Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 47

by Stephan James

  “Are you okay?” I asked him, my lips buried in his neck.

  His nails found my back, digging in, “Please don’t stop.”

  His words pushed me over the edge, my shaft jumped, flexing inside of him and making him moan. I started to move quickly inside of his snug orifice. I wasn’t going to last, I already knew that, as the intensity picked up, I felt my climax coming. The need inside of me was awakening, he begged for more as my shaft grew hard, my seed starting to spill inside of him. I called out his name as the euphoria washed over me. I clutched his shoulders, biting down on him, unable to control myself. My body curled around him, fireworks exploding all over my body. Every nerve was tingling as my body rocked his into orgasm. I felt his seed spill between us as he clamped down on my body, screaming out in an intoxicating tone. I had ravished his body and he had captured more than just my thoughts. He was taking over my entire heart.

  I was exhausted as I dismounted him, rolling onto the side of the bed to lie next to him. Our bodies were covered in sweat; the sweet smell of our lovemaking filled the air. His chest heaved as mine did. Neither of us was able to speak. The day had changed so dramatically. I rolled onto my side to look at him. His eyes were closed, but he was smiling, still struggling to breathe. Examining him, I knew that I was in more trouble than I had thought. He meant more to me than he should. I leaned over and kissed his cheek, ready to tell him everything. Then, a knock came from the door and Jason’s eyes flew open.

  “Shit,” I muttered, “Go to the bathroom, quickly.”

  He glared at me, but didn’t argue as he gathered his clothing in silence. I quickly pulled on my jeans, forgetting the rest of my clothing on the ground.

  I pulled open the door and gasped, “Daniel! What are you doing here?”

  He glared at me, “I know he’s here Conner, where is my brother?”

  “Daniel, listen. I can explain,” said Conner.

  “Just tell me where he is, the elders can deal with you later.” muttered my brother.

  My heart was racing as I quickly got dressed. I wanted to see my brother so badly, but something inside of me was stirring. I didn’t want Conner to be in trouble, even if it meant losing the answers that I so desperately was looking for. I stayed quiet as I listened to them arguing through the door. It was like listening to a code. I had a general idea of what they were talking about, but there were still so many gaps in my knowledge of what was going on, it was frustrating.

  “Daniel, something happened to me last night,” said Conner softly.

  I listened as he told Daniel about the vampire and about how I had helped him. When he finished, my brother was still silent.

  “Jason did all that?” he finally said quietly.

  “That and so much more. He knew things about the vampire side of me that even I didn’t know.” replied Conner.

  “So then, all this time that we’ve been trying to protect him, he’s been in a more dangerous position than ever?”

  “I’m afraid so, I was told not to interfere, but I have to admit, Jason is smart. He knows a lot.” replied Conner.

  “Does he know what we are?” asked Daniel.

  “No,” replied Conner, “I don’t think so, but he’s close to figuring it out.”

  “Well then, I guess there’s no point in keeping him in the dark anymore. I mean, if anything happens, he can always protect us from the elders, right?” said Daniel. “Do you know where he’s at?”

  My heart was racing as I heard footsteps walking to the bathroom door where I was hiding. I backed away from it instinctively. How could I help them? I was nothing but a normal human. Suddenly I was afraid of what was happening. I trusted Conner but the brother that I had before was gone. Daniel would never just agree to put me in any kind of danger. The doorknob started to turn and I had to think fast. If anything happened to me, I would have to fight my way out. With a deep breath, I waited for them to come in, preparing myself for the worst.

  “Jason?” said Daniel in shock.

  “Hey,” I replied sheepishly, “How are you?”

  He practically ran to me, pulling me into a crushing bear hug. His arms felt like I was coming home for the last time. I had missed him so much. The tears started to fall down my cheeks. Our parents had both passed away when we were younger, leaving us with only each other. When Daniel left me, I had been all alone in the world. I wasn’t ready to let him go as he pulled away from me. I wanted to be frozen in time, to never let go of him again. I knew it couldn’t last; there was too much going on.

  “God, look at you. You’ve grown up Jason!” he said to me.

  “It hasn’t even been a year,” I muttered.

  “I hate to break up the reunion,” said Conner. “But we need to decide what to do here. The council meets in an hour.”

  Daniel nodded his head, “I guess it’s time to tell my little brother here, about what he is. Jason, mom and dad didn’t die in a car accident like I told you growing up. They were murdered.”

  My head was racing. I heard his words, but I couldn’t believe what he was saying. My parents had been as normal as could be expected. We had a wonderful life until they died. There was no way that anyone would ever want to kill them. The very thought that my mother could be anything short of just my mother was ridiculous. She was the most skeptical person I had ever known. She didn’t even believe in ghosts for god’s sake!

  “No,” I muttered, shaking my head. “It’s not possible.”

  “I’m sorry little brother, but it’s true. Our father and mother were special. They both came from the same tribe of shape shifters, the Lowe Tribe.”

  “What?” I asked him, unsure if I had heard everything right.

  “Just listen Jason. Mom and dad were shape shifters. This means that they could shift into the form of a lion, like me. You though, you are special.” he said.

  “How?” I asked him, “I don’t want to be special Daniel; I just wanted to find you. Now that you are here, can’t we just forget everything else?”

  He shook his head, “I am afraid not, Jason. You have a unique gift. You are what we call a full blood; you can turn others into a shape shifter!”

  I shook my head vigorously, willing the words to leave my mind. “No! I won’t believe it! Look at me Daniel! I am no shape shifter; I can barely keep up with normal guys at the gym. What the hell makes you think that I could be anything else? Why should I believe you?”

  My anger fumed, I could feel the rage building inside of me. All this time, Conner had known what was going on with me, but still he let me fumble around in the dark. I had begged him for answers, pleaded with him to tell me anything about my brother, but he had drug his feet at every corner. I looked at him now, my eyes burning into his. He looked wounded because he knew that I was mad, I was furious. I had wasted so much of my time looking for Daniel when I could have been with him, wherever that may be.

  “You,” I hissed at Conner.

  “Jason, please, I couldn’t tell you.” He whispered softly.

  “Bullshit, Daniel was able to tell me everything without any problem. You didn’t want to tell me, did you? You wanted me to stay in the dark and control me.” I hissed at him.

  He moved to touch me, but I stepped back, “No Jason, I would never do that to you.”

  I glared at him and walked out the door, unable to face him any longer.

  “We need to take him to the elders,” I said softly to Daniel as Jason waited in the hall.

  He nodded his head, “He will forgive you in time Conner, and I will make sure of that.”

  I shook my head, “He’s right you know? I should have told him everything.”

  “You were under oath not to, Conner, breaking that could get you cast out of the pack. There, I would be left alone with those insane old men. We can’t have that now, can we?”

  I laughed softly. Even since Daniel had joined up with the pack, coming to us mid-transformation, we had clicked. He was as straight laced as they came, but a go
od friend none the less. He knew just what to say at every turn to cheer me up. I grabbed a shirt and we walked out into the hallway. If I could have stayed behind, I would have to give the brothers time to catch up. No one turned down the elders when they called a meeting. They were the backbone of our community.

  “Are you ready for this?” Daniel asked Jason.

  “How the hell should I know? You two haven’t really been forthcoming with me.” Jason grumbled.

  I couldn’t stop a low chuckle from creeping up, “He’s got a point Daniel, maybe we should fill him in on the way.” I said.

  “I don’t need your help,” hissed Jason.

  “No, of course not,” I muttered, rolling my eyes.

  “He has a point Jason,” Said Daniel, “We need to prepare you. The elders are going to be surprised by your appearance. They had hoped to keep you a secret for a little while longer.”

  “Why?” Jason asked him.

  “Because our race if fading fast. A new full-breed hasn’t been born in over a century. With each new coupling, the lineage is broken a little bit more. We have been at war with the Night Howlers for generations. A full-breed lion shifter can change that. You could turn others into shifters and give us the upper hand.” said Daniel.

  Jason froze, “So you want me to turn people, just to raise an army?”

  “No!” shot Daniel. “We just want your help to stop the war. It’s a great honor really.” “How does it work?” Jason asked.

  “The gene runs through your veins, even now in its dormant state. Someone drinks that blood and they become a shifter. Much like the vampire curse, except this isn’t an abomination.” said Daniel.

  I flinched; I hadn’t found the courage to tell him about what had happened to me yet. Jason looked back at me and I saw his expression towards me soften for the first time. I smiled at him to let him know I was okay. I was thrilled that the ice was starting to thaw between us. We had reached the edge of the city now. The forest looked unsuspecting, but those who knew better didn’t venture there on their own. We were human, but the animal inside of us was hard to control. I knew that I couldn’t shift. I didn’t know what would happen to me if I did. We’d run out of time to experiment with the vampire’s blood coursing through my veins.

  “This is it?” asked Jason, “It doesn’t look very intimidating.”

  Daniel chuckled, “Don’t let the looks fool you, there are guards posted every few hundred feet. If someone we don’t want comes into these woods, we know about it.”

  As if they heard him, a low growl came from somewhere in the darkness. I flinched at the noise. It was hard for me to resist the urge to shift into my lion form, but it wasn’t a risk that I could take. Jason jumped at the noise, but quickly recovered and started moving forward. When we reached the elders village, he gasped. It was a breathtaking sight to see. Small houses lined a narrow dirt road. Maybe fifteen all together. Tribe members could live in the modern world or in the village. It was up to them. The only requirement was that everyone returned home for mating season which started in three days.

  “How can this be here?” whispered Jason, “How do people not come here?”

  “Our council has its ways,” I told him, determined not to keep anymore secrets. “There is a medicine man that’s able to control the minds of others. Every few years, people start to wonder why they aren’t allowed in the forest, and then the city sends in an inspector who runs into our man. He reminds him that the woods are full of dangers from a chemical spill in the sixties.”

  “Huh,” said Jason, dumbfounded.

  “It’s pretty amazing, I just wish it were further from the city. When our kind first settled here, no one could have anticipated New York sprouting up.” I said to him.

  We reached the main hall and Daniel looked back at us, “Why don’t you two wait here. I will go talk to them first.”

  We both nodded our heads, and then waited while Daniel went inside. I was the first to speak, “Jason, I am so sorry that I couldn’t tell you more. I wanted too. I was just so confused.”

  He shook his head, “You don’t need to apologize to me. I was wrong to take it out on you. I know you were just protecting your own kind. We can talk about it later. Right now we have bigger issues.”

  I smiled at him, “Thank you for that Jason.”

  “What are you going to do about shifting? I saw you and Daniel both react to the woods when we first got here.” Jason asked me.

  “I have no idea,” I replied honestly. “Hold out as long as possible I guess.”

  He opened his mouth to speak, but the doors opened again and Daniel appeared, beckoning us inside.

  “Are you ready for this?” I asked him.

  He shook his head, “No, but I have you, right?”

  I grinned, “For as long as you want me.”

  With a nervous breath, we walked into the great hall to stand in front of the elders.

  “Whoa,” I muttered as we walked in.

  There were five men sitting around a table. It wasn’t what I had expected at all. Part of me had anticipated a high council with robes and a formal setting. The men sat at a long wooden table, but looked far less scary that I had thought. Conner was at my side and sensed my ease in tension, but I noticed his stayed the same. His lack of ease put me on edge once again. Something was going on and I didn’t know what.

  “Conner, we understand that you have some involvement with this young man.” said one of the men.

  “Yes sir, I have been posted as his guard,” said Conner.

  My eyes widened, but Conner didn’t look away from the men. I was fed up with everything. This wasn’t my world; I didn’t know the men sitting in front of me. For all I knew, they could just be random grandfathers on the street. Suddenly, it hit me that I was afraid of something that I had no reason to fear. They couldn’t keep me there and I wasn’t part of their tribe. This was getting out of hand. I had absorbed so much information in the past few days that I had forgotten who I was. I wasn’t a passive wallflower; I was an independent man.

  I stepped forward and cleared my throat, “Excuse me gentleman, but Conner has nothing to do with this. You wanted to talk to me, so here I am, leave him out of it.”

  They muttered amongst themselves before one spoke, “Jason, we understand your brother has told you of our plight. It’s up to you to save our race. Conner, as we understand has been infected with vampire blood and broken our laws. He was forbidden to touch you.”

  I glared at them, “What?” Conner spoke up from behind me, “Jason, it’s okay. I knew the laws.”

  “What’s going to happen to you then?” I asked him, my voice cracking.

  He shook his head, “If the council is merciful, I will be cast out, turned away from the tribe. If they are not…”

  His voice trailed off, and I finally understood. He had risked his own life to be with me. The entire time that I was searching for answers, I was putting his life in jeopardy. I couldn’t believe the danger he had put himself in, all to be with me. I knew that I had saved his live with my blood, but it was small in comparison to what he was going to give up. He was going to be turned away from his home, from his family. He was going to be left alone in the world just like I was. The fire rose inside of me. I wouldn’t live without Conner in my life, I couldn’t.

  “No,” I said. I glared at the men at the table and stepped forward, “No.”

  They all froze, Conner stepped forward, but I shrugged off his hand. “This is how it’s going to be. If you want anything from me, even one single ounce of help, you are going to forgive Conner of everything he has done.”

  “This is highly unusual. It’s not our custom.” one said to me.

  “I don’t give a shit. If you want me, it’s a package deal. I won’t leave Conner and if you try to harm him, I will find the lion within me and kill every last one of you.” I said in a low steady voice.

  My body felt like it was on fire. The world around me was starting to ch
ange. Colors were becoming brighter. I felt stronger and faster. I was ready to fight them and die to protect my feelings for Conner. I couldn’t be sure about how he felt, but it didn’t matter. I already knew, my heart was pounding at the realization. I was in love with him and nothing would break that bond, not even a high council that had the power to bring us both down.

  They whispered amongst themselves before turning back to me, “We need to convene. Please, give us the room.”

  I nodded my head curtly and took Conner’s hand before walking out of the room. I was fuming and felt the animal inside of me starting to come out. I didn’t know what to do. His strong grip gave me comfort. As we left the hall, he stopped outside and took my face into his hands, staring deep into my eyes. It was calming to look at him and to feel his touch. My heart started to calm down and I felt the heat receding back into its core. I would have to remember that in the future.

  “Jason, why would you do that?” Conner asked me.

  I shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t know. Listening to them talk, something came over me. I wanted to protect you.”

  “Why? I have lied to you and deceived you.” he said.

  “It doesn’t matter now, none of it does. You tried to protect me and yourself. That’s admirable.” I said to him.

  “Is that it? Are you doing this only because I protected you?” he asked me, still gazing into my eyes.


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