the D’Aire’s eyes, the brilliant, blue ocean water was iridescent, changing colors with every wave. The floating isles were mostly covered with a green moss that was so bright it almost looked like it was glowing, but the base was a rich brown mixed with the cool gray of the stone that spiked out of the bottom and the top.

  She was surprised to see that they were flying toward several different sized floating isles that were connected by golden bridges. Some of the isles had sections that were higher or lower than the rest, making it look like mountains sticking out of both ends. She could see dwellings carved into the rock as well as on the surface of the isles, all of which had open, airy balconies and elaborately carved railings.

  “There…that is where I’m from. It is the isle farthest to the right.” He sighed in pleasure. “Even though I visit at least two times a year, this time feels different.”

  She leaned over to kiss him. “Because this time we’re here for good.”

  Their shuttle landed on a flat-topped isle that was used as a landing area. Before the doors opened, Orion said, “Remember, the air is slightly different than you’re used to here. It might take a few minutes to get acclimated to it, even though we have been altering the oxygen levels on board during our flight.”

  “I remember.” She smiled wryly. “If I pass out, you can just carry me home.”

  He frowned. “I don’t find that funny.”

  Morgan was nervous so she held onto Orion’s hand as the doors opened, and they disembarked. She almost stumbled when she took in her first breath of the planet’s air, but held herself up by sheer will when she saw the group of Orion’s clan waiting for them outside.

  Damn, she wouldn’t make a good impression if she fell on her face.

  She knew Orion had contacted his brother to let him know they were arriving, but she thought she’d have a little more time before she met him. Not to mention that she’d forgotten that most of the D’Aire males didn’t wear shirts on their home world to have more freedom to release their wings. The females in the group wore halter-style dresses, and the males wore the same type of soft pants that Orion was wearing.

  Raiden D’Sil was easy to recognize. He looked exactly like Orion, except for a scar that ran from the middle of his forehead, down over his eye that ended on his cheek. Orion had warned her that his brother’s face had been scarred during the attack on their family, and he’d chosen to keep the mark in honor of what they had both lost that day.

  “I didn’t think he would be here to welcome us. Be brave, my love.”

  Bracing herself, she allowed Orion to pull her down the ramp toward the group of D’Aire. Raiden parted from the group and walked forward to meet them. Orion squeezed her hand, then let her go to step forward. Both males gripped each other on the shoulder.

  “Welcome home, Orion.”

  “It’s good to see you, brother.” They let go of one another, then Orion stepped back to take hold of Morgan’s hand again. “Raiden, I would like to introduce you to my keeper, Morgan.”

  Raiden turned to look directly at her. Despite his control over his emotions, she sensed that he was waiting to see her reaction to his scar. It might have been her ability, or it could have simply been intuition based on the way he held himself. The scar didn’t bother Morgan in the least, and she hoped he would realize that as she smiled.

ngs to you, one of the light.”

  He returned her smile. “There is no need to be formal with me, little sister. Welcome to your new home.”

  A male D’Aire stepped forward and bowed his head. “Welcome home, Dir Orion. We will take care of your baggage and see it safely to your rooms.”

  “Thank you, Falor.”

  “Are you hungry?” Raiden asked. “There is a meal being prepared for us back at the palace. We will have a formal celebration in a few days, so don’t think you’re getting out of that. Everyone is very excited for you, Orion, and they are looking forward to meeting Morgan.”

  “I’m starving,” Daven said from behind them. “What? We live at the palace, too. Aren’t we invited?”

  Raiden chuckled. “I’m glad to see you haven’t changed, Daven. Of course you and Blaiz are invited. When have you ever not eaten at our table?”

  Daven grinned. “True.”

  Raiden turned to Blaiz. “I hear that we have something more to celebrate than Orion finding his keeper. Congratulation on becoming an ambassador, Blaiz.”

  “Thank you, Dir.”

  “Orion? What does ‘Dir’ mean?” Morgan asked. “My language converter isn’t giving me a definition that I recognize.”

  “It really doesn’t have a meaning…it’s just a term used as a form of respect, and it’s usually used for the ruling families. Dir is for males and Dar is for females.” Orion let go of her to pull his shirt off as he explained. “You will now be addressed as Dar Morgan, or simply Dar.”

  Morgan’s pulse sped up as he bared his chest. “Wh-what are you doing?”

  “Would you like to go flying with me, my love? We could walk to the palace, but it will be much quicker if we flew there.”


  “Yes, we will all fly back to the palace if that is okay with you. I will carry you, and promise I will never let you fall.”

  “I know that.” She smiled. “I would love to go flying with you.”

  Morgan turned and saw that Blaiz and Daven were removing their shirts, but her focus shifted back to her keeper. Orion tucked his shirt into the waistband of his pants, then he released his magnificent wings. She loved watching his wings spread and stretch, and had to curl her hands to keep from reaching out and touching them.

  Reading her thoughts, Orion sent her a wicked grin and whispered, “You can touch them all you want.”


  “Oh, yeah.”

  She laughed, causing everyone to look over at her, but she didn’t care. She was too happy to let anything worry her now.

  Raiden and Blaiz were already in the air as Orion lifted her into his arms. “Are you ready, keeper?”

  She nodded as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Unable to help herself, she reached out to rub one of his white wings. It was amazing to her that he was able to hide them from view unless he wanted them unfurled. Unlike feathers, the wings were made of a strong substance that protected his body like armor even though it was soft and velvety to the touch.

  Feeling him shiver at her touch, she smiled. Later, she promised herself. She would get to touch him all she wanted when they were alone.

  “You are playing with fire, Morgan. Just wait until I can touch you, too. I will show you how dangerous it is to tease me.”

  She loved it when he was playful, and couldn’t hide the grin that curved her lips. “I can’t wait. Take us home, my love.”

  “As you wish, keeper.”


  Morgan felt like she was dreaming.

  Hours after they had landed, she felt the strangest urge to cry as she sat with her new family. Since they’d gotten off the shuttle, everything had been so wonderful, she was afraid it wasn’t real, that it was too good to be true.

  Family…it was such a simple word with so many different meanings. She had loved her parents and the crew she had grown up with. During her time in the Academy and the following years, she had found friends to care for, as well. But the love she felt for Orion was something she couldn’t even find words to describe.

  Her keeper was her world now, but her good fortune didn’t stop there. Although she had been worried to meet Orion’s brother, it hadn’t taken long for Morgan to accept Raiden as her family. It helped that she felt Orion’s love for him through their bond, but she had gotten her own sense of Raiden when he’d let his guard down and allowed her to read him.

  She was aware that Orion had informed his brother that she was an empath. So, when Raiden had tucked her arm in the crook of his to escort her into the dining hall when they reached the palace, she had known the contact had been deliberate. Since Raiden wasn’t a seeker like Orion was, he needed to touch her to read her just as she had to in order to get past his shields.

  Raiden was a complex male, who had a strong sense of honor, but sometimes he allowed duty to rule his life too much. She felt his pride in Orion, and how pleased he was to have his brother home for good, and how happy he was that his brother had found his keeper. For that reason alone, he would protect Morgan, but when he sensed how much she loved Orion, Raiden accepted her as a true sister.

  During their meal together, Morgan finally understood the phrase that some families were born, while others were made. Orion, Raiden, Blaiz and Daven were hers now. It was a blessing beyond compare to have them in her life, and it was something she was determined to never take for granted.

  After they had finished eating, Blaiz and Daven had excused themselves while Orion and Raiden gave Morgan a tour of her new home. The D’Sil palace was magnificent, and Morgan thought it would take her a long time to get used to living in such splendor. Then again, the world was filled with precious gems and gold, so much so, that they weren’t considered that special to the D’Aire, unlike how humans and other races viewed those items.

  The palace itself was an entire isle. Carved into the stone was an elaborate set of corridors and rooms on various levels. As she met some of the people who lived and worked in the palace, Morgan was able to see how much they loved and respected the D’Sil brothers. When the tour was finished, Raiden left them to attend to some business. Orion showed her to their quarters.

  “All the females I’ve seen were wearing dresses. I hope I didn’t offend anyone by wearing pants,” Morgan said as they strolled down the hallway. She tried not to look down at the plain black slacks and purple shirt that she had on. The shirt had been one of her best, but she still felt drab compared to the beautiful clothing the D’Aire wore.

  “You may wear whatever you like, Morgan. We can have dresses made for you, or pants and shirts out of the fabrics you like. Females wear pants here as well, so you have no reason to worry.” He stopped in front of a double set of doors. “There are only three sets of rooms on this level. The smaller two belong to Daven and Blaiz, while this one is ours.”

  Orion opened the door to their suite of rooms, and stepped inside after Morgan. It had been months since he had been here himself, but nothing had changed. Glancing around, he could tell that someone had cleaned recently, and their belongings that weren’t already unpacked were stacked against the wall in the sitting room. Without looking, he knew all of their clothes were hanging in the closet room off of the bedroom.

  He smiled as he felt her pleasure, and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “I’m glad you like your new home.”

  She turned in his arms so she could look up at him. “It’s our home now.”

  “It is.” He leaned down to brush his lips over hers. “I want to take you somewhere.”

  Her eyes twinkled with amusement. “To the bedroom?”

  Orion laughed. “That is a wonderful idea, but I had another special place in mind. Will you go with me?”


  He walked over to the stack of their belongings and found the bag he had brought with him to X21. Opening it, he removed a smaller bag and held it out to her. “We’re going to fly. Will you hold onto this for me?”

n took the bag from him, then went with him as he pulled her toward the balcony. She noticed that the D’Aire didn’t use windows. In fact, most of the cut outs were left open, letting the breeze in. There was sheer fabric draping down over the balcony that shifted from purple to green, then to silver depending on how the light hit it. Orion held the fabric out of the way as he led her out onto the balcony.

  “Hold on, keeper.”

  She gasped as he scooped her into his arms, launching them up into the air as he released his wings. Wrapping one arm around his neck to hold on, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back to enjoy the feel of the wind on her face. She shivered a little as it became cooler the higher they went, and opened her eyes to see that they were flying through a thin layer of wispy clouds.

  Orion held her closer to his chest. “Don’t worry. You’ll be warm soon.”

  It only took a few minutes until they were almost at the top of the isle, and Morgan saw that they were heading towards a small cave opening. “Umm…are you sure you wouldn’t rather go back to our bedroom?”

  “I’m taking you to my favorite place on this isle. Trust me. It’s not what you think.” He smiled down at her as he landed lightly on his feet. He retracted his wings as he carried her into the cave.

  It was dark inside what she’d thought was a cave, but was really a long tunnel that had a light at the end of it. Morgan’s eyes widened as the tunnel opened into a large cavern that looked like it was right out of some sort of fantasy.

  Several thick candles on metal stands had been lit, but there was also a hole in the ceiling that allowed sunlight to stream in. Precious gems stuck out of the stone walls, glittering brilliantly in the light. There was a large lagoon of sapphire blue water that filled almost half of the cavern, with a small waterfall feeding the pool from above.

  Orion released her slowly so her feet touched down on the soft, green moss that covered the cavern floor. “This is amazing! I can see why this is your favorite place. Where is the water coming from?”


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