Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 71

by Stephan James

  “What? What did you say?”

  But Raven had already dropped off to sleep, smiling as his shoulders went up and down and his breathing softened. Lysander frowned and looked forward, gripping the steering wheel. Whatever Raven was going to say to him, he was glad he didn't say it, because his heart was already pounding like crazy.

  Morning came and the sun poked its head out past the fluffy white clouds, peering into the window and onto the sleeping Raven's eyes. He groaned softly, and opened one eye then the other, sitting up and yawning.

  “Erisha, what time is it?” he asked, feeling around for his clock but not finding it. “Did you move my alarm clock again? That's really annoying...”

  Moving around in the bed, the sheets felt softer than he remembered and made him feel even sleepier. “Has my bed always felt this nice and heavenly? This is really bizarre...”

  “How long are you going to keep talking to yourself?”

  Lysander's voice cut through Raven's self talking. He blinked and looked up to see Lysander standing in the doorway with loose black pants and no shirt. They stared at each other for a moment before Raven fell back down on the bed, covering his body with the blankets.

  “I'm still sleeping! I must be still sleeping! Why is Lys standing in my room with no shirt on?! What kind of messed up dream is this?! Have I gone mad?!”

  “Stop screaming, brat.” Lysander tossed the blankets off Raven's lithe body.

  “Hey!” Raven was only wearing a white T-shirt that was entirely too big for him and he pulled it down to cover himself, feeling the lack of his boxers on his lower body. “Where am I?! Why am I naked?! And why are you naked?! What did you do to me?”

  “I didn't do anything.” Lysander frowned deeply. “You fell asleep on the way back so I took you back to my place. As to why you're only in that, I washed your clothes and gave you that to wear since everything I have is too big for your scrawny self. I'm not so cruel that I'd touch someone, even a guy, while they're sleeping. I'm not like that.”

  Raven looked down. “I...I didn't mean to accuse you. I'm sorry. It's just, Zavis had done things to me before while I slept, and when I woke, I'd be somewhere else, my hips would be hurting and I wouldn't remember any of it. That's why...”

  “That's why what? You thought I'd do the same thing?” the black haired man snapped.

  “No, no, I didn't mean that!” Raven told him.

  Suddenly, Raven was grabbed by the front of his shirt and lifted up to meet Lysander face to face. He closed his eyes, waiting for the angry words, a smack or whatever he was getting. But he didn't expect for Lysander to kiss him. His hands came up to grab at Lysander's shoulders, trying to push him away but he wasn't as strong as Lysander was. The two fell onto the bed with Lysander on top of Raven, kissing him deeply and passionately, with one hand on his waist and the other on the back of his head. Raven tried to resist, his hands pushing against Lysander but his body was reacting differently, trembling with a sudden excitement. Lysander was holding him so tightly, and yet his embrace was forceful, but gentle. He slipped his tongue into Raven's mouth, exploring the moist cavern, and teasing his tongue as his hand moved from Raven's waist side to his ass, squeezing it. Raven moaned against his lips, his mind going to melted mush, as the heated intense kiss kept him from gathering his scattering sense. Finally, the two broke apart for air, both breathing heavily as they gazed into each other's eyes. What surprised Raven was that he could see many different emotions in Lysander's eyes: confusion, irritation, self-control, lust.


  “Sorry about that.” Lysander apologized, moving off of Raven, who slowly sat up. “You can go take a shower or something, I'll make breakfast, and then I'll take you home.”

  Without giving Raven a chance to say anything, Lysander left the room. Raven sat there for a moment, his face flushed, his breathing slightly rapid and his fingers touching his wet lips. His other hand slid between his legs and touched his hard erection that he was grateful Lysander hadn't noticed. Raven bit down on his lip, stroking himself as his mind wandered back to the kiss and went a bit further, imagining naughty things about Lysander.


  The redhead trembled, practically hearing the other's voice in his ear, sending shivers down his spine and straight into his hard-on. He lifted the edge of the extra large shirt and put the hem in his mouth to stifle his moans as he continued to jerk himself off, finally leaning his head back and cumming on his hand and stomach. He sighed softly and took off the shirt, getting off the bed and going to the bathroom adjoining the bedroom to clean himself off. After taking a hot shower and letting the heat fog his brain, he pulled on the shirt again, leaving the bedroom. He came downstairs and was greeted with a delicious scent in the air that made his stomach growl.

  'It smells really good…' he thought, moving towards the smell of food.

  “You took your sweet time.”

  The table was covered in buttery blueberry pancakes, crispy bacon, thick sausages and eggs along with fresh fruit and mango juice. Raven looked surprised and saw Lysander setting down syrup and milk as well. The black haired man looked at him and frowned.

  “Why do you look like that?”

  “I… I didn't know you could cook.”

  “You never asked. Now sit down and eat, I can hear your stomach growling, and it's almost as annoying as you are.”

  Raven pouted and sat down on one side of the table, looking at the food. Lysander had already started filling up his plate, and began eating. He decided to do the same, taking two pancakes, a few strips of bacon, a few sausages and a heap of the fruit. Taking a bite, he was pleasantly surprised at how tasty everything was.

  “This is really good, Lys.” he said to the other.

  “Of course it is. It took me forever to learn how to cook.”

  Raven glanced around. “Um, do you live alone?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “You don't have a girlfriend or anything?”

  “Obviously I don't.”

  “Sorry for asking...” Raven held his fork between his lips before he spoke again. “What was it like being in the military?”

  Lysander looked at Raven and the redhead thought he had offended him, but then a thoughtful expression crossed his face, something Raven had never seen. “It was exciting and terrifying. The thought that one day your life could be easily snatched away in battle was an everlasting fear, but the thrill of defending what you love is such an indescribable feeling. You couldn't understand what I mean, but I suppose that messed up ex of yours has the same mindset, just twisted in strange ways.”

  “Am I something that you would want to defend, Lys?” Raven suddenly asked, gripping his fork. “Do you love me enough to want to protect me from danger?”

  The silence that hung in the air made Raven nervous and anxious for Lysander's answer. He kept his eyes down on his plate, his hands close to trembling. But before Lysander could answer him, Raven's phone rang out from the living room table. He recognized the ringtone as Erisha's and stood up, walking over to answer it.


  “Hello, my adorable little brother! How are your legs? Can you walk?”

  “What the hell are you talking about, Erisha?”

  “You stayed over at your lover's house last night, right? That means you two had some naughty fun, right?”

  “No we didn't.” Raven glanced back at Lysander who was still eating and frowned sadly. “I don't think...we're even lovers, sis.”

  “What? What are you talking about? You two love each other, don't you?”

  Raven hesitated to answer the question then sighed softly. “I think we do...”

  “You're such a hopeless person. You know what you need to do? You need to let go of any remaining feeling you have for that creep Zavis. Meet him one on one and tell him firmly that you're done with him forever!”

  “And what will that do?”

  “It will help you think straight and realize
that you are in love with that man, Lysander! If you don't tell him soon, you might regret it. Anyways, I was just calling to check in on you. Let me know when you're coming back, or if you moving out.”

  Raven heard his sister's laughter and rolled his eyes. “Whatever, I'll call you later sis.” He hung up the phone and sighed again.

  “Your sister called?” Lysander asked, coming up behind him.

  “Yeah, she told me to call her when I'm coming back home.” He looked down at his hands. “Lys, I think I'll go and talk to Zavis today.”

  A minute passed before Lysander spoke. “Why?”

  “I just… I need to really end things with him so that I can move on. Erisha thinks it’s good for me too...”

  “Do whatever you want. I'm not one to tell you what to do with your love life.” Lysander told him and Raven could feel his heart aching, but he laughed it off.

  “Yeah, you're right…”

  Later that afternoon, Raven sent a message to his ex, and asked him to meet him at the place they first met, so that they could talk. He changed into his clothes and called Erisha back to let her know he'd be coming home that night. Lysander offered to give him a ride and he reluctantly accepted, after realizing saying no to him was a bit pointless. The car ride was silent except for the occasional direction change that Raven gave. Finally, Lysander stopped in front of the gates to one of the biggest parks in the city, Twin Lake Park. Raven sat in his seat for a moment, twiddling his fingers with nervousness.

  “Do you really want to do this?” Lysander asked him.

  “I have to...” Raven replied. “Don't worry, I'll be fine. You can go back home.”

  “Fine. But you better call me when you're finished with him.”

  “I will.”

  The two finally met each other's eyes and Raven felt his heart start racing. Lysander frowned and looked away, leaning back in his seat.

  “You should go...”


  Stepping out of the car and walking to the gates of the park, Raven couldn't help but look back at the other, but found that he had already drove away. And for some reason, there was a slight pain in his heart. What had he gotten so excited for? What was he expecting to happen?

  Over the horizon, the sun was beginning to set and the lights in the park were flickering on. Raven walked down the path, stopping under a large weeping willow tree that resided by one of the lakes. There were a few fireflies floating leisurely over the surface of the water, lighting up gently.

  “Rave.” Hearing his name made Raven turn his head and see Zavis coming toward him, looking serious.

  “Hi Zavis.”

  “Where's that bastard that you've been cheating on me with?”

  “He's not here… Listen Zavis, we have to talk. I know I've said it before, but this time, this time I really mean it. I don't want you in my life anymore. I won't go back to you and I want you to stop stalking me. If you don't, I'll file a restraining order against you. I've moved on, so leave me alone already!”

  Zavis narrowed his eyes. “You moved on, huh? And you think you'll be happy with that asshole?”

  “Don't you say anything bad against Lys!” Raven snapped. “He's treated me better than you ever had!”

  “Shut the fuck up.” Zavis grabbed Raven's collar and pulled out photos from his pocket. “How do you think he'd feel if I were to show him these?”

  He showed Raven the photos, and Raven went pale, all of his energy vanished. Zavis smirked widely and pushed Raven back. The redhead stumbled and bumped into something hard which turned out to be two larger men's chest. They grabbed him and placed a rag over his mouth. He struggled and kicked, but was slowly losing consciousness and then, passed out completely.

  When he came to, he was laying on his side with his face into a cold floor in a dark room, his wrists and ankles bound. There were multiple voices around him and a disgusting smell in the air, making him nauseous. His naked body shook as he tried to move but was unable to.

  “Hey Zavis, looks like he's awake.” someone said, and Zavis's smirking face came into view.

  “Well, hello my little Raven. You feeling alright down there?”

  “What… What did you do…?”

  “Nothing, I just slipped you a little something to make you more… relaxed.” Zavis held up a small clear bottle with a purple liquid inside of it. “Don't worry, I've used this on you before and you were always fine with it.”


  “Hey Rave, can you guess where we are? You can't, can you? I doubt your 'lover' ever took you to one of the backrooms of his club. They're pretty spacious and the bed looks so nice. Do you want to lie on the bed?”

  Raven gritted his teeth but nodded his head. He was lifted from the ground and thrown none too gently, onto the bed. Wincing, he tried to cover himself, but his body wouldn't move the way he wanted it to. Zavis loomed over him, smirking deviously.

  “I think you need to be taught a little lesson that no matter what you do, no matter how hard you fight, you will never be able to escape me. I love you Rave and I won't let you leave me for anyone else. I'll imprint it onto your body until you finally understand.”

  Lysander sighed, unable to think straight as he drove that evening. He had decided to trust Raven and let him talk with his crazy ex, but a part of him wanted to be there with him. His mind thought back to what Raven had asked him at breakfast that morning.

  “Am I something that you would want to defend, Lys? Do you love me enough to want to protect me from danger?”

  How he had wanted to say yes to his question, but the words caught in his throat. Stopping his car, he pulled out a cigarette and lit it up, inhaling then exhaling it, breathing out the smoke. After a few puffs, he tossed it out the window and made a U-turn, driving back to the park. He walked through the park but couldn't find Raven or Zavis anywhere. Lysander pulled out his phone and speed dialed the redhead's number. Three rings before it was answered. Raven's voice came out to him, but it was shaky and his breathing was rapid.


  “Where are you? Are you okay..?”

  “I-I'm fine… Zavis...took me out to eat… Ah! Ah, p-please don't call me again...”

  “What the hell kind of bullshit is that?! Where are you, I'm coming now?” He could hear Raven's stifled sobbing on the other end of his phone and anger welled up inside of him.”Where has that bastard taking you?”

  “You have some nerve calling me a bastard, army asshole.” Zavis's voice replaced Raven's. “Relax your tits; I'm just giving him a proper send off, a symbol that we 'ended' our relationship.”

  “The fuck are you talking about?”

  “I'm saying that if you interrupt us again, you'll regret it.”

  The dial tone sounded in his ear, and out of rage Lysander nearly threw his phone at one of the trees. His head felt light, his anger was rising, and he wanted so badly to beat the living shit out of Zavis but he had no idea where to start looking. His phone rang again, and he answered it with a not too friendly, “What dammit?!”

  “Um, Solidus, sir?” It was one of the employees at the club. “There are some men here who barged in without paying and they're in the back rooms. What should I do?”

  “Dammit, why are you calling me for this non-” He stopped, realization hitting him so hard he could've had been knocked out. “Don't let them leave. I'll be right there.”

  “Haah, aah… Please, no more… Stop it...”

  “I always loved it when you begged me to stop.”

  “Don't be afraid, Rave. That's right; let everyone have a little taste of you.” Zavis sneered as he and the other men loomed over Raven who had begun to cry, his vision blurring from his tears. He struggled as he was held down and multiple hands grabbed at his body. Just then, a knock on the door made them all stop. Zavis scowled and looked over his shoulder.

  “Go away, we don't need any service!”

  “Oh but I'm afraid I must insist.” The sound
of a key entering the door made it click and light flooded into the room as the door swung open. “You see, the owner wants a word with you.”

  Zavis scowled. “Say what?”

  Lysander appeared, looking menacing and ready to kill. “So it was you after all.”

  Raven managed to raise his head up to see Lysander, and his eyes were stained with tears. He struggled as he was held down and multiple hands grabbed at his body. Just then, a knock on the door made them all stop. Zavis scowled and looked over his shoulder.

  Tears came even faster. “Lys...”

  Sighing, Lysander ran a hand through his hair. “You know, I don't like to resort to violence, especially in my own club. However, violating what's mine inside of my club is something unforgivable.”

  Zavis laughed. “Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do about it? Boys, get him outta here.”

  One of the men lumbered over to Lysander, laughing and sweating profusely. “This guy don't even look like he's shit. Talking all high and mighty like-”

  That man was silenced by Lysander's hard punch to his jaw, and a swift kick that sent him flying into the wall. The other stared at their fallen comrade then ran to Lysander, pulling out daggers and knife. They were clumsy with their weapons, luckily for Lysander. He broke their arms, legs and even their spines, watching as they fell to a heap on the ground. He looked around to see Raven tied up, being held by his hair by Zavis with a knife to his neck.

  “I'll give you kudos for that little feat there, army asshole. But I'm not handing over Raven to you. You don't even care about him as much as I do.”

  Raven shuddered, sniffling. “I'm sorry Lys...”

  “No, it's my own fault.” Lysander looked at Raven. “I can answer your question now.”


  “You are something important to me. You're something I'm willing to give my life for and I mean that.”


  Zavis rolled his eyes. “How touching…”

  “Raven, when I say duck, duck your head.”


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