Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 6

by Stephan James

“Six, not including your little rebel there,” A woman explained, pulling off her mask and grinning proudly back at the prince. “Lilja nearly tore off Amsel’s arm, but he managed to get the keys for the damn collars.” She explained, gesturing over to the smallest of the males as he pulled off his own mask and ran his fingers through his raven hair.

  “She will not be happy about this attack,” Amsel explained, his voice soft like velvet as he moved up to Kadin and unlocked the boy’s collar. “We need to be more discreet, an attack in broad daylight shows her that we are getting bolder. The last thing we want is for her to start retaliating with more force. We are no longer just a rumor, she knows that we exist, and that makes her dangerous.”

  “We’ll worry about that later, Amsel,” Adrian insisted, smiling when Kadin rubbed at the raw skin around his neck. “For now we’ll let our new friends rest.” He beamed over at the other slaves that they had managed to save. “Tomorrow you will be given a choice, I will either provide you with the funds to hire a properly armed escort home, or you may join our cause.”

  Though Kadin was originally thrilled with the idea of returning home to ease his friends and family’s worry, he hesitated the moment that the man gave them the second option. He could free slaves who were stuck in the same situation that he had just hours ago been stuck in. The idea of going home was tempting, but to join a group that was fighting against the institution that was keeping his village hostage?

  He was going to stay and fight. He wasn’t sure what he could do to assist them, but he was talented enough to at least be of some assistance.

  Looking over at Adrian, he felt his heart flutter once more when he saw the man gently helping a young girl onto a bed so that she could rest. Biting his lip at the strange feeling curling in his stomach, he let his eyes wander slowly over the man’s strong body. He wasn’t sure if it was just gratitude that he was feeling, or if it was something so much more, but he hoped that he could stick around long enough to find out.

  The secret tunnels in which the Prince had established his resistance stretched on for what seemed for miles under the city. In a matter of minutes, Adrian could move from the castle into the main hideout where his growing army was housed.

  Over the past week that Kadin had been living underground, he had learned there were dozens of men and women who worked alongside the king to free slaves within the city. He had yet to go a day without seeing a new face wandering through the tunnels awaiting orders from the prince.

  There were only three people that Adrian believed were important for him to know well. The three generals in his ragtag army.

  Evi, the woman who had served alongside Adrian during the raid; she was incredibly talented with all forms of weapons. She was an alpha, a woman with all the tendencies of the strongest of males. Kadin couldn’t help but be a bit intimidated of her, she looked as though she could rip him in half if the need struck her.

  Secondly was Amsel, Adrian’s master of the underworld. He could sneak in and out of even the most highly guarded buildings with ease. Able to take the shape of a raven, it was very rarely that Kadin actually saw the man around the compound.

  Lastly was a man that Kadin didn’t meet until later on. Otieno Ayo was Adrian’s personal guard. One of the largest men that Kadin had ever seen, Otieno was Adrian’s dark shadow. Strong as an ox and fiercely protective, it was his job to make sure that the prince didn’t get himself killed, and he was incredibly good at his job.

  Of course, Otieno was hesitant to let anyone near the prince, but Kadin wouldn’t let that stop him from talking to the beautiful man.

  Despite his hopes, Kadin’s fascination with the prince did not fade over the days that he spent cooped up in the winding passageways of the underground city. If anything, it just made him want the other more. He was absolutely gorgeous, his golden hair glinting in the pale light of the lanterns and his amber eyes boring into Kadin’s soul with every glance he granted him.

  He shouldn’t be so head over heels with the man. After all, he was a prince, and he was little more than a slave. Even if he was to get the man to fall in love with him, what would they do? Adrian should marry an omega of some standing. Someone who could bring power to his throne when he eventually did take control.

  That didn’t stop him from pining after the man.

  His heart knew what it wanted, even if it was something that he could never have. That’s what Kadin had to tell himself: no matter how much he wanted the alpha, he was never going to get to be with him.

  He didn’t see the prince often. The man was far too busy maintaining appearances at the castle, and making sure that his father and Lilja’s attempts to shut down their organization failed before they could begin. When he was in the safe house, he couldn’t help but feel that the man was flirting with him. Subtle little glances, winks, and warm smiles were constantly shot Kadin’s way. Compliments and sly touches seemed to be exchanged more often than Kadin thought normal.

  Still, he didn’t want to get his hopes up. The man was the prince. He knew nothing about him. For all he knew? Adrian could flirt with everyone. He could just be eager to make the new omega blush. Deep down, Kadin prayed that this wasn’t the case.

  Until he could determine for sure whether or not the prince was interested in him, he wasn’t going to change a thing. He was happy just admiring the other from afar. It made things easier on both of them. In his mind, they were safe together. The moment that those thoughts became reality? He stepped into a realm of danger that he might not return from.

  Curled up in one of the many chairs in the makeshift library the group had built, Kadin looked up when he heard the door open and felt a blush curl over his cheeks when he recognized Adrian walking through the door. Smiling when he spotted the omega curled up in the corner, Adrian moved forward with a hum and gestured to a chair beside the man.

  “May I?” he asked, chuckling when Kadin nodded eagerly and set his book aside.

  “S-sure! Of course Ad…your highness,” Kadin flushed, earning a soft laugh from the prince who shook his head and reached out to brush a copper lock of hair out of Kadin’s face.

  “Relax, Adrian is fine. I’m not a prince down here,” Adrian insisted, leaning back in his chair and eyeing the omega slowly. “You know I wasn’t expecting you to stick around. Honestly, it’s not often that omegas stay to fight.” Kadin shook his head at this, resting his hands on his knees and smiling back at the prince.

  “I’m not most omegas,” he mumbled, pushing his hair back behind his ear when it started to fall into his face again. He desperately needed it cut, it was starting to fall past his chin and if he wasn’t careful he was going to have to start tying it back. “I’ve fought my entire life to make sure that no one would be able to take advantage of me. I fight, because if I didn’t I would wind up like every other omega in my village. Owned by some alpha, or worse…wind up in slavery like I almost did anyway.” He muttered softly, trailing his fingers through his hair.

  “I can respect that,” Adrian pointed out gently, moving to his feet and pulling open a drawer. Producing a bottle of whiskey from inside, he winked at Kadin and moved forward to sit beside him. “Most people would never have stood up to the Crimson Bitch like you did. I respect anyone who can stand up and defend themselves even when they have everything to lose like you did.” He grinned, offering Kadin a glass of the amber liquid.

  “Well it was either wind up someone’s breeding bitch, fight or die,” Kadin shrugged, taking the glass with a grin and eyeing the prince over the glass with a wicked little smile. “Trying to loosen up my tongue, your highness?” he teased, downing the glass with a gulp when the prince laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

  “What can I say? Someone like you doesn’t just appear in someone’s life very often,” Adrian shrugged, refilling Kadin’s drink as he finished off his own. “You’re fascinating, and if I’m perfectly honest? I find that incredibly attractive.” He explained, and for a moment, Kadin could see the m
an’s inner jaguar in his eyes. The power and grace that he displayed when he rescued Kadin clearly on display as he licked his lips and eyed the man.

  Kadin felt a shudder roll through his shoulders. He was playing a dangerous game. He could easily shut it down, reject the man and move on with his life. It was bad enough being part of an underground resistance, but messing around with the prince? He could end up hanging at the end of a rope for that.

  “You know, I’m not one for casual flings with dangerous men,” Kadin whispered, glancing up at the man and downing his second glass easily. The burn of the alcohol was helping significantly with the conflicting emotions that he was suffering through.

  The prince smiled at this, shrugging his shoulders and taking another shot as he shrugged his shoulders. Reaching out and brushing his fingertips gently over Kadin’s cheek his eyes sparkled softly.

  “That’s good because I’ve never really been one for casual flings,” Adrian mumbled, letting Kadin rest his cheek against his palm gently. “I understand that you have no reason to trust me. I’m a prince, the son of dangerous men who stands for everything you’re against, but ever since I first saw you standing up to the witch, I haven’t been able to get you out of my head.” Kadin’s breath caught in his chest, his entire body feeling as though it had suddenly burst into flames when the man leaned in and let their foreheads rest together.

  “You seem confident that I feel the same,” Kadin mumbled, feeling a jolt up his spine when Adrian’s powerful fingers slid slowly over his thigh. Adrian shrugged at the comment, his eyes flickering up to meet Kadin’s with a wicked little grin on his lips.

  “I might have caught you staring a few times, that usually hints that someone is interested,” Adrian breathed, leaning in until their lips were almost touching. “I know that you like danger, maybe I hoped that you’d be willing to take a leap of faith with me?”

  The sound that left Kadin’s throat at the simple statement was barely more than a gasp, his entire body melting under the man’s touch when he alpha’s warm scent rolled off him and flooded over his already overstimulated body. He couldn’t breathe with the prince so close. His entire body seemed to freeze, waiting desperately for the alpha to make the first move. He had never done anything like this before, and he wasn’t sure that he knew what to do.

  “I might be willing, if I know that you’re going to be there to fall with me,” He whispered back, closing his eyes when Adrian’s fingertips slid up his jaw and lightly cupped his cheeks in his calloused hand.

  “I already fell,” Adrian breathed, leaning closer to let their lips slide together.

  The kiss was gentle, heated, their bodies sliding together desperately in an attempt to touch as much of the other as they could. Electricity coursing through his veins, Kadin felt the man’s powerful hands pull him into his lap before his mind could establish what was happening.

  Desperate kisses and searching touches grew more intense as they both melted into each other’s arms. They were no longer prince and peasant, they were simply alpha and omega, two bodies desperate for the other’s embrace. Kadin could barely keep up, his fingers tangling into the man’s hair as the alpha wound his legs around his waist and stood up easily.

  He figured he should be more afraid. He shouldn’t just melt into the man’s touches and completely give himself away at the drop of the hat. He couldn’t convince himself of this any more than he could pull himself away from the heated kisses and bruising grip on his quivering hips.

  The man holding him was powerful, carnal, and dominant. He had everything that an alpha should, and yet, still managed not to attempt to overpower his partner. Kadin felt his body melting in the alpha’s hand as he was pressed against one of the couches. He wanted everything that the alpha had to offer, damn the consequences.

  Shirts flying off with help from fumbling fingers, Kadin felt his back hit the cushions a mere second before Adrian’s powerful body climbed over him. Open-mouthed kisses pressed against his neck and shoulders while the Alpha fumbled with the buttons on his pants eagerly.

  The man was just as desperate as he was, soft moans leaving his lips as Kadin’s nails dragged over his shoulders and left bright red scratches across his flawless skin. Kadin had imagined what sex would be like since he was a teenager, and never once had he thought it would be as intense as it was with Adrian.

  “You’re beautiful,” Adrian growled in his ear, his warm body grinding against Kadin’s smaller form. Kadin could feel every inch of his lover’s body press down against him. His desire for Kadin pressing firmly against the omega’s thigh.

  Kadin let his body arch up towards the man slowly, his lips pressing clumsily back against Adrian’s while his legs fell open desperately. The heat rolling through his body was leaving him dazed, his mouth falling open in a noisy keen when Adrian’s fingers started to dance teasingly over his rear.

  “Have you ever done this before?” Adrian’s voice rumbled against his skin, his strong fingers kneading at Kadin’s rear in a distracting fashion.

  It took a moment for Kadin to realize that he had been asked a question, his entire body arching back into the man’s strong grip. His breath left his lips in a shaking gasp, his eyes flickering up to meet the cool amber gaze of his patient lover.

  “N-no,” he gasped, whimpering when Adrian leaned down and slid their lips together slowly, his sharp canines grazing over Kadin’s lip slowly.

  “Good, I want to be your one and only,” Adrian growled dominantly, dragging his fingers down Kadin’s hips and grasping firmly at his rear. Kadin felt his heart flutter at the man’s words, and all worries that he kept hidden in the depths of his mind faded away when Adrian leaned down and sank his teeth into his shoulder slowly.

  The cry that fell from his lips cut through the air like a knife, his entire body shuddering when Adrian’s body lurched forward to meet his own bucking hips. Making a pathetic noise that he would never admit having made, Kadin sank his nails into Adrian’s shoulders and quivered.

  Sliding his fingers across his hips, Adrian let out a smug noise at the sounds he was managing to coax out of Kadin’s lips. Kissing over the wound he left on his lover’s shoulder, his fingers slid up to rest against Kadin’s pale lips insistently.

  “Suck,” he ordered huskily, his pupils blowing wide when Kadin’s swollen roseate lips wrapped slowly around the powerful appendages.

  Kadin wasn’t sure what he was doing and had to be gently reminded not to use his teeth as he sucked and moved his tongue over the strong fingers dancing lightly in his mouth. Looking up at Adrian, he felt his heart flutter in his chest at the adoring look on the man’s face.

  In his own mind, he figured he must look a mess. Tangled copper hair hanging in his face, and his cheeks a dark crimson with arousal and embarrassment. He could feel saliva drip down his chin, his mouth hanging open in a desperate gasp when the alpha slowly slid his fingers free from his mouth and teasingly slid his fingers over his jaw.

  “Gorgeous,” Adrian breathed, chuckling at the voiceless whimper that left Kadin’s mouth hanging open in a moan. “Just relax, angel, I’m going to take good care of you.” He mumbled, letting his saliva slicked fingers slide down between Kadin’s legs to tease his quivering opening.

  Kadin wasn’t sure that the noise that fell from his lips was human. Trembling as the blush on his face crawled down to claim his chest, he hid shyly against Adrian’s shoulder while the prince’s finger slowly made its way inside of him.

  “Burns a little,” He grimaced, unused to the sensation rolling through his body. Adrian nodded, his eyes focused in on Kadin’s face in search of any sort of discomfort.

  “It’ll stop soon, I promise,” Adrian whispered, kissing the man on the lips slowly and humming softly as he let his finger slowly work the smaller man open.

  Humming as it gradually became easier, he leaned down and kissed up Kadin’s neck gently. Despite his dominant scent, Adrian moved at Kadin’s pace. His hands rubbing at his love
r’s shoulders while he searched for the spot that would leave Kadin squirming on the bed.

  Kadin wasn’t sure how he felt about having the other inside of him until he felt his fingers brush against something that left his entire back bowing off the bed. Crying out in delight, he felt his vision blur for a moment when the man started to rub against the spot again slowly.

  “Told you,” Adrian smirked, letting a second finger join the first while Kadin’s mind was anywhere but the burning sensation between his legs. Chuckling at the whimper that the usually far more vocal man let out, he leaned down and pressed their lips together heatedly.

  The fiery passion that had died down a bit during their foreplay was slowly starting to rekindle, Kadin’s body arching up towards Adrian’s while his legs moved to wind around his waist. Trembling desperately, he pressed his face to his shoulder and bit down on the alpha’s shoulder. The pheromones rolling from his lover was intoxicating, and the longer he was around him the more in Adrian’s control he felt.

  “Do you think you’re ready?” Adrian breathed in his ear, the warm scent rolling from his skin leaving Kadin’s mouth falling open in a desperate gasp. He chuckled when the only response he received from Kadin was a breathy moan, lifting up his chin with a powerful finger and grinning down at him. “Say yes, sir.” He ordered lowly, smirking against Adrian’s skin when the omega let out a low keening moan.

  “Y-yes sir!” Kadin managed to gasp out between moans, a pleading whine falling from his lips when the man pulled his fingers away from his entrance and lightly gripped his hips instead. “Adrian, please!” he begged, earning a pleased noise from the prince.

  “So impatient, my little angel,” Adrian whimpered, his vision glazing over a bit as lust curled through his body slowly.

  Kadin wanted desperate to be with the man as much as he physically could. He wanted to feel the man surround him in the warmth that he was radiating. He wanted to belong to the prince more than he wanted anything else. He didn’t care about the people who might try to stop them from being together, as long as he had his prince, he would be happy.


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