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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

Page 27

by Stephan James

  Then, something happened. The dragon disappeared, but not in the same way as it normally did. It wasn’t an instantaneous change, but a dissipating. First, Noah’s wings and tail receded and blew away in the wind like so much dust; he shrank, and his scales disappeared one by one. His paws became hands, and his nails became claws.

  Then they were just two naked men, staring at each other.

  “Gale?” Noah whispered. “Gale? What just happened?”

  Gale searched for words and found none. “Um…well, I’m sorry to tell you this, but it looks like you melted.”

  As he spoke, he suddenly realized how tired he was. He felt a little sick too, but it passed quickly as he focused on Noah again, who was laughing and crying.

  “Gale? Gale, I’m not angry anymore! I can’t transform! The dragon is gone! The curse is broken!”

  “The dragon is gone?”

  They both whipped around to find a crowd of people from the ball staring at them in all their glorious nudity, toting makeshift weapons in the form of steak knives and fireplace pokers.

  Noah motioned for Gale to stay down. His heart was thundering, but he knew that he couldn’t do that this time. Noah couldn’t do this alone, this time. He stood as well, and went to stand beside the man he loved, taking his hand. He was given an impatience glance, but there was no time to spare for anything else.

  This time when Noah spoke, it wasn’t a speech. It was from the heart. “I know what all this seems like and I won’t lie that a lot of it is true. Yes, I had to kill some people and I am incredibly sorry for it, but they were attacking my fiancé and me. It was in self-defense, and I was afraid. I will stand trial if need be, and fully compensate the families of the deceased for as much as they like.

  “It’s true that I only met Gale a short time ago, but he has changed my whole life. I am a dragon. Or, I was.”

  And here, he gave them a very quick rundown of the events that led up to this. This was only a fraction of a crowd and Gale knew that Noah would be endlessly repeating the tale for years to come, but it had to be done. He squeezed his lover’s hand to give him encouragement, and listened with the potential attackers as they stood in slack-jawed awe.

  And when it was finally done, there was utter silence. And then murmuring.

  “He always was kind of an asshole.”

  “Didn’t he do some pretty heavy prison time before?”

  “It must have been so rough to be locked away for so long…”

  Gale felt that sudden sick feeling wash over him again, this time accompanied by a wave of dizziness. He figured it was just the aftereffects of everything that happened, and it didn’t dampen his relief.

  It looked as though they were going to be given a chance, after all.

  After a very long month of hearings and judgments, the events of the disaster at the castle finally came to an end. Noah personally met with each and every family member of the deceased for public apologies and to compensate them; as it turned out, many of the men been previously disliked or labeled as criminals. And in the end, it was decided that the story of the dragon prince should be treated as a myth. The landlocked country of Moldova would gain some popularity in the coming months due to word of mouth crossing the border, and the businesses catering to tourists saw a boon, which lifted the entire economy.

  What was previously a disaster had become a blessing, and it was all thanks to Gale.

  He resisted that thanks, mostly because he was just doing what felt right, and also because he was too busy concentrating on other things to contest what other people said. A date for the wedding had been set and it was decided upon that Gale should have as much formal training as possible before then. He spent his days learning politics and which fork to use, a draining task on the mind which distinctly reminded him of high school. Stefan was in charge of all of that of course, and he even prepared little tests to see if Gale remembered what was previously taught.

  It was difficult, grueling, and just a little bit fun. He didn’t feel as though he would ever know enough to really be ready, but the hours of learning allowed him to take part in his favorite activity of the day: collapsing in bed beside his love to make gentle love to each other before falling asleep.

  Those odd, worrying moments of sickness and dizziness continued to nag at Gale, though. Often they occurred at random times throughout the day when he wasn’t even doing anything; in addition to that, he felt a bit bloated and had to go up a size in clothing. Stefan teased him about eating too much, so he just tried to write it off as his body trying to become accustomed to the frequency and quantity of local cuisine. Royalty was certainly fed well.

  Then, the day finally came. The day before the wedding. Everything was perfect. The first wave of guests had arrived and been greeted. The rest would come tomorrow, and the ceremony would be held in the stage which had been set up in the garden, before heading into the reception in the ballroom.

  That night, Gale and Noah had sex as they always did. But, as it came to a close, Gale couldn’t even finish. All the breath suddenly went out of him and he collapsed onto his back, dizzy and sick. The ceiling spun around and around above him, and his blood pounded in his ears loud enough to block out his soon-to-be-husband’s concerned voice. Something in his stomach seemed to shift as well, scaring him very badly. What was wrong?

  When the dizziness finally faded enough for him to speak and hear again, Gale shook in Noah’s arms and whispered, “Sorry. That was a bad one.”

  Noah demanded, “How long has this been happening?”

  Gale had to think back a ways before he could remember. “A couple months. Maybe?”

  “And you didn’t tell me?”

  “It wasn’t enough to bother with until now!” Gale practically wailed. “What’s wrong with me? It felt like something in my stomach moved!”

  Noah went very still, and his stormy grey eyes had widened. “It did? Are you certain? Gale…are you pregnant?”

  “What?” Indignation made him forget his fear. “I’m a man! I can’t be pregnant! Geez, what do they teach you guys in school here?”

  “No, no,” Noah said quickly, waving his hands. “What I meant is…There are many stories and legends around the world of men and women alike being made pregnant by powerful beings. I was just wondering if…well…”

  If a dragon could make a human pregnant.

  But, that wasn’t it. There was something else, wasn’t there? Gale could hardly believe he noticed, not when he was reeling from this information, but Noah’s eyes flickered in that way they did when he was withholding information. “Tell me the rest of it.”

  To his credit, Noah admitted it very quickly. “Alright. You see, I often studied the subject in my teen years. A curse cannot just be broken. It has to go somewhere –usually into the next available body. That is what I read, anyway. I was afraid that it would go into you but you seemed to show no adverse affects. And no wonder, if…”

  Neither of them needed to hear the finish of what he was saying to know what it would be. If Gale was somehow pregnant, the curse must have gone into the unborn child. Which meant that it would be…a dragon.

  Fear stood out so stark in Noah’s eyes, and Gale knew he was reliving his childhood, so he took his hands into his own and held them tight. “Listen to me,” he said calmly. How strange it was that his life had come to this? Pregnant somehow with a dragon child, from a former dragon himself. It was mind-boggling, but he quickly cut the facts down to the bone and addressed them alone. “Look, I don’t think we should worry about this until after the wedding, okay?”

  Noah blinked, seeming to come out of his fog a bit to listen.

  “We have to tell Stefan about this, and he needs to find us a very trustworthy doctor so we can start getting this figured out. I’d really like to know where the baby is…inside me…and how I’m expected to give birth to it!”

  Noah nodded, and held Gale’s hands a bit tighter. “Okay,” he whispered. And then stronger, “Ok

  “And…we won’t make the same mistakes your parents did. They were afraid for you. I guess when we’re parents that we’re going to be afraid too, but we won’t ever isolate the child. We’ll teach him to control himself. He’ll make a damn good heir for us.” For some reason, tears sprang into Gale’s eyes. Pregnancy hormones, he figured.

  Noah leaned in to kiss him, nodding his agreement. “You’re so perfect, Gale Buttons. I am very glad to have met you.”

  Gale, former student and tourist, future King, kissed his love on the lips as deeply and sweetly as he could. “You’re perfect, too. I love you.”

  “And I love you.”

  *********The End**********

  Omega’s Keeper



  I’m in the city of dreams, but so far this feels like a nightmare. An unwanted house guest with no job, money, or options until something opens up for me. This is not what I was expecting, but it’s my only choice. Will I be able to handle this billionaire’s wild ways?


  I need a special sort of help that a typical recruiter just can’t accommodate. Shawn applied to my ad, but he can’t possibly know what he’s getting into. I know he’s desperate, but he doesn’t realize I need him just as much as he needs me. I want to protect him, but who will protect him from me?


  What’s that smell?

  Shawn Champion kept his eyes closed, pretty certain that he didn’t want to deal with whatever this was. The scent was sickly-sweet, like deli ham gone badly over weeks ago, but it was almost musty like old books. And there was something wet about it…

  One of the other guys could take care of it, he reasoned tiredly, shifting a little against his couch-bed as he thought of his roommates. What day was it? Thursday? Unless it was time for them to go out and party, they should both be home. He didn’t think he’d slept that late. Or had he?

  Groaning miserably, the smell growing worse, he opened his eyes and started to look around for his phone to check the time. He didn’t see or hear anyone, so maybe…

  Something dripped into his eye from above. He blinked a little and had a brief moment to wonder whether the ceiling was leaking when it started to sting. Not merely sting, but burn so ferociously he could almost taste it through his skull. Grabbing at his eye, Shawn sat up and opened his mouth to cry out.

  Someone snickered.

  At the same moment, a small dusty and yet juicy chunk of something hit his lips and bounced off. Forgetting about the pain in his eye for the moment, Shawn looked down at his lap with his hand still clamped to his face. What he saw almost made him sick.

  A trail of green sludge led down from his shirt to his sweatpants. Lying, caught between two raised folds of fabric was a one-inch piece of something mottled green-and-white with mold. It was completely unidentifiable, and also clearly a piece of the hot dog which had been sitting in the bottom drawer of the fridge for over a month now.

  Is that…what dripped on me? That’s disgusting!

  His fingers rose to his lips, sliding through the puff of spores there were the moldy hot dog had hit.

  And the pelting began in earnest.

  Another piece of softness thudded against his shoulder and then slid down under his collar. More hit his neck, and then his chest. Shawn leapt to his feet, dancing frantically and trying to shake out his shirt. And now that he was standing up, he saw Peter and Carmen crouched beneath the coffee table, hiding at the back of the couch. Each of them held more hot dog pieces in their hands, and they were grinning like idiots.

  And they were idiots, as far as he was concerned. He glared at them, flinched when another chunk hit him on the temple, and then resumed his glaring. “What the hell, guys?” he demanded, hating how soft his voice was in comparison to their deep, rumbling laughs. A voice like that never sounded properly angry no matter how hard he tried.

  Peter stood up, lobbing his entire handful at him so they went bouncing all over the place. And from the other side, Carmen did the same thing. Then, they both surrounded him and wiped their slimy hands on his t-shirt. As much as he wriggled and writhed in their grip, he couldn’t escape.

  “You wanna talk about what the hell, bro?” Peter said, finally releasing him with a disgusted look on his face. “Look, Carmen and I have actual jobs. Okay? But all you do is sit around here like a fat lump. The least you could do is pick stuff up or clean something like we asked you to.”

  Carmen snorted with laughter. “Yeah. This is your own fault.”

  Deep down, he knew it was. This was his entire fault, every bit of this situation. It was true that he didn’t have a job, but it wasn’t for lack of trying! A guy like him really had to fight to break out into the acting scene, especially in a place like NYC where everyone and their sister thought they had what it took.

  Well, it wasn’t for lack of trying, he admitted to himself, looking down as his guilt deepened. You could only take so many rejections before it started to hurt. His motivation was seriously lacking these days, and he hardly moved from the couch where he slept ever since the guys kicked him out of his room.

  “Well, I have an audition in a few days,” Shawn said, which was true, but he just didn’t have much hope for it. He already knew he wouldn’t be the kind of guy they wanted to fill the only male role in that kind of play; sleek and muscular, a warrior type was definitely not going to sit well on him. These guys didn’t need to know that though, not like it would have changed their minds. From the way they stared at him now, he knew they either didn’t believe him or didn’t think he would make it.

  Peter turned in the direction of his room. “Yeah, well, I bet the reason you’re so lazy is because of your prissy little lady hands.” He fluttered his hands and scoffed, walking down the hall with Carmen in tow.

  Shawn looked down at his petite hands and sighed. Fetching a paper towel from the half-kitchen, he rounded up as many pieces of the moldy hot dog as he could find and then buried the evidence very deeply in the trash so it might not reek as much as the stuff on top. He should have taken it out, at least tied the bag up, but he turned away with a desolate sigh.

  A newspaper was open on the table, the pages carefully parted and folded to show off the classified ads. He sighed. Really, Carmen didn’t even live here. He couldn’t live here until Shawn vacated the premises. In the meantime, he was a very-uninvited permanent guest who was slowly trying to shove Shawn out of the apartment before he was ready. Stuff like this was part of their way of hinting.

  Because he wanted to, and not because they were making him, Shawn sat down and looked the paper over. There were the same job listings that there always were, including dentistry assistant and fast food worker, but none of it was what he wanted, or could even pretend to want enough to land a job at one of those soulless places. Besides, who was he kidding? He had no college education, no people experience, and his grades sucked every single year; he struggled to survive as himself, only to discover in sophomore year of high school that he could thrive as someone else. Plays became his life. Acting let him live as he should have all along.

  And then, high school ended. And he packed up and headed out to NYC, and ended up in this deadbeat apartment with two jerks who called him all sorts of awful names when they thought he wasn’t looking.

  His gaze slid over to the “situation wanted” section of the classifieds. Those were little more than disguised hookups, a playground for prostitution.

  I just might end up having to look there, he thought bitterly, scanning the eclectic grouping. Just like Mom thought I would.

  Just as he was about to close the paper and grab something to eat from the fridge he hadn’t helped stock, or clean, something caught his eye. It was a “situation,” but the description was a lot shorter than the others. In fact, at first he thought it was just left blank, some poor soul wasting money for an ad spot and then forgetting to fill it.

  And then he looked
closer and saw that there were actually a few words there.

  “Caretaker requested. No experience necessary. Must live in.”

  There was a number beneath that, and a signed name of Eric Timmerman, but that was all.

  Now, that was a curious job description. There wasn’t anything vaguely sexual about it, although it was in actuality terribly vague. Who, or what, needed taking care of so extensively?

  Shawn was up and had the handheld phone in his hand almost before he completely knew what he was going to do, and then he just looked at it blankly. A guy like him couldn’t just go around answering strange messages like this; that was how people got murdered, after all.

  Still, there were no better opportunities out there and he was down to the last handful of change from his savings account. His friends weren’t friends anymore, and when he couldn’t afford to pay his part of the rent this time around they could rightfully kick him out. And besides, he was street-smart enough to recognize danger in situations like these. It wouldn’t hurt to just call.

  Holding firmly to those thoughts and trying to summon up even a scrap of hope to give him a better attitude, he dialed the number and pressed the phone to his ear.

  His heart hammered painfully in his chest as he waited. One ring, then two. By the time the third trill began to fade away, his nerves were almost entirely gone. He was about to hang up with the fourth repetition, when suddenly, there was a click and a dry, papery voice filtered through the phone. “Timmerman household. This is Terrance speaking, how may I help you?”

  For a moment, surprise kept his breath away. This Terrance sounded pretty old, at least in his fifties. What would a guy like that want with sex?

  Oh, wait. That’s the wrong name.

  Could this be a legitimate job offer, then? An aging man needed help for a relative? Or, had that relative turned the tables and was trying to get someone to take care of the old man?


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