by Philip Short
Jèze, Gaston, 27–9, 600n22
Jobert, Michel, 314, 372
Jobit, Abbé Pierre, 27, 31
John XXIII, Pope, 597n2
Johnson, Lyndon, 526
Jordan, 497, 655n21
Jospin, Lionel, x, 465, 496, 506, 531
and Socialist Party, 302, 304, 320, 374, 426, 466, 488, 503, 535, 550, 636–7n2, 637(Ch11)n3, 643n52
and Mitterrand, 456, 468–9, 550–1, 568, 580, 652n20
and 1995 presidential election, 551, 562–3
Jouhaud, General Edmond, 556, 624–5n33
Jović, Borisav, 519
Joxe, Louis, 249, 255
Joxe, Pierre, x, 314, 409, 456, 466, 556, 637(Ch11)n3, 651n60
Minister of the Interior, 409, 465, 496, 648n44, 655n24
Minister of Defence, 499, 506, 540
Joyce, James, 32
Juan Carlos, King of Spain, 321, 579
July, Serge, 375, 570
Juppé, Alain, 534
Kagame, Paul, 539–40, 542–3, 586
Karadžić, Radovan, 523–4
Kauffmann, Jean-Paul, 419, 428, 449, 463, 649–50n53
Kayibanda, Grégoire, 537
Kazakhstan, 511
Kennedy, John F., 214, 228, 236, 240, 313
Keynes, John Maynard, 298
KGB, 326–8, 331, 508–9, 638n9, 656–7n42
Khamenei, Ali, 652n16
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruhollah, 347–8, 350, 413, 418, 421, 450, 498
Khrushchev, Nikita, 230, 293, 657n44
Kim Il Sung, 304
Kissinger, Henry, 333, 381–2, 429, 638n13
Klarsfeld, Serge, 556
Koenig, General Marie-Pierre, 608–9n45
Kohl, Helmut, 338, 402, 498, 510, 518n
and Mitterrand, 10, 332–3, 369, 380–4, 406, 437, 442, 454, 474–81, 484, 514–18, 528–9, 541, 551, 554, 569, 579, 584, 643n49, 644n10, 654n14, 655n22
and break-up of Soviet empire, 471, 482
and German reunification, 473–81, 654nn16 & 18
and Oder–Neisse line, 477, 479–80
and Balkan wars, 520–2, 527, 658n53
Kopp, Magdaleena, 640n24
Korea, 158, 304, 537n, 655n21
Koshevoi, Marshal Pyotr, 254
Kosovo, 522, 659n56
Kouchner, Bernard, 525, 546
Krajina, 519–20, 522, 548
Kreisky, Bruno, 272
Krivine, Alain, 258, 375
Kryuchkov, Vladimir, 508, 656–7n42
Kuwait, 495–8, 500–1, 521, 526
Labour Party (British), 129, 220, 242, 382, 583, 629n1
Lacoste, Admiral Pierre, 407–8, 407n, 411, 647–8nn38–9 & 44
Lacoste, Robert, 183, 186–8, 623nn18 & 21
Lacouture, Jean, 32, 168, 215, 225, 281, 570–1, 594, 631–2n25, 633–4n41
Laignel, André, 365
Lamartine, Alphonse de, 211, 298
Lamouche, Anne, x
Landry, Pierre, 64, 80
Landsberg, 125–6, 615n15
Lanet, Joseph, 156, 161, 618n19
Lang, Jack, 465, 506, 553, 574, 637(Ch11)n3, 661n8
Lange, David, 648n40
Langeais, Catherine, see Terrasse, Marie-Louise
Laniel, Joseph, 170, 619n26
Latche, 243–5, 257, 285–7, 354, 454–6, 479, 527–8, 535, 571, 573–4, 632–3nn32–4, 657n43
de Lattre de Tassigny, General Jean, 114
Latvia, 507–8, 656n40
Laurent, Augustin, 268
Lauvergeon, Anne, 378, 552–3, 557
Laval, Pierre, 68, 73, 74n, 76–8, 87, 98, 127, 193n, 607–8n39
Lazareff, Pierre, 208
LCR (League for Republican Combat), 220, 629n1
Leaks Affair, 163–9, 180, 190, 207, 240, 320, 353, 620–1nn33–5 & 37–41, 627–8nn9–10
League of Nations, 27
Lebanon, 349, 402, 407, 418–20, 447, 449, 501
Israeli invasion, 341–4, 346, 639–41nn17, 20 & 22
and terrorism, 344–5, 346n, 350–1, 449, 462n, 584, 639–41nn21, 25, 32
and hostages, 412–15, 415n, 416, 418–20, 427, 447, 449–52, 463, 652n16
and PLO, 341, 352, 641n35
and Iran, 350–1
and Syria, 345, 414, 656n35
Lecanuet, Jean, 236–8
Leclerc, General Henri, 107–8, 118, 149–50, 159
Leclerc, Abbé Xavier, 55
Lefranc, Pierre, 198, 631n23
Legendre, Jean, 166–7
Léger, Alexis, 39, 211
Légion Française des Combattants, 64–5, 603n5
Lejeune, Max, 275–6
Lejeune, Captain Pierre, 85, 89, 91, 607–8nn31 & 43
Lemoine, Georges, 446
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich, 131, 241, 262, 373, 508, 608n43
Léotard, François, 456, 458, 534
Le Pen, Jean-Marie, x, 278, 424–5, 458, 461, 464, 507, 562, 625–6n39, 627–8n10
Leroy, Roland, 291, 635–6nn11 & 20
Lévy, Bernard-Henri, 523, 549–50
Lévy, Jean-Pierre, 72
Levy-Despas, André, 33, 63, 74, 603n2
Lewinsky, Monica, 357
Lewis, General John, 125, 615n15
Libération, 72, 80–81, 87
Libération, 375
Libres, 122, 127–9, 131, 148, 228
Libya, 347, 351, 436, 446–7, 491, 491n, 641n31, 649n49
de Linares, Gonzales, 69, 80
Lisette, Gabriel, 152
Lithuania, 474, 507–8, 553, 656n40
Lloyd-George, David, 14
Lop, Ferdinand, 33, 250
Lorrain, Jules, 15–17, 19–20, 24, 33
Louis IX, King, 340
Louis XI, King, 661n7
Louis XIII, King, 10
Louis XIV, King, 12, 20, 318, 365, 561, 598n4
Louis XV, King, 505
Louis XVI, King, 165, 222, 226, 503
Louis XVIII, King, 255, 531
Louis-Philippe, King, 313, 563
Louka, Dr Iskandar, 649n50
‘Louquette’, 112
Lubbers, Ruud, 518
Lunéville, 46, 62
Lustiger, Cardinal Jean-Marie, 387, 579, 645n14
Luttwak, Edward, 637n1
Luxembourg, 40, 42, 44, 337, 659n56
Machiavelli, Nicolo, 14, 24, 211
Macmillan, Harold, 158, 214, 329, 562, 657n44
Madagascar, 491
Maire, Edmond, 289
Mairey, Jean, 168, 181–3, 187
Major, John, 499, 508–9
and Europe, 483, 512–13, 516–18, 658n50
and Balkans, 520, 525, 527
de la Malène, Christian, 627n9
Mali, 493, 618n13
Malraux, André, 23, 255, 629n4, 631–2n25
Mandela, Nelson, 492, 551
Mann, Jackie, 652n16
Mantry, 60, 63, 603n21
Mao Zedong, ix, 211, 248
maquis, 69, 98, 102, 113, 134, 603n11
Marcel, Gabriel, 128, 615n17
Marcellin, Raymond, 86, 286
Marchais, Georges, 271, 278, 290–1, 293–7, 635–6nn12 & 20, 646n21
and 1981 presidential election, 304, 306–7, 309
coalition government with Socialists, 322, 394–5
Marchiani, Jean-Claude, 463, 653n27
Marcuse, Herbert, 250
de Margerie, Caroline, 654n14
Marie, André, 617n10
Marion, Pierre, 347
Maroselli, Jacques, x, 595
Marot, Jacques, 79, 84
Márquez, Gabriel Garcia, 315
Marshall, George, 145
Martin, Jean-Paul, 85–6, 127, 165, 235n, 607–8nn32 & 44, 621n41
Martinaud-Duplat, Léon, 621n41
Martinet, Gilles, 219, 234, 274, 288, 586, 605n20
Martin-Roland, Michel, 541, 568
Marx, Karl, 131, 250, 262, 274, 284, 302
Mascolo, Dionys, 101, 103, 117, 612–13n71
Massis, Henri, 31
sson, André, 76–7, 85, 87, 93, 607–8nn36 & 39
Massu, Jacques, 187, 191–2, 215, 253–4, 624–5n33, 633–4nn40–1
Mata Hari, 327
Mauduit, Antoine, 71, 79, 98, 130, 603–4nn9–11, 611n63
and founding of the RNPG, 69–70, 76, 78, 134, 606n29, 609n47
Mauretania, 491
Mauriac, François, 23, 32, 169, 178, 207, 475
Mauriac, Jean, 193
Mauroy, Pierre, 243, 275, 445, 632n30
and Mitterrand, 237, 256, 273, 277–8, 282, 291, 297, 299–301, 636n19, 636(Ch10)n1
(1971) and Congress of Épinay, 264–8, 276
and Rocard, 288, 299–302, 320
(1981–84) as Prime Minister, 314, 320, 325, 362–3, 365–72, 374, 385n, 388, 390–1, 394–5, 503, 637(Ch11)n3, 642nn44 & 46, 645n16
(1988) Socialist Party First Secretary, 466, 468, 488, 490, 507
Maurras, Charles, 19, 26, 31–2, 599n19, 611n65
‘May 68’, 247–57, 262, 267, 270, 633–4nn36–8 & 42, 634n5
Mayer, Daniel, 233, 630–1n17
Mayotte, 378
Mazarin, Cardinal, 12, 285
McGovern, George, 278
de Medici, Lorenzo, 24, 211
Médina, Albert, 104–5, 117, 612–3n71
Meese, Ed, 335, 364
Mehaignerie, Pierre, 467
Meir, Golda, 272
Ménage, Gilles, x, 345, 355, 409, 411, 559, 638–9nn8 & 20, 648–9nn44 & 48, 652n19
and illegal surveillance, 357–8, 358n, 559
and terrorism, 349, 413, 449n, 639–40nn21 & 28–30
Mendès France, Pierre, 185, 227, 239, 257–9, 269, 314, 555, 622n7, 628n11
and Indochina, 160–2, 166, 176
and Leaks Affair, 163–9, 621n41
and Mitterrand, 5n, 8, 161–3, 167–8, 208, 234, 252, 282, 320, 619–20nn24–5, 29, 32, 37–9, 619–20n29, 620nn32 & 37–9, 622n11, 631–2n25, 635n12
and de Gaulle, 196, 200–2, 218
and 1965 election, 231–2, 237–8, 631nn20 & 22
and North Africa, 2, 171–6, 178, 181, 183–4
morality in politics, 160–1, 168, 179–80, 190
and New Left, 220, 231–2
and ‘May 68’, 249, 252, 254, 633n39
Ménigon, Nathalie, 462
Mennebi, Sidi Mohamed ben, 96
Mercouri, Melina, 315
Merli, Pierre, 75n, 156, 605n25, 609n50
Mermaz, Louis, ix, 2, 220, 241, 266, 299, 314, 373–4, 456, 595, 637(Ch11)n3
Messali Hadj, Ahmed ben, 175
Messmer, Pierre, 249, 255, 278, 325
Meténier, François, 128
Mexandeau, Louis, 241, 264, 276, 283, 636n19, 637(Ch11)n3
Mexico, 334, 337, 358, 378
Michel, Louise, 576
Michelangelo, 211
Michelet, Édouard, 2
Milice, 65, 75, 86, 97, 100, 223, 556, 605n19, 607n38
Miller, Arthur, 315
Miller, Serge, 68, 74, 87, 608n41
Milošević, Slobodan, 519–20, 522–3, 526, 544, 546, 548
Mindszenty, Cardinal József, 652n17
Minute, 312, 355–7
Miquieu, Claude, 653n4
Mirabeau, comte de, 220
Mitterrand, Anne-Marie, x, 595
Mitterrand, Colette, 64, 80, 128
Mitterrand, Danielle, 128, 133–4, 158, 248, 373, 467, 527, 574n, 595, 628n14
and the Resistance, 113–14, 116
and François, 112–16, 122–4, 130–31, 154, 197, 208–14, 232, 284–5, 287–8, 310–11, 320–1, 354, 359, 454–5, 504, 564, 571–4, 574n, 575, 577–9, 601n3, 614nn1, 3–4 & 10, 628n15, 661nn6–8
ménage à trois, x, 10, 210, 236, 241, 287, 354n
and the ‘second family’, 285, 578–9
and Latche, x, 244–6, 285, 574, 632–3nn32–4
and rue de Bièvre, 285–7, 353–4, 564, 574, 635n15
and Observatory Affair, 2–4, 6–8, 208, 210
and Third World causes, 284, 349, 500, 574n
Mitterrand, François,
character, ix, x, 2, 12–14, 17–18, 22, 24–5, 66, 70–1, 101, 142, 148, 152, 168, 184, 186, 197–8, 202, 284, 286, 319–20, 393–4, 411, 469, 629n4
compartmentalization, 30, 38, 84, 241, 246, 288, 319, 579
religion, 10, 15–22, 25–6, 28, 31, 59, 76, 123, 135, 261, 285, 386, 553, 575–9, 598n6, 603n19
difficulty with English language, 23, 25, 65, 379, 599n17
and friendship, 18, 30, 50, 51n, 128
chronic lateness, 119, 273
and money, 21, 131, 157, 261, 268, 298–9, 373, 574n, 598–9n8
and literature, 14, 19, 22, 32–3, 52, 65, 211, 246, 320, 393, 454–5
golf and tennis, 23, 29, 35, 189, 209, 212, 320, 358, 454
women, 116, 189, 209, 241, 244, 614nn2–3
timeline, early years:
childhood, 15–21, 241
(1926–34) school, 21–5, 38, 599nn10–11, 13–14 & 16–17
(1934–38) university, 25–9, 31–3, 198, 600nn24–25
and Latin Quarter, 1, 25–7, 29, 33–4, 84, 99, 106, 114, 124, 249–50, 286, 315, 320, 454, 614–15n12, 633n33
and anti-Semitism, 27–30, 72–6, 125, 128, 292, 339, 554–8, 565, 598n2, 604–5nn18–21
and approach of war, 36–8, 600n30
(1938–40) military service, 39–46, 601nn32–3
(1940–41) captivity, 47–60, 261, 477, 582, 601n38, 602–3nn1, 6–8, 11–16 & 20–1
francisque, 9, 86, 201, 203, 554, 607nn33–4
and RNPG (Pin’–Mitt’), 70, 76–9, 81–4, 86–95, 97–9, 120, 197, 585–6, 603–11nn9, 23, 25–6, 29, 35–45, 47–9, 56, 58–61, 62 & 64–5 (afterwards MNPGD)
and MNPGD, 99–100, 102–6, 108–9, 114–15, 117–19, 585, 608–9n45, 609–13nn52, 66, 68–9 & 71
and liberation of Paris, 105–110
(1944) secretary-general for Prisoners of War and Deportees, 105–7, 110–11, 613nn77 & 79–80
and post-war treatment of collaborators, 116–18, 121, 127, 556–7, 614n5
and FNPG, 119–21, 126, 128, 144, 154, 156, 228, 585, 615n15
see also André Bettencourt; René Bousquet; La Cagoule; Henri Frenay; Charles de Gaulle; Henri Giraud; Philippe Pétain; Resistance; and Vichy
political career:
early leanings, 26, 31–2, 63, 71, 84–5, 88, 108, 119, 129, 606–7n30, 608n43, 610n53
(1946) enters parliament, 129–136, 614–17nn12, 20 & 25–9
(1947–8) Minister of War Veterans and Victims of War, 140–5, 157, 172, 617nn6 & 8
(1948–9) Secretary of State for Information, 147–8, 617n10
(1950–51) Minister of Overseas Territories, 149–53, 155, 618n18
(1954–5) Interior Minister, 161–9, 173–8, 182–3, 204, 273, 353, 622n11
(1956–7) Justice Minister, 180–1, 183–9, 197, 202, 206, 209, 250, 262, 622nn11 & 15–16
prime ministerial ambitions, 2, 162, 177, 180, 185–6, 188–91, 197, 256, 619n26, 622–4nn8, 10, 20 & 22–6
and Fifth Republic, 200, 220–1
(1958–62) in the wilderness, 201, 203, 218–20, 226
(1964) Le Coup d’état permanent, 222–6, 240, 257, 313
(1965) presidential election, 9, 231–9, 242, 246, 261, 265, 630–2nn15–18, 20 & 22–7
and ‘May 68’, 248–56, 633–4nn36–9 & 42–4
(1969) presidential election, 258–9
(1974) presidential election, 277–83, 287–8, 290, 635–6nn11–12 & 19–21
(1981) presidential election, 9, 195, 303–11, 358n, 637nn3 & 5
see also Algeria; Maurice Bourgès-Maunoury; China; Christian Democrat Party; Communist Party; René Coty; Michel Debré; Leaks Affair; Pierre Mendès France; Danielle Mitterrand; Guy Mollet; National Assembly; Observatory Affair; Anne Pingeot; Georges Pompidou; Radical Party; Socialist Party; Marie-Louise Terrasse; and UDSR
political thought:
socialism, 13, 20–1, 31, 41–2, 49, 51, 63, 71, 1
30–2, 136, 156–7, 169, 198, 229, 241–2, 260–3, 324, 373–6, 393, 422, 459, 485–6, 582, 602n7, 634n2, 635n9, 650n55
ideology, 13, 63, 128, 262, 274–5
economics, 147, 271, 288, 295, 362–3, 365, 367–9, 375, 642–3nn42, 44 & 47
timeline as President:
victory and inauguration, 312–17, 567–8
(May–June 1981) first Mauroy government, 314, 320
(June 1981–March 1983) second
Mauroy government, 322, 325 362–3, 366–7, 369–72, 385n, 642n44
and cancer, 358–61, 453, 524, 527–8, 536, 551–3, 568–9, 571, 659n57, 660n9
and capital punishment, 183–4, 270, 308, 384
and decentralisation, 384, 422, 644n11
and immigration, 361, 364, 443
and nationalisations, 135, 269, 271–2, 296, 361, 363–4, 423, 442–3, 459, 642n44, 651n2
and economic reforms, 269–70, 302, 308, 361–2, 374, 392, 422, 443, 459, 642n42 & 44
and social reforms, 270, 302, 308, 361–2, 374, 384–5, 422, 642n41
(1982–83) economic strategy fails, 362–5, 392, 642–3nn43, 46 & 48
(March 1983–July 1984) third Mauroy government, 372, 374, 388, 390–1, 394–5, 503, 645n14
austerity, 365–76, 384, 392–5, 422–3, 642n45
‘schools quarrel’, 123, 135–6, 157, 228, 384–90, 392, 394, 645nn14–16
(July 1984–March 1986) Fabius government, 391–2, 394, 396, 645n18
Rainbow Warrior affair, 406–11, 428, 464, 647–8nn36–44
(1986) parliamentary elections, 375, 377, 391–2, 396, 419, 422–9, 650–1n59
(1986–88) cohabitation, 431–9, 442, 444, 446, 450–2, 454, 458, 651nn2 & 4
(1988) presidential election, 446, 452–7, 457–64, 652–3nn20–1, 23 & 25–6
Rocard named Prime Minister, 465, 468
‘Opening to the Centre’, 459–60, 465, 467–70, 486, 530
(May–June 1988) first Rocard government, 465
(June 1988–May 1991) second Rocard government, 469–70, 484–6, 496, 502–5
party financing fiasco, 488–90, 655n24
(1990–91) first Gulf War, 496–500, 502, 505–6
(May 1991–April 1992) Cresson government, 505–7
and economic downturn, 503, 506, 530, 656n37
(April 1992–May 1993) Bérégovoy government
(1993–95) cohabitation, 533–4, 536–7
(1995) presidential election, 550–1, 562–3
see also Jacques Attali; Édouard Balladur; Raymond Barre; Jacques Chirac; Laurent Fabius; Lionel Jospin; Pierre Mauroy; National Assembly; and Michel Rocard
functioning of presidency:
organisation of Elysée, 317–321, 637(Ch11)n3
conception of presidency, 393, 410, 469
illegal surveillance, 357–8, 358n, 559, 581, 647n29
and human rights, 298, 485–6, 492