Shadow Hunt

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Shadow Hunt Page 13

by L. L. Raand

  Gray growled in response and watched Tamara move off with Clint. She heard his deep voice murmuring, and Tamara laughing softly.


  The throne room was empty except for the rows of guards, silent and immobile as statues. Torren remained as still as them, not even a flicker of her perfect features suggesting she was anything other than a beautiful dream. The air, moist and sweet as honey, swirled in indolent waves over Sylvan’s tongue—teasing her wolf to run with the promise of prey. A diversion, an illusion. Another dream.

  Faerie is a place of answered dreams.

  “Where is Drake?” Sylvan asked.

  Torren turned to her. “In one of the garden chambers in Cecilia’s court.”

  “I want to see her.”

  “Only the Queen can give you leave to do that.”

  Sylvan snarled and started to shift. “I don’t need permission where my mate is concerned.”

  “If you threaten the throne, I’ll have no choice but to fight you,” Torren warned, the red glow of her Hound burning in her eyes. “You’ll do none of us any good, including Drake and Misha.”

  Sylvan pushed her face close to Torren’s until their eyes locked. Close enough to open her jugular with the flick of her head. “I will not be kept from my mate.”

  “Then think before you act.”

  “Sylvan, my dear,” a voice like bells tolling rang through the air. “How unexpected of you to visit.”

  Sylvan inclined her head to the Queen of Thorns but kept her gaze level. Cecilia looked much as she did on her infrequent travels Earthside to meet with the other Coalition members—full-bodied and sensual—but here in Faerie she dropped her shields and allowed her rapture to emerge. She was almost too beautiful to behold—her skin a luminous glow, her hair gossamer strands floating about her long, elegant neck and bare shoulders. Her wispy gown appeared transparent but the voluptuous body beneath was only a whispered promise. More dreams. Sylvan let her wolf rise and spoke through heavy jaws. “Cecilia, I apologize for my unannounced arrival.”

  “You always have been unorthodox.” She glanced at Torren. “And now I see the two of you are having issues.”

  “Not at all,” Sylvan said. “Your Hound has been most clear as to her loyalties and responsibilities.”

  Cecilia’s smile radiated with the heat and splendor of the midday sun. “Oh, I have no doubt. But what brings you to Faerie?”

  “I’ve come for my mate,” Sylvan said. “I understand she is your guest.”

  “Of course,” Cecilia said, as if just now remembering Drake’s presence. “Another unexpected arrival from Earthside.”

  “I know my mate,” Sylvan said, “and she would not have knowingly breached your boundaries.”

  “And yet, here you both are.” Cecilia laughed. “If you’d only let me know you desired an audience, I would certainly have arranged that.”

  “I’m afraid we were a little short on time. The situation Earthside has become volatile.”

  “Yes, I am aware that once again the Praeterns and humans are locked in battle. Not an unexpected result of your father’s plans, I’m afraid.” Cecilia’s tone hardened. “And not a battle we in Faerie wish to join.”

  “It’s not quite as simple as that,” Sylvan said. “It’s not just humans opposed to Praetern existence, but factions within the Praetern population attempting to undermine us as well.”

  “Old rivalries die hard,” Cecilia said. “Why are you—any of you—here?”

  “Drake was looking for Torren,” Sylvan said. “We were hoping for information that would help us identify our enemies.”

  “Is that right?” Cecilia gazed at Torren, her expression tender except for the hard glint in her incandescent green eyes. “And why would that be, Master of the Hunt?”

  “I’m sure the Prima would be happy to tell you that, my Queen.”

  “Oh, of course. I’m sure she will.” Cecilia waved a hand and four guards stepped forward, two on either side of Sylvan. “Escort our guest to the gardens.”

  For one brief second, Sylvan considered killing them all. But another twenty guards stood behind her and she had no idea where Drake was being held. For now, she had no choice but to follow.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Dru returned to Francesca’s new lair just before dawn. She left her motorcycle by the long garage housing several SUVs and a limo with blacked-out windows and led Dante up the walk to the rear entrance. The Vampire had complained about not being able to feed at closing time, but Dru had given him a choice. Feed now and continue on his own, or return with her and join Francesca’s seethe. He’d silently followed her out when she left. “Luce is Francesca’s second. You would do well not to antagonize her.”

  Dante smoothed his tight white T-shirt over his taut torso, lightly brushed his fingertips over the front of his jeans, and grinned. “I’m sure I can get on her good side.”

  Dru laughed to herself. The door opened before she reached it and Luce stepped out onto the porch. She was dressed in business attire—dark trousers, white shirt, and gleaming black shoes. She nodded to Dru and regarded Dante through narrowed lids. “Who is this?”

  Before Dru could answer, Dante stepped forward with a blazing smile. “I’m Dante, and I understand you’re the one to please.”

  Luce’s cool expression never changed, but a sliver of crimson slashed through her dark eyes. “Then you are mistaken. The only one here whose pleasure is essential is our Queen, Francesca.”

  “Of course,” he said smoothly, leaning so close his chest nearly brushed Luce’s. “But the two needn’t be mutually exclusive, I’m sure.”

  “What have you brought us?” Luce said, her question directed to Dru. “Besides an unschooled youngling with no manners?”

  “Dante is without Clan, and despite appearances, he’s clever and, as you can undoubtedly see, appealing despite his shortcomings. He has no trouble attracting hosts.” She did not need to state the obvious—Francesca was dangerously low on hosts and had no easy way to recruit more as long as she and her most trusted cadre were in hiding.

  “We already have more mouths than we can feed,” Luce said chillily.

  “I can bring you at least a dozen hosts by evening,” Dante quickly said.

  Luce studied him expressionlessly. “Blood addicts?”

  He shrugged. “Pleasure junkies, I like to call them.”

  “And they have no allegiance elsewhere?”

  He visibly preened. “Only to me.”

  “If you reside here, you will share your hosts as Francesca dictates. You will feed when she deigns that you do. If you disobey or endanger the Clan house in any way, I will have your head.”

  Dante’s smile disappeared and he glanced at Dru. She ignored him. Vampire business did not concern her. He raised his chin and said flatly, “I understand and I agree.”

  “Good.” Luce stroked his cheek, brushed her fingertips down the center of his chest, and curled her fingers around his crotch. She squeezed slowly until he gasped, then leaned forward and kissed him. “See that you behave.”

  She let him go and said to Dru, “Francesca is waiting.”

  “Of course.” Dru and Luce left Dante in the care of Daniela and Simon and walked together to Francesca’s sitting room.

  Luce knocked, and at Francesca’s command they entered. Francesca lounged in the center of her bed, wearing only a long white shirt, unbuttoned, its tails lying across her thighs like a lover’s hands. She was alone, and at dawn, she should have been surrounded by servants or slaves, waiting to serve her.

  “Ah,” Francesca said, “my two favorites.” She opened her arms. “Come join me.”

  Wordlessly, Luce and Dru undressed and climbed onto the bed, taking up positions on opposite sides of Francesca. They stroked her in mirror-image movements, caressing her breasts and belly and thighs. She arched and purred approval.

  “Tell me, my hunter,” Francesca said, stroking Dru’s chest, “what news do you bring?”
  Dru leaned forward and kissed Francesca’s breast, allowing her canines to tease at her nipple. “I believe I have recruited a wolf who will raise a mercenary cadre for us.”

  Francesca ran her fingers through Dru’s hair and pressed Dru’s mouth closer to her breast. “And what do you plan to do with him and his soldiers?”

  “They want retribution against the Timberwolves. I think if we arm them and promise them control of the Blackpaws if Sylvan is defeated, they will be eager to attack her stronghold.”

  “Are they capable of destroying her?”

  Dru raised her head. “I doubt it. But they can divide her forces, and if we’re lucky, take captives. That might provoke her into coming after them and give us a chance to attack her away from her main forces.”

  “You will make me a fine commander.” Francesca pressed Luce’s shoulders to direct her down the bed. Luce kissed her lower abdomen while reaching over to caress Dru at the juncture of her thighs. “What else?”

  Dru stretched and parted her legs as Luce toyed with her. “I brought home a Vampire who promises to provide slaves and servants. He has defected from another Clan and seeks a new master.”

  “And is he pretty?”

  Dru hissed as Luce’s incisors grazed her sex. “That would be for Luce to say.”

  Francesca laughed. “Luce?”

  Luce looked up. “Very, my Queen. I think you’ll enjoy him.”

  “Perhaps. But not nearly as much as learning that Sylvan has paid for her treachery. How shall we manage that if the wolf renegades fail?”

  “I have some ideas, my Queen,” Dru said.

  Francesca cupped Dru’s jaw and guided her upward until Dru’s neck was exposed. “Tell me.”

  “We need to entice Sylvan to come to us.” Dru gasped as Francesca flooded her with thrall.

  “How?” Francesca licked Dru’s neck.

  “We might have to sacrifice someone.” Dru’s pelt thickened down the center of her abdomen.

  “War always calls for sacrifice,” Francesca murmured and struck deeply. Luce stretched across Francesca’s body and drank from the large vein in Dru’s groin. Dru shuddered and her mind blanked.

  Francesca’s voice commanding someone to enter roused Dru from a cloud of lassitude. The loss of blood didn’t weaken her, but the repeated sexual draining left her reflexes slower and her mind dull. She needed to be more wary. If someone sought reprisal against Francesca here in her lair, she needed to be able to defend Francesca as well as herself. Luce sat up beside her, apparently unconcerned, so Dru feigned sleep and listened.

  “Forgive me for not meeting you more formally, Ambassador,” Francesca said, “but given the hour—”

  “It is I who should apologize,” a male said in a musical tenor, his voice like a sweet flowing brook, hypnotic and enchanting. The hair along the back of Dru’s neck stood up. She didn’t have much experience, but she recognized the seductive tone. Fae.

  “What brings Cecilia’s chosen here with such urgency?” Francesca asked.

  “I have a personal message from Cecilia, Queen of Thorns, Ruler of—”

  “Yes, yes,” Francesca said. “I’m quite aware of all Cecilia’s magnificence. What is the message?”

  “Cecilia has an unexpected visitor and wishes an immediate meeting with you.”

  “I’m afraid that would not be convenient. Unfortunately, I am ill-disposed to travel at the moment.”

  “I shall relay that message. However, if…” He cleared his throat as if reluctant to speak.

  “What is it?” Francesca’s tone rang with impatience. She had just fed and was ready for sex before retiring. This was not a time Vampires did business.

  “If I could secure a meeting place nearby, perhaps that would be acceptable?”

  “Perhaps. Who is the visitor?”

  Silence ensued.

  “If Cecilia sent you, I doubt she wanted to keep me in suspense.”

  “My understanding is the wolf Alpha has paid a visit to the Queen.”

  Francesca laughed. “Do tell. Why, that is quite interesting.”

  “And what would you have me tell my Queen?” the Fae ambassador asked again.

  “Tell Cecilia I would be most interested to hear her plans for her guest.” Francesca returned to the bed and stretched out, indolently tracing a finger down the center of Dru’s chest. “As to the meeting, I’ll give it some thought.”


  Niki climbed the ramparts as the sun came up and joined Callan at one of the lookout posts. The forest stretched out before them, treetops still cloaked in fog, sunlight beginning to color the distant mountaintops in swaths of red and gold. Her chest ached. If the Alpha had been here, if they did not have infected humans in their infirmary, if they did not have renegade wolves at their gates, they might have gone running. She might have felt the wind in her pelt and Sophia’s shoulder riding along hers. She might have lost herself for a time in the glory of the hunt and the safety of the Pack. Instead, she stood alone. “Anything?”

  Callan shook his head. “A few scouting reports of cats moving in the north. Nothing unusual. Everything is quiet along the Blackpaw border.”

  “Once the renegades left the camp, they could’ve gone anywhere. There’s no telling where they might strike.”

  “You’re right.” Callan pulled a map from his pocket and spread it out against the wood rail. “We’ve accounted for that in terms of our patrol placement. So far, nothing.”

  Niki gritted her teeth. Expecting a fight that didn’t come was far worse than the most brutal battle. Waiting was not something she was good at.

  “The Alpha?” Callan asked.

  Niki hesitated. Callan was a trusted captain, but he was not centuri, and the Alpha’s comings and goings were not something the Pack needed to know. Still, he was as close to Sylvan’s inner circle as most of them. “She has not returned.”

  Callan said nothing. He would not question her. He would not voice concern. He, like Niki and everyone else in the Compound, trusted that Sylvan would always be there to rule. Niki gripped his shoulder. “I’ll be at Sophia’s. Contact me if anything changes.”

  “How long do you want us to keep the patrols in place?”

  “Until something happens.” Niki turned and dropped down the wooden stairs to ground level. Max intercepted her in the center of the yard.

  “Anything?” he asked.

  Niki shook her head. “What about you?”

  “Andrea has gone back to the city to contact members of the other cells. She’s reaching out to informants, gathering as much intelligence as she can. Hopefully she’ll turn up something.” Max stared up at the ramparts, then over at the darkened headquarters building. “The Alpha?”

  “She’s in Faerie.”

  Max’s lips drew back into a snarl. “How did that happen?”

  “She went after the Prima.”

  He raked a hand through his hair and growled. “They’re both there?”


  “What are we going to do about it?”

  “For now, nothing. Sylvan’s orders were clear. Our first priority must be defending the Compound.”

  “We can’t just let her disappear there.”

  Niki rumbled. She wanted to go after Sylvan more than she wanted anything except Sophia, but her duty was to carry out Sylvan’s orders. And that meant she must remain at the Compound until all threat to the Pack had passed. “I don’t plan to. But for now, we wait. And no one else is to know.”

  “Yes, Imperator.” He sounded as if the words were painful to emit. He rubbed his belly as if to ease an ache. His skin dripped with sex-sheen and his erection jutted out beneath his BDUs.

  “Your wolf wants to mate,” Niki said, stating the obvious.

  “She’s human.”

  “That didn’t make any difference to the Alpha, or any number of other wolves.”

  “She doesn’t know what it would be like.”

  Niki laughed. “You rea
lly think you’ll be too much for her?”

  Max’s eyes glowed gold and he took a quick step toward her. Under other circumstances she would have been ready to fight, but he wasn’t rational. He needed to claim the female his wolf had already chosen. Until he did, his hormones would be uncontrollable, and so would his instincts.

  “Maybe you’re right,” Niki said. “If you have so little faith in her, then maybe she’s not worthy—”

  Max snarled. “She is quick and strong and brave. She is everything she needs to be.”

  Niki poked him in the chest to remind him of his place. He rumbled again but stepped back. “Then you should be less of a coward or else she will find you unworthy.”

  “I don’t want to leave the Compound now, not with the Alpha gone.”

  “You’ll need to in order to check with Andrea about any new intelligence. When you do, let your wolf take charge.”

  Max blew out a heavy breath. “I’ll try.”

  “Good. Get some sleep.” Niki loped across the yard to the infirmary to find her mate and tell her it was time for them to go home for a few hours. Sophia was where she had expected her to be, with the mutants in the isolation room.

  “You need rest,” Niki said. “Is there someone here to cover for you until this afternoon?”

  Sophia looked as if she was going to protest, then sighed. “Elena just came back. You could use some rest too.”

  “All I need is you.” Niki rubbed the new mate bite on her shoulder and rumbled as her belly warmed. “The night was long and cold.”

  “After you’re warm, then,” Sophia said with a satisfied smile. “Then you sleep.”

  Niki grabbed Sophia’s hand and tugged her down the hall to the main infirmary where Elena was checking the recuperating warriors. “Can we leave you for a few hours?”

  “Go ahead.” Elena tilted her head, her gaze traveling from Niki to Sophia. “You may need more than a few hours. I’ll take care of them until you get back.”

  “Thank you.” Sophia rubbed her cheek against Niki’s shoulder. “Let’s go.”

  Niki slid an arm around her waist and pulled her close as they started down the hall. “She’s knows we’re mated.”


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