Moments later, Carin was naked on the seat except for her sexy blue bra and thigh-high stockings. She reclined her seat the rest of the way and put her feet back on the dash, spreading her legs. Her shaved lips glistened in the early summer sunlight as Justin touched her.
Moving into the left lane, he said, “He’s going to like checking out your long legs, Puppet.”
Carin looked up to the truck as Justin accelerated.
“Oh baby,” she said. “You want him to see me?”
As they approached the truck’s cab, Carin closed her eyes and breathed heavily. Then she did something that made Justin’s cock jump back to life. Without being coaxed, she pulled her bra cups down and began strumming her hard nipples with her fingers. Justin quickened the pace of his fingers on her clit and Carin opened her eyes. A few feet up ahead, the trucker’s elbow came into view, resting on his open window. As the car moved into the shadow of the cab, she began moaning loudly.
The truck driver looked down through his window as Justin’s fingers read Braille over his girlfriend’s clit. Time was suspended as Justin held his speed. He looked to Carin and saw her side-glance up toward the trucker. When she made eye contact with him, she began hyperventilating and closed her eyes.
Through her gasps, she said, “Oh Jus’n, you’re gonna make me come!”
Her release was frenetic, prompting her to bounce around like an untied balloon. She pinched her nipples hard while keeping her eyes tightly closed. Justin sped up, leaving the trucker with only fond memories…and a sudden urge to blast his air horn.
Carin settled back into her seat, now deflated. She was panting, bringing air back into her lungs. She looked to Justin timidly, not talking, not knowing what his thoughts might be. As she looked to her lover for assurance, he said nothing. He just patted her knee and smiled.
For the rest of the car trip, Carin lay across the bucket seats with her head in Justin’s lap. Not bothering to dress, she remained in the blue bra and thigh-high stockings. Occasionally Justin put his fingers to her mouth and she’d accept them between her lips, even when almost asleep.
When they pulled into the parking lot of the Marriott, Carin quickly put on the cream-colored camisole and picked up her damp panties from the floor. Reaching over to the backseat, she zipped the panties into the side pocket of her suitcase and pulled out a pair of Abercrombie sweatpants.
“Why bother with those?” Justin said, looking at the sweats.
“I wasn’t sure you liked my look.”
“I love it. Wasn’t that obvious?”
Carin put the sweatpants back into her bag. She faced forward again and wiggled into the tiny miniskirt, wearing it without underwear.
Turning to Justin, she said, “I’m glad you like my outfit. I got it for you, after all.”
Chapter Thirteen
The Newport Marriott was situated in a prime location on the harbor in the heart of the city’s historic district. A pale-green, multi-gabled aluminum roof the color of chlorophyll-deprived leaves capped its long, low, red-bricked façade. It was a popular hotel throughout the year and during the summer months was packed to capacity with tourists. Justin was lucky to get the Presidential Suite when he’d called a few weeks earlier.
On this early summer morning, the parking lot was loaded with cars. Justin found one of the few remaining spots and hopped from the car to retrieve their bags. Carin crawled groggily from the passenger side. She waited as he grabbed the bags and then shadowed him into the atrium. Dressed in the cami, short skirt, thigh-highs, sexy bra, sandals and no panties, she felt almost naked standing close to Justin at the front desk. A cute bellboy looked her up and down while grabbing hers and Justin’s bags and she slowly began to wake up. After finishing at the front desk, Justin and Carin rode up the elevator with two businessmen, and they, too, looked her over unabashedly.
The elevator doors opened and one of the men said goodbye to Carin as she moved past him. She whispered, “Bye,” while reaching for Justin’s hand.
The bellboy had left their bags in the suite and was gone by the time Carin and Justin arrived. The door had barely closed behind them before Carin dropped to her knees and unzipped Justin’s pants. The couple was in a little entranceway by a mirrored coat closet and Justin watched in the mirror’s reflection as Carin sucked him. She seemed as determined as ever to excite him but Justin didn’t want to come just yet, so he pulled her up from her knees and pinned her against the closet door. He placed his hands at her underarms and lifted her against the glass, holding her off the ground. Carin wrapped her legs around him for support. When Justin centered himself against her, she shimmied down onto his erect pole. He kept her off the ground, bracing her against the door as her legs stayed clamped around his hips. She felt like a feather in his arms as he held her tiny butt cheeks in his hands. He moved her willowy frame up and down, slamming her again and again onto his cock.
“Those guys liked you, Puppet,” he grunted.
“Shhhh, baby… It’s just you and me now…”
“They’re missing out on something good.”
“You’re all I could ever need… I love you so, so, so much.”
Moments later, they came together in a mind-blowing connection of lust and collapsed onto the floor in front of the mirror. They held each other while lying on the rug, kissing and cuddling like puppy lovers.
* * * * *
After lunch, Justin and Carin changed into their bathing suits and headed to the hotel’s indoor pool for a quick swim. While there, Justin eyed a nearby Jacuzzi filled with four or five people. He suggested they give it a whirl but Carin said it was too crowded.
* * * * *
Later in the day, while on a guided tour of the Briarcliff mansion with ten or twelve others, Carin couldn’t shake from her mind the events of the morning’s car ride. She wondered if Justin too was thinking of it. With the group standing in front of a portrait painting of somebody’s great-great-grandfather, Carin took hold of Justin’s hand. While the group stared at the painting and the tour guide droned on, Justin released her hand and reached up under her skirt. She was without panties still and moist when she opened her stance. His fingers entered her and splashed in the puddle she had become. By the time the guide stopped his spiel, Carin was fully soaked. When the group lowered their collective gaze from the portrait, Justin’s fingers slid out and they walked hand in wet hand to the next stop on the tour.
* * * * *
Later, during their shopping spree, Carin’s excited nipples showed through all the cute little tops she tried on. She looked delectable in each of them and Justin became harder with every change of outfit. Carin eventually pulled him into the dressing room while trying on bathing suits. Behind the drawn curtain, dressed in a bikini, she put him into her mouth but didn’t keep him there long enough to make him come.
* * * * *
The dressing room incident was enough to keep Justin aroused the remainder of the day. At dinner, he commented on how wet Carin had been at Briarcliff.
“You always make me that way,” she said.
After dinner, they ambled back to the hotel arm-in-arm. It was shortly past dusk, the sun having slipped into the water, and the Marriott’s pale-green roof appeared graphite gray. Carin rested her head on Justin’s shoulder as they strolled, just as she had on their second dinner date when they’d walked with so much anticipation through the restaurant parking lot to his car. They were tired after the full day but when Justin suggested they go to the Jacuzzi, she began to stir.
Getting back to their room, Justin retrieved a bathing suit from one of the shopping bags. It was a French-cut string bikini, with two postage stamps to cover Carin’s areolas, and another that did little more than hide her pussy lips. Carin said the suit wouldn’t be appropriate for a public pool but when she tried it on to show Justin what she meant, he said she looked adorable.
“We need to go because the pool closes at ten,” he reminded her. “It’ll be empty this time of
“Oh baby, I don’t know…”
Carin glanced over her shoulder to the mirror and looked at her mildly covered butt in the reflection.
“It’s adorable on you,” Justin said again.
“Thank you. But it might be too much. I mean, not enough…coverage.”
“You’re stunning, my love. No need to be shy. Not with me.”
Carin bit her lip, contemplating her look in the mirror.
“If I wore this thing, I’d have to shave.”
“Well, hurry up then.”
She went into the bathroom and closed the door while Justin sat on the bed waiting. A little bit later, she came out wearing the bikini. He asked if she had shaved and she told him she had…“completely”. He wanted to lick her then and there but time was short and he wanted to take her to the Jacuzzi.
He grabbed two luxuriant hotel robes hanging in the closet, draped one over Carin’s shoulders and escorted her down to the water complex. Once there, they noticed two people swimming laps in the pool but the Jacuzzi was deserted.
Carin slipped off the robe, revealing the barely there string bikini. Her nipples were erect and her pussy lips visibly pinched the strip of material covering them. She looked as sexy as any woman Justin had ever seen. She gazed over to the pool with her shoulders back but the swimmers weren’t paying attention. Entering the bubbling water, she beckoned Justin forth.
Justin had snuck a bottle of wine from their mini-bar and a couple of water glasses from the bathroom, even though the pool area had rules against alcohol and glass. He filled the glasses and placed them on the side of the Jacuzzi and got into the tub, submerging beneath the bubbles next to Carin. The sexual hangover from the day, coupled with knowing Carin was completely shaved under her skimpy bikini, had him excited. He touched her leg under the water and wondered if she’d offer resistance. When she moaned, he reached over and pulled her to him, eventually sitting her on his lap. Her back faced him and her legs were on his legs. Justin massaged her bikini-clad breasts under the water’s surface while opening his legs, which opened hers.
She rested her head back onto his shoulder with eyelids fluttering. He kissed her warm neck and pinched her nipples gently. A low moan escaped her lips as she lay upon his body. Justin slid one hand down lower in the bubbly water and rested it on her thigh.
“Oh baby,” she sighed, “I’m just way too easy for you today.”
His hand traveled up her outer thigh to her hip and his fingers found the tie string of her bikini. He waited again for some reaction. Hearing only more small moans, he pulled the string. The material unfurled into the water’s current and Carin tilted her head toward him. Their lips met and they kissed as his fingers traced her freshly shaved pussy lips.
“I like you this way,” he whispered in her ear.
“I’ll remember that,” she moaned.
Both Carin and Justin occasionally glanced toward the pool. The two swimmers, one male and one female, had pulled themselves from the water and were toweling off. Soon they headed toward the shower rooms away from the Jacuzzi. Justin was now fully hard, his fingers caressing Carin’s clit. Even with water rushing between her legs, she remained wet and slippery, as she’d been all day. They were now alone, listening to the Jacuzzi jets humming. The place felt secluded, as if the Jacuzzi were their personal playground.
Justin reached for a glass of wine and whispered for Carin to open her mouth. Her head lolled back, and when he poured in the liquid, some dribbled down her chin and neck. He put the glass back on the ledge and licked the wine from her skin. Her bikini top broke the surface, and, pulling one of the yellow cups to the side, Justin ducked his head and sucked her erect nipple into his mouth. She closed her eyes and moaned as he suckled her. His hand groped under the water and found the other string of her bikini bottoms. He untied it and pulled the material away from her body. Just like that, Carin was bottomless in the Marriott’s Jacuzzi.
“Baby,” she said, her eyes glassy. “This can’t be safe.”
“Your body’s under water, Puppet. Even if someone comes, they’d never know you’re naked, not with all the bubbles.”
“I mean it’s not safe because I’m so ready for you.”
She remained on his lap, her back against him. Justin wrapped his arm around her and his fingers found her budding clit. His hard cock poked at her through his trunks as she watched the door for intruders.
“You liked him seeing me this morning, didn’t you?” she asked out of nowhere.
Justin didn’t answer. He moved his hands away from her and yanked down his trunks. He put one hand on her breast while the other went back to her clit. His cock found her entrance on its own and sank inside. Carin closed her eyes dreamily, lolling her head again onto Justin’s shoulder. He began screwing her slowly while watching the door.
Carin drew a deep breath and began whispering into Justin’s ear.
“Maybe you’d pull off at a rest area after he saw me. He’d pull off too and you’d send me to him. You like that fantasy, don’t you?”
Until now, it had always been Justin with the verbal scenarios and innuendo, always he who’d initiated their fantasy talk. Now she was becoming more than a silent partner. She could hear him breathing heavily.
“You’d give me instructions,” she continued. “Things you’d want me to do for him…things he’d do to me.”
Justin fucked her harder and played with her clit as she tortured him.
“I’d be nervous walking to his truck, don’t you think? But excited, knowing you sent me there. I’d climb into the cab with your little list running through my mind.”
“I bet you would!”
“He’d be ready for me, right? After what he saw on the road?”
“Already out of his pants, all big and hard and waiting for me. I wonder what he’d want!”
“I think you know.”
“My mouth? It would be on your list, right?”
The drone of the Jacuzzi motor was now enhanced by the sound of water sloshing in the tub.
“I’d be so nervous but if you really wanted me to do that…I’d be his puppet for you.”
“Ohhh… That’s my good girl.”
“I’d have my rules though, baby. Like, I wouldn’t swallow, because that’s only for you.”
“Ohh ohh!” Justin moaned.
“I’d have to spit it all out.”
“You’d let him come in your mouth?”
“You’re going to make me come, Puppet!”
“And later, if he wanted to be inside me, he’d have to wear a condom.”
“Nowwww!” Justin moaned.
“Oh baby!” Carin exclaimed. “Come in me hard. Just like he would!”
As Justin exploded, Carin felt her orgasm approaching. It came on slowly but surely, like rumbling thunder. Her legs tightened beneath the waterline and she clenched her fists. The moist hairs on the back of her neck stood up, as if lightning were near. As Justin bucked beneath her, her tightness released and she shook like a downed wire. She was a lively current, her legs quaking as water splashed over the Jacuzzi’s side.
As the waves mellowed, only the sounds of the Jacuzzi jets could be heard. Carin leaned back again, loose-limbed against her lover as she lolled her head.
“Oh Justin,” she whispered into his ear. “It’s pretend but I love how hard it makes you come.”
“And you too, right?”
“You always make me come like that,” she whispered.
Chapter Fourteen
Carin had always been one who’d done for others instead of herself. As a child, she was obedient and well-mannered so as not to disappoint. In grade school, high school and in college, she strived for As, to please her teachers and parents more than herself. In church, she displayed a sincere morality because her priests, CCD teachers and dad had taught her to be that way. All her life she had a cer
tain swallow-and-follow mentality.
When Justin entered her world, he shined a light toward different points of view, and her love for him let her follow its strong beam. She was enticed by his unfamiliar perspectives and excited by a sexual chemistry that became ever more illuminated as her love for him grew. She became putty in his hands and liked the shapes he made of her. She’d say things like, “I love the way you handle me,” or “Make love to me any way you want,” always putting herself in the passive role, always more comfortable being guided. It was a natural extension to how she’d been her whole life. She was still the eager pleaser, still swallowing and following, only now the nature of the swallowing was different.
The fact was, over time, Carin had become almost as contented on her knees in front of Justin as she’d always been on her knees in church. It was a different type of devotion of course, but she felt it strongly. And although she was intermittently racked with guilt about her marriage to Kyle, she came to find solace in Justin’s viewpoint that love conquers all.
Except for the time Carin had showed Justin her divorce papers, she kept her concerns about her husband as much from Justin as she could. She told him Kyle’s anger over not getting part of the house was what ultimately led him to storm off, but for the most part she stayed quiet, no doubt because she didn’t want to advertise—to Justin or to herself—that she was technically married and committing adultery.
Not that Justin put much weight on the religious implications of her situation. The concept of being punished for not following a certain scripture was lost on him, which was probably another reason Carin didn’t mention it much. He didn’t get in the way of her beliefs, but on the few occasions when she fretted about going to Hell, she’d catch him rolling his eyes. To Justin, worrying about religious dogma was unwarranted anxiety over a situation already hard enough. As far as he was concerned, he just wanted her divorced, mainly so she could be with him without stress or guilt.
He suggested she pursue a divorce by proxy but after looking into it, Carin discovered that they weren’t easily had and could be contested years later. The last thing she wanted was to feel free of Kyle, only to have the fiasco start up again after she had moved on. Justin also suggested she go to confession but confessing to sins she was bound to repeat made no sense to her, and she found it hypocritical to confess to things that, considering her unique circumstance, she didn’t find particularly sinful.
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