On The Run - The Complete Series: The Elite

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On The Run - The Complete Series: The Elite Page 8

by KB Winters

  “Buzz,” I repeated, untangling my tongue that felt thick.

  “I think someone’s a little tipsy,” he challenged, grinning widely.

  I tried to set my lips, to give him a serious glare, but I couldn’t keep a straight face. “Well, if I am, it’s all your fault. That’s what happens when you’re eating tequila snow cones!”

  Chase laughed softly. “Fair enough.”

  “It’s a good thing you told me your intentions are pure, or I’d have to wonder.” I smiled but it faded. I was still wrestling with his statement in the back of my mind. I’d been distracted by the light conversation and the margaritas, but it bothered me that he thought he needed to protect me.

  He’d been hired to protect my body. Not my heart.

  That was my job. I’d done a pretty good job of patching it up after Henry smashed it and had been keeping it under lock and key ever since. I didn’t want Chase anywhere near my heart. But my body…that was an entirely different story.

  I definitely wanted him near my body.

  I reapplied my smile and walked my fingers up his chest. “What if I told you that my intentions weren’t all that great?”

  The question hung between us for a long moment, our faces an inch apart, as I popped up on my toes to get within a whisper of his lips.

  “Melissa, I—”

  I set my glass on the table and brought my free hand to join the other, flattening them both against his firm chest. God, he felt good. Solid. Warm. The strength of his thick, corded muscles obvious through his shirt. I smiled up at him as his heart pounded against my hand. “I’m not looking for a relationship, Chase. Trust me. That’s the last thing on my mind. I just want to have some fun.”

  Chase dropped his lips to mine but stopped short.

  I placed a finger on his lips and tapped against them once. With a smile, I announced, “I’m going to take a bath…”

  Leaving him wondering, I abruptly turned and stalked back inside the house through the open sliding door, letting my hips swing just for him.

  Inside, I giggled to myself and went to the bathroom, my mind wild, wondering what Chase was thinking. I’d made my so-called intentions clear. If he wanted me, he could come and get me any time. No strings. No reservations.

  Just sex. Hot, filthy, unadulterated sex.

  I could do that? Right?

  There had always been other opportunities. Men in my social circle who made it clear they could be discreet—even Henry’s friends and cohorts. But, I was loyal to Henry. Even after I stopped giving a shit about him, he was still my husband. And I was raised right, so I’d wanted to hold up my end of the marriage vows. That way, when I finally walked away, with my head held high—no one could doubt my loyalty.

  But that was before he decided to have me murdered in cold blood.

  I no longer cared what he—or anyone else—thought of me or what they’d say behind my back. I was done. Gone. Finito. Henry could rot in hell—I was never going back to him.

  Hell, at this point, I doubted I’d ever go back to LA.

  I shoved aside the dark thoughts and set about drawing a hot bath. By the next evening, we’d be back on the boat with a dinky shower stall, so this bath would be heaven. The shower on the yacht was functional, but far from a spa-like retreat. I dumped in a generous handful of bath salts and mmm’ed at the explosion of relaxing lavender scent that came off the surface of the water as the salts dissolved.

  The door to the bathroom was closed, but not locked. I glanced at the door and wondered if Chase was on the other side, hesitating as he debated with himself on whether or not to join me. I shed my clothes and let the steam soak into my body before lowering myself into the tub. I kept my hair piled up on top of my head so it wouldn’t get wet. I hated to sleep with wet hair.

  “Oh God, yes,” I groaned as I slid under the surface and let the hot water work its magic on my sore, beat down body. I was an avid Pilate’s enthusiast, but apparently those classes hadn’t prepared me for life on the run. I didn’t realize how tired and sore I was until I hit the warm bath water.

  Damn, I should’ve brought a glass of wine with me.

  I was still buzzing from the margarita’s but a glass of wine would wind me down and fully relax me. I ended most nights with a glass of wine. At home, I’d always indulged solo, but since being on the boat, Chase and I split a bottle together almost every night. It made the whole wine drinking experience even better.

  I glanced over my shoulder at the door again and sighed. If he was coming in, he’d already be here.

  Under any other circumstances, I’d have appreciated his high moral standards.

  As it was…it was just annoying.

  I laid my head back and slipped a hand under the water and ran my fingertips along my curvy thigh. When I brought my hand back up to my nipple, I licked my lips and gave it a little squeeze. Mmm… Damn, if Chase was here, he could do it instead of me. I closed my eyes and tweaked my nipple, while my other hand slid down my belly to my pussy.

  I moaned softly as I slipped a finger between my pussy lips and found my clit extra sensitive and swollen. No wonder my thighs had been clenching all evening. I was hot—not to mention half-drunk and horny.

  As I rubbed against the tender skin, I imagined Chase being above me, stroking me with his strong, thick fingers. How would they feel inside of me? I slipped two fingers inside and bit back a loud groan.

  “Shit,” I choked out, my orgasm building fast. “Chase…if you only knew…” I whispered to no one. I plunged my fingers inside, while my other hand toyed with my nipples. My pussy walls clenched around my fingers as they moved in and out, until I reached the edge. I rubbed my clit, clenching inside until I moaned out loud at the waves of pleasure that had me rocking hard on my hand. “Fuck!” I sloshed water all over the floor, but I didn’t care. It was the first orgasm I’d had in months and was so worth the soggy floor.

  Sweet relief.

  Minutes later, I opened my eyes and realized that as good as it was, I wanted more. I wanted cock.

  Chase’s cock.

  My hands and fingers weren’t even close to replacing the things I knew Chase could do to me. He didn’t lead with sex appeal, but the man was hot, and I knew he’d be able to take care of this animal lust.

  I shoved out of the water, wrapped myself in a thick, white towel, and after wiping the soles of my feet on the bath mat, I strut out of the bathroom. The hallway was empty. The doors to both bedrooms were closed and I had no way of knowing if he’d already gone to bed. Was he in there pleasuring himself too? Was his mind just as wild as mine? The thought of him stroking himself got me more flustered.

  I needed to find him.


  I tightened my grip on the towel and padded with soft footsteps to the kitchen. Chase was in the living room and I smiled as his eyes bugged out of his head at the sight of me in my towel. “I needed a glass of water?”

  “Right,” he replied, rubbing the back of his neck.

  I followed through on my made up errand and went to the kitchen and took my time pouring myself a large glass of water and drinking half of it down, knowing Chase could see me from his place on the couch.

  “What about you? Can’t sleep?” I asked casually, going back into the living room.

  “I will…soon.” He licked his lips and couldn’t seem to help his wandering eye.

  I smiled at him. “Let me know if you need anything.”

  “Yeah, you too.”

  “Well,” I started, going back towards the hall to the bedrooms. “Goodnight, I guess.”

  “Uh, yeah, goodnight.”

  I let the towel sag in the back, dropping low on my back, until the chilled air conditioned air hit the top of my ass. It wasn’t a full show, but a small taste of what he was missing.

  I didn’t even make it to my room before I heard footsteps in the hallway behind me. I spun around and found Chase striding towards me, an intense, dark look in his eyes.

p; “Did you need something?” I asked innocently, batting my eyelashes up at him.

  “Yeah. This,” he growled, not giving me a moment to breath, before pulling my hips to his and crushing his lips to mine in a bone searing hot kiss that fired up all the sparks in my belly and light them into a raging wildfire.

  His lips were firm and powerful but soft and gentle. Needy and hungry one moment but patient and sweet the next. He was at war with himself. All the pent up desire and lust we’d built up over the few days together, all the long glances, shared smiles, and accidental touches poured out into a kiss that made me forget everything around me.

  Chase backed me up with sure steps, until we fell against the door to his room. Without breaking away, he reached behind me for the handle and we crashed through the doorway into the darkness. The moonlight was the only light in the room, but it was enough. Chase grabbed the towel and threw it aside, holding me by the hips as he let his hungry eyes rove over my naked body. Everywhere his eyes went, my skin shivered and danced, desperate for his fingertips and lips to follow the trails his eyes were making across my body.

  “You’re beautiful, Melissa. Better than beautiful.” He paused, considering me. “I don’t know the right words.”

  “That’s okay,” I replied, smiling at his obvious delight. “I wasn’t here for a speech.”

  I pressed my body back against his and our lips found one another again, with renewed desire that consumed us. His shirt was soft against my skin but I needed more. I tore at the hem of his shirt and he ripped it off over his head. Then it was my turn to openly oogle.

  He was even more perfect than the fantasies in my head. His chest was defined—firm. A soft smattering of hair trailed over his chest and I couldn’t help but run my hands down the lines of his abs. He made me want to do crazy, wild things. I wanted to lick and bite and nuzzle every inch of his hard body.

  When my fingertips trailed down and ran against the buckle on his jeans, I smiled up at him. I didn’t need words to get my meaning across. He grinned and unlatched the buckle. The sound of the leather whipping from his jeans sent a shiver down my spine. My fingers worked the button and zipper free and he shucked off the jeans, leaving himself in socks and his briefs. I bit my lip as I tugged at the waist of his briefs.

  He chuckled. “You’re an awfully impatient woman. Has anyone ever told you that?”

  “I just know what I want.”

  “Well in that case…”

  I held my breath as Chase stripped away the final pieces of clothing, and stood before me in all his glory. Damn! He was perfection. I exhaled sharply and he laughed softly as he gathered me back against him. His hungry lips captured mine again and my knees buckled as his hard cock brushed against my stomach, right above my throbbing pussy.

  I ached for him, and he knew it. One hand went around my neck, directing and controlling the depth and speed of our frantic kisses while the other dropped below us and stroked over my drenched pussy lips. I gasped and he took advantage of the moment and nibbled on my lower lip.

  “Chase!” I whimpered as his fingertip separated me and stroked the silky inside.

  “Oh, baby, you’re soaked,” he groaned into my ear, his voice low and his breath hot.

  I nodded and bit my own lip to keep from screaming. I was right. He felt so much, better than my hands did in the tub. “I need more, Chase. Please let me feel those thick, strong fingers. I want them deep.” I panted against him, my breasts heaving against his firm chest as he continued to stroke and tease my clit.

  He grabbed me by the hips and guided me with sure steps back to the bed. It was high off the ground and he picked me up just long enough to set me on the edge. He braced his arm on one side of me and used the other to part my legs.

  “Are you nervous?”

  I answered him by flinging my legs wide open for him—still panting and gasping. Chase took a moment to look at me and I shivered at the dark look in his eyes. “Guess not.” He chuckled.

  “Are you?” I teased.

  He stroked my opening and then plunged a finger inside. “Damn, baby, do I look nervous?”

  “No,” I groaned and dropped my head back as he worked his finger in and out. When he added a second finger and hit my sweet spot, I yelped and flung a hand over my mouth. “Damn,” I moaned into my palm. “That’s so good. Keep going, please!”

  Chase was happy to oblige. He thrust in deeper and harder while I rocketed to new heights. I was losing control and ready to fall apart in his arms.

  “Touch me, baby,” he growled.

  I opened my eyes and reached for his hard cock, wrapping my hand around the thick shaft. We locked eyes while I stroked him and he moved faster with the thrusts inside of me while I kept up. The feel of his velvet dick in my hand and the pleasure on his face shot me over the edge, and I barely kept hold of him as my body broke into a powerful shudder that rocked me to my core.

  Chase pushed me back down against the bed and positioned himself between my legs. I barely had a moment to catch my breath before he was inside me. His thick dick was even sweeter than his fingers had been, and I quickly rebounded and started fucking into a whole new realm. I wrapped my thighs around his narrow hips, and he grabbed my thighs to cling tighter to me as we moved together.

  We crashed together and I arched back as an even more overwhelming wave washed over me. Oh! This man could make me come! My hands fisted the covers as I came again, my pussy walls clenching hard around him.

  “Chase! I’m coming, again!” My words were low bursts of blabber, my hips bucking hard against him. “Again…”

  “Yeah, Melissa, keep it coming. You feel amazing.” He grunted out loud as he moved faster and pushed into me hard. “Fuck, girl, you’re gonna make me come.”

  “Come with me, Chase. Come with me.” His eyes rolled back and his body tightened. I pushed my hips up to meet his and we came together in a puddle of sweat, slobber and moans.

  When I finally opened my eyes, he was staring down at me and ran his hand down my cheek and smiled. “Damn, woman! You just about fucked me to death.”

  He lowered down to the bed, his breathing ragged, as he came to lay beside me.

  “Don’t die on me now, I need you.” I breathed, still grappling to get a grip on myself.


  “That was insane.”

  “Must have been the tequila,” Chase joked softly.

  I smiled and then pushed up, my arms and legs still weak and boneless. “Must have been.”

  “I’ll make a note of that for next time. Melissa and tequila mix very well.”

  I laughed and started to inch out of the bed. “I should go…” I whispered. The longer I stayed, the more I wanted to stay. And it simply wasn’t an option. “Jackson can’t…

  Chase nodded but I could see a pained look on his face as he watched me go. “Yeah, I understand.”

  I shuffled out of the bed and didn’t look back as I grabbed my towel from the floor, wrapped it around myself, and left the room silently.

  Right before I shut his door, I heard a quiet, “Goodnight, Melissa.”

  The man’s deep voice could’ve melted my panties off—if I had any on.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Waking up alone sucked. In my half-groggy, semi-awake state, I reached for Melissa, remembering the night before and how it felt to have her in my arms. The have her under me. The way it had felt to be inside her. So deep. So sweet. What was only a crush—or infatuation—had somehow turned into more and last night, being together, we’d crossed over the line.

  “Damn it, Chase,” I cursed myself in a harsh whisper, staring up at the morning light as it flooded the ceiling above the bed. Normally, I had steel resolve. If I set my mind to something, it got done. I made it happen. And if I told myself something—or in this case, someone—was off limits, I should have that same strong will.

  Apparently that was not the case—because I didn’t.

; It didn’t bother me so much that Melissa was married. Sure, from a moral standpoint, not the best of scenarios. But she wasn’t married in the way people would normally think of a marriage. From everything she’d told me, the past two years she’d just been hanging around waiting for her chance to cut and run. She’d been very upfront and honest about her marriage and had gone so far as to tell me she hadn’t been intimate with her husband and lived in a separate room of their house.

  So, why did it matter?

  The answer resided with a small, towheaded boy who had captured my heart. I adored the little guy and I hated to think I was making his life more difficult or confusing. He had placed his trust in me and what had I done with it? Thrown it aside and gone off to bang his mother. Who, in his young mind, was still with his father.

  I scrubbed a hand over my face and groaned into my palm. “Stupid, Chase. Stupid.”

  And yet…

  Being with Melissa was one of the best nights of my life. She was like a caged animal, set free. Wild, uninhibited, and raw. When she came for me the first time, the look in her eyes…dark and delirious.

  I’d never be able to forget it.

  My ringtone interrupted my musings. I rolled over and pulled the silver device from the bedside table. I didn’t recognize the number, but it was a California area code. “Hello?”

  “Chase? It’s Matt.”

  “Oh, hey!” I sat up and swung my legs over the side of the bed. “Sorry, I meant to call last night and things just…well, they got away from me.”

  I winced. If Matt found out I’d slept with Melissa…he’d murder me.

  Matt continued, his tone short and clipped. “I can’t talk long. But I wanted to fill you in. I’m calling from a burner phone.”

  “Yeah, I saw that. What’s going on?”

  “I’m being followed. Henry has a pair of goons in a black SUV chasing me all over the city. Everywhere I go, they’re there with me. So far, they haven’t threatened me since the first day after Melissa and Jackson went missing, but I think they’re waiting for me to meet with her or something.”

  “Shit.” I shook my head. This was so fucked up. Why couldn’t this guy just let it go? It’s not like Melissa was threatening to spill all his dirty little secrets. She just wanted a divorce so she could have her own life. Why couldn’t he give that to her? Just some peace and quiet.


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