The Hidden Truth (Shadow Claw Book 7)

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The Hidden Truth (Shadow Claw Book 7) Page 2

by Sarah J. Stone

  Luke had been stunned by a shot he didn’t see coming, and he fell paralyzed to the floor unable to feel his body at all. One by one, everyone else was next. It was appalling to see the Elders fall just as helplessly.

  Who are these people?, Kevin grew panicky as he lay motionless on the ground, How are they so powerful?

  “Guys! Stop!” a familiar voice called out to them. And suddenly, whatever it was sucking the feeling out of their bodies disappeared into nothingness. Pins and needles took over their bodies and they groaned in pain, bodies jittering as they tried to force feeling back into their muscles and skin.

  “I thought you told us to attack,” the old hag screeched from somewhere in the distance.

  “Nah, these people are cool,” the voice called back. “They’ll listen.”

  “You put us through unnecessary labor, Viria.” A platinum blond man sighed.

  Kevin looked behind himself to see Kaia standing amongst Nina and Ammara. They did not seem too happy with what was happening, and Kevin was confused. Why had they let Kaia out? And who the hell was Viria?

  “You wouldn’t have been necessary for this, either way,” she admitted. “I just wanted you all here.”

  “What?” A short haired ginger sighed, “Viria, what had you planned?”

  “We all need to talk and explain stuff to these people,” Kaia responded. “They’re all connected to whatever is happening. Oh, and meet Nina.”

  The squadron froze at the sound of her name. Nina stared back at them all unsurely. It was obvious she recognized them. And the memories they had of each other were not pleasant.

  “Morrigan sent you guys after me before,” Nina stated with her voice hardening, body stiffening. “You came after me when I ran away and dragged me back by my ankles, literally burning the flesh off my body”

  Kaia groaned. “Aye, I literally just stopped a battle and you want to create another one? You’ve been petty enough for today.”

  “Hey!” Kevin yelled. “Don’t talk to her like that!”

  “I’m pretty sure I have that liberty for now to keep another fight from breaking out,” she deadpanned. “Get up, all of you.”

  Ammara and Kalen had been communicating simply by looking at each other. Kalen was not happy with her decision and he trusted no one, not even himself, with making the right choices to ensure their granddaughter’s safety.

  The fallen pushed themselves to their feet. There was nothing but suspicion, confusion, and calculation. Everyone had their eyes on each other, and also on themselves. None of them had ever felt so suffocated before.

  Viria was well-aware of the sour atmosphere, but she was indifferent. She often tended to twists matters as such to create necessary caution and – in rare cases – conflict.

  “I was skeptical as to why you called us here in the first place,” one of the wizards said. “Wouldn’t be the first time you would’ve gotten captured and escaped.”

  “Escaping wasn’t the plan this time, apparently,” she said.

  “Kalen, let them all in,” Ammara finally spoke. “We need to have an important discussion with everyone. There’s a lot that most of us don’t know.”

  More than half the table could not believe all that had been revealed. But it made sense. Cassie running away from her pack was a huge deal because not only was she a white Omega that could be impregnated anytime, her initiation as a pack breeder with the lieutenant would have had her whisked away to the Morbus.

  “There was a reason one of the Omegas, Dorian, tried so hard to help me escape…” Cassie recalled. “My mother was also a white Omega but he never made an attempt to help her. He knew something was wrong when it came to me.”

  Cassie remembered how he’d barged into her cell and broken her chains off, saying he would explain why he was helping her.

  “He told me there was a secret Bard was hiding from the rest of the pack,” she said as her forehead creased to remember. “Something about selling off the pack.”

  “That’s what we were at war with him for.” Viria nodded. “It was more of an alliance with Morbus rather than being sold off and they received many benefits, but the pack had GPS systems embedded into them and their roaming were endangering all the other shifters. We had to get rid of every single one of its members.”

  “Even the cubs?” Cassie growled.

  “The cubs are at their main base and God knows where that is and what is happening to them,” Viria explained calmly. “But dealing with them will come later.”

  “How could you put children at such a low priority?” Cassie demanded absolutely appalled, and Viria groaned.

  “Well, unless you want to go straight to them and put them in line of danger when you yourselves aren’t in any better position to defend yourselves, then be my guest!”

  “Everyone please remain civil,” Ammara called out. “Let her speak.”

  “Y’all really need to learn how to keep your emotions in check if you’re going to be able to think straight and make the right decisions,” Viria reprimanded them. It all seemed so awkward, being scolded by a sixteen year old.

  Luke had been studying Viria very carefully. Her personality, body language, words. It did not seem like she had led a relatively easier life than any of them. It actually seemed like she’d lived through worse. Her eyes had lost their youth and sunken deep, dull and blank. She had the oldest eyes he had seen and it was very disorienting to see it on such a young face.

  “Oh, and who are you to decide that?” Nina snapped, “You’re a teenager!”

  “Teenagers don’t leave their loved ones and sacrifice their lives as easily as she does,” a voice came from the trees. All except Viria looked toward the trees where the voice came from. Kalen stepped out with a red-haired woman in tow as she pulled her hood away from her head and came into the light.

  Chapter 3

  Nina gasped. “Ivanna?”

  Ivanna did not smile. She showed no emotions. The Elders recognized her, knowing she was the one to take away Morrigan’s body for a funeral.

  “Don’t talk down to Viria ever again,” she spoke warningly. “Half of you would have been dead in her place. Being a witch is no privilege amongst you.”

  “You need to teach her some manners before she actually ends up dead.” Fergus scowled.

  “Oh?” Ivanna questioned dangerously with a raised brow. “From what I’ve gathered, being mannered and submissive to save their pack bode them no better a fate with the Morbus, did it? Neither did it help in the long run.”

  “You bitch!” Fergus growled and lunged at her. He knew she was talking about Diana and her sacrifice, and it angered him for her to imply Diana’s sufferings were in vain. He wouldn’t stand for it.

  Fergus crashed head first against an invisible wall surrounding Ivanna. He groaned as he bounced back.

  “Ivanna, let me speak.” Viria sighed.

  “Apologies.” She nodded and stepped over Fergus to walk up to her as Luke and Kevin rushed to him. Fergus rolled onto his knees and held his head, pushing the two away. Diana stepped away from Ivanna carefully as she passed by her.

  “The two know too much,” Cassie huffed to Nina, “There’s no turning them away, is there?”

  “Let’s see,” Nina said dangerously. She was disliking them more by the minute.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Viria grimaced at the two ladies. “Duel with me with your hatred all you want after this is over but could you please put your feelings aside for now?”

  “It’s disheartening to hear a child speak this way,” Samuel tried to reason.

  Viria chuckled. “Then you need not know what made me become this way.”

  “How much do they know?” Ivanna asked.

  “Only about Bard’s pack alliance with Asther.”

  “We’re still willing to listen,” Ammara said. She was now sitting back against a chair, leg crossed over the other as she observed everything unfold. She could see Viria was damaged in more ways than one. She
needed to know what she had been through to become this way.

  “Great!” Viria yelled out sarcastically. “Anywho, Bard’s torture chambers are awful so I’m not completely devoid of empathy. The war started after I killed Bard in one of the cells. I’d let myself get caught meddling with his files after a failed treaty. He came in completely unguarded. I knew he liked being alone when it came to action with his victims,” she quoted. “Perfect chance to assassinate and escape easily. Had to let him get a little comfortable, though.” She ended it with somewhat disgust but to the observant Elders, it was something she faced on a regular basis and had grown somewhat numb.

  “Got ahold of the files and made a run for it. Sent teams to start killing of members of the pack until we got cornered one time and things got ugly. His son was pretty stupid so it was an easy fight. Also, I suggest Diana leave the area. Maybe even Fergus. I won’t sugarcoat anything,” she warned, and the wolves did not hesitate to stomp away. “Now, about Diana, she’d refused to give away the cubs so naturally the Morbus got ahold of nasty rogues to try and impregnate her. That didn’t work too well because of the conditions they kept her in. Their recruits are absolute idiots with no respect for intelligence, so that’s one thing to soothe you all with.”

  “Not intelligent?” Nina growled. “Killers don’t need intelligence and neither can it be used to combat them with!”

  “See? This is why you ran away.” Viria pointed at her with a grin as if she hit a jackpot. “I did absolutely nothing but use my brain to uncover Morrigan and have all her alliances turned against her. It’s why no one came to her rescue when she was captured. I’d like to thank the Elders for doing half of our work by executing her, but a consultation with our community should have been in order. You guys didn’t follow protocols.” She ended her statement disapprovingly and continued, “Well, you guys will help us fix that, anyway. Moving on…”

  Viria flexed her hand and a glass of water materialized. She took a few sips before offering some to Ivanna, who accepted it. It threw Ammara off to see Viria being treated with higher regard compared to Ivanna, who was technically in Morrigan’s place now and should be receiving more respect. She wondered what Viria did to attain such a status. It was obvious how sincere and dedicated Ivanna and the squadron were to her. The way they had placed themselves strategically within the area to efficiently deflect, protect from, and counter any attack that may take place.

  “Ivanna already had a few accomplices within Fergus’s pack who kept us updated on movements,” she explained and Luke frowned, knowing he would have to go over recruiting protocols and make tests for personal security measures for everyone’s safety.

  “I’d been tapped into his conscious for quite a while as I followed the members to Morbus to find their main base. They only led me to another delegated branch but it was a step closer to my aim. Meanwhile, I let Fergus raid the place, which I shouldn’t have because I lost a lot of information sources, and he helped everyone that was trapped get away. I had to use an advanced technique to tap into the energies of the dead later on with the help of one of Lucille’s rogue girls to collect whatever I could. Spent around a week sifting and living through memories. I’m scarred for life after that experience, by the way. The Morbus were inhumane with their techniques. After that place was gone I was left to kill the members of Morbus present there and shut down their base. That, of course, alerted their HQ and Asther moved in for the big kill and pitted pack members amongst each other. Ivanna was the one to intervene and stop before too much damage was done.”

  “Then where are they?” Luke asked.

  “The First Witch, Viria Moteny, had conquered many parts of our realm,” Ivanna explained as Viria conjured more water to drink. “Some areas were abandoned as witches and wizards spread and came together in the other communities. I shifted them into various of those and have plenty of volunteers tending to them, rehabilitating and training them for any battles they might need to face in the future once they leave upon their will.”

  “Why did you feel the need to do so?”

  “I’ve had long term allies within them, Luke Claw,” she explained. “Dorran was one of the many who pledged his pack’s help and protection to me when I asked for it. We have a written contract and I have a copy of it myself.”

  Luke stiffened. He wasn’t aware, and that was something to be ashamed of as an Alpha because he was supposed to know all his allies and rivals. Ivanna saw his confusion and shook her head. “It was made in secret since Morrigan was still in power. You couldn’t have known unless I came to tell you with the proof myself.”

  “What I don’t get is that how is this still a problem?” Nina interrupted, “Because we planted a seed through one of Morbus’s agents that would poison everyone else connected.”

  “They have rogues helping them,” Viria clarified, “That includes witches, too. There are plenty powerful to undo your spells. There are one or two in the Inner Circle. Nina, you were a part of it and it’s necessary for you to get us in there.”

  “There is no way I’m going back!” she cried out.

  “Morrigan isn’t there anymore. Her influence does not remain any longer. Ivanna and the High Council is in charge and will protect you well,” Viria informed her almost gently. “We don’t blame you for not wanting to do this, though. Now that we’ve come clean, we won’t force you either.”

  “How did kidnapping my baby have anything to do with this?”

  Viria gave a somewhat embarrassed chuckle. “As a bribe, really.”

  “A ransom,” Kevin corrected with a grunt.

  “Same thing,” she said. “Anyway, if I can get to those people in the Inner Circle, I could get us to the main base and start investigating. Get our young ones back and destroy those people from the very roots of their existence.”

  “How large is this organization?” Luke demanded.

  “They span most of the country,” she said. “Very large. Will need to form more connections with more packs to expand our army against them. We’ve managed half the population of each of our kind present to help.”

  “We would have known if there were any alliances with you,” Heather finally spoke up. Viria smirked once again.

  “It doesn’t take much to keep people quiet, Heather,” she said. “Despite the loyalty, some things were definitely better left uninformed to you people. Especially when people think you’re a myth, most higher ups won’t even bother wasting their energy.”

  “Well, excuse me,” Abigail started, but Viria put her finger up for silence.

  “You’re responsible for your image and the consequences it entails,” she reminded the Elders. And there was nothing they could say back because she was right. They wanted the privacy and secrecy. It was their own doing and no one was to blame for it except themselves.

  “So, what’s the big plan for now?” Kalen asked.

  “Alliances,” she stated. “Alliances and hunts for rogues. Intensive trainings. Close knit communities. We need each other. God knows whose wretched idea it was to split up our kind into packs and communities, but we all need to come together under one name against this evil and fight it.”

  “How do we know we can trust you?” Nina intervened. “You worked under Morrigan.”

  “And dismantled her,” Ivanna reminded. “We did what you should have done, Nina. You don’t have the pass to judge us. We worked hard to help the community and other shifters who had suffered at her hands and Asther’s.”

  Nina seemed hurt. It was obvious from the way she looked at Ivanna that the two were very close at one point. Now, it was as if she couldn’t recognize her friend.

  “Could I have details of who your allies are sooner or later?”

  “You can know about anything you wish and have access to everything,” Ivanna offered. “We have nothing to hide. Our motives are open and clear.”

  “Could you take me to those packs you saved?” Ammara asked them. Viria turned to look at her and nodded.r />
  “Definitely. You can ask about us there and have everything confirmed as the truth. We can go now, if you’d like. I can teleport us outside the border.”

  Ammara and Kalen looked at each other. From the way they sounded, the girls seemed honest and trustworthy. Although damaged to unknown levels, they seemed sincere and determined in their mission. It wasn’t something they came across often, and she held valuable information. So they nodded in understanding.

  “Lead the way,” Kalen said.

  “We’ll see you off,” Kevin said and Nina stepped in.

  Chapter 4

  They walked in silence and Ammara pondered on. Viria held a lot of maturity and intelligence that could prove useful when it came to leading operations. Something told Ammara that Viria knew more about manipulating people than she let on, and she wasn’t doing any of it now, unlike before when she managed to gather her squadron and get away with lies when caught after the short fight they had the nights before.

  It all felt weird to them. How everything connected so smoothly to each other, and how the victims of it ended up all in one place. As if fate had destined for it to be this way. They were all definitely meant for something bigger.

  But Ammara had her eyes on Viria. She was something else and knew the little girl had a bigger role to play than any of them. As a matter of fact, she could already see flashes of the future where she was involved. It wasn’t the prettiest sight, but it guaranteed a lot about her role in the mess.

  She was a savior. A snarky foul-mouthed one. Nevertheless, Ammara knew Viria and Ivanna could be trusted. All she wanted was for them to understand that she herself did not take such large decisions like alliances lightly. She definitely wanted to see the other packs and make sure of their well-being. It was news, and a relief that those packs had not gone extinct. Internally, as surprised as she was, she was grateful to the witches, too. They had done more than what was expected of anybody at all. They’d done more than the Elders together combined could have. And it was a great feat.


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