Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 81

by Stephan James

  All of his fear and apprehension disappeared in a wave, and a few moments later Sam was tearing off the rest of the clothes standing between the two of their bodies. Discarding his own clothing, he leaned down and slid their lips together, gasping as he felt their arousals brush against each other slowly.

  “Ah-,“ The surprised gasp that fell from his lips at the sensation was enough to earn a pleasured hum from Marcus, the man’s fingers sliding down his sides and playfully squeezing at his rear. Moaning when Marcus slid his teeth over his earlobe, he ground his hips forward heatedly.

  “There’s…ah! Vaseline in the drawer,” Marcus explained, a smile on his lips when Sam looked confused. “C’mon Sammy, you don’t think you’d just gonna get to put it inside didja? Gotta put some work in soldier.” He teased, watching as Sam scrambled to get what he needed from the mentioned drawer.

  Smearing the Vaseline over his fingers, Sam watched as Marcus spread his legs, his rock hard cock curving up against his stomach while his thick thighs quivered slightly with excitement. It was in that moment that he realized that he had no idea what he was doing.

  Marcus took pity on him after a moment of distraught staring, a laugh on his kiss swollen lips as he smeared the lube over Sam’s fingers and brought them towards his entrance.

  “One at a time, take it slow. Last thing I want is to be walkin’ with a limp ‘cause you tear me,” He insisted, laughing at the strangled noise that Sam let out.

  “Is this going to hurt you?” Sam asked worriedly when his finger slid slowly into Marcus, his pupils blown wide at how tight the man was around his finger. Marcus shook his head, his hips rolling down towards Sam’s fingers in an attempt to aid the man.

  “Not if we take it slow and do it right, relax baby I won't let you hurt me,” Marcus purred, looking up at the man with heated eyes and groaning when Sam accidentally brushed against his prostate. “There!” he gasped, trembling when Sam immediately thrust his finger up against the spot.

  “That feels good?” Sam asked curiously, grinning when Marcus let out an affirmative gasp and rolled his hips downwards again.

  Smiling, Sam allowed a second finger to press up into the other’s tight heat, his own length throbbing with desire when the other quivered around the appendages. If he was tight around his fingers, the idea of actually taking the man was enough to leave his heart pounding in his ears.

  His eyes going wide when Marcus’ back arched off the mattress, he held the man down gently with his free hand and grinned at how flushed the other man was. The blush curled from his ears all the way down to his chest, and in that moment Sam finally felt as though he was doing something right.

  Leaning down and sliding their lips together when Marcus let out a breathless plea for him to stop before he came, he let his fingers slide out of the man before grasping onto his hips and slowly grinding their bodies together. Smearing more Vaseline over his shaft, he lifted Marcus’ slender legs onto his shoulders, grinning when he felt his fingers tangle in his hair.

  “Can I?” He asked huskily, smiling when the man nodded eagerly.

  “If ya don’t I’m gonna be mad,” Marcus grinned, his nails digging into Sam’s shoulder when the other pressed closer and slowly allowed himself to slide into the waiting heat.

  It took everything that Sam had not to cum right then and there, his hands trembling on Marcus’ sides while his face pressed against one of the thighs currently encircling his head. Marcus was so tight, even without moving Sam felt his body quivering with pleasure he had never felt before. He wasn’t going to last long; he could tell already.

  “Sam!” Marcus whined, his nails digging into Sam’s scalp and his legs shaking around his shoulders. That was all the encouragement that he needed to make sure that the man was ok.

  The thrusts weren’t calculated, but he made sure they were deep. Pounding hard and fast into the warmth of his lover while the man arched and cried out below him. The sounds falling from his lover’s lips was enough to leave his body shuddering, his hands sliding down to grasp at the man’s slender hips.

  “Not gonna last long!” he gasped in Marcus’ ear, groaning when Marcus just whined in response, his entire body trembling as his head rolled back.

  Sam wasn’t sure that things could get any better than they were. His vision was tunneled onto Marcus’ face, warmth pooling into his lower half as he pounded into the man until their breathing was coming in short gasps and their bodies were writhing beautifully. Beneath him, Marcus shifted just an inch, and suddenly Sam struck something that left Marcus arching off the bed with a scream; his body tightening around his throbbing shaft beautifully.

  “Mar-Marcus!” he gasped, pulling the other closer and striking the spot again, his eyes going wide when the man wailed in delight and released over their chests with a whimper. His breath stuttering in his throat, Sam slammed into Marcus a few more times before his orgasm hit, the release leaving his body arching in surprise.

  His vision went white, the force of his orgasm leaving him sending his body into spasms of pleasure that knocked the wind from his lungs.

  When he finally came to, he was on his stomach, gentle fingers carding through his fingers as Sam crooned softly to him. Looking up in confusion, he flushed lightly at the amused look on Marcus’ face.

  “Mm…you blacked out on me for a minute there, baby,” Marcus teased hoarsely, nuzzling against his cheek and humming when Sam groaned. “Was it good?” he asked, his eyes filling with hope as Sam caught his breath. Chuckling, Sam nodded, pressing his face to Marcus’ sweaty neck and kissing it gently.

  “Better than any gal I’ve ever been with,” He mumbled, pulling the man closer and kissing his shoulder with a yawn. “Hope ya don’t mind if I crash here tonight, doll, don’t think I can move.”

  “You can stay as long as you want, Sammy,” Marcus insisted, humming when Sam slid out before curling up on his chest.

  Sam didn’t think he had ever fallen asleep faster than he did when he was cradled in Marcus’ warm arms. His worries seemed so distant, but his mind never allowed him to forget. His dreams were no longer a safe place.

  Marcus had far more to teach Sam about a relationship between two men, and Sam was more than willing to learn. What had supposed to have been a one-night stand, quickly developed into something far more intense. They said they weren’t going to rush things, but after one week, Sam had sold his apartment, and was living full time in Marcus’ apartment.

  Any moment that Sam didn’t spend working random jobs in the city, he spent wrapped up in Marcus’ slender arms. He had never felt like he belonged somewhere more than he did with Marcus’ lips sliding over his body. They were poor, but Sam couldn’t remember a time when he was happier than he was curled up on the mattress in the corner of Marcus’ apartment.

  Most evenings they spent curled up in each other’s arms, Marcus taking pictures of him with the camera he had saved up for years to buy. He loved the thing and told Sam that one day he wanted to go to college to learn more about the trade and maybe one day be able to work as a photographer for a major news network. Though Sam had always hated school, he wanted nothing more than to be able to send his sweetheart to a university.

  His friends were curious as to where he was spending his free time. They were always trying to get him to spill the beans on which dame he was spending his nights with. He liked to keep them guessing and when he knew that Marcus was getting off work at the café he waited tables for; he would leave them with a grin.

  “Gotta go see my gal,” Was all he would say when they shouted after him, laughing, but danced his way up to Marcus’ apartment.

  The days were great; it was the nights that the problems presented themselves. He had hoped that spending his nights draped in Marcus’ arms would be enough to protect him from the nightmares that had plagued him since he returned from the war, but in his dreams, he was still alone, and that was when he was his most vulnerable.

  Waking up with a scream for the t
hird night in a row after living in Marcus’ apartment with him for almost a month, Sam was unsurprised to feel Marcus’ hands slide over his bare chest from behind a moment later. Panting and trembling as he pressed his face into his quaking palms, he felt tears roll down his face in rivers.

  “You can’t keep this up, Sammy,” Marcus whispered when he had calmed down enough to stop crying. Sam let out a knowing groan, slumping against Marcus’ lap and closing his eyes when the other ran his fingers through his hair.

  “I don’t know how to fix it,” Sam groaned, closing his eyes when Marcus let out a sad noise and lightly kissed his forehead. “I’ve tried drinking, smoking, working till I’m too tired to stay up. These dreams just won’t let up, doll…” He gasped, sitting up shakily and moving to his feet.

  Snagging a packet of cigarettes from the dresser, he moved over to the bed and sat down again. Lighting one of the sticks with a shiver, he relaxed as Marcus rubbed slowly at his back and shoulders. There had to be something to fix him right? Marcus was right; he couldn’t keep going without sleep. The last thing he wanted was for himself to wind up hurt at work because he couldn’t keep his eyes open.

  “Ya know, I found a flier the other day,” Marcus mumbled, moving to his feet and snagging the paper from a stack of newspapers on the coffee table. “Says somethin’ about them wanting volunteers to help them run some tests so they can help people suffering from bad dreams and other things caused by combat exhaustion or somethin’.” He pointed out, handing the other the flier before sitting down and wrapping his arms around Sam again.

  Reading over the flier, Sam frowned softly. They were looking for combat veterans who were suffering from night terrors, paranoia, and other forms of distress. They promised that whatever they were testing was safe and that it just might get rid of the symptoms. In addition to that, they were offering whoever volunteered two hundred dollars.

  “We could pay some of our rent if I did this,” Sam whispered softly, glancing up at Marcus with a soft smile and squeezing his hand. “We could actually get some pretty decent food, maybe even take some time and find a job that’ll finally let me send you to college?” He grinned, kissing the man slowly only to hesitate when Marcus pulled back and pressed his finger to his lips gently.

  “I’m flattered, baby, but don’t do it for the money, do it for you, I hate seein’ you like this,” Marcus mumbled, pressing his lips to Sam’s shoulder and sighing when the man shrugged and pulled him into his lap. Trailing his fingers over the other’s naked sides he leaned up and kissed him slowly.

  “I’ll do it for us, alright? I ain’t goin’ to let whatever this is beat me, doll,” He promised, pressing his lips to Marcus’ slowly and laying back against the sheets with an exhausted sigh. “I love you, doll, I ain’t goin’ anywhere so you don’t have to worry.” Smiling when Marcus curled up against his chest, he trailed his fingers through his hair gently.

  “Love you too,” Marcus whispered, smiling against Sam’s shoulder and yawning softly.

  It didn’t take long for Marcus to fall asleep, and staring up at the ceiling Sam felt his heart pound lightly in his chest. A feeling of apprehension was rolling through his chest. He wasn’t sure that he was willing to let some random doctors poke at him with needles, but hearing Marcus’ even breathing in his ear he felt himself relax.

  He didn’t care what it took, or who he had to put his trust in. As long as he could fix himself for Marcus, it didn’t matter what he had to do. Marcus was more important to him than anything else in the world, and he would do whatever it took to make sure that he was happy.

  Office of Dr. Raymond Smith

  4517 University Drive

  Chicago, Illinois 60705

  Looking down at the address one last time to assure that he was in the correct place, Sam shoved the flier into the baggy pockets of his jacket before stepping inside. He hadn’t ever been to this side of town. The college campuses were no place for his kind. A High School dropout without even a penny to their name, stuck out like a sore thumb when walking among the educated elites of the country.

  Already, surrounded by men in suits and women in dresses more expensive than his apartment, he felt horribly out of place. This was not a good idea.

  “Can I help you?” The secretary asked, her ruby lips pursed as she took in his ragged appearance. Even after Marcus’ attempts to spruce him up a bit for his appointment with a haircut, shave and his having his nicest shirt and pants cleaned and pressed, he still felt the judgment of the people around him.

  “Yeah, um…I’m Samuel Abrams, here for that study for veterans,” he started, glaring at a man who snorted behind him and murmured something to his companion about how awful the lower class accent was. Who the hell were they to snicker at him? They couldn’t be any older than Marcus, and by the looks of them, they had never seen a day of hard work in their lives.

  “Alright Mr. Abrams, take a seat, I’ll let Dr. Smith know that you’re here,” The secretary explained, gesturing over to the chairs nearby the two snickering college students. Sighing, he nodded, moving over to the seats and sitting down with a grumble.

  “Last night I was at this bar, and I swear I saw some twink flirting with the rich guys tryin’ to get them to take him home.” One of the men was saying, earning a laugh from his companion. “I knew the punk too, that was the best part. He’s one of those guys who only got in on a scholarship, and now apparently he can’t make enough money to get by so he’s whoring himself off.” The man snorted nudging his friend who let out a laugh.

  “Shouldn’t have decided come to college if he couldn’t afford it,” The second man smirked, earning a snarl from Sam.

  He had seen the wistful look in Marcus’ eyes just that morning when they realized that the study took place at the university. He had offered to let the man come, but now he was glad that Marcus had declined in favor of taking an extra shift at the diner.

  “Why don’t ya shut your traps about that poor kid, huh?” He snapped furiously, turning towards the men with a furious glare on his face. “You ain’t ever worked a hard day in your lives I guarantee it!” He hissed when they looked back at him with a startled look on their faces. “I guarantee that you’ve been livin’ off your pa’s money since the day you crawled out of your ma!”

  “Who the hell do you think you are?” The man who had spoken first, growled, standing and glaring down at Sam with a snarl. “He’s just some queer you don’t even know! He doesn't belong here anymore than you do.” He growled, backing up a bit when Sam moved to his feet and loomed over the other with a murderous look on his face.

  “As far as I’m concerned, an ungrateful goon like you doesn’t deserve to be here either,” Sam pointed out, shoving the man back with a furious growl. “I didn’t fight off the damn Nazi’s for four years just to turn around and be told people ain’t free to go where they please. Now sit down, shut up, and mind your manners.” He ordered, grabbing onto the man and forcing him to sit down again, daring his friend to try anything.

  “That was quite the display, Mr. Abrams,” A voice sounded behind them. Turning with a startled look on his face, Sam studied the man standing behind him with a frown. He was obviously a young doctor, no older than forty. He was handsome, with calculated hazel eyes and sandy blond hair. “I’m Dr. Smith. My secretary says that you’re here for the experiment?” The man explained when Sam made no move to move forward.

  “That’s right,” Sam mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest as the men behind him seethed.

  “We’re here for the study as well Dr. Smith!” The boys started to speak behind him, only to cut off as Dr. Smith held up his hand with a sigh.

  “Thank you boys, but I’m looking for combat veterans, not those who never left basics before the war ended,” He pointed out firmly, waving them off before turning to Sam, “Come along Mr. Abrams, we have a lot to discuss, you and I.” He smiled, resting his hand on Sam’s shoulder and leading him down the hall.

Sorry for harassing your students,” Sam grumbled, though that was far from the truth. Frowning as he was lead into a room that was set up like a medical lab, he sat down on what appeared to be an operating table. “This ain’t no surgery is it?” he demanded, apprehension clawing at his chest.

  “Nonsense, just a series of simple shots that will, in theory, rid you of whatever symptoms of Combat Stress have been ailing you,” Dr. Smith explained, sitting across from Sam and lifting up a clipboard with a hum. “I just have a few questions that I need to ask you, if you don’t mind?” He started.

  “That’s what you’re payin’ me for, ask away,” Sam sighed, crossing his arms over his chest as he eyed the tray of needles that were waiting for him. Dr. Smith laughed at this and nodded, his eyes flickering up to meet Sam’s.

  “Yes I suppose you are right,” he nodded, before clearing his throat. “Are you married Mr. Abrams?”

  “No, sir,” Sam sighed. He wished he could marry his sweetheart, but he knew deep down that would never happen. “I’ve got a gal though, if that matters,” He smiled, glancing up at the man who nodded with a smile.

  “Then you’re sexually active?” Dr. Smith asked seeming far more curious about this than Sam was expecting.

  “Yes sir,” Sam nodded, frowning when the man seemed to let out an excited noise.

  “I apologize for my excitement! You see this has a particular side effect that is meant to also make men more potent sexually. We are hoping perhaps you will be able to test that for us and let us know if you notice anything?” He insisted, smiling as he looked back at Sam with a grin. “We would also like to know if she becomes pregnant.”

  “Um…yes sir,” Sam nodded, having no intentions on telling the man anything about his and Marcus’ relationship. Still, if it made the man happy he could humor him enough to let him believe he might tell him.


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