Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 25

by Stephan James

  Or not, because Stefan seated him at Noah’s side like he already belonged there. That was irksome because nothing had been decided yet and only other royals should sit so close, but he let it slide. That in itself was unusual, because nowadays, the slightest thing wrong was enough to piss him off. Having to speak English like this and really work his brain was another thing that should have set him off, and yet he felt only mild annoyance.

  This guy must be magic.

  Then they were alone at the empty table as Stefan went to go fetch their meal. Gale studied his hands for a long moment and Noah held back a sigh. If this whole luncheon passed in silence, he was just going to send this little man on his way rather than deal with anymore of it.

  “So, how long have you been a dragon?”

  Perhaps that wasn’t going to be the way things happened.

  Noah placed his elbows on the table in a completely improper manner and rested his chin on his hands. “Well…” How odd that he’d never told this tale aloud. He wasn’t allowed to, though. Very few members of the castle knew the truth of his predicament, while most were under the conclusion that his disappearance as a young child left him with irreparable brain damage or some other sort of mental weakness. He was not to speak long with anyone, and he was to avoid any sort of situations which might set him off. That was quite a few, as might be imagined.

  “Well, when I was just a year old, some dragons stole me away.”

  “Why?” Gale asked, seeming to simply accept the reality of dragons now. It still seemed so odd to Noah, and he’d lived through it!

  “Well…There are often stories of dragons stealing humans to eat or keep as servants. I was not eaten, so they must have meant for me to serve when I was old enough. I cannot remember much of that time, only my rescue. The army of Moldova found the dragons and killed them all to save me, but the elder lay a curse on me with his dying breath. He said that I shall forevermore be exactly what angers men, when I am angered. And when I came back home, it was found that I had a vicious temper and would turn into the same sort of beast which kidnapped me.”

  The words spilled out in a rush, until there was no more to tell. Noah didn’t want to go into the rest, how Stefan and his parents –mostly Stefan- had been the only human contact he had until his teen years, when he was allowed short jaunts to the garden. That didn’t count all the times he’d snuck out on his own to roam the country, however. There was no need to tell that part yet, and he had a distinct feeling that this Gale was sensitive enough to figure it out for himself.

  Just then, Stefan entered with a small train of servants behind him. They all kept their eyes averted and said not a single word as trays, plates, and platters of food were set on the table. There was a tureen of warm brown stew, stuffed peppers, beautiful little finger sandwiches… Always there was more food than could be properly eaten.

  Gale’s eyes went huge at the sight of the meal, and he ate like a man who probably hadn’t been fed properly in quite some time. Somehow, that was just a bit attractive. A large appetite for food meant a lot of energy for later.

  Stop it, Noah scolded himself, as he deftly picked the fill out of one of the peppers and ate only the meat. This isn’t going to go anywhere.

  However, he did have to admit that it was certainly nice to have company, even if it was only the sound of chewing. When Gale was nearly expanded to twice his original size, he sat back, patted his stomach contentedly, and then jumped right back into conversation. “Can you control it? I mean, I get that it happens when you’re angry, but can you also do it willingly?”

  “Yes,” Noah admitted, “When I found you, I was merely out hunting.”

  “Hunting?” Gale blanched a little, but Noah just shrugged at him.

  “The forests around here are teeming with deer and rabbit. I was hungry, but did not feel like walking, so I slid out my window and went to hunt. Plenty of satisfying blood and gore if you ever wish to join me next time.”

  There. That should chase him away.

  Indeed Gale did look a bit sick at the thought, but then he swallowed hard and put on a brave face. “Okay. Sure.”

  Then they both stared at each other in silence. Luckily, Stefan approached to interrupt. He had his hands behind his back again in a very prim and proper pose that Noah knew was the one he adopted when he had something to say.

  “Mr. Button,” he started, “by now I’m betting that you can see something may be slightly different from what you were planning. Well, the situation is this. Noah needs to marry someone in order to properly lay claim to his throne, but there are no female suitors he wishes to bother with. As for males, he just chased them all away. You, however…I can see that you inspire something of a different sort in him. Please, would you stay?”

  Gale’s mouth hung wide open. “ want me to…be a prince?”

  “The title is more honorary than anything else, fear not. And no, not yet. First, we have to see if you are…compatible. However, I will not force you into this if you do not wish. Just, you have been the only person who can actually stand Noah. What say you?”

  Noah looked down at his scrap-filled plate, bracing himself for the answer. He very much wanted this guy to leave his castle and never have to see him again, but yet at the same time, the companionship was so nice. He knew Gale wouldn’t stay, though. He had no reason to, not when he had parents and friends back in America, not to mention probably a job and schooling to get to….

  “Okay. I’ll do it. I’ll stay.”

  Gale couldn’t believe his luck! In the course of a single day, his whole world changed. It was even a far cry from his actual home. Here, everyone stopped to ask if there was anything he needed. He was constantly changing clothes and eating great food, which meant he was actually gaining weight for once, and everywhere he went, Noah seemed to follow like a shadow. They didn’t talk much, but as Gale had been given free reign of the castle to explore, he did so happily no matter whether Noah was breathing down his neck or not.

  Along with his own new, gigantic bedroom, he explored libraries and secret staircases, and slid around the floor of the ballroom. Everything was new, and everything was play.

  I think I could get used to this, he thought each night, sitting in an armchair with his feet up before the roaring fireplace that was in his room. He’d already had more time to read now than he did before graduating high school, and the books were all so interesting even if he couldn’t read many of them. Still, even when he was just sitting around and reading, he would feel eyes on him and look up to find Noah watching him.

  He tried to read aloud, but Noah simply disappeared when he started. However, he always reappeared shortly after to stay.

  Gale could only imagine what this other man had gone through in his life. Surely, a life of dragons had to have been horrific, but he said he couldn’t remember. Then the long solitude afterwards, most likely never talking to anyone else…always having to hide his true identity…It was like being in one gigantic closet! And he especially wondered what on earth Noah had seen in his life, what sort of horrors those storming grey eyes had seen. Body parts at least once, which he shuddered to think of. And if there had been that time, there were probably others. How many people had Noah probably killed? How many deaths were on his hands…or paws?

  I wish he would let me in so that I could know, he thought, but Noah was rather unresponsive to conversation. He answered questions that were asked directly, but he wouldn’t speak on his own or reply to simple remarks. It was no wonder that everyone had assumed he had a mental injury, and yet there was such cleverness and life held in there that Gale couldn’t believe people had believed that.

  After about a week of this, the perpetual quiet was finally broken when Noah sighed audibly from one corner of the library. Gale looked up to find him staring out the large picture window at the meadow and surrounding forest beyond.

  “Looks nice outside,” was all Gale said, expecting this to be like every other time.<
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  “Do you want to take a walk with me?”

  He looked back up, blinking with astonishment. “Oh…Oh! Yes!”

  As it turned out, the castle grounds were covered in footpaths, one of which wound away into the forest. Noah set his feet upon that one and off the way.

  Gale looked up at the canopy above and remembered the last time he’d been in a forest. “I guess I never really thanked you for saving my life,” he remarked quietly.

  Noah just shrugged, looking away. “It was no big deal.”

  “Sure it was!” Gale felt a warm glow of admiration for the prince, which started trailing a path down to his groin. “I would be dead if it wasn’t for you. I just wish I was able to contact my parents.”

  Noah paused at a fork in the path, and then led them down to the right. The path sloped steeply, with the trees growing thicker and becoming more untamed the further down they went. “Stefan is still refusing to let anyone know about this?”

  “Well, I guess it makes sense,” Gale sighed. His heart ached a bit with homesickness. “And I mean, I guess it’s not time for them to worry yet. That won’t be until after I don’t tell them I’m on a plane heading back to America.”

  “And when is that?”

  They were passing by a creek now. The bushes rustled and Noah stopped, his eyes scanning. He held up one hand, which Gale stared at because he didn’t know what it meant. “A couple weeks from now. I…”

  Noah hissed, “Hush!” but the warning came too late. As if from nowhere, a man stood up. He had a bow and arrow in his hand, the string drawn taut. The arrow was pointing at their feet.

  The mysterious man said something, and then more and more men began to step out from behind trees, pushing their way through the undergrowth, or simply seem to materialize from nowhere.


  “Don’t move,” Noah whispered. He was standing completely still, his throat working hard. “Whatever happens, do not move. I will protect you.”

  “Pah,” the strange man spat. “We had heard rumors that our beloved Prince Noah wished to marry a foreigner. That is wrong enough, but another man as well? We cannot allow it.”

  Noah hissed, much louder this time. Gale could feel heat flooding off the other man and knew this was about to get ugly. “What I choose to do in my own home is none of your business. Who do you think you are to try and govern me?”

  Gale had never heard Noah talk like that. He hardly ever sounded like a noble, but in this moment he spoke like a true prince.

  The man laughed harshly. “We are your people! Your decisions affect us. That is how nobility works. And we are here to set things to right.”

  With that, he leveled his bow and fired.

  Gale saw in an instant that the aim was true. The arrow was going to slam into his shoulder. He wanted to scream and duck, but they were surrounded. And in any case, Noah had said not to move.

  Noah moved, lunging in front of Gale. The arrow bounced harmlessly off of a sudden explosion of scales, and then Gale was incredibly, painfully warm as the dragon wrapped his bulk around him. Wings pressed flat to the sides of his body, Gale was held by Noah’s tail against his broad side. Those sides heaved and convulsed, and then Noah spat out a circular wall of flame.

  Arrows disintegrated on contact. The fire lashed out, knocking back many of the men, who screamed and fell, rolling around with their hair and clothes ablaze. Then Noah lunged away, his tail lashing out to the side with Gale held in it.

  All the air went out of his lungs with a double-punch of contact on the hard creek bed and the shocking chill of cold water where Noah had dumped him. Gasping and shivering, he huddled in the water and watched as Noah continued to spit fire and dispatched the attackers. He leapt and spun, like a dancer, limbs and legs lashing out. Spatters of blood flew, turning the green forest red.

  Those men were no match for the dragon, and quickly they all lay immobile on the smoldering path or else draped across the branches. Still, Noah raged, his tail lashing. He scraped at the earth with his claws, and his mouth opened. A long, protracted groan started deep in his throat as his maw opened wider to flash white fangs.

  Gale’s eyes went wide as he realized that if Noah roared, the sound would carry way over to the city. His cover would be blown.

  “Noah!” he cried. “Stop it! Calm down!”

  Then, miraculously, the dragon disappeared and Noah rushed, completely naked, over to where Gale sat in the stream.

  His dick was just hanging out right there. Gale swallowed hard, all his fear suddenly lost and replaced with want. It was such a strange and improbable way to feel after what he’d just witnessed, but he couldn’t help it.

  “Noah,” he whispered.

  Noah knelt down and helped him stand, holding his hand to do so. A storm was brewing in his eyes, wild and untamed, and Gale swallowed again from pure want.

  “We should get you out of these wet clothes,” Noah growled, low and hoarse.

  Together, they walked from the forest and back to the meadow. It was warmer out of the forest, making Gale feel dizzy and hazy-minded, but he did try to keep on track.

  “Um…should we…go and tell Stefan about what just happened?”

  “Later,” Noah growled, and put his hands on Gale’s shoulders, pressing his full weight onto him. Losing his balance, the smaller man fell backwards and they both went sprawling onto the soft grass.

  Noah was still naked so Gale could see every inch of his dick, and there only seemed to be more and more inches as it continued to swell. He swallowed hard, imagining the prince’s taste and what it would feel like to have him fucking towards the back of his throat…

  He was on his side, trying to catch his breath, when strong hands grabbed at his ass and pulled him over onto his stomach. A whimper rose in his throat and he pressed his hands down to the grass and raised up his ass. Noah slid his hands over his ass and gave an appreciative little sound. “Oh…very nice...”

  Feeling playful, Gale wiggled his ass and was rewarded with a light slap on his rear. “Don’t do that,” Noah warned, sounding breathless. “Too much of that and I won’t be able to hold myself back.”

  “So don’t,” Gale challenged him, and wiggled again.

  Noah growled once more, and then ripped Gale’s borrowed, expensive slacks and underwear down, exposing his small, tight rear. The warm sunlight on his bare skin felt almost impossibly good and he let out a purr.

  The dragon prince lowered his mouth to Gale’s ass and bit him softly. Gale moaned and arched his back, feeling his own dick harden and stand out to attention. Then, a hot tongue flickered out and slid luxuriously between his cheeks and out again, burning his opening.

  “Oh, God,” he whimpered, and shoved his ass back against Noah’s mouth. The bigger man obliged and did it again, letting his tongue linger, flicking around. His fingers tore at the grass, plucking strands of green as he started to shake. He wasn’t exactly a virgin, but he hadn’t ever been with someone who didn’t just go right for the prize. And that in itself was making it very hard to wait. The tip of his cock was starting to bead and drip with nectar, glowing in the sunlight.

  Noah backed his face away and Gale felt him rise up on his knees. The velvety tip of a hard, swollen manhood slid upward through his ass cheeks, parting him the whole way. Then, it nudged against his opening and waited there, poised to enter.

  There was no hesitation. He knew he wanted this, so he relaxed with everything he had and pressed himself back against Noah’s cock. Noah’s hands went onto his ass and began to pull with him, encouraging him to take it all.

  There was a lot to take, and he’d never been with someone so big and without anything to help him along the way. It was a completely new experience, an entirely new feeling. He could feel every bit of friction as Noah entered, felt his cock jump and twitch. At the same time, he’d never been so relaxed. Maybe that was what made it so much easier.

  I know you won’t hurt me, Gale thought, and he c
losed his eyes. “Do it. Take me. Now.”

  Noah obliged, starting to rock his hips back and forth, heading deeper with every stroke. Gale moved with him, picking up their pace gradually but swiftly, until they were fucking like dogs. Panting and shaking, Gale propped himself up with only his one hand and wrapped the other around his throbbing shaft. His ass muscles tightened as he stroked his own length, squeezing Noah’s dick.

  The dragon prince grunted and thrust into him harder than before. “Fuck, Gale!”

  That was the first time Noah had said his name. The sound of it was just enough to push him over the edge. Crying out, his shaft tightened in his hand and then a burning gush of liquid spilled out onto the grass. At the same time, Noah’s dick did the same inside of him.

  Gale shook and rocked with his orgasm, trembling so hard it was almost like a seizure. Pleasure rocked his groin in waves of burning, tingling heat. Burning fire.

  When it drained away, he was exhausted.

  Pulling apart, the two men stared at each other’s faces, but didn’t make eye contact. It was then that Gale realized he was still sopping wet and Noah was covered in splotches of dried blood.

  “We should…go tell Stefan.”

  Noah nodded and stood, his spent member dangling limply from between his legs. Gale couldn’t look away for a moment because it was still the biggest he’d ever seen, even like that. “Very well. Don’t worry. This is not the first time something like this has happened.”

  That wasn’t exactly a comforting thought, and definitely cast a shadow over Gale’s mind about this whole thing. This tied in with what he was wondering about earlier. As much as he enjoyed the luxuries, this kind of life just might not be for him.

  “Did you need me for something, My Lord?” Stefan asked, stepping into Noah’s private chambers.

  Noah sat upon his bed, half-dressed for the evening meal. He looked down at his hands, his stomach squirming with nervousness. He could hardly believe what he was considering, but it was the only option, which made any sense. Two weeks since he met Gale and neither of them could understand the changes in him. Where had his anger gone, his frustration? Oh, some of it was still there, but it had either faded or else diminished somehow and he had no idea what sort of sorcery could have done this, but he was quite certain that no one else could ever inspire this feeling in him than Gale. All those men and women who had filed in, nobles and commoners alike, seeking their fortune or otherwise lured in by the opportunity of a luscious castle job, none of them had meant anything to him.


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