Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 68

by Stephan James

  “This might not work,” he said. I felt my ass stretching to accommodate, what I will admit, was a massive dick. It hurt a lot, but I went to my happy place, until the aching stopped. He was still pounding away. I felt the warm mass move inside of me. He was not going deep, but the girth of the thing opened me wider. He applied more lube and pushed a little deeper. I saw fireworks, and a rainbow as he hit the spot, and I cried out. I forgot who I was at this moment. He pounded away as I smiled into the pillow. Climbing through levels, more of my body gave way to the tidal wave he was building within me. He grabbed my cock, and ran his hand up and down its length. It was happening, the feelings doubled, then tripled. My knees started to shake, and I closed my eyes, as I exploded covering the sheets. He thrusted through it, and I tried to tell him it was too much, through the spasms. I could hear he was finishing. And struggled through his last grunts and moans. He popped out of me, and collapsed onto the bed.

  I lay there in his arms and my sperm, waiting to care enough to get up and have a shower. I was still far from myself, and I would giggle at nothing, occasionally, and laugh more when Henry asked what I was laughing at. In the due course of time, I got of the bed. “Can I have a shower?” I asked.

  “Be my guest,” he said, with a laugh. My ass throbbed with pain as I stood in the shower, washing away my sins. Henry’s apartment had one of those rain showers, where the water falls from the ceiling. It felt wonderful to let all the sweat run down the drain. It still had not settled that I had just lost my anal virginity. In a way, I had lost my virginity, full stop. I had never felt close to what I felt with Henry. I was just lathering with Henry’s peach smelling soap when I heard the doorbell ring. Henry did not call out, but a second later the heavy door loudly clicked into its frame, and excited voices bounced around the apartment. Curious, I turned off the shower, and made my way back into Henry’s bedroom. He had changed the sheets, and my clothes lay folded on a chair in the corner of the room.

  I gathered there were about three people here, from the voices I heard as I made my way down the stairs. I could tell they were gay by how they spoke, I wondered if it still considered prejudice for me to think that. There, it has happened, I am gay, wow. It felt good, to throw away all the internal dissonance and settle on an identity. I could not help the pleasure Henry made me feel, or that I found him beautiful.

  There were only two other people, apart from Henry, in the living room. They were all crowded around the table, but looked up when I entered the room. The two were dressed similar, with buttoned up white tee shirts and denim jeans. The man closer to me, had bright orange hair, and pale skin, while his companion, had blonde hair and blue eyes. They were both very good looking.

  “Oh, well done Henry, he is cute.” The man with orange hair said.

  “John, this is Matt.” Henry said, gesturing at the orange haired man.

  “And this is his partner Hugo.” They both returned greetings, and asked me to sit down.

  I made my way to the table, and noticed that they had all been standing around it for a reason. In the center of the table was a giant pile of mushrooms. They were not the kind you would buy at a supermarket either, they were big white things with golden crowns, and a snap lock bag lay next to them. “Are those, mushrooms?” I asked.

  “Yes, they are John. My hubby and I live on a farm, quite far from here. When the season is right we pull these out of the cow droppings, and we visit our dearest Henry,” said Matt. He looked at Henry, “Good enough?”

  “Yes thank you Matt,” said Henry.

  “Then we brew an excellent tea, get really comfortable on that chair over there, play video games, and fuck,” said Matt.

  “You do drugs?” I asked

  “Oh yes John, that’s why we have a giant pile of mushrooms on the table.” I knew a few people who smoked weed growing up, but that was different. Mushrooms were serious, or at least I thought they were. Was Henry addicted? But, he had such a nice apartment. Can you do drugs and have a nice apartment?

  “What are they like?” I asked.

  “Mushrooms?” Asked Matt.

  “Yea, Mushrooms.” I said.

  “Well you can’t really explain them to someone who hasn’t done them,” Henry answered.

  “Oh Henry, you say so much with so few words,” Matt said. He moved his hand to stroke Henry lightly across the cheek. I know it was irrational, but I instantly wanted to try them. Henry and Matt had shared this, and I was jealous.

  “Can I try some?”

  “Of course, the more the merrier,” Matt said, and a knowing look shot between him and Henry. A high-pitched whistling sound rang out from the kitchen, and it rose Hugo.

  “That will be the tea,” he said, and walked into the kitchen.

  Mushroom tea tasted disgusting, I do not really like the taste of mushrooms to begin with, but this was a murky black liquid, which tasted like soil. It tasted all the worse because I was unsure if I wanted to be drinking it at all. I asked questions between sips.

  “How long will it last?”

  “About five hours,” said Hugo.

  “Some people trip for longer,” said Matt.

  “Five to eight hours is more in the ballpark,” added Henry.

  “I am not sure that’s how that expression goes,” said Matt

  “Well Matt, language conveys meaning and if everyone understood, then it worked just fine,” Henry replied.

  “Ooohhh, sour patch,” said Hugo.

  “I want to make it a party. Can we make it a party, Henry?” Asked Matt.

  “Yeah but quick, do it before I start tripping. I don’t want to be answering questions,” said Henry.

  It was a couple hours before I noticed that I was tripping planets. I first suspected that all was not as it seemed, then the realization hit me like a ton of bricks. I looked around, found Henry’s eyes, and stared at them. They brought me comfort, and I looked into their tranquil blue for a while.

  “It is a bit like that,” he said. It surprised me that he could talk, and I looked around some more. Matt and Hugo, were making out in the corner of the room, with incredible passion. I found that I could not take my eyes off them, and did not even notice Henry move next to me. He ran his finger along my skin, and I saw colorful strokes of colour move from his fingertip, he stared as if he saw it too. When his lips met mine, it was not like the first time, partly because I was tripping planets, but having come to terms with my sexually, I did not worry or doubt. We kissed passionately on the couch. It was uncoordinated, and I worried about the pressure the couch armrest was putting on my lower back. I felt connected to my body, and I noticed things I normally would not and got completely lost in the sensations the flooded my brain.

  We somehow got on the floor, and Henry straddled me. Matt and Hugo were fucking violently. I had never seen, other people having sex, in person. It was more basically an action to watch than it felt like when participating. A simple, range of motion, the same thing, again and again. My tripping mind analyzed the shit out of them fucking, while Henry finished in me. I felt his warm fluid enter me and fill me up; it snapped me back to what I was feeling. I was so distracted that I had not even realized I was close to an orgasm, and screamed in pleasure as it pulsated through me. It was different; I only ejaculated a little, and Henry had not touched my cock. This was the purest of male orgasms, born of the prostate. I shuddered as it washed over me like cool waves. Ego death, I was no one. If the floor suddenly dropped me, I would fall in contempt silence, to my death.

  He lay there panting, and I did the same. Matt and Hugo walked over to us. They were naked, and they both had great bodies. Hugo was built like a bodybuilder, and he also had the largest cock I had ever seen. Matt, was a bit smaller, but he did not have a bit of fat on him, tightly knit muscles covered him. Matt’s ghost white skin and freckles fascinated me. Matt sat on my stomach. He was hairless, and his backside glided over my stomach. He flopped his erect penis onto my chest, and pulled it up so it slapped
back down again.

  “I was thinking we should all play together,” he said, and tapped me again on the chest with his cock. I do not how I felt about this, at the time, I was very susceptible to suggestions, which I think sounds better than, “ I had a four way with two strangers, and a man I had known for a day.” I penetrated Matt, while Hugo sucked off Henry. We looked each other in the eyes as the apartment filled with moist noise. We all took turns entwining our ecstasies. I Kissed Henry, and fingered him as Hugo continued gagging on his cock, who in turn pleasured Matt with his hand, while he ran his lips along my cock. It was a full-blown orgy, and I was tripping fucking planets.

  Eventually after no one had the testosterone to continue, we collapsed on the hardwood floor, and breathed heavily. I was pulling on my pants, when the doorbell rang.

  They were not kidding when they said they would make it into a party. A steady stream of people filled the apartment, from 2pm onwards. It was unrecognizable as the same light blue and green apartment, due to the mass of bodies, which moved around. Henry was an exceptional host he moved through the party, greeting everyone by name. A few words, were spoken, and then hey presto, you were his best friend. I followed him around that party like a lost puppy. He introduced me to everyone, and his conversation was so infectious that you found yourself drawn into and adding to it. I do not know if it was the residual mushrooms confusing me, but I think he shot me some approving looks, after I made a well-received joke, or asked a clever question. One of the perks of following the host around, was everyone wanted to feed him by extending me drinks. I latched on to the alcohol, I understood this drug; it would smoothen out my trip. The opposite happened and the night began to pass in a blur. I had to excuse myself, from following Henry around and went to sit on the couch to get my head straight.

  “You look a bit out of it.” The voice belonged to one of the countless faces at the party.

  “I am,” I said seriously.

  “You want to try some MDMA.” He was offering me drugs. What kind of a world did Henry live in?

  “Will it help?” I asked

  “Yeah it will, bring you right back up, and make you feel like dancing. Everyone here is on MDMA.”

  I looked around Henry’s apartment, filled with all these gorgeous, interesting people. Everyone was dancing and getting along, not a single person was standing awkwardly, off to the side. I wanted to have that kind of fun. It felt like I had infiltrated the 1%, and to maintain, I had to act as they would. It was weird, I know. I was in a messed up place, and took this wobbly man up on his offer.

  I was 2am, and no one left. When by my count, the party had been going for twelve hours. When the music wound down, this disappointed me tremendously. Apparently, there had been a noise complaint. This sent Henry on a rampage, about how much he paid to thicken the walls, and the contractor promised that they would never have another noise complaint. The room went silent as he started yelling in a mad rage, that he would have that shifty Serbian head, if he could not deliver on what he promised. Even the few awkward conversations that had persevered came to a silence as he kicked a vase over shattering it on the floor. All eyes were on him, but then I noticed people starting to smile. In the porcelain crumbs on floor lay bags filled with powers, and little orange tubes off pills. “Ladies and gentlemen, but mostly gentlemen,” he announced to his silent audience. ” It is now time for the quieter part of the evening.”

  I spent the rest of that evening trying every little drug I could get my hands on. I was wrecked and twisted, and having the time of my life. This apartment was my own personal house of the lotus-eaters, and I nibbled on that flower. There was a gunshot at some stage in the night, and some big men dragged someone away, as they screamed like a lunatic. There were cries, of joy, and people sung songs. I could not hold onto anything, I was too far-gone, and then came the black.

  I woke up in Henrys bed, covered in my own sick. Henry, slept next to me, but he had been careful to distance himself. I got up felt, groggy and disorientated, but I did not have a hangover. I suppose that I did not drink that much. I fell towards the bathroom and grabbed the frame, to stop myself hitting the mosaic tiles. “Tough morning?” Henry asked from the bed. I nodded. “I took the liberty of calling in sick for you today. You have been admitted to Saint Mary’s, and will not be able to come to work, for at least a week.” I looked at him, astonished, as my scrambled mind, made sense of what he had done.

  “What did you do that for? I will be fine by tomorrow. ” You need to call back, and tell them it was a false alarm.”

  “Now why would I do that? Your boss Gary, lovely man, wishes you a swift recovery. And is happy to hear we enjoyed ourselves last night.”

  “Wait, what did you tell him?” I asked.

  “I didn’t have to tell him anything, he was here,” said Henry.

  “You introduced yourself, although he insisted you had worked in his building for years. It was very cute, you struck the dumbest face, and then demanded he give you beer because you were fucking the host.” I reddened, what I remembered differed slightly from this recount, and I began to worry that I had embarrassed myself.

  “Oh no, was I that bad?” I asked.

  “On the contrary, it was refreshing to be around someone so,” he struggled for the word, “them.” All of those people out there put on one big act when they come to my parties. They get all dressed up in their nicest clothes; they rent cars, just to park in the underground. They treat me like I am fucking Gatsby.”

  “You do a good Gatsby,” I said.

  “I will admit, it is nice with all the admiration, but you John, although you have seen my apartment, and have heard about all the remarkable things I have done, you still treat me like a human.”

  “I think I most admire your modesty, the most,” I said. He laughed, but as I closed the door, I thought about all the things I had done last night, and could not help but think how wrong he was.

  Susan called me about midday to ask if I had caught anything from Henry. The word around the office was that I was ill, but that was all they knew, and it came from high up. I told her everything that had happened and she listened without interrupting. “Wow,” she said, when I had finished telling her my story. “Don’t you think things are moving a little fast?”

  “No, not really,” I said, in a sharp tone.

  “Ok calm down, Romeo, I am just trying to remind you that you don’t know this man that well, and you are staying at his place. I think you should spend some time apart to see what is what.” Listening to Susan, I wondered how I had ever thought myself attracted to woman. The way they thought about relationships, was handed down to them through magazines, and sitcoms.

  “How will time apart help us work out if we are meant to be together?” I asked.

  “Listen to yourself, John I am worried about you. You did a bunch of drugs, because you were jealous another man touched him, who might I add, you fucked a few hours later,” she said.

  “It’s not like that. Well maybe it is like that, but I am fine here. Henry says he is going to take care of me for a while.” I said.

  “What does that even mean? Are you living with him?” she asked.

  “Just until I go back to work. He smoothed things, over with Gary, but they were a little drunk and went overboard,” I said.

  “I know, I heard you had been admitted to hospital, and are not coming in for at least a week,” she said. “John, please tell me you are doing this for the money, because it sounds like this man has hypnotized you.” I hung up the phone, and went into the kitchen where Henry was cooking, and it smelt amazing. He looked up from the vegetables he was dicing and asked.

  “That sounded heated?”

  “Henry, what am I to you?” He stopped cutting and appeared to think about it for a while. “ I am still trying to work that out. I suppose that we are lovers.”

  “Does that mean you love me?” I asked, and instantly regretted it.

  “Love is a strong
four letter word; we have only known each other for a couple of days,” he said.

  “Sorry, can I blame the drugs?” I said trying to brush off my use of the L word.

  “It means we are fucking with an opening for love further down the track.” This hurt, I do not know why I expected more from him, but I did. I did not bring this up and went to sit down while he cooked.

  We sat down to eat, and watched a shitty movie. We lay down on one another, with curtains closed, so the light would not reflect off the screen. The tape whirled around in the machine, as we held each other. I think we made it through the title sequence before we started kissing. I paid no attention to the movie. How could I with this specimen, on top of me. He worked my buttons, teasing me with his masterful fingers, which built up to a crescendo, of violent fucking. I had a turn, penetrating him, and he seemed to enjoy it just as much. It was animalistic. We would push ourselves, to the brink of orgasm, let the waves subside then do it all over again. We had each other, on the kitchen counter. I bit his nipple, until I drew blood, and he slapped me. We continued fucking. That was how it was with Henry; he was always pushing, to get more out of an experience. You could feel it when he fucked. On every stroke he tried to fill you a little bit more. You could cry out and he would slow, but before you knew it, he was pushing harder and deeper.

  That night we went out, and he took me to his restaurant. The restaurant was over a river. I understood how he had amassed his fortune; every dish was a day of my salary. It was packed. It was a beautiful place, with quaint little wooden tables, surrounded marble statues and gardens. A man and woman played soft jazz in the background.


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