Their Famous Dominant (Office Intrigue, 4)

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Their Famous Dominant (Office Intrigue, 4) Page 50

by Nicole Edwards

  “He did,” I confirmed. “He crossed a serious line.”

  I’d never been the type to care about what the media wrote about me and I wouldn’t have been now except Ken had taken things too far. If it hadn’t been for the break-ins, I would’ve shrugged it off. Unfortunately, he’d found my hot button, and my fear for their safety had taken over. They were in the limelight simply due to their relationship with me. Although Troy had learned some things over the years, he still didn’t know how to deal with aggressive paparazzi.

  “Well, you know me. I’ll do my best to steer clear, and if they ask questions, I’ll say I have no earthly idea who you are.” Jane smiled widely.

  “I’m sure that’ll do it.”

  We both knew there was already an increase in media attention, probably plenty who would be staking out the club in the coming days, a couple who would try to get past our security. People were already digging into the lives of the two people I had come to care about greatly. It was my responsibility to protect them, to ensure they were happy.

  “All right. Why don’t you lay out what your plans are, and we can see whether or not I’d be a good fit for you?” Jane’s soft gray eyes landed on me. “Publishing, I get. However, I’ll never turn my back on a challenge.”

  And just like that, I managed to clear my mind of everything except for the task at hand.


  Two and a half hours later, the three of us were finally walking into the penthouse apartment. The two bodyguards from last night were back at their post in the hallway until morning. I had to admit, I was impressed so far. Ransom Bishop wasn’t taking any chances and I appreciated his vigilance. It was the reason I was investing in him. With years of experience in personal protection, as well as a military background, he had what it took to take on the task of building a reputable security firm Chatter PR clients could rely on.

  However, the absolute last thing I wanted to think about right now was security. Knowing they had it handled left me free for … other things.

  “Brax left dinner warming, Master,” Troy informed me.

  “Good. I’m gonna shower and change. You can get it set up.”

  As I made my way into my bedroom, my cell phone rang. I retrieved it from my pocket and glanced at the screen. McKenna Murphy was calling me.

  I tapped the screen to take the call and put it to my ear.

  “Hey,” I greeted.

  “Hey back. I wanted to call and let you know I’ve got everything ready. We’ll be running a series of stories highlighting your career. I’ll be sending over some questions I’d like you to answer. Once I get that information, I’ll make a few minor adjustments.”

  “I’ll do my best to get it back to you as soon as I can.”

  “Perfect. And about your plans for Friday night… Tag and I will be there, and I’ll make sure we blend in. I promise I won’t try to sneak in any cameras and I’ll run the stories by you before I publish. Then, once you’re back here in Dallas, I’d like to do a live interview. I’m working with one of the NBC affiliates to get some airtime. I promise, it’ll all be in good taste.”

  “I trust you, McKenna.”

  “And you should. I’ve got your back. Anyway. That’s all I’ve got for now, but I wanted to keep you in the loop.”

  “Thanks. I’ll see you Friday night.”

  “Looking forward to it.”

  I hung up the phone and stared at it for a moment before tossing it on the bed and heading for the bathroom.

  Now that the day was over, I really needed to blow off a little steam.

  Which I intended to do right after dinner.

  I hoped my pets were ready.


  ODDLY ENOUGH, THE PAST COUPLE of days had been lackluster. Compared to the first part of the week, anyway.

  We’d spent most of our time at the Chatter PR Global offices yesterday and today and plenty of time checking out what Trent said would become the new headquarters for the talent agency. I figured the lack of anything scandalous was the reason I kept waiting for something to happen. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but definitely something.

  “Tomorrow,” Master said when he joined Clarissa and me in the living room shortly after dinner, “I need you to reach out to some interior designers. I need some proposals on how to design the offices.”

  “So, it’s official? The talent agency will reside on the thirty-eighth floor?” Clarissa asked.

  Trent glanced at her. “I think it’ll work nicely. Plenty of space for what I had in mind. You have any suggestions?”

  Clarissa smiled sweetly as she took a sip of her wine. “I liked it, to be honest. I think it’s laid out well. A lot of natural light and plenty of room to set up offices with a view. I think your clientele will approve.”

  “Unfortunately, I don’t have any clientele at the moment,” he replied with a smirk.

  “But you will,” she said matter-of-factly. “As soon as word gets out, you’ll be inundated with interest.”

  “You think so?”

  Clarissa shook her head. “I know so.”

  “And what about you, pet? Have you made a decision on the job offer?”

  Clarissa studied her wineglass while Master and I watched her. This was a subject we’d glossed over a couple of times recently. Master would bring it up, Clarissa would deflect and we’d be right back where we started. Not quite sure what Clarissa’s final decision was going to be.

  Personally, I wanted her to accept the offer. I knew it would be a good fit for her and I thought beneath that uncertainty there was a lot of excitement at the prospect. On the other hand, I was selfish when it came to her. I believed she deserved it more than anything, but I also liked the idea of keeping her close.

  “I’m meeting with Landon and Langston again in the morning,” she said, glancing between the two of us. “I have a couple of additional requests, and if they can meet me in the middle, there’s a good chance I’ll accept.”

  I grinned as I took a sip of my wine. I knew Clarissa had a backbone. It was obvious now that I’d gotten to know her. And the fact that she seemed to have shed that doll-like response helped. Ever since she showed up on Master’s doorstep and requested punishment, Clarissa had been different. In a good way.

  “Boy, would you please get my kit from my bedroom?” Master prompted.

  Uh-oh. What was he up to?

  I set my wineglass on the table. “Of course, Master.”

  “Wait.” Trent halted me with a hand on my arm. “I’m not done with my instructions.”

  I turned to look at him. “I apologize.”

  “No apologies necessary.” He nodded his head toward the bathroom. “I would like you to draw Clarissa a bath. I had a few things delivered today. You’ll find them in the bathroom. Once that’s done, you can bring me my kit.”

  I nodded. “Yes, Master.”

  I hurried into the elaborate master bathroom to get everything ready for Clarissa. It took a few attempts to get the water to the appropriate temperature. Once I did that, I added a bath bomb—apparently, my Master made his purchases from Lush—and dimmed the lights. Not wanting the water to cool, I hurried to his closet, retrieved the toy bag, and made my way back to the living room.

  I found Clarissa standing in the middle of the room. Master was standing behind her, slowly removing her clothes, piece by piece. Her eyes were closed, her nipples tiny little points. The woman fascinated me in every way. She was so damn sexy.

  “Come with me, sunshine,” Master instructed once Clarissa was naked.

  He took her hand and led her into the bedroom while I remained where I was, unsure what he wanted me to do. Figuring he would instruct me when he returned, I tried to relax. That was one thing about this submissive stuff I enjoyed most. I didn’t have to second-guess myself when I was around Master. I knew exactly what he wanted because he told me.

  “Your turn, boy,” Master said when he joined me.

  He retrieved the bag from my ha
nd and set it on the chair he had vacated.

  When he moved to stand in front of me, I simply stared into his eyes. He looked intent, as though he had a purpose with every action he took. I figured he did. That was the way he worked. Master rarely did things off the cuff.

  I inhaled deeply when he freed my shirt from my jeans, lifting it up until he was removing it altogether. My circulatory system worked harder as I waited for his next move. His hand slipped into my hair, gripping tightly as he usually did. I’d come to love that move. It was an incredibly dominant thing for him to do, yet it seemed so simple.

  “Clarissa and I are going to enjoy you tonight.” His voice was deep, his tone gruff as he held my gaze captive. “Remember you have a safe word should you need it.”

  “Yes, Master,” I whispered. “I doubt I’ll need it.”

  “Never doubt me, boy.” His grin was almost feral. “You don’t know what I have in store for you yet.”

  No, I didn’t.

  But I was certainly eager to find out.




  More so because it was completely unexpected.

  When Trent had led me into the opulent bathroom, complete with the enormous Jacuzzi tub, it was as though I was right back at the spa. Without the waxing, of course.

  I could’ve spent the entire night immersed in the sweet-smelling water if it hadn’t been for the fact my skin was beginning to prune and I didn’t want that in the event Trent had something else in mind for me tonight.

  Before he left me, he had turned on soft music, so I hadn’t been able to hear anything that was taking place outside of the bathroom, but I was certainly curious. Trent did not do anything without a plan and he’d obviously set this up beforehand.

  After reluctantly climbing out of the tub, I dried myself completely and realized I didn’t have any clothes. I figured there was a reason for that. Trent had undressed me in the living room and I didn’t even have a robe available.

  Having spent the past couple of weeks naked a large majority of the time, I’d grown accustomed to it. It wasn’t my favorite thing in the world, but it didn’t bother me when I was with them. So, I sucked it up and opened the door.

  My eyes widened when my brain processed the scene before me.

  Apparently, Trent and Troy had retired to the bedroom.

  “Did you have a good bath, sunshine?” Trent asked as I stood there, unable to look away from Troy, who was restrained in a rather interesting position.

  “Yes, Master, I did.” I didn’t look away from Troy.

  His arms were restrained with something that came out from under the mattress. Each hand was pulled toward the top corner of the mattress. However, the position of his legs was the most interesting. His ankles were connected to straps that protruded from the top of the large wooden headboard. They formed a perfect V, his feet pointed toward the ceiling, his back flat on the bed, his cock lying thick and heavy against his belly.

  My eyes darted up to his face and I realized he had a blindfold on and … yep, those were large headphones covering his ears.

  “He can’t see or hear us,” Trent informed me as he moved closer. “I’ve asked him to trust that we’ll take care of him tonight. By eliminating some of his senses, he has to focus on others.”

  I smiled up at the sexy Dom standing near me. I liked where he was going with this. “What did you have in mind, Master?”

  Trent moved around behind me, his arms wrapping around me, his mouth close to my ear.

  “You smell so good,” he whispered as his lips trailed along my neck. “First, I want to watch you tease him with your mouth.” He motioned toward Troy. “You have my permission to suck him, but do not make him come. I expect you to refrain from pushing him too far, but don’t go easy on him. Can you do that, pet?”

  “Yes, Master.” I was excited about the prospect of teasing Troy, enjoying his body for a little while.

  Trent released me and motioned toward the bed again.

  With one last backward glance at the intimidating man, I finally made my way over to where Troy was creatively being held captive. I crawled up onto the mattress while Trent moved across the room to his toy bag. I had no idea what he was getting, but my mind was so focused on Troy I found I didn’t even care.

  Not wanting to miss this opportunity, I took my time touching Troy, starting with his ankles and running my hands down the backs of his legs several times, enjoying the way the crisp hair tickled my palms. Troy’s chest began to rise and fall faster as I inched my way to the insides of his thighs, going lower until I allowed my fingers to lightly brush his cock and balls.

  His thick shaft twitched, and his stomach muscles tightened. It was then I noticed there was a strap across his middle, just above his hips, which kept him securely held down.

  He really was a beautiful man. Sleek, sun-bronzed skin covering all that delectable muscle. He was one of those men who tended to wear clothing that didn’t draw attention, so seeing him without clothes was a treat for sure.

  I took my time, caressing him with my hands before leaning down and allowing my breath to blow over his balls. His entire body twitched when I licked his sac, then his cock from root to tip and back down.

  “Suck him, sunshine. Take his cock all the way in your throat.”

  Hearing Trent behind me had my skin tingling with awareness. I loved that he was there, watching, enjoying, instructing. It was the best of both worlds for me. I got to indulge and relax at the same time.

  I started to shift, but Trent stopped me with a hand on my back. “No. I want you right here. In fact, spread your legs for me, pet. I want to see your pussy.”

  Still kneeling, I bent over, forcing my knees wider, my ass in the air, which offered Trent an unobstructed view of my most private parts.

  “Good girl,” he praised, his hand caressing my ass before dropping away. “I’m looking forward to seeing your sweet ass plugged.”

  I focused my attention on Troy, wondering if Trent was going to plug me now. I was hoping he would. I wanted him to play with me while I played with Troy. It was deliciously naughty to think about.

  Taking Troy’s cock in my mouth, I bobbed up and down on him slowly, mindful of Trent’s warning from earlier. He did not want me to make Troy come.

  Time moved slowly while I teased Troy’s balls with my fingers, sucking and licking his cock while I did. My pussy was growing wetter by the second and I couldn’t hold back the moans that escaped me. I was enjoying myself. I’d never been in this position before, instructed by a Dom to tease another submissive. It was intensely satisfying, I realized.

  “You’re so wet, sunshine,” Master said as his fingers grazed my pussy. “Is that from sucking Troy’s cock?”

  I released the object of my affection from between my lips so I could answer. “Yes, Master.”

  When I took Troy into my mouth once again, Trent’s warm hands cupped my ass. I could feel the air caress my sensitive flesh when his fingers dropped lower, parting the slick folds.

  “You have a beautiful pussy,” he whispered from somewhere behind me.

  I did my best to focus on Troy, knowing he couldn’t see or hear what was going on. I wondered what that felt like. I’d never had my hearing impaired during a scene before. Blindfolds, sure. I figured he was in a world of his own.

  Leaning down, I teased Troy’s balls with my mouth, sucking him in while Trent’s fingers teased my pussy. I fought the urge to grind against the wandering digits. I knew that would earn me a spanking and I didn’t want him to stop what he was doing.

  When he pushed one finger inside me, I moaned long and low, running my tongue over Troy’s cock. Troy shivered and a deep rumble came from his chest.

  “Don’t stop sucking him,” Trent warned. “And be mindful of your teeth.”

  I wasn’t sure why he was giving me the warning, but a second later, when a finger pressed against my anus, I suddenly knew.

/>   This was about to get good.


  BEFORE TROY AND CLARISSA, I had never taken on two submissives at one time. However, the more time I spent with them, the more natural it was becoming. It was a feeling I’d never been able to match before and I couldn’t help but wonder if this was what I’d been missing all along.

  Having Troy trussed up while Clarissa teased him was a pleasure in and of itself. Of course, I had intended to merely watch for a while, but I found I couldn’t keep my hands to myself. Not when her luscious ass was beckoning me so sweetly.

  I inserted one finger in her pussy and another in her ass, listening to the sexy moans that escaped her as she hummed around Troy’s cock. She was definitely enjoying herself. Troy’s echoing groans were a sign he was taking pleasure from it as well.

  Since I had reviewed her limit list in depth, I knew she had experience with anal plugs and she enjoyed using them. I figured now was as good a time as any to get her accustomed to them. While I’d already had the pleasure of taking her ass, I hadn’t done it nearly enough to sate me. I was looking forward to a lot more in the future.

  I took my time, teasing her before I retrieved the medium-size plug I’d placed on the bed along with the lubricant. Wanting to keep her focused on Troy, I encouraged her while I coated the silicone toy with lube.

  “Are you ready for this, pet?”


  I smiled as I pressed the narrow end of the plug against her anus. I teased her for a bit, fingering her pussy with my free hand as I inched the plug inside her.

  “Color, pet?” I asked, ready to push the widest part of the plug past that tight ring of muscles.

  “Green, Master,” she said in a rush.

  Without hesitating any longer, I pushed the plug forward, the widest part disappearing inside her.

  Clarissa whimpered, her ass shaking. I knew she needed more, something to take her mind off the pain, so I leaned down and licked her cunt, focusing my attention on her clit until she was rocking back against me.


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