Their Famous Dominant (Office Intrigue, 4)

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Their Famous Dominant (Office Intrigue, 4) Page 31

by Nicole Edwards

  “That goes for you, too,” I told Troy. “One of them should be with you at all times.”

  He nodded.

  “And because I can’t divide my attention a million different ways, you are responsible for Clarissa tonight. Stay with her.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  I smiled to myself. I couldn’t get over how much I loved hearing him say that.


  By the time we were inside the ballroom, I was exhausted. Having to smile for every damn camera was tiring to say the least. It wasn’t nearly as rough as the red-carpet events, I would admit. However, exhausting as it was, it had gone better than I expected. There weren’t any surprise questions asking about my relationship with Clarissa or Troy. At least not yet.

  Considering I had walked in with both of them, I knew those questions would arise sooner rather than later. With the interest in my personal life, it was bound to come up. Personally, I wasn’t worried about it, but I couldn’t say the same for my submissives. Clarissa was clearly on edge and Troy appeared somewhat standoffish.

  That lasted for the entire first half of the event. I wasn’t sure either of them had said more than five words during the mingling or the meal.

  Thankfully, there was a little time before I had to make my speech, so I decided to take advantage of it. I turned to Bishop, who was the closest to me. “I’m going to need some privacy.”

  He nodded. “Give me five minutes and I’ll find you a place.”

  While he sauntered off to find somewhere I could take Clarissa and Troy, I moved in closer to them. “I have a request.”

  Troy’s eyes widened. “Yes?”

  I noticed he hadn’t called me Master since we arrived. I figured he was worried because we were in public. Since the last thing I wanted was to make this more uncomfortable for him, I opted not to reprimand him.

  “Bishop went to find us a little privacy,” I said, gauging their reactions. “From this point forward, I expect full submission. Understood?”

  Clarissa’s eyes were a little shiny as she nodded. It seemed she was looking forward to what I had in mind. Troy’s acquiescence wasn’t quite as eager, but it still came.

  Bishop returned a few minutes later, then motioned me toward one of the back doors to the ballroom. I steered Clarissa and Troy in his direction. We stepped into an empty hallway, then were led to another door.

  “Storage room. Best I could do.”

  “It’ll work. Ensure no one interrupts,” I instructed.

  “Yes, boss.” He turned to guard the door while the three of us stepped inside.

  Mindful that we were short on time, I didn’t waste any.

  I motioned for Troy to kneel before me as I leaned against the door. I went to work freeing my cock, desperate to feel his mouth on me again. The short time before our shower hadn’t been nearly enough.

  “Suck me,” I growled roughly as I stared down at him. “And don’t stop until I tell you to.”

  “Yes, Master,” he said roughly, his hand circling my shaft.

  “Come here, sunshine,” I said, motioning her to my side.

  She moved closer and I wrapped my arm around her, keeping her as close as I could. “I want you to watch him suck me.”

  Not that she needed that command, because Clarissa was already intensely focused on what he was doing.

  It wasn’t long before the only sound in the room was a culmination of labored breaths. Mine, Troy’s, even Clarissa’s. It wasn’t the ideal place, but it worked for me.

  Since I had every intention of taking them back to my house, this was only a precursor to what would come tonight.

  “Do you like watching him?” I asked Clarissa, my breaths raspy.

  “Yes, Master.”

  Troy’s eyes darted between us as his mouth engulfed me. I wanted to slide my hand into his hair, to hold him to me while I took my own pleasure from his mouth, but I fought it. Now was not the time or the place.

  I allowed him to work me over for several minutes. Right up until I felt that telltale warning tingle in my spine. I had no intention of coming. As I’d told Troy earlier, anticipation was just as appealing.

  “Slow,” I commanded. “Don’t make me come. That happens later, when I have you both at my mercy.”

  His eyes glazed over and I knew he was enjoying this as much as I was.

  I waited several more minutes, watching the way his head bobbed, his mouth devouring my dick.

  “Stop,” I ordered gruffly, releasing Clarissa. “Stand up.”

  Troy got to his feet instantly, his eyes never leaving me.

  “Kiss her.”

  I was pretty sure those two words damn near blew Troy’s head off his shoulders. He turned to Clarissa and I saw the wicked heat that ignited.

  While I stuffed my still-hard dick back into my pants, I observed the two of them. The way Clarissa’s hands slid up around his neck as a smile formed on her lips.

  Troy hesitated briefly, but Clarissa quickly resolved that, pulling him down toward her until their lips met.

  I sucked in a breath, my body hardening as the kiss went nuclear. Neither of them held back, their soft moans echoing in the small space. It spurred my desire in a way I hadn’t anticipated, giving me plenty of ideas for later.

  Suddenly, I wished this event was over because I was far too eager to get my submissives back to my place. Because the gloves were coming off.


  DURING MASTER’S ENTIRE SPEECH, I found myself thinking about Clarissa’s mouth, the way she’d kissed me earlier. In fact, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

  My head was spinning from what had transpired in that dimly lit storage closet, from the way Master had ordered me to my knees to the way he’d shoved his cock into my mouth. He hadn’t been as forceful as I’d anticipated, but I knew from his reactions and the look on his face that he had enjoyed every second. Perhaps as much as I had.

  But for him to order me to kiss Clarissa…

  At first I was hesitant, not sure she would welcome my advances. It was one thing for Master to command me to do something to him. I took that as a sign he welcomed it. However, it was something else entirely to ask me to do something to Clarissa.

  Then again, she had pulled me into her like a woman starving for what I had to offer her. The instant our lips had touched, I found myself drowning in her. As I remembered the way her tongue fought mine, my cock hardened. Thankfully, the room was dark and all eyes were on Master as he explained how he’d become involved with this particular charity.

  “Ironically,” he said to the room, “my interest in BDSM is what spurred my desire to become part of such a worthy cause. When you’re part of something that’s entire basis revolves around safe, sane, and consensual, you see things in a different light.

  “Over the years, I’ve come across plenty of people—women and men—who get caught up in something that might resemble Domination and submission on the outside, but in reality, it’s not even close. What they’re experiencing is abuse, disguised as something that’s meant to be pleasurable. That’s the very reason my clubs hold training sessions for submissives, ensuring they’re aware of the red flags. It’s the reason I wholly support organizations such as this one.”

  Without notes in front of him, Master continued on, revealing statistics, such as how one in four women and one in seven men aged eighteen and older in the US had been the victim of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. It amazed me how he knew these by heart, but that was a testament to who my Master was. He was extremely devoted to the things that mattered to him. As he would say, he didn’t half-ass anything.

  And the entire time Master spoke, Clarissa watched him as though seeing the man for the very first time. Perhaps this was the first time she was seeing this side of him. Many people only saw the superficial side of Trent Ramsey. They didn’t truly understand the depth of the man.

  “And for those of you who are here because I personally invited yo
u,” Master said in conclusion, “I’m going to ask you to dig deep. If you can afford a membership to one of my clubs, you can afford to give back. This is serious and whether you want to believe it or not, it affects every single one of us. We need to be vigilant in our duties to protect those around us. Thank you again for coming.”

  A standing ovation followed and several people stepped up to talk to him while Clarissa and I remained in the back, flanked by Zeke and Bishop. And while I appreciated this event and everything that took place tonight, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t ready to go home.


  By the time we were all piling into Master’s house, I was practically vibrating with anticipation. I’d noticed the way Master had watched Clarissa and me the entire drive back to the house. I thought several times he was going to take control. Instead, he had listened to Clarissa talk about the evening and her previous interactions with this particular charity. She was overly chatty and I had to assume that was due to nerves. Regardless, I noticed there was something different about the way she looked at Trent. She was seeing him on a much deeper level.

  I, on the other hand, remained quiet unless spoken to. It was natural for me to fade into the background. Not because that was what was expected of me, but simply because it was who I was.

  “If you’ll ensure everything’s locked up,” Master told Bishop and Zeke, “you’re welcome to retire for the evening.” He turned to Zeke. “The yard’s fenced if you want to take your dog out.”

  Zeke nodded, then turned to Clarissa. “Thank you for what you did tonight. Tank thanks you, too.”

  Clarissa smiled. “You’re very welcome.”

  “Can I get you something to drink?” I offered Clarissa when the big man left the room.

  “No more alcohol for the evening,” Master stated. “I’d like for the two of you to meet me by the pool in half an hour.”

  With that, he disappeared toward his bedroom.

  When Clarissa declined my drink offer, I took her hand and led her out to the pool. She seemed rather shy, more so than she had been when I’d kissed her earlier this evening.

  “Are you all right?” I asked as we neared the chairs surrounding the pool.

  “Still processing.” She smiled. “I was a little taken aback by tonight.”

  “How so?”

  “All of it.” Her eyes strayed toward the house. “I’ve never seen that side of Trent before.”

  “Most people don’t,” I admitted. “Like I said, he doesn’t allow too many people to get close.”

  “I can see why. All those people tonight. So many questions, everyone wanting a minute of his time.”

  That was nothing compared to some of the events I’d witnessed.

  “Can I ask you something?” The words were out of my mouth before I could process them.

  “Of course.” Clarissa eyed me with sincere curiosity.

  “Earlier … when I kissed you…” God, I couldn’t believe I was asking her this. “Did you enjoy it?”

  “Very much,” she said on a shaky breath. “What about you?”

  I offered a nervous nod. I wasn’t sure how any of this worked. I didn’t know if I was supposed to wait for Master’s prompt, but I had the overwhelming urge to kiss her again.

  Suddenly I was on my feet, my nerves getting the best of me. “I’m going to…” I motioned toward the house. I had no idea what I was going to do, but I needed to do something.


  I stopped mid-step when Clarissa called my name.

  A soft hand was on my arm and I slowly pivoted. She was right there, so close, smelling absurdly good.

  “I’m doing my best not to cross any lines,” I admitted when she didn’t say anything.

  “I don’t think there’s a line to cross.” Her voice was soft, her eyes scanning my face.

  Without thinking, I closed the small space between us and cupped her face. “I want to kiss you again.”

  “That would be nice.”

  Leaning in, I tried to take my time, again trying to get a feel for the situation. For whatever reason, I was drawn to this woman and feeling her lips against mine had become a priority.

  “Troy?” she whispered, her breath fanning my mouth.


  “Kiss me, please.”

  Curling my hand behind her head, I leaned down and pressed my mouth to hers. Similar to our first kiss earlier, heat blazed through me as soon as our lips touched. I wasn’t normally aggressive, but something about this woman drove that dark, desperate need within me.

  A rough growl escaped me as I gave myself fully to this woman, to this moment.

  And for the first time, I didn’t think about Master as I devoured her.



  I COULDN’T EXPLAIN WHAT CAME over me or why I longed to get Troy’s mouth on mine again. Ever since he kissed me earlier, I’d thought about it at least a few dozen times, wondering if it could’ve possibly been as good as my brain had registered.

  Good news.

  It was.

  So freaking good.

  Troy was an incredible kisser. He took his time, owning every second as our tongues glided together, his hand firm behind my head, his body warm against me. While both Trent and Troy were attentive, there was something different about being with Troy. He lacked the self-assurance, the arrogance that Trent had, although I didn’t understand why. They both had the ability to overwhelm me in the best possible ways.

  I had no idea how long we remained lip-locked, but it wasn’t until someone cleared their throat that we finally broke apart. I was breathing hard, as was Troy.

  Turning, I found the source of the throat-clearing.


  He was standing there regarding us both. Not a hint of concern that he’d found us kissing, either. In fact, I’d go so far as to think he had enjoyed watching it.

  I took a moment to compose myself while checking out the delectable man who’d ditched his tux in lieu of a T-shirt and jeans. His feet were bare and I was oddly drawn to them. I liked seeing him like this. Completely relaxed.

  “It appears you two are adept at that,” he said casually as he moved closer. “I didn’t mean to interrupt.” His wicked smile said otherwise.

  My eyes darted back and forth between both men and I suddenly wondered what it would be like to watch them kiss. Probably erotic as hell.

  “What’s on your mind, sunshine?”

  I got the feeling Trent already knew and he was trying to provoke a response from me. Who was I to let him down?

  I smiled sweetly. “Just wondering what it would be like to watch you and Troy kiss.”

  Trent’s gaze instantly heated and his eyes shifted to Troy as he moved closer.

  “That can be arranged.” Without an ounce of hesitation, he approached Troy, then pulled him close until their mouths were a mere breath apart.

  I inhaled deeply, desperate for them to close the gap.

  When they did, I was pretty sure I moaned. Or maybe that was Troy. I wasn’t completely sure, but I knew watching them was unlike anything I’d ever witnessed before. The way Trent controlled the kiss, his movements sheer perfection as he pulled the man into his arms, guiding his head with one hand so he could deepen his exploration.

  My body warmed several degrees, my pussy clenching. I took a step closer before I realized what I was doing. I didn’t think I made a sound, but I wasn’t sure because Trent released Troy and turned to me.

  I breathed in once, twice, and then Trent’s mouth was on mine. Hungry yet controlled. I surrendered to him instantly, allowing him to plunder my mouth with his tongue while his hands smoothed over my back. When one big hand glided down to my ass, I moaned, feeling the hard ridge of his cock press against my belly.

  The kiss didn’t last long, but it was long enough to leave me breathless, my head spinning.

  Rather than release me, Trent cupped my face and locked his gaze with mine. “I want to
do some role playing.”

  My heart skipped a beat, curiosity mixed with lust curling inside me. “What did you have in mind, Master?”

  His gaze lifted to Troy. “I want the two of you to pretend you’re at a resort. First time meeting, but you can’t slake the intense attraction. I’m merely a bystander, someone sitting on the sidelines. You have no idea if I’m watching you, but it doesn’t matter either way. You want him and he wants you. Take it from there.”

  I’d never been much into role playing, but I had to admit, this was an interesting scenario. One that would keep Trent on the sidelines while giving Troy and me free rein to do as we pleased.

  “Can you do that, sunshine?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  He leaned in and kissed me sweetly. “Very well. I’ll be back in a few minutes, but I want the two of you to get started. And don’t mind me when I return. Pretend I’m not even here.”

  Yeah. That would be far more difficult than it sounded, but I was curious as to how this would play out.

  Trent cast his lust-filled gaze at Troy once more before he turned and headed into the house.

  With a smile and eager anticipation fizzing in my veins, I turned to Troy.

  “So … what are you here for? Business or pleasure?”


  I RETURNED TO THE HOUSE to grab a bottle of water before I made my way over to the windows overlooking the pool. I wanted to give my pets a little time to get into character, extremely interested in how this would play out.

  When I’d walked out to find them kissing, the idea had come to me. While I’d had a little time with each of them separately, they hadn’t been given the same opportunity with one another. It was clear they enjoyed being in one another’s company, so why shouldn’t they have some alone time?

  And quite frankly, it made my dick hard to see them together.


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