Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 39

by Stephan James

  Emmitt stood by the fountain dressed in a black suit with his glasses gleaming in the sunlight. As Vincent approached him, Emmitt glanced up with vivid hate in his eyes. He could tell this wasn’t going to be fun.

  “You’re Axel’s brother?” Vincent asked nonchalantly.

  “That’s right… May I ask who you are?”

  “Vincent. Vincent Laroche.”

  “Well then. Mr. Laroche, as I said, we’re here to talk about Axel. I won’t take up your time, so don’t worry about that.”

  “Just say what you have to say already...”

  “I want you to tell Axel that you don’t want to see him anymore and completely lose contact with him.”

  “What?” Vincent made a face. He really didn’t like being told what to do. “Why would I do that?”

  Emmitt narrowed his eyes. “Because you’re an alpha and Axel omega. If he goes into heat while he’s with you, then he’ll do something that he’s going to regret. He’ll end up getting marked, only to get hurt when he realizes that he’s picked a bad partner. He’s so young. He has no idea how far he can go before he needs to rely on someone else.”

  “You might want to slow down there,” Vincent told him with a frown. “Listen, I hate to be the one who tells you this but your brother already lost his virginity.”

  “Excuse me?! What have you done to you him, you son of a bitch?!”

  “Nothing at all. You know he’s an adult, so he’s not obligated to listen to everything single thing you tell him. He has his own thoughts about things and he wants to do things his way. It’s not my fault that his brother was nearly suffocating him to the point where he ran to a strange man’s arms, though I think you’re lucky it was me and not some brute. How tragic that could’ve been.”

  Emmitt simmered with rage, clenching his fists. “You’re sick… You’re just toying with him, aren’t you? You don’t really care about him, do you?! I won’t let you hurt my brother just so you can keep playing with him!”

  “I never said I was playing with him.” Vincent sighed heavily. “I’m done with this.”

  He turned and started to walk away but Emmitt wasn’t letting up. “Do you love him, Mr. Laroche?! Do you love Axel?!”

  Vincent stopped and glanced at the brother over his shoulder, his gaze serious. “I’m not sure how I feel about your brother just yet but I do know that I want him to be happy. If he’s happy with me then that’s fine. And if you try to interfere because you think that he needs to be protected from all alphas who you think are so horrible, then I won’t allow you see Axel anymore.” With that said, Vincent walked away.

  He arrived back at his apartment in an annoyed mood, slumping onto his sofa. Vincent ran a hand through his hair and closed his eyes. A few minutes later, the door opened and Axel came inside. Vincent opened one eye and looked at Axel who went into the kitchen.

  “How do you feel about hamburgers tonight?” Axel asked him.

  “Yeah, that’s fine… Where did you go today?”

  “Oh… I hung out with my sister,” Axel told him, keeping his back to Vincent. “She was worried about me.”

  Raising an eyebrow, Vincent’s sat up with his eyes still on Axel. “Really. Your brother asked me to meet him today.”

  “Did he? What...did he say to you?"

  “Well, he hates me so that’s a thing,” Vincent leaned forward. “In any case, he told me that he wanted me to tell you that I don’t want to see you again and lose contact with you.”

  “Oh… I see...”

  “Obviously I wasn’t going to do that.”

  Axel whirled around, his eyes wide with surprise. “Huh?”

  Vincent stood up and went over to Axel, embracing him from behind. “He asked me if I loved you but I told him I didn’t know what my feelings were. To be honest, my heart still belongs to my fiancee. She was killed a few months ago and it’s been hard for me to move past it. And I know I call you a brat and tease you a lot but I care about you and I told him that if he wants to interfere, I won’t let him see you again. I really do want you to be happy, Axel and if you’re happy with me then I’d feel like a bastard for trying to push you away.”

  Axel’s shoulders shook and Vincent paused. He held Axel’s gently and lifted his chin so he could see his face. Tears shone in Axel’s eyes and fell down his cheeks. Vincent looked surprised.

  “Axel… What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Axel angrily brushed away his tears, turning away. “I-I got something in my eye, that’s all.”

  “Really? Are you sure that’s why?”

  “It is… It-” Axel’s tears continued to flow. “I don’t know… I haven’t cried in such a long time, I don’t why now... I’m really happy, I shouldn’t be crying. I’m so pathetic.”

  “You aren’t pathetic because you’re crying. I swear, you really are a brat.”

  “Shut up! You’re so stupid!”

  A faint smile appeared on Vincent’s face. He kissed Axel’s cheek, tasting the saltiness of his tears. His lips moved lower to Axel’s neck, holding the omega’s chin while he did so. Axel trembled when Vincent’s fingers brushed over the mark.

  “How about I make you feel really good?”

  Axel said nothing but nodded his head. When Vincent turned his face to him, he could see the passion and desire shining amongst the tears. His urges moved his body forward. He swept Axel into a fervent kiss, his hands fiddling with the brunette’s pants. Lifting Axel onto the counter while still kissing him deeply, Vincent managed to slip off Axel’s jeans and underwear, lifting his as he inserted his fingers inside of the omega. A cry of pleasure escaped Axel’s mouth. He wrapped his arms around Vincent, moving his hips as his hole was spread. It didn’t take long before Vincent pulled his fingers out, ready to plunge into Axel.

  “C-Condom...” the boy gasped out, ready for more but controlling his lust.

  Vincent nodded and pulled one from his back pocket. He used his teeth to rip it open and put it on this throbbing cock. With that done, Vincent grabbed onto Axel's legs and thrust into Axel, burying his dick all the way to the hilt inside of the other. Axel's moans and gasps bounced off the walls. The cutlery on the counter rattled as Vincent rammed into him. His back arched and his body quivered with ecstasy. His cock was dripping with pre-cum while his ass greedily held Vincent’s dick.

  “Cumming… Vincent, I’m cumming…!”

  “Me too… Axel...”

  Axel’s body convulsed, his cock twitching as he climaxed. Vincent inhaled deeply and rested his head against Axel’s chest, breathing heavily. Axel covered his eyes with his hand and exhaled softly.

  “I’m sorry my brother gave you a hard time...” he said.

  “Siblings do that,” Vincent looked up. “I know he means well but you are an adult now. He needs to let you do what you want.”

  Moving his hand, Axel smiled a bit. “You know, I’m actually kind of glad that it was you who saved me that night.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  The following night, Axel was at Sweet Nightblood on his usual shift. On his break, he texted Vincent the time he got off, knowing he’d head straight home. Vincent replied with lackluster response but then added ‘Be careful and hurry back’. Axel’s face burned and he stuffed his phone in his pocket to fan himself off.

  He got back to work, serving the drinks, cleaning the tables and kicking out any drunkards who happened to be causing a scene. As he was taking out the garbage, Axel felt a chill run down his spine. He looked over his shoulders into the darkness of the alleyway but he didn’t see anything suspicious.

  “Might just be my imagination...” he muttered as he tossed the trash into the dumpster, dusting off his hands.

  All of a sudden, there were hands grabbing at him from behind. He was tugged backwards but Axel struggled against his assailant. Bringing his leg up, he kicked back and got the assailant in his gut. His attacker mumbled something that he couldn’t hear before giving him a swift punch to the side
of his face. Axel tasted blood but it only made him resist more. He twisted his body in order to headbutt the attacker but before he could, a cloth was shoved over his nose and mouth. He tried to fight and not inhale the chloroform but his vision was already darkening and his body grew limp. He passed out cold and was dragged away.

  When he woke up, he found himself in a dark, empty room with one barred window. His hands and legs were bound and there was a cloth wrapped around his mouth, silencing him. His body felt sore but he couldn’t find the strength to move it. The floor was hard and cold. His face felt tingly from when he’d gotten punched. He tried to feel for his phone but it wasn’t in his pocket anymore. With a sigh, Axel closed his eyes again.

  “Vincent… I got myself into some real shit...”

  Back at Vincent’s apartment, he was enjoying a beer while watching TV when someone knocked on his door. He stood up and crossed the room, yawning as he opened the door. A young woman with long brown hair and a sorrowful, frightened expression stood there. She looked up at him and spoke.

  “Are you...Vincent?”

  “I am. Who are you and what do you want?”

  “I’m Cecilia, Axel Barnette’s older sister… I need your help.”

  Vincent scowled at her. “What would I want to help you for? If you’re anything like your damn pain-in-the-ass brother-”

  “I’m not, I swear I’m not!” Cecilia lowered her head. “Please believe me. I don’t know what my brother did but he’s crossed the line this time. Axel could get hurt and you’re the only one who can make Emmitt see that he’s gone too far. I’m begging you...”

  Vincent felt a chill shoot through his body. “Come inside.”

  Cecilia sat on the couch while Vincent leaned against the island’s counter, watching her carefully. Her hands were folded tightly on her lap and she kept her head down, biting her lower lip that wouldn’t stop trembling. Vincent felt bad at assuming she was anything like Emmitt when she was looking like that.

  “So, what’s going on?”

  The woman took in a deep breath. “Emmitt and I are alphas. So was our father, but our mother and Axel are omegas. Our father treated our mother so terribly, insulting her, beating her and even choking her. He was the one who killed her when she pushed him over the edge by accident. Axel was only a toddler when it happened. Ever since then, we made it our job to protect him. We didn’t want to see him get hurt. But because Emmitt was so strict with him, he barely did anything that he wanted to do. I never liked seeing him sitting there every day with such a blank face, never really caring about anything. But then, he got the job at the bar and he met you and he finally broke through that haze of gray. It didn’t sit right with Emmitt to have his little brother defy him and what pushed him further was you.”

  “I could tell he hated everything about me before we even talked,” Vincent told her with a frown.

  “I’m sorry. He means well but his views on alphas have become so skewed that he won’t even listen to me when I try to talk some sense into him.”

  “At the door, you said Axel could get hurt because of what your brother did.”

  Cecilia covered her mouth, holding back her tears. “Last night, before he left the house, I asked him where he was going. When he didn’t answer me and left, I followed him to some strange hangout. He was there with some men and paying them money. Emmitt, he...he hired a gang to kidnap Axel.”


  “He said that he wanted to show Axel that the guy he was with was a worthless, piece of trash who didn’t care about him. He had some random thugs take our brother and who knows if they hurt him or not!”

  Cecilia broke down into tears but her sadness was nothing compared to the anger and rage that boiled like lava deep within Vincent. He was silent then looked to the sobbing sister, feeling truly sorry for her that her brother would go to such lengths just to prove a point.

  “You don’t have to cry anymore,” Vincent told her.

  She lifted her head, sniffling and wiping her face. “Huh?”

  “You’re right. Your brother has gone too far now and I won’t allow him to continue with this. After I rescue Axel, we’re going to confront your brother and settle everything.”

  “Thank you, Vincent...” Cecilia said with a teary smile. ‘Thank you so much… But, how are you going to save him? Or even find him?”

  “Don’t worry about that. You just get home.”

  He saw her to the door, watching her leave before he grabbed his phone. He dialed a certain number and held the phone up to his ear. A familiar voice answered his call.

  “It’s me, Vincent… Something really fucked up just happened and I need your help. That omega I told you about? He got kidnapped and I have no idea what the fuck is happening. Is Echo okay to come with us? Good, tell him to come alone. I want this to be a fair fight.”

  In the dark room when Axel lay, the boy was roused from his fitful sleep when the door opened and light poured into the room. Several large men stomped into the room, one of them coming closest to Axel and bending down in front of him with a condescending look on his face.

  “This guy looks more like a chick than a damn dude,” he said in a nasally voice that made Axel wince. “Shit, looks like he’d be a better fuck than a chick, too.”

  One of the other guys made a face. “Dude, you seriously wanna bang this guy? Looks like he’d break if you even try to.”

  “You think he’s an omega?” another guy asked, making the others go silent. Axel went stiff, suddenly starting to feel afraid.

  “Damn, if he’s an omega, I bet fucking him would be so hot...”

  “Oh damn, I’m getting a boner just thinking about it!”

  “Shit, I wanna try it!”

  “If that glasses guy was right and this dude’s boytoy or whatever ain’t coming then I say, let’s fucking go for it! He never said we couldn’t play around with his ass for a little while.”

  Axel squeezed his eyes closed as large, clammy hands grabbed at him, tearing open his shirt and groping his crotch. He wanted to vomit, feeling their hot breath on his skin as they touched him. Tears stung his eyes and he tried to struggle as they started to pull off his pants. Then suddenly, the sound of motorcycles approaching made them stop.

  “Who the fuck is that?” one of them growled, standing up to go and check.

  They were met with the man’s sudden terrified scream. It was quickly silenced and followed with a wet snapping sound. The others froze in place, dropped Axel and scrambled to grab any weapons to defend themselves. Axel watched with blurry vision. Three new figures had arrived. The thugs ran at them, only to be easily overpowered. Splashes of blood flew into Axel’s vision. Bodies fell to the floor, lifeless, until only three remained.

  But, the remaining three looked strange. One of them approached him and he lifted his eyes for a better look. His eyes went wide when he saw that a lion was standing over him, staring at him. But he wasn’t scared as he was when the men had attacked him. The lion’s eyes were gentle, even a bit conflicted. They were so familiar too.

  Mustering a little strength, Axel reached a hand out and touched the lion’s cheek. It leaned into his palm, growling low. Axel smiled faintly as the lion brought its face closer, their foreheads pressing against one another’s.

  “You came for me, Vincent...”

  “Of course I did.” Vincent’s lion form morphed and he returned to his human form, scooping Axel into his arms. “Shit, I’m so relieved that you’re not hurt… Those bastards, laying their fucking hands on you...”

  Axel laughed a bit. “I’m just...happy you’re here...”

  His head rested against Vincent’s chest as the alpha man stood, holding him bridal style. Vincent turned and exited the place. Skye and Echo, already having disposed the bodies, were waiting for him by their motorcycles. They came over to Vincent when he came out, both looking relieved when they saw Axel in his arms.

  “He’s alright?” Skye asked.

h, he’s fine. Luckily we got here in time, they were fucking trying to screw him.”

  Echo grimaced. “Ugly punks, glad they’re dead.”

  “Vincent...” Axel lifted his head a bit, looking at Echo and Skye. “Who…?”

  “Alpha lions like me,” Vincent said. “But I’ll explain everything later. We have to get you back home.”

  “I don’t want to go back there… I want to go back home with you.”

  “Where do you think we’re going, brat?”

  When he said that, Axel fell silent with a soft smile on his face. Vincent waved to Skye and Echo and took the brunette back to his place. He immediately went straight for his bedroom once they got there.

  Gently, he set Axel down on the side of the bed and began to help him undress. Axel was silent the whole time while he did so, allowing his dirty, tattered clothes to be discarded before having another one of Vincent’s shirt slip over his head, covering his upper body. He and Vincent then climbed into bed together, with Vincent’s arms wrapped around him and his face pressed against the alpha’s chest. Silence hung in the air for a minute or two, neither of them saying a word. And then, Axel broke that silence.

  “So, you’re a lion…?”

  “I am. I can change from my human form into that one.”

  “I see...”

  “Were you scared by me?”

  “No, I wasn’t. Even though being approached by a lion isn’t something that happens to a person on a regular basis. But when you came over to me, it was like an instinct that told me not to be scared because I knew you wouldn’t hurt me.”

  Vincent chuckled softly and embraced Axel tighter. “You...”

  “Vincent?” Axel felt the alpha shaking a bit. “What’s the matter?”


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