Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 2

by Stephan James

  The man hadn’t said that he would just be the surrogate. Jordon noted this fact as he looked up at the man, his tongue flicking over his lips lightly as Dominic’s hand slid up and cupped his cheek. Leaning into his warm palm, he watched the man’s amber eyes wander slowly over his form.

  “I suppose we didn’t,” Jordon whispered, his lips parting lightly when Dominic leaned closer.

  “I was initially planning on it being a very businesslike interaction. I was going to involve doctors and make sure that it was all very professional,” Dominic whispered, his thumb wandering over Jordon’s lips slowly as he spoke.

  “What made you change your mind?” Jordon breathed, shuddering when the other’s nose brushed against his nose. Humming softly, Dominic’s lips ghosted against his own as he spoke.

  “I met the most beautiful omega that I have ever seen, and I decided that I wanted to take him as my mate before someone else does,” Dominic’s voice rumbled out through his chest, coaxing a soft moan from Jordon as the man leaned in and sealed their lips together.

  Jordon had never felt like this before. The sensation of Dominic’s lips sealing against his own was enough to leave his body arching up towards the others. This was not how he was expecting the night to play out in the slightest.

  He went from thinking that the man was going to kill him, to praying that the other planned on taking him to bed.

  Tangling his fingers in the man’s dark hair, he pulled at the tousled strands and moaned lewdly. Dominic’s hands were wandering over his sides, his warm fingers sliding under his loose fitting t-shirt and sliding it up over his head. Jordon supposed he should feel exposed, but before he could even consider it Dominic was scooping him up into his arms.

  Sliding their lips together as his legs wound around Dominic’s waist, Jordon moaned and allowed the other to carry him towards what he assumed was his room. Giggling as he tilted his head to the side, allowing the man to mouth at his throat and drag his teeth across his neck slowly.

  “Mark me!” Jordon ordered as he was tossed onto the bed, groaning and spreading his legs as the larger man climbed over him. Tangling his fingers in his hair he cried out when Dominic’s lips slid across his neck once again. “Make me yours, please!” he begged, his body throbbing with the desire to be dominated by the other man.

  His animalistic instincts were overriding all common sense, his body melting under Dominic’s as the man slid his teeth into his throat breaking the skin easily as he allowed his teeth to shift. Instantly, pleasure rocketed through his body in a wave, his vision going dark white for a moment as his nails dug into Dominic’s shoulders.

  An alpha’s mark meant everything. It told other alphas that he was claimed, that he belonged and was protected by another alpha. Omegas without marks were seen as a free game. Anyone could put their hands on them. It wasn’t fair, but there was little that they could do about it.

  “Mine,” Dominic growled in his ear as he licked over the wound that he had created, pleasure still rolling through Jordon as he arched and dragged his nails over Dominic’s back.

  “Yours!” Jordon keened, his eyes closing and his hands wandering down to pull at Dominic’s shirt. He wanted the other. If he had any resolve at all to stop the man from mating him, it was gone now. He wanted nothing more than to belong to the man in every sense of the word.

  Their clothes were quickly disposed of as they fought to touch every inch of each other’s skin. Nails dragged across shoulders and hips, lips danced and marked every inch of skin that they could reach, and before Jordon could so much as catch his breath he felt a lubed finger sliding into his tight heat. He had been so distracted; he hadn’t even seen the man reach for the lube.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Dominic gasped against his lips, grinding down against his lover and rubbing his finger against his sweet-spot in a fashion that left Jordon’s body arching off the sheets in delight.

  “More!” he whimpered, tangling his fingers into Dominic’s hair and pulling at the thick dark strands desperately. Pressing his lips against Dominic’s when the other took a break from marking his skin; he moaned and bit down on his lip desperately.

  Dominic looked like a God in the dim light of the room. His sun-kissed skin glistened with sweat, and his powerful muscles quivered each time that Jordon’s teeth or nails raked over them. Jordon couldn’t believe that this was happening, that someone as beautiful as Dominic had taken an interest in him was almost unfathomable. He didn’t want this dream to end.

  “So tight,” Dominic praised as he added a second finger into Jordon. “You are perfect.” He moaned, his powerful hips grinding down against Jordon’s slender frame the bed protesting beneath them with loud creaks each time he did.

  “Dominic!” Jordon whined against his neck, clinging onto the man desperately and writhing each time their bodies rolled against each other. “Please! I’m going to cum if you don’t hurry!” he gasped, sending a lewd moan sliding from Dominic’s lips.

  “As you command,” Dominic smiled, his fingers slipping out of Jordon and his hand smearing lube over his dripping shaft.

  The intoxicating feeling of just being marked, mixed with the desire rolling through his body made the feeling of Dominic sliding into him feel like nothing he had ever experienced in his past. Throwing back his head, he tangled his fingers into his lover’s hair and wailed with pleasure, his toes curling as he dragged his nails over the man’s shoulders.

  “More!” he pleaded, his ears ringing and his eyes rolling back in his head. His nails scored marks down Dominic’s back each time the other moved, the sound of skin slapping across skin filling the air just a few moments after Dominic entered him.

  Lost for words and wrapping his legs around Dominic so that he could cling on for dear life, Jordon’s voice was lost in a cry each time his lover rammed forward into him. Trembling and arching his hips, Jordon’s hips rolled desperately back to meet the man’s his mind spinning with desire as his body silently pleaded with the man to put a child in him.

  Reaching his orgasm with a scream a few minutes into their heated session, Jordon threw back his head and gasped breathlessly as Dominic’s hips slammed up into him. Quivering as his release coated their chests, Jordon’s vision went white, his body slumping against the sheets as Dominic reached his own orgasm moments later; the feeling of warmth flooding through him as the other released.

  Panting and drenched in sweat, it took a few long minutes for Jordon to form words. Moaning, he curled lazily around the other, his eyes drooping as he pressed his face to his shoulder.

  “That was…amazing,” he slurred out, his eyes closing as he pressed his face to the alpha’s shoulder. Humming as Dominic slid out of him slowly and pulled him against his chest; he smiled and pressed a lazy kiss to his shoulder. “But you know…it normally takes more than one try to get pregnant,” he grinned wickedly earning a soft laugh from his new mate.

  “Guess that means we’ll just have to keep trying,” Dominic purred, sliding his hand over Jordon’s hip lazily as the omega drifted off in his arms.

  Waking up the next morning felt as though Jordon was pulling himself out of a fog. He had been so completely out of his mind with lust the night before that it took him a few moments of staring up at the ceiling to realize exactly where he was. His lashes fluttering as his eyes adjusted to the light streaming in from the window, he glanced over at Dominic and felt his heart skip a beat when he saw the man’s sleeping face on the pillow next to him.

  So it hadn’t been a dream then. Lifting his hand up to his throat, he grimaced when he felt the healing wound still throbbing painfully on his throat. He really had mated with a nearly complete stranger, and for some reason, he couldn’t bring himself to feel any sort of regret or bitterness due to that fact.

  Reaching out a hand, he gently trailed his fingers over Dominic’s caramel skin and smiled softly when his lover’s eyes fluttered open, his amber gazes hazy as he stretched. Yawning, the man rolled onto his si
de to face him and smiled softly.

  “Morning,” he mumbled, reaching out and cupping his cheek in his warm palm, sending a shiver down Jordon’s spine. “How did you sleep, darling?” Smiling slightly at the pet name, Jordon kissed Dominic’s palm and sighed.

  “Pretty well, given the circumstances,” Jordon shrugged, shifting until Dominic could pull him against his chest and letting out a soft hum when the man pressed his lips against his temple. “I certainly wasn’t expecting to wind up your mate when I answered your advertisement.” He teased, chuckling when Dominic groaned and nodded.

  “I wasn’t expecting you to either, like I said, I had every intention of having a boring business relationship,” he explained, kissing him on the nose, “Though I have to admit, this certainly does appear to have its advantages. Now I won’t have to worry about raising the baby alone.” He pointed out, earning a shiver from Jordon.

  “You barely know me, and you want me to raise the child with you?” Jordon asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow and giggling when Dominic kissed him.

  “Course I do, you felt it too didn’t you? The bond between us? I have no doubt in my mind that we’re a destined pair,” he mumbled, “The two of us were meant to mate, and be together, we’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other while we’re waiting for the baby.”

  Normally, Jordon would protest the idea of making any sort of long-term commitment with someone he had just met, but for some reason, he genuinely trusted the man. He wanted to be with him, the desire for the alpha burned deep within him, and he had no desire to leave his side.

  Smiling up at the man, he sighed and trailed his fingers through his messy hair.

  “Alright then, I suppose that we can try to make this work,” he grinned, leaning in and kissing the man on the lips, letting out a happy noise when the other kissed him back passionately.

  “Excellent,” Dominic grinned, sitting up with Jordon in his lap, “Then let’s make this official. Tonight I’m hosting a party for a group of investors and a few partners of mine, and I’d like for you to accompany me as my date.” He explained, earning a confused look from Jordon.

  “You want to show me off to all of your associates?” Jordon frowned, fidgeting with the sheets as he thought this over. “But…I’m a boy. I’m an omega, and I know that a lot of people frown upon that sort of thing. I don’t want to hurt your reputation.” He mumbled softly.

  “I am probably the last person in the world who needs to worry about that,” Dominic insisted, pulling the man closer to his chest and kissing his forehead. “People need to realize that male omegas like you have nothing to be ashamed for.” He mumbled softly, his hands wandering over Jordon’s slender frame. “I’ve never been attracted to a woman, that’s why I was looking for someone to carry my child. I never thought I’d find you.”

  “Guess you got lucky then,” Jordon’s tone wasn’t quite convinced that his lover’s idea was a good one, but as long as the man was sure, it wouldn’t hurt to at least try. “Alright, we’ll try your party, but I guarantee you they aren’t going to like me.”

  “They’re businessmen; they have to at least pretend that they like you. I’m their boss,” Dominic grinned wickedly, laughing when Jordon rolled his eyes and pressing his lips against his mate’s gently. “It’ll be just fine, and I’ll even take you shopping beforehand so that we can pick some clothes out for you.”

  “Are you assuming that I don’t have any nice clothes?” Jordon accused, laughing when Dominic shrugged and sent him a knowing little smile. “Just because I’m poor does not mean that I don’t have good fashion sense, but I’ll let you take me shopping because I know it’ll make you feel better.” He huffed, kissing the man playfully and moving to his feet.

  “Thank you for preserving my delicate sensibilities,” Dominic rolled his eyes, moving after Jordon and scooping him up onto his shoulder. Carrying him into the bathroom with an amused look on his face. “Besides, it’ll give me a good excuse to spoil my new mate. You can’t possibly complain about that! What would be the point of mating a billionaire if you didn’t get spoiled?” he teased, coaxing a laugh from Jordon’s lips.

  “Alright! You already won!” He beamed, his eyes sparkling as he let the man carry him into the bathroom. This probably wasn’t going to end well, but it was going to be one hell of a ride.

  He had never been to a cocktail party before. Men and women in fancy clothes more expensive than his car danced around the room and chatted noisily about fashion, politics, and business exchanges. Alphas strutted around with proud looks on their faces, wooing omegas around them with flirtatious winks and playful squeezes.

  He could see a few people who had elected to remain in their animal form. A pair of foxes lazed on a couch while a few birds flitted through the air. Pressing closer to Dominic, he bit his lip nervously when a panther much like the one he imagined Dominic’s form to be sauntered up to them.

  “Bennett, I didn’t know you were back in the states,” Dominic frowned, the panther shifting slowly into a man whose appearance was startlingly similar to Dominic’s.

  “And I didn’t know you were picking up the trash today,” Bennett smirked, crossing his arms over his broad chest as he eyed Jordon slowly, coaxing a growl from Dominic’s throat at the comment.

  “If you hadn’t noticed, brother, this is my mate, and I would appreciate it if you would speak to him with some respect,” Dominic pointed out firmly, his voice quiet though it rumbled through the immediate area like thunder. Bennett frowned at this, something flashing in his eyes as he looked over Jordon with a glare.

  “I didn’t realize you had chosen a mate,” Dominic’s brother growled out through a painfully false smile. “A pleasure to meet you.” He hummed, though his eyes, a colder yellow than his brother’s, flashed with distaste.

  “I’m Jordon,” Jordon mumbled, reaching out his hand and grimacing when the man’s fingers clamped around his own harshly. Biting back a yelp, he grimaced and glanced up at Dominic to make sure that the man had seen his brother nearly break his fingers.

  “Nice to meet you, Jordon,” Bennett hummed, glancing up at his brother with a false smile. “I assume that this means that you’re intending on starting a family?” he asked, tapping his fingers against his sides lightly.

  “I don’t see how that’s any of your business, Ben,” Dominic pointed out, gesturing to a group of pretty girls giggling in the corner. “Why don’t you go find someone to flirt with instead of prying into my business? I’d like to introduce my mate to the rest of my business partners.” He insisted, Bennett’s eyebrow twitching at the comment.

  “I’ll leave you alone then, Dom,” Bennett smiled, his eyes flickering towards Jordon for a moment before returning to his brother. “And can you blame me for wanting to be a part of your business? After all, you are my big brother; I just want to make sure you’re well taken care of.”

  “I can promise you that I’m being very well taken care of, Jordon is a wonderful man,” Dominic sighed, waving his brother off and turning apologetically to Jordon once the man wandered away. “I’m sorry about him. He’s normally much friendlier, I promise. He’s just been having some issues lately with money, and has had to rely on me, and I’m sure that’s probably reason enough for him to be concerned with me starting a family.” He sighed, running his fingers through his hair with a tired look in his eyes.

  “He seems like a real peach,” Jordon grumbled, rubbing at his fingers while Dominic led him over to the buffet and immediately shoved a chocolate covered strawberry in his mouth to silence his protests.

  “He’s always been a little rambunctious and wild,” Dominic continued as Jordon choked down the strawberry in his mouth and glared up at his mate. “Mom and Dad tried everything to try and help him, but he just seemed determined to do things his own way. I guess now it’s my turn to take care of him now that they’re gone.” He shook his head as Jordon wiped his lips clean with a grumble.

  “Just because he�
�s a troubled child doesn’t mean that it’s ok for him to be an asshole,” Jordon insisted, looking up as a group of men approached them and nervously shifting so that he could stand behind Dominic. He didn’t like the way that his lover’s coworkers were studying him as if he were some sort of enigma that they couldn’t quite understand.

  “We were informed that you have finally taken a mate,” One of the older men explained, his snow-white eyebrows furrowing as he regarded Jordon with an unreadable expression on his face.

  “I have,” Dominic nodded, his hand sliding down to wrap around Jordon’s slender waist. “He and I are going to make an announcement publically this weekend. I don’t want any of the stockholders to be taken by surprise.” He chuckled, his fingers trailing over Jordon’s back slowly.

  The men nodded, though their eyes were locked onto Jordon, as if staring at him long enough would magically turn him into a woman. When it appeared that their staring wasn’t going to work, they simply nodded, resigning to their defeat when they realized that they could do nothing to stop the CEO of their company.

  “Since no one here seems to have the guts to say anything, I will,” A woman, who Jordon had not realized was standing amongst the men a moment before, sighed as she looked up at Dominic, “The board is probably going to have something to say about you taking a male omega as your mate, you realize this right?” The group seemed to murmur quietly amongst themselves, fidgeting nervously as they avoided Dominic’s gaze.

  “I do realize this yes, Hannah,” Dominic explained, his eyes sparkling as he glanced up at the woman, “But seeing as I convinced them to hire a female Alpha? I didn’t think that there would be much of a problem. After all, this is my private life. It doesn’t affect the company.” Jordon was startled by this, he hadn’t realized that the woman in front of them was an alpha, but it became abundantly clear as she moved closer and hugged Dominic, her powerful scent rolling off her in waves.


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