Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance

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Omega Wanted: Bad Boy Mpreg Romance Page 101

by Stephan James

“Yeah, it’s not like I can push a baby out of my ass,” Ricky grumbled. “You know, having a vagina could be handy.”

  “Please don’t say that,” said Jackson grimacing. He had never felt gayer in that moment.

  “I mean, only in this instance,” relented Ricky.

  “I got you,” said Jackson. They pulled into the hospital parking lot and Ricky changed out of his regular maternity clothes and into hospital scrubs, before an epidural was hooked up to his back so that he couldn’t feel anything from the waist down. Jackson also had to put on a sanitary surgical outfit, booties, and a cap. He held Ricky’s hand tightly as his hospital bed was wheeled into the operating room, feeling the metal of Ricky’s ring pressing against his hand tightly, almost painfully.

  The operation didn’t take very long at all, and soon Jackson was presented with a squalling pink newborn that quieted down in his father’s embrace. Jackson and Ricky talked and admired their baby while, behind the screen that was set up across Ricky’s chest, doctors worked to sew back together layers of muscle, fascia and skin to close up the cesarean section incision.

  “He’s beautiful,” said Ricky, quietly, reaching up with one arm to caress his baby’s head.

  “Do you want to hold him?” asked Jackson.

  “Yes, please,” said Ricky, and Jackson helped Ricky to cradle newborn Jacob in his arms. While Ricky was occupied gazing tenderly down at the new, tiny life he was holding in his hands, Jackson pulled out his cell phone and took a candid picture, the first one of his new baby. Then he texted it to his mother.

  “Baby Jacob born, 6 pounds, 8 ounces. Come bring Samuel.” he wrote.

  Soon, Jackson and Ricky had been relocated to a recovery room, and baby Jacob was in a bassinet next to the bed Ricky was recovering in. Jackson was napping in a cot that had been placed next to the bed, but he propped himself up on his elbows when the pair came in, and Ricky, while feeling kind of out of it, opened his eyes and said hi.

  “Is that Jacob?” asked Samuel, peering on his tippy toes to get a look.

  “Yes, that’s your new brother,” said Dottie, beaming. “Look at my beautiful little family; I’m so proud of you two. It’s the greatest joy in life, being a grandmother.”

  Dottie picked up the baby and rocked him back and forth, crooning, while Samuel crawled into bed with Jackson and grabbed Ricky’s hand.

  “I’m so lucky,” said Jackson, very quietly.

  “What?” asked Ricky.

  “Nothing,” said Jackson, settling back down into his hospital bed and closing his eyes. This last year had been crazy, what with all of his ups and downs with Ricky, the fight, the impromptu proposal, and finally having their little family all together in the hospital room with Jacob being not even a day old yet.

  Instead of being fraught with angst and fear like the day Samuel was born, today in this tiny hospital room there was nothing but love and hope. Jackson smiled. Already in his mind’s eye, he could see their life’s events unfolding. Dottie would take the kids every Sunday, flouncing around, one could almost forget that she was a scary old lawyer, and instead, she was the very model of a traditional grandma. Jackson would teach him how to enjoy and later make pancakes, and Ricky would scold them the whole time about how they had to eat more healthily. He could see Ricky settling into domestic life, taking care of the baby and running the house, and Jackson having a hot meal and a warm bed to come home to every night. Jackson closed his eyes and smiled, thinking forward to the future. It was glorious and bright. And as the sunlight came in through the window in the maternity ward, there was a sense of peace there that Jackson had never felt in his life, a sense of rightness and a family that was his and completely whole. He blearily mumbled his goodbyes to Samuel as Dottie scooped him up and took him home to go to sleep, and he reached up to grab Ricky’s hand.

  “Ricky?” he said, fighting off sleep until he could say what he wanted to say.


  “You’re so brave, and I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, Jackson. I couldn’t have done this without you. I don’t know where I’d be I—“

  “Shh,” said Jackson, “we can discuss this all in the morning. You’re tired, and your emotions are getting the best of you. Now, sleep, love. In the morning we’re going to be starting another day, and continuing in this new chapter of our lives. And I’m ever so glad to have you with me.”

  **********The End**********

  Wolf In Heat


  Josh comes from a long line of soldiers and making this family proud by continuing the tradition has become is focus. With little time for love and his true preference a secret, Josh finds short term companionship at bars. There he mets Randy, another werewolf who for the first time, causes Josh to consider sometimes more.

  Randy is a local gang member who his openly gay and considers his crew, his family. Tension arises when Randy finds out he is pregnant with Josh’s baby. Will Randy choose Josh and his new family over a life that has provided him comfort for so long? After Randy’s secret is revealed will Josh even care who Randy chooses?


  Everybody knew who Josh Michaels was. He was one of the most capable men his division had. At more than six feet tall, he was broad-shouldered, with well-sculpted muscles all over his body. Everybody wondered how he could maintain such a perfect balance between height and muscle mass, seeing as how diet and exercise alone were not enough to make such a perfect body such was his. The answer was in his genes, and in the way his metabolism worked.

  His entire family was soldiers, and was known to have no history of any ailments. His bones were strong, his muscles well-defined, his heart strong and pounding hard in his proud chest, his blood was one of the best samples; blood tests would always bring the most optimal of results. Everybody was proud of this blond man, with cold, but friendly blue eyes and a strong, rectangular jaw. He was the epitome of a commando, something that his country was proud to display, so his name was widely known.

  Not only that, but his wise decisions and his firm command had brought his country countless victories, and he was only twenty-five years of age. He was truly a prodigy, someone who could change the course of history with one word alone. But what he truly was was a secret only his mother and he knew, and nobody else. He was not really a human being, not in a real sense of the word. And he was not so extraordinary because of his lineage, but the lack of thereof, for his mother had long hidden that he was not the son of his father, but a lone werewolf deep in the mountains that she had been with briefly, days before her wedding.

  That was how he got his strength, exceptional sight, sense of smell, as well as good hearing. That was how he was winning battles. He was able to see, hear, and smell all the things humans could not, and he was using his enhanced senses to aid the species he did not belong to.

  At first, he had been proud of who he was, but seeing how others would not understand his nature and would fear him instead, he had chosen to keep quiet and never tell a soul. Thus he had been condemned to never meet a fellow wolf. But his hardships did not end there, for he was also a homosexual, and that secret he had to keep at all costs. Revealing himself in a homophobic society to which his military base also belonged would mean his death, or worse, ostracism.

  He was burdened with such thoughts on a daily basis, but the work around the base always kept him occupied enough to not think about it during the day, and he would be too exhausted to think about it during the night. But on his days off, when he was free to get back to his apartment and be genuinely alone for the first time, all of those bad thoughts would rush in, overwhelm him, and make him depressed.

  Such thoughts were his companions on his way to his favorite bar. It was an obscure place meant only for gays, neat and comparatively small, and he felt he could relax there. He was sitting in his usual spot, hidden from the others so as to not be recognized. Nothing signified that something out of ordinary would happen
at all, but then, suddenly, something disturbed his senses. He discretely began smelling the air, detecting something he had never detected before in his lifetime—the smell of another werewolf nearby. He did not know how such a thing was even possible, but he was more than ready to investigate. Whoever carried that smell would enter the place he was at, and the only thing left to do was to wait.

  And soon enough, the carrier of the wolf smell soon entered the bar, and despite not having any particular expectations, Josh was amazed. It was a man with a long, black hair tied in a ponytail, which cascaded all the way down his back. He had piercings in his lip and eyebrow, and various earrings lined up to grace the shape of his slightly pointed ear. His garments indicated that he was one of the members of the infamous street gang, The Rogues, who were based in Josh’s town. The man was wearing a white tank top, washed up jeans with knee high boots, and a shirt tied around his waist. He was a bit muscular, but due to the thinness and delicacy of his body, one could not know how strong he actually was. Probably not very, Josh thought.

  He fell in love with this man almost immediately. There was something more to the scent that gave away some of the information about him that others would not know; he was of a noble lineage of werewolves, and he was actually more inclined to tactics when hunting, rather than being the one who would lead. He was something of a counselor to the alpha of his group, Josh mused, but he could not really tell, since he did not know what composition a werewolf pack usually consisted of.

  The only thing he knew in that moment was that he had to approach him, to seize the chance to meet him, and talk to him. It did not matter if he could not get him into his bed, which, admittedly, was something he frequently did when he visited bars. It was the first werewolf other than himself that he had ever seen, and he had to make sure to at least talk to him.

  He stood up from his booth and boldly approached the man, sitting beside him on the bar stool.

  “I’ll have what he’s having,” he said to the bartender before turning to the man in question.

  “Let me guess,” the man said, turning to face him as well, “You have never seen anyone like me. I sensed disturbance in your scent, so I know. You’ve been watching me,” he smirked. Josh was feeling so excited, he did not know whether this all was real or not.

  “Pinch me and tell me I’m dreaming,” he said, mostly to himself.

  “Oh, dear,” the new werewolf said, almost effeminately, “but it’s reality. So, pleased to meet you, fellow wolf,” he grinned, showing two rows of perfectly white teeth that were slightly pointed, but nobody could actually tell unless they looked really carefully. “I’m Randy. Randy McCann.”

  “…Josh,” he gulped before he could form a word and shove it out of his throat. “Michaels.”

  “I kinda already knew that, since you seem to be quite famous around here,” Randy said, looking at him with his piercing gray eyes. “Care to treat me to another round?”

  “With pleasure,” Josh said, now fully himself, revealing his own perfect teeth. This was going to be interesting, he thought.

  The two werewolves continued drinking for a while, but made sure not to get drunk, so they ordered some snacks to go with their drinks.

  “This is pretty amazing. I never knew I would see anyone of my kind…”

  “Oh, there are a lot of us! You just didn’t know where to look. Or rather, didn’t try hard enough for fear of being discovered. Yeah, I know that feeling very well,” Randy admitted, “but all’s well that ends well, I suppose, and here we are,” he raised his bottle of beer to meet with Josh’s in the air, “to werewolves and new acquaintances!”

  “Cheers!” Josh chirped like a little bird, smiling genuinely, which Randy found to be beautiful.

  “Say…would you like to see my form? I’m pretty interested in seeing yours,” the younger wolf offered, and Josh accepted it with pleasure. Not only was he going to see another werewolf transformation, but he would be able to show his own as well. He had never done that before, save several times in front of his mother, and that had been a year ago.

  They finished their drinks and Josh paid for everything. He was too excited to think normally, but at that point, sternness with which he had been raised and which he had to show at his workplace seemed of little relevance. This was something that rarely occurred, in his opinion, and something he must not disturb by any means.

  They drove deep down into the woods in the rundown truck that Randy owned. How it was still working was beyond Josh, but he found it amusing, and it only made him more cheerful. Anticipation was building in his stomach at the very thought that he would be able to see another werewolf in his full form, finally, after imagining what it would be like for many years.

  They stopped in the middle of the woods. It seemed like a bad decision to an extent, to allow himself to be driven to such a place by a complete stranger, but Josh knew he was capable of defending himself quite well; he was a renowned soldier, after all. Randy brought with himself a flashlight, stepping carefully over the fallen branches and leaves, and the soldier followed him without any complaint.

  “It’s still not the full moon, but I hope you will be able to see me well. The transformation might not be that brilliant, but I’m going to show you anyway.”

  “Sure, I’ve got no problem with that,” Josh encouraged him.

  They stopped at a clearing, and when the moon was visible enough, albeit not full, Randy told Josh to watch closely at what he was going to show him. And thus began his transformation, a bit gruesome to the eye, but the end result was more than the soldier had been hoping for. Before him stood a beautiful, gray werewolf, gracious and tall, of a slender frame. His eyes were reflecting the little of the moonshine that the incomplete moon cast downward, rendering them perfectly white and threatening, surrounded by darkness. The wolf nodded in Josh’s direction, encouraging him to do the same.

  It took a few moments for the soldier to perform his own transformation, since he had not done it in years. But once he managed, Randy had a wonderful sight before his eyes. Twice as big was Josh as a werewolf, with grayish-blue, rich fur, and menacing blue eyes to match. There was an unspoken rule that the strongest werewolves were actually half-breeds, and so Randy finally discovered Josh’s true origin, which thrilled him immensely.

  The bigger werewolf approached the smaller one, and they howled together at the moon that was not yet full, but their beauty was nonetheless exceptional, as well as their howling. For the first time in his life Josh felt accepted and so he made sure to pour all of his emotions into the powerful howls that he knew would have been stronger, had the moon been full. But he hoped he would be able to see Randy again, and that he would get to meet other people of his kind. He was also looking forward to telling this to his mother when he got the chance to visit her.

  Soon after, they returned to their human forms, completely naked, but at that point, Josh did not care enough to look at and admire the beauty of the creature beside him. They went back to the truck instead, where Randy already had some change of clothes prepared. Those garments did not fit Josh, who was naturally bigger, but he would be wearing them only until he got home, which posed no problem to him. The two men exchanged their phone numbers when Randy dropped him off in front of the bar, where Josh’s own car had been parked.

  That evening had seemed almost unreal when he finally got home and began thinking about what had just happened. He could not believe how lucky he had been to meet such a creature in such an unlikely place. And the very thought that he would see him again meant more to him than any kind of career success he had been previously focused on. With such thoughts, he prepared himself for bed and fell asleep almost immediately, exhausted from the day’s events.

  In the following days, the two men met almost regularly, talking about this and that, mostly having small, but pleasant talk. It was only when he had overcome the amazing discovery of several nights ago that Josh was finally able to see and appreciate Randy’s beau
ty. The man’s eyes were gray, his complexion pale, his body slender and delicate, yet somehow he seemed strong. His effeminate gestures that he sometimes made seemed as much enticing as they were endearing. The more Josh spent time with him, the more he wanted to kiss the man. Especially now, seeing how vividly Randy was trying to explain to him a scene from a movie he had recently seen. In all honesty, Josh was not paying much attention, concentrating on Randy’s full, well-shaped lips and how they moved as he formed the words.

  “Are you seeing someone?” He interrupted the younger man mid-sentence. Randy blinked several times before casting one of Josh’s favorite grins.

  “Why ask that all of a sudden? Were you even listening to me?” He chuckled, taking a sip of his wine. They were currently sitting in Josh’s small living room. The room was neat and decorated in a minimalist style, to mirror the behavior and profession of its owner. It seemed too sterile even for Josh’s liking, but with Randy’s presence there, everything seemed to have gotten a tad warmer.

  “I was,” Josh began drawing invisible circle with his index finger across one of Randy’s thighs. “It just occurred to me that I never asked, is all,” his voice was husky and flirty.

  “Actually, no, I don’t have anyone right now,” Randy obliged. “What about you?”

  “I could be,” the older werewolf smiled impishly. “I’d solve the problem for both of us, if you’d let me,” he leaned closer to his guest, their noses touching. He did not want to rush things at this point, or show any kind of force he actually liked while having sex. Had it been somebody he did not particularly care about, he would have shoved his tongue down his partner’s throat and would bend him over in a matter of seconds. But he wanted to take things slow when it came to Randy, not because the latter could not handle it, but because he did not want to intimidate him, and he wanted to savor the taste of someone he actually desired.


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