The Fixed Trilogy: Fixed on You, Found in You, Forever With You

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The Fixed Trilogy: Fixed on You, Found in You, Forever With You Page 34

by Laurelin Paige

  “You are easily pleased.” The smile on his face was apparent through the phone. “How has your day been?”

  “Dreadful until this very moment.” After Celia and I had parted ways, I’d thrown myself into putting together packages for Julia. The work had been fun and had occupied my mind completely. Still, the horror of the morning clung to me like a shadow.

  “Oh? Why? What’s wrong?” Immediately Hudson was on guard, ready to fight whatever battle I was facing.

  His reaction made me eager to tell him about seeing Paul, but I swiftly reminded myself why that would be a bad idea. “Nothing. Nothing’s wrong. Just everything is dreadful in comparison to being with you.”

  “I feel the same.”

  Just like that, Hudson could make me weak in the knees. “You don’t know what that does to me to hear you say that.”

  “I can imagine.” The husky tone of his words suggested he was imagining much naughtier things than he was saying out loud.

  “How did your meetings go?” His change of subject was abrupt, and I was sure he’d been thinking naughty things and now he needed a safer topic of discussion.

  Though pleased at Hudson’s obvious arousal, I felt the chill of a shadow at the mention of my earlier meeting. “I’ve only met with one company so far. And it went well. I have to follow up, but I’m pretty sure it’s a done deal.”

  “Of course it is. Who wouldn’t want to work with you?”

  “Should I make a list?” Before that morning, that list would have included Paul Kresh. Funny how quickly things changed.

  “Yes, do. And I’ll have each and every one of them shot.” Something told me he was only half-kidding. Maybe even less than half. “Do you have any plans this evening?”

  I switched over to my browser on my computer and loaded up an image of Hudson to stare at while he spoke. “I had planned to be adored by a hot, virile man.” I traced my finger along the strong jaw of the picture on my monitor. “But I could cancel with him if you have something better in mind.”

  “You’re teasing.”

  “Am I?”

  “You are, and I don’t like it.” His jealous growl was a turn-on. “Some people I know are holding an event at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens and I’d like to be there. With you.”

  “I’m all yours, H. Every time.”

  “Good. I’ll pick you up at the club around six.”

  I looked down at my outfit—a dark green flare dress with a cut-out row of crisscrosses across my abdomen. It had a sense of class to it but perhaps was a little too risqué. “No, pick me up at my apartment. I need to change first.”

  “What you’re wearing is perfect.”

  “How do you know what I’m wearing?” I looked around, half-surprised when I didn’t see him standing in the office doorway. “Do you have security cameras in the club or something?” I wouldn’t put it past him. I shivered, realizing what else cameras might have recorded. Like my meeting with Paul.

  “Of course I have cameras. But I don’t monitor their feed. Jordan told me what you were wearing.”

  “Ah, yes, Jordan.” This was the second time my actions had been given away by him. If Hudson had spoken to my driver today, had he learned that Celia had been inquiring after me? How much did Hudson rely on Jordan to fill him in?

  I tensed, the stress of carrying my secrets beginning to wear on me and raising my level of paranoia. “Tell me—is Jordan more than just my driver?”

  “You didn’t want a bodyguard. I had to compromise.”

  Hudson’s matter-of-factness was almost as unnerving as what he was admitting. “So Jordan spies on me for you?”

  “Spy is not an accurate description of what he does. He drives you places, makes sure you’re safe, and reports back to me.”

  For a moment I considered arguing about the arrangement. But after I let the idea settle, I realized it wasn’t so bad to be cared for by an overly cautious boyfriend.

  I exhaled, letting my anxiety go.

  “I heard that sigh. Tell me what bothers you about this?”

  “Nothing, really. Only I wouldn’t have come on to Jordan so unmistakably if I’d known he was reporting back to you.” It was an obvious joke, considering Jordan was hired to drive me because he was gay.

  “We both know that didn’t happen,” he scolded. “That’s twice you’ve tried to rile me. What exactly is your motive?”

  “No motive. It’s just fun to hear you get all possessive alpha male.”

  “If you want possessive alpha male, I can certainly comply.”

  I smiled, leaning back into my seat. “I want you to be you. Which is already really possessive alpha male, but if there’s more of that you’re keeping from me, bring it on.”

  “I changed my mind. I’ll pick you up at five-thirty.”

  “Okay. Extra stop planned?”

  “No. I need time to fuck you on the way over in the limo without worrying about being rushed.”

  I was glad I was already seated. Otherwise, I may have hit the floor. “You need to mark your territory?”

  “I need to be inside you. Otherwise, I’ll be uncomfortably hard and unable to concentrate on business.”

  I closed my eyes and let my mind fill with his dirty plans. “Then I shall be waiting at five-thirty.”

  “Be ready for me.”

  “I will be.” I had an appointment with another event planner, but it was scheduled for four. Plenty of time. “I should be done with my appointments by five.”

  “When I said ready, I meant that I want you wet.”

  “Oh. Well, I’m sure that won’t be a problem.” It never was where Hudson was concerned, especially when he exerted his alpha male persona. “But maybe you can send me some dirty texts on your way to help heighten the mood.”

  “I’m sure that could be arranged.”


  It was ten minutes before Hudson was supposed to arrive when he sent his first text, and honestly, by that time I’d forgotten to expect it. So when my phone buzzed that I’d received it, I read it without preparing myself. Which was a mistake.

  “I’m craving the taste of your pussy on my lips.”

  “Everything okay?” David had arrived a few minutes before and my shock at Hudson’s message must have read across my face.

  “Yeah. I’m fine. I’m…just…”

  A second text buzzed through before I could finish my thought. “I’ve been thinking about it all day. Your pussy. How it feels, how it tastes, how it smells.”

  Followed by a third. “And the sounds you make when I’m touching you and eating you.”

  My body felt warm. “Uh, Hudson’s on his way,” I managed. “I didn’t realize it was already so late.”

  “Then better get wrapped up. Don’t want to leave the boss waiting.”

  I internally cringed at David’s reference to Hudson as the boss—Hudson hated that—then sent a quick text reply. “I’m already wet.” Nothing had ever been truer.

  I’d only had time to shut my laptop and stand from the couch where I’d been working before his next message came through.

  “I’m hard for you, too. So hard it hurts.”

  I turned away from David, fearful he could guess the gist of my text conversation if I didn’t hide my face. “What will you do to me when you’re with me?”

  Hudson’s response came quickly, but I waited until I’d packed away my laptop in my computer bag before reading what he had to say.

  “First I’ll spank you for teasing me with talk of other men.”


  “Come outside and find out.”

  “You’re here? You came early.” Thank god I’d already finished my work. I was suddenly desperate to see Hudson, glad that I could leave immediately.

  “Have a good night, David,” I said, barely paying attention to his response as I left the office, reading Hudson’s next text as I walked.

  “No. I’m fucking hard as stone for you, but I won’t come ea
rly.” His next text came before I had a chance to respond. “Get out here.”

  Computer bag on my shoulder, purse tucked away inside it, I was practically running, stopping only to text one quick word. “Coming.”

  I waited until I was about to step out of the club to read his final reply. “Yes. You will be.”

  I shielded my eyes as I walked into the sunlight and saw Jordan standing with the door of the car open. Not just any car—a limo.

  I raised a surprised brow as I approached. “Fancy ride.” Maybe I should have insisted on going home to change. I was definitely not dressed for black tie.

  Jordan nodded but offered no explanation.

  I poked my head in the back of the car and shrieked as Hudson’s strong arms pulled me, belly down, across his lap. His hand was under my skirt fondling my rump before Jordan had the door shut behind me.

  “Well, hello to you, too,” I purred under his caress.

  He gathered the material of my dress up around my waist, exposing my thong-wearing ass cheeks. “The fancy ride is merely for privacy. No one should witness the things I intend to do to you on the way to our event.”

  Craning my neck to see his face, I asked, “And what, pray tell, do you intend to do?”

  “First, this.” His hand came down hard on my bottom, and I gasped. Hudson had swatted me before, but spanking—this was new. And it was hot.

  I was vaguely aware that the car hadn’t moved yet when his hand came down again even harder this time. “One for each time you teased me about other men today,” he said.

  It suddenly felt very Dominant/submissive to me—like something I’d read about in a trashy romance novel where the billionaire alpha hero got off on whips and chains. Though Hudson was definitely domineering, and the spanking was a nice treat, I was pretty sure it wasn’t a lifestyle either of us planned to explore any deeper. It was too base of a form of control for Hudson—he preferred his domination with a heavy dose of manipulation. At least, according to what I knew about his past.

  But role-playing—that was a different thing entirely and likely up Hudson’s alley. I decided to test it out. In an affected meek voice, I said, “Thank you, sir. Thank you for the spanking.”

  Hudson laughed. “Do you need another one for mocking me?”

  Either he wasn’t getting it or he wasn’t into it. I tried my submissive tone again. “I’m not mocking, sir. I enjoy my punishment, if it pleases you.”

  “Oh, we’re playing that game, are we?” And the light bulb goes on. “In that case, another one because it pleases me.” He spanked me again, the slapping sound such a turn on that I squirmed in his lap. “And another for the secret you’ve been keeping.”

  My breath caught. We were playing a game. He couldn’t be serious. Still, dread gathered in my belly at the thought of things he might have found out. “What secret is that, sir?”

  “That you enjoy being spanked. I can smell how wet you are from here.”

  A combination of relief and arousal washed over me. “Yes, sir. I do.”

  His finger slipped past the small triangle of material at my crotch and inside my cunt. “Yes, you certainly do. You’re dripping.”

  His hand retreated and he spanked me once more, rubbing away the sting before sitting me upright next to him. Then he reached over to grab the seatbelt and pull it across me. “I insist you buckle up while we’re driving. I have to protect what’s mine.”

  I smiled. It was actually I who insisted on seatbelts whenever we were in the car. The whole parents dying in a car accident thing really sheds light on the importance of safety. It was a good move on his part, though. Quite in character. Not for the first time, I saw flashes of the man who liked to play games more often. Perhaps this little bit of role play could be a way for him to act out the part he’d so long taken with other women.

  Since Hudson seemed to be enjoying the fun, I turned up my performance. “But sir, how can I ever please you when I’m held to one spot?”

  “Are you challenging my decision?” His eyes twinkled with a wicked gleam. “Because I’m not above putting you back over my knee.”

  “I’m sure you’re not. Sir.” He’d enjoyed the spanking as much as I had.

  His eyes narrowed, but he left me in my spot. After we were both secured in our seats, Hudson pressed the intercom. “Jordan, we’re ready.”

  As the car lurched into traffic, Hudson looked me over, his eyes heavy-lidded. “Turn in your seat as much as you can to face me.”

  I did as he commanded, shifting as much as the seatbelt would allow. I had no idea what he had planned, where he would take this game, and the anticipation sent a shiver through my body.

  With one hand around my nape, he brought me in for a rough kiss. I heard his other hand working the fly of his pants as he stroked into my mouth with long licks of his tongue. He continued his assault for several minutes, leaving my lips plump and raw when he pulled me away from him with a tug of my hair.

  As if by magnetic force, my interest was drawn down to his stunning cock, bare and ready.

  He pulled my hair until my gaze returned to his. “Eyes on me.”

  The smartass part of me wanted to say that my eyes had been on him—on a deliciously exciting piece of him. But I knew what he meant, and smartass wasn’t part of the role I was playing, so I kept my mouth shut.

  “Good girl.” His hand was still tangled in my locks. “That kiss was to set the tone. Now you will suck me off. And I want it to feel like that kiss.”

  “Okay. Now as in now?” God, I was a shitty submissive.

  “Yes, now.”

  I inhaled his unique scent as I bent forward, eager as always to take him into my mouth. My usual cock sucking ritual involved lots of licking and teasing, but if the tone was to mirror the kiss, then I had to assume he wanted me to skip the foreplay. Instead of licking, as I’d normally begin with, I circled both hands around his penis and sucked his crown.

  I took his low hiss as a sign of approval.

  Fisting him at his base with one hand, I covered my teeth with my lips, hollowed my cheeks and pumped him with my hand and mouth in tandem.

  His voice was strained as he encouraged me. “Like that, Alayna. Just…oh, god…just like that.”

  I loved giving him pleasure, loved pleasing him. He grew thicker as I picked up my tempo, greedily sucking, brushing my tongue across the thick ridge of his shaft as I bobbed up and down.

  “Yes, Alayna. You feel so good.” He was still in control, though. And I wanted him crazed.

  I moved my free hand to cup his balls, rolling them gently in my palm in complete contrast to the frantic way I worked at his shaft with my lips and my tongue.

  “Christ…Alayna…” It was then that he took over. He wove his fingers into my hair and directed my head to move at his pace, pushing me down to take him in deeper, deeper, deeper, his hips thrusting up as he fucked my mouth.

  I tightened my grip at the root of him, hungry and greedy for his climax. He was so thick and so close and the idea that he might stop me before he reached the goal made me all the more desperate for his release. I was squirming with lust, so turned on by his primal need, by the intense pleasure that I was giving him—I moaned low and deep, the vibration of the tone spinning inside my head and against his shaft.

  Hudson’s grasp tightened in my hair. “Fuck!” he rasped. “I’m going to come. Take it, Alayna. Take it all.”

  I moaned again, partly because I couldn’t contain how excited I was, partly to push him over the edge.

  And it worked.

  He poured into me with a long grunt of pleasure as his hips thrust up hard, his cock twitching as it hit the back of my throat. My fist pumped him as he came and came and came. And I took it all. Just like he’d asked, like I’d wanted, though I felt near choking and I could barely breathe. I took every last drop, licking him clean while he shuddered beneath me.

  When he was spent, his hand relaxed at my nape and I sat up to face him. Instantly he
pulled me in for another kiss, this one sweeter than before, the taste of his mouth mingling with the taste of his semen until all I could recognize was a flavor that was unique and new, yet all Hudson.

  “Thank you,” I murmured against his lips. He had been playing at lord and master but he’d succeeded in pleasing me. I’d wanted to taste him, had yearned for him to finish in my mouth. Not because I was especially in love with giving blowjobs, but I wanted every experience with Hudson—the good, the bad, and especially the carnal. I recognized it for the gift that it was, and it made the episode all the more wonderful.

  He sat back, stroking my hair from my face. “Alayna.” I adored how he said my name, how it always felt like he was saying so much more with only those three syllables. Like a prayer, like a touchstone. It made me feel beautiful. Who was I kidding? It was what made me beautiful.

  His gray eyes searched mine for long seconds. “How does it feel to belong to me?”

  I didn’t know if he was still playing or not. For me, the game was over. It was with sincerity that I answered. “Perfect.”

  Chapter Seven

  Hudson was not willing to let me go unsatisfied. By the time we’d reached the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, I was spent and ready for a nap. Hudson, on the other hand, seemed revived, a smug grin on his face as he took my hand, escorting me out of the limo.

  An attractive blonde with Eighties pink nail polish stood at the main entrance, checking invitations as guests made their way into the gardens. Hudson was allowed in without flashing any credentials.

  “You seem awfully pleased with yourself,” I whispered as we entered the grounds.

  He dismissed my comment. “Everyone knows who I am.”

  “That’s not what you seem pleased about.”

  He shot me a wicked grin. “I think I deserve to be pleased. A lot was accomplished within a relatively short amount of time.”

  “If by a lot was accomplished you mean I can barely walk, then yes, you’re correct.” I’d never had sex in a moving vehicle before, and considering my rigid seatbelt safety policy, it hadn’t ever occurred to me that it would be something I’d want to do. Hudson, however, made everything seem like something I’d want to do, when it involved him anyway. And the man’s skills in the bedroom apparently carried to the backseats of cars as well, his expert techniques and positions making me come without ever having to unbuckle.


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